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    egeh @ 4/2/2010 7:17 AM EST

You call Momo519 a well educated person! you must be joking. This guy doesn't even know the meaning of education. He definitely  is one of those homeless lost boy who lead a dog life in the streets of some western countries. I guarantee that he doesn't even understand the meaning of debate.
    simbe @ 4/1/2010 3:51 PM EST
You are amazing and well educated Somali- we need more like you, people like you can bave the  way for prosperity for all Somalis and change our tragedy to prosperity, depate on this forum is good examble to fine one-----

Eheh clan warefare on the cyber in not what we need todays Somalia- Europe become one with their all deferences, remember they kill 50 million from their citisens die just 50 years ago and today they have one singel carency and passaport- you can't tell me otherwise about Somalis only homogenic poeple in the world
    simbe @ 4/1/2010 3:50 PM EST
You are amazing well educated Somali- we need more like you, people like you can bave the  way for prosperity for all Somalis and change our tragedy to prosperity, depate on this forum is good examble to fine one-----

Eheh clan warefare on the cyber in not what we need todays Somalia- Europe become one with their all deferences, remember they kill 50 million from their citisens die just 50 years ago and today they have one singel carency and passaport- you can't tell me otherwise about Somalis only homogenic poeple in the world
    simbe @ 4/1/2010 3:50 PM EST
You are amazing well educated Somali- we need more like you, people like you can bave the  way for prosperity for all Somalis and change our tragedy to prosperity, depate on this forum is good examble to fine one-----

Eheh clan warefare on the cyber in not what we need todays Somalia- Europe become one with their all deferences, remember they kill 50 million from their citisens die just 50 years ago and today they have one singel carency and passaport- you can't tell me otherwise about Somalis only homogenic poeple in the world
    momo519 @ 4/1/2010 2:57 PM EST

It was Doofaar, Dameer, and a Dog!

Now it is monkey time for Cigeh! lol

...valuable time?

Stop pretending! You have no valuable time.

You are just a monkey donkey like me with lots of time to waste!

What happened your fake alphabetical line up recitation?

    simbe @ 4/1/2010 2:50 PM EST
 Aamus baan ku jawabay..... arimaha laga doodayo

Cige afarareeda qalad ha ka gelin.
    Egeh @ 4/1/2010 9:02 AM EST
 Momo519 aka Mad Monkey,

Why am I wasting my valuable time on a silly monkey like you?
    momo519 @ 4/1/2010 1:33 AM EST

Cige is sooo dumb, indeed!

I said he only knows three lines of DDD "doqon, damin, doofaar!"

...to demonstrate that he is a rocket-scientist he came up with mmmmmmmmmm lol

he said

"Momo waa majnuun falan,
Makhnuudnimo ku caan baxay,
Waa murama naagoodle,
Sid naag masayrtuu meeraysanaayaa,
Murti malaha hadalkiisu,
Muuqaalkiisu waa ey,
Mawaashiguu la daaqaa,
Maansuukh xun weeyaan,
Maskaxdiisu wey qudhuntay,
Mandooriyaashiyo khamriguu ku mamayoo,
Maba oga ximaarkan meel uu maraayoo,
Wuxuu soo maluuqaa micno yeelan maayaan"

Now that our dummy figured out way to say something by having to start the same letter, he thinks he deserves a recognition for his effort!

...the audience applauds in vain!

and he is left with considerable sense of accomplishments!

...meanwhile they know this retard will not go away until he recites the whole alphabet.

but in his own little retard world, D comes first, then M, and the audience is left to just wait which letter the retard picks next and then pplause!

    momo519 @ 4/1/2010 1:23 AM EST

....one more of Cigeh;

    momo519 @ 4/1/2010 1:20 AM EST

Cige in Hargeisa:


    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 11:47 PM EST
You are overdue for a psychiatric evaluation. You better do before it is too late for you.
    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 11:42 PM EST

Momo waa majnuun falan,
Makhnuudnimo ku caan baxay,
Waa murama naagoodle,
Sid naag masayrtuu meeraysanaayaa,
Murti malaha hadalkiisu,
Muuqaalkiisu waa ey,
Mawaashiguu la daaqaa,
Maansuukh xun weeyaan,
Maskaxdiisu wey qudhuntay,
Mandooriyaashiyo khamriguu ku mamayoo,
Maba oga ximaarkan meel uu maraayoo,
Wuxuu soo maluuqaa micno yeelan maayaan.

    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 6:06 PM EST
While hosting a city school trip in Somaliland. Cigeh's keeper saw him doing http://boyslifeorg.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/donkey-big.jpg

Keeper yelled: "Why are you crying, Cige?"

Cige responded: "I'm not crying, Sir"

Keeper: "Please smile, Cige...you are embarassing me!"

Cige: "I'm smiling mtf!" "What do you think I'm doing?"

Keeper: "Never mind"

...and the band played on while Cige continued with his thing!
    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 5:50 PM EST

Oh btw, I almost forgot to include a picture of him smiling...this is just to make sure so Cige could understand what I wrote below.


    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 5:46 PM EST

Iyadoo madashii la fadhiyo ayaa waxaa la yidhi "waar cigoow bal kaalay laba iyo sadex kalmadood halkaan ka soo jeedi!"

Cige baa intuu cabsaday oo sidii dhoocil yar xishooday uu afka furtay "Doqon! Damiin! Doofaar!"

Odaygii madasha ugu weynaa baa wuxuu Cige Suaalay bal inuu faahfaahin yar ka bixiyo sadecdaa kalmadood sidii uu ku soo doortay oo uu isugu keenay.

Cige lugaha isku qabtay oo uu cagaha dhulka ku dhajiyay qoortana dhinac u qalloociyay buu wuxuu yidhi: "D! iyo D!iyo D! baan ku raacay!"

Odaygii baa yidhi; "waar inanka ma hadalkii baa sidaan uga soo raagay mise murtidii buu qalad ka fahmay?"

Cigena wuxuu ugu jawaabay; "Adeer ma doqon damiin baad tahay? maxaad sacabka ula soo raagtay sidii dameerkii?"

    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 4:56 PM EST
Dadka kuguma tiriyoo inaad asal dugaag tahay dunidaan ogaysiin.
Doqon iyo damiin iyo doofaar ka liitiyo inaad dameer tahay waa daahir keleb yahow.
    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 4:50 PM EST
Ma sidaasaad weliba is cajabisay. Haatan waxaad maraysaa markii xaarkaaga laguu shidi lahaa. Horaa laa yidhi ma aha sidaad isu taqaane waa sida dadku kuu yaqaan.Dadku doqon waalan bey kuu yaqaan meeshana waxaad ku soo kordhisaa ma jirto ee waad qaawan tahaye orodoo is qari.
    Momo519 @ 3/31/2010 2:00 PM EST
 At first, like everyone else, I gave you the benefit and wrote a paragraph or two to explain to you that Bashir Goth's Somaliland article nothing. I gave you my reasons thinking that you were normal happy highflying Somalilander.

You seemed like you didn't read my comments, because your responses to me were too wild and too irrelevant!

Then I thought about ways where I could get you to understand my position and idea was born.

Damiin far waaweyn baa wax loogu qoraa baa hore reer waqooyigu u yiraahdeen baan xasuustay!

So I started writing one line statements and even shorten them and gave you half sentences!

Still you thought I was crazy and accused me of being mental and called me donkey!

So I started using pictures to remind you that Hargeisa also has donkeys!

Again you missed the point and said that our donkeys atleast have carts!

I then showed you another picture that Mogadishu donkeys also have carts!

Once again you didn't get it!

So what do I do with a damiin like you!

I started using cartoons to let you know that your president is actually a criminal and that Somaliland is not on the world map!

Now that I am using cartoons, you seem to be close to understanding!

Good boy!

So I started using pictures to convince you that Hareisa also has donkeys!

    Momo519 @ 3/31/2010 1:58 PM EST
 At first, like everyone else, I gave you the benefit and wrote a paragraph or two to explain to you that Bashir Goth's Somaliland article nothing. I gave you my reasons thinking that you were normal happy highflying Somalilander.

You seemed like you didn't read my comments, because your responses to me were too wild and too irrelevant!

Then I thought about ways where I could get you to understand my position and idea was born.

Damiin far waaweyn baa wax loogu qoraa baa hore reer waqooyigu u yiraahdeen baan xasuustay!

So I started writing one line statements and even shorten them and gave you half sentences!

Still you thought I was crazy and accused me of being mental and called me donkey!

So I started using pictures to remind you that Hargeisa also has donkeys!

Again you missed the point and said that our donkeys atleast have carts!

I then showed you another picture that Mogadishu donkeys also have carts!

Once again you didn't get it!

So what do I do with a damiin like you!

I started using cartoons to let you know that your president is actually a criminal and that Somaliland is not on the world map!

Now that I am using cartoons, you seem to be close to understanding!

Good boy!

So I started using pictures to convince you that Hareisa also has donkeys!

    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 8:55 AM EST
You have become even more obsessed with images of dummies and criminals and that for sure is what you are in this life.
    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 3:49 AM EST

A gift for Egeh,

From Puntland with love!


    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 3:37 AM EST

..wanna see Somaliland in the world map?

    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 3:30 AM EST


    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 1:56 AM EST
You are obsessed with the donkey carts. You probably will  be a donkey in your next life.
    momo519 @ 3/31/2010 12:46 AM EST

    Egeh @ 3/31/2010 12:39 AM EST
Your people don't even have that donkey cart.
    momo519 @ 3/30/2010 11:36 PM EST


    Egeh @ 3/30/2010 4:07 PM EST
Why don't you seek some help from you the rest of your moronic friends, Fiqi Cagdheer, Stinky Stick, Lahiigaan and the rest of the donkeys?
    Momo519 @ 3/30/2010 1:29 PM EST

Ok, Mr. Real man!

...like you have ideas!

"ee haa!" ain't an idea!

    Egeh @ 3/30/2010 9:27 AM EST

Looks like you you ran out of ideas and ar'guments and that is why your resorted to repeating my words like a parrot. I suggest you either prepare for debating like a real man or stop wasting everybody's time.
    momo519 @ 3/30/2010 5:18 AM EST

...and the laughing stock, indeed!

    Egeh @ 3/30/2010 1:39 AM EST
The way your silly arguments are deteriorating you have become the butt of all jokes and the laughing stock.
    momo519 @ 3/30/2010 12:12 AM EST

...see and laugh, indeed!

    Egeh @ 3/29/2010 10:14 PM EST
I repeat this for you to reflect on it and see yourself for what you are.

Despite your st'upidity, you are far better than all of your moronic pals especially Fiqi,Stinky and Xaarhiigaan. Your persistence in defending your position right or wrong could always put you in conflict with the reality and make you look like lunatic, yet still your are nothing like these id'iots.  

No matter how much you try to throw it back, the above statement is written all over your face for all see and laugh at you.
    momo519 @ 3/29/2010 8:45 PM EST

"Your persistence in defending your position right or wrong could always put you in conflict with the reality and make you look like lunatic..."

Seems like you're talking to the reflection in your mirror!"


    Egeh @ 3/29/2010 5:37 PM EST
Despite your st'upidity, you are far better than all of your moronic pals especially Fiqi,Stinky and Xaarhiigaan. Your persistence in defending your position right or wrong could always put you in conflict with the reality and make you look like lunatic, yet still your are nothing like these id'iots.  
    Momo519 @ 3/29/2010 10:09 AM EST
 Oh btw, you are rigth my grandma could also demand to have her mono-land.

She is also waiting to see if somaliland ...you know ...
    Momo519 @ 3/29/2010 10:04 AM EST
 Of course, maskaxdeydu waa empty.

I never said that it was full.

But despite my stupidity and empty head, I know that a somaliland recognition  would triger numerous secessionist demands.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that basic formula!

Believe me if I can understand that, so will the rest of the world!

    Egeh @ 3/29/2010 9:38 AM EST
Momo maskaxdaadu wey madhan tahay.
You obviously are not for Somaliweyn or else you wouldn't post this nonsense. Next time you probably will say your grandmother wants to rule her momo-land.
    Awdali4life @ 3/29/2010 4:28 AM EST
Yo Stinky,
The man stated the obvious – the contrasting situations in the North and South, if that is ki’lling you inside, I can’t help you…I’d say instead of committing s’u*c’ide keep your s*ck;en’ing comments coming; I’m assuming it is part of your m’e’ntal he’aling process in which ever psych’iatric institution they keep you at in Europe!
    momo519 @ 3/29/2010 12:50 AM EST

My position in the issue of secession is not based on clan loyalty

The world knows about Puntland and Awdal and Galmudug and Maakhir and Northland.

Like it or not, they are out there.

Remember when the South African Minister urged to support the recognition of Somaliland?

Well, we the good people of Somalia, sent letters asking the minister to support these other secessionist clans.

The minister realized that he was playing with Pandoras Box and distanced himself from the issue.

I support the Somali unity by supporting every group that wants to get out of the union.

It's not Somaliland alone that has the desire to stand alone.

When it comes down to Awdal Republic or Somaliland, I'm sure Colonel Riyale and Bashir Goth will side with their clan.

And...the good Garaads of Dhulbahante will proudly side with Northland.

...and Ilkajiir will stand side by side with the Sultanate of Maakhir, which by the way the oldest Sultanate in the region and thus has more legitimate case than the Somaliland case which is based on colonial zoning!

    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 11:41 PM EST
I do really understand your pre'dicament, appre'hension, in'security and lack of sense of belonging when it comes to Somalia and Somaliland in which your t'ribe is deemed min'ority, but to alle'viate your fear I guarantee that out of kindness authorities in both entities will treat your people like the rest of the citizens provided you instruct your people to ple'dge their allegiance to whichever entity their geographical location is situated.
If you take my advice trust me your people be accepted and given a fair treatment, but if not your d'onkey t'ribe will face the d'oom and the gl'oom of the millennium.
    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 11:38 PM EST
I do really understand your pre'dicament, appre'hension, in'security and lack of sense of belong when it comes to Somalia and Somaliland in which your t'ribe is deemed min'ority, but to alle'viate your fear I guarantee that out of kindness authorities in both entities will treat your people like the rest of the citizens provided you instruct your people to ple'dge their allegiance to whichever entity their geographical location is situated.
If you take my advice trust me your people be accepted and given a fair treatment, but if not your d'onkey t'ribe will face the d'oom and the gl'oom of the millennium.
    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 11:06 PM EST

Momo  makhnuudka weeye,
Waa murama naagoodle,
Micno malaha doodiisu,
Meeshan waa inaan ka erinaa.

Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa" Dameer aan fuushanahay maxay dhuusadiisu iga qaadi.

Duli yahow dhegayso, labada dowladeed ee Somalia iyo  Somaliland ayuun baa jira e ama waalo ama wajaq. Haddii aad doonayso inaad labadaa mid uun ku hoos noolaato so dhowow amarkoodana qaado haddii kale weligaaba qaxooti ahow.
Horaa loo yidhi inkastuu dudur iyo dabaal galo doofaarku abedkii ma daahiro. Waa dhab taasi laakin dadku wey ogyihiin oo dibadaa loo eryayaa.

    momo519 @ 3/28/2010 5:21 PM EST

War cigoow maxaad sidii dameerkii u ciyaysaa markaan runta kugu tuujiyo?

Aniga wax aan iska soo qortay ma'aha ee waa wax jiro oo adduunka oo dhan ay la socdaan inay Awdal oo uu ugu horeeyo Bashir Goth iyo Colonel Riyale Kahin ay ku hanjabeen inay gooni isu taagi doonaan haddii la aqoonsado Somaliland.

Puntland is also on the record that they may change their position and seek recognition if Somaliland is recognized.

All you need to do is support their right to self-determination.

You treat others the way you want to be treated.

Maxaad u inkiraysaa oo aad u hortaagan tahay haddii ay doonaan inay go'aan oo ay gooni isu taagaan?

War heedhe quursiga jooji oo adiga sidaad u doonaysid xoriyadda ayay iyaguna uu dooni doonaan.

Iyagana waan hor istaagi anigana ha la'i aqbalo waa sidee?

Cigoow is ci sidii dameertii anigaa kuu gartay e' ee-haa! ee-haa!

    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 4:32 PM EST
you obviously forgot to take your medications lately hence all this nonsense you are posting, So before you get a chance to visit your psychiatrist and get a mental re-evaluation you should stop wasting everybody's time, in the meantime I must remind you that all the people with their mental faculties intact are sure that there are two neighbouring countries Somalia and Somaliland  and none of what you foolishly listed here feature in these two countries. Get that fact through your thick skull.
    momo519 @ 3/28/2010 4:15 PM EST







" modern separatist movement, known as the Awdal Republic
sought independence in 1995 when Somalia began to dissolve
after the downfall of Mohamed Siad Barre.
A Dir-dominated movement in Awdal province threatens to push for independence if the Republic of Somaliland is officially recognized."

Every clan in Somalia aspires to have their own state.

Just like Awdal, Maakhir, Northland, Puntland, Galmudug, Midland, Jubaland and many others are waiting to see Somaliland.

If Somaliland gets its recognition, I have no doubt others will follow.

Lets pray that each clan get their own state.

You'd think that'll bring a lasting peace eh?

Not so fast!

Habar Jeclo will be fighting to separate against habar Yonis.

Cumar and Ciise Mohamud will be trying to separate from Cisman Mohamud.

Saleebaan and Ceyr will try to secede from Sacad.

Endless? Exactly!

Pandoras Box, you may say!

If the world is not ready to deal with 20 or more different states out of Somalia, then they should not start opening the box!


    momo519 @ 3/28/2010 3:52 PM EST


    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 2:22 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

indeed the biggest hypocrite in the forum is you only and no one else. You try to make these little lost boys believe that you are in for the unity of the all of the Somalis in theory but in practice you act differently. You do not want to have anything to do with the rest of the Somalis. You want call  yourself Ogadeen and son of Kililka and has turned his people into spies for the Ethiopians who are also engaged in sabotages to destabilize in place deemed peaceful.
The moron's house is burning and instead doing something about he is wasting his time talking ill about the others.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/28/2010 1:36 PM EST
 Bashing a hypocrite like Goth is the 11'th Commandment: Thou shall not be a hypocrite.

And when ever he says that he agrees to a thing in principle it means that he has not the slightest intention of carrying out in practice because he is a true hypocrite who preaches one thing but practices another thing and unless he recognises the rights of the people of Sanaag, Sool, Ceyn and Awdel and stops hijacking those who do not support his secessionist mission, then in my book Goth is a double faced liar.

Those who call to secessionism and claim that it will help Somaliland to gain democracy, wealth and stability are day dreaming.

This claim is further from the truth and it will lead to conflict and disagreement among Somalilanders whom the majority oppose to be separate from the rest of Somalia.

Many misguided calls, articles, reports and messages have been circulating in recent times advocating for separation claiming that it is in the interest of Somaliland which is confusing and misleading.

It is very important that if one must choose between two alternatives, one must always choose the one that will bring the greatest benefit or cause the least harm.

Indeed it must be unity that will bring understanding,  development, security  and prosperity not secessionism that will only create animosity and distrust among the people of Somaliland.    

    ilatali @ 3/28/2010 12:30 PM EST
 Mr. Nice guy Awdal4, badmouth Egeh, & Baqalkii Bahsir Goth
has one thing in comon, support of Dahir Riyale's.
when the support of Isaaq, Ogaden and Harti is fading.

Bashir Goth, wuxuu isku dayey inuu ku hor dhuuso
Somaliweyn, isagoo xaga dabeysha xigsan sidii cadada u ahayd.
wuxuu yiri "American friends ayaan nahay Kofur waa argagxiso"

runitiina waxa shacieyey Moma: "ALshabaab leaders are all from Somaliland"
Aniguna waxan ku dari inta la shaqeyso ee kofur ka soo jeedo waa cawaandiyiin
caado qataayal ah oo cunahooda u shaqeysta, cid ay dan ka leeyihin jirin,
waligoodna umuda dhib ku hayey.

Bashir Goth wuxu ka mid yahay kuwa durbanka dagaalka tuma,
lakin malinta Malez Znawi xilka ka dhaco, aderkiisa Dahir Riyale
xagee buu qaban doono, Qaahir?
Hargiesa Tigrey agents jooga maxay fali doonaan?
yaa ka difaai doona?
geesiyashii Ogaden & Dhulbahante oo waligood xabashi la
dagalmi jiray waa kuwa ay manta isku dirteen
    stickorcarrot @ 3/28/2010 11:10 AM EST

Perhaps I should have read this comment before I responded
to you on the other article. Now that you told us that
you don't agree fully with his article, I think you are
expected to feel the Somali feelings and defend your
fellow Awdali. However; one can expect this and much more
when he posts his article on a Somali website. If he posts
his misguided view on a secessionist website he won't find
nothing but jubilation. He should go there, not here!!
    Awdali4life @ 3/28/2010 7:43 AM EST
 Having read the entire negative comments about the great writer, poet, scholar aka Bashir Goth; I'm truly amazed how much hatred and animosity there is towards an individual who just as a human right’s entitlement expressed his opinion!!!! I have no problem if one is to disagree with the substance of what he wrote, but what gives me a silly impression on many fellas here on this forum is how far they go in bringing fallacies to a table simply because they don't agree with him.
As much as Iam pro Somali unity, I commend the people in the north for their considerable achievements – living in peace and harmony with no or little help from outside world. I might not agree with the whole content of Bashir’s Article, but the guy has a point in making the distinction between the north and south Somalia which is unfortunately true. May be it’s hard for many of you to accept it, but northerners need to be set as an example to be followed!!!! I don’t know why so many fella’s here comment on things for their own embarrassments!!!!!
    Awdali4life @ 3/28/2010 7:42 AM EST
 Having read the entire negative comments about the great writer, poet, scholar aka Bashir Goth; I'm truly amazed how much hatred and animosity there is towards an individual who just as a human right’s entitlement expressed his opinion!!!! I have no problem if one is to disagree with the substance of what he wrote, but what gives me a silly impression on many fellas here on this forum is how far they go in bringing fallacies to a table simply because they don't agree with him.
As much as Iam pro Somali unity, I commend the people in the north for their considerable achievements – living in peace and harmony with no or little help from outside world. I might not agree with the whole content of Bashir’s Article, but the guy has a point in making the distinction between the north and south Somalia which is unfortunately true. May be it’s hard for many of you to accept it, but northerners need to be set as an example to be followed!!!! I don’t know why so many fella’s here comment on things for their own embarrassments!!!!!
    Egeh @ 3/28/2010 12:29 AM EST
You simply reconfirmed the cowardice of your ancestors who could not up a fight and who had been chased out of all the places you just mentioned. Blame the loss on your coward ancestors.
    Mahiigaan @ 3/27/2010 10:28 PM EST
Hargeysa you are still a tenant, it belongs to Dar-ood;
Berbara dido, I am not talking to Goth, however you
the delusion are still a tenant, will always be tenant,
and you will always be the enemy of my nation.
Cadow nagu dhex jiraad tahay waligiinba.
do not cling what is not your go and take your medication
idiot. FYI, I am not Ogadeen nor Dar-rood
but someone who knows history and knows justice.
I only side with the truth
    momo519 @ 3/27/2010 8:30 PM EST


Do you not agree with me that every group's self-determination should be respected? Yes or No?

Do you not agree with me that if Puntland wants to stand alone from Somalia, it ought to be respected and accepted by the international community?

Do you not agree that Nigeria was wrong to force unity during the Biafara wars?

Or you are saying that secessionist groups should be rejected except Somaliland?

What is your position regarding Awdal's desire to stand alone against Somalia and Somaliland?

    momo519 @ 3/27/2010 8:22 PM EST

It's the truth.

    Egeh @ 3/27/2010 8:06 PM EST
Your opinion doesn't count.
    momo519 @ 3/27/2010 7:18 PM EST

The best way to fight against any seccessionist group is to support and promote and encourage all potential seccessionist groups!

I support Somaliland and ask the international community to accept Somaliland's self determination in standing alone.

I also ask the international community to be prepared to accept Awdal, Puntland, Galmudug, Midland, and any other qabiil that wants to stand alone.

It is not fair to accept one group's self determination and reject many others.

I also support that Tutsi and Hutus in Rwanda and Brundi to be recongnized to stand alone rather than to continue a unity that will only result future genocide.

If I'm to continue my line, by the time I'm done, Africa will have over 800 countries.

It is only fair to accept every group!

    fiqicigaal @ 3/27/2010 3:46 PM EST
 No body intelligent takes seriously the vague and embarressed mumblings of sucessionist Goth about selling Somaliland to a world that has rejected the demands of clan driven bandits who will do anything to allow the dismembering of great Somalia but they can not stop its unity.

It would be pitiful if we do not beat up the devil who is a real menace to his own people whom he wants to mislead and create distrust among them.

Goth is a true hypocrite who professes what he does not beleive.

    momo519 @ 3/27/2010 3:14 PM EST

Somaliland with 5 million population?

Puntland also says they are the majority and have 5 million population!

Hawiye also argue that they are the largest with a population of 5 million!

Rahanweyn say that they are the largest qabil with 5 million population and that Darod, Hawiye, and Isaq are full of S***!

Jareerweyne argue that with Midgan and Banadiri they are more than 5 million and therefore have the largest group in Somalia.

The World Bank, the UN and other NGOs list the Somali population less than 10 million!

There is a big difference between 25 million and 10 million!

Someone is lying.

The UN records that Hargeisa, the largest city in Somaliland with a population of 150,000.

Are you sure Somaliland has a 5 million population?

Someone lie to you, boy!

    Egeh @ 3/27/2010 2:54 PM EST

Your ar'gument of why we are not going back if Somaliland is so good is not based on any logic or reason. It is a useless ar'gument from a na'rrow minded and ig'norant individuals, but let me educate and enlighten you a little, to enhance your ability and power of thinking. This world has now become a global village and you can find all kinds of people in different countries other than their own and there is no logic which says everyone has to go back to his place of birth on top of that you should appreciate that out of almost five million Somalilanders only few thousands are in the diaspora, the rest are in the country living their lives the best way they could.
You can deny all you want,but the fact known to the whole world is that Somalilanders have peace and stability and if your people are smart enough they will follow our footsteps and make use of our experience.
    momo519 @ 3/27/2010 1:20 PM EST


First Somaliland news is a boring news.

Somalilanders live under false sense of accomplishment.

I'm with Mahiigaan that if Somaliland is as good as you guys say it is, why not move back?

Why are you in exile like us?

We know Somalia is a dangerous place with evil men led by Somalilander killing people.

We know that we are stuck in exile until Somalia get a lil better.

And the minute Somalia gets better, you'll see Somalis moving back.

    kucadaye @ 3/27/2010 1:09 PM EST
Walaal, faa'lahaygu wuxu ku koobban yahay mawduuca la soo qoro.

Tu'saale gaar kuu ah: Abtirrsi ka sowkawy, wax la yiraahdo: Darood, Hawiye, Dirr, Isaaq, iwlm,, WAXBA KAMA JIRAAN.

Waa summado ay isticmaalaan Siyaasinta reer magaal.  Waana tann Soomaaliya burburisay, cadwow geenunna ka faa'iidaysto.

Waxa dann gaar ah ka dhexaysaa Qaabel-ka (sub-clans) wada degga, abbaartunna wada saamayso, gugg-na u wada da'yo. Sida Jibriil Abokkur iyo cubnaha Gudabiisi oo la degan.

Haddi meedha laga saaro masaaxada siyaasada Soomaaliyeed kharaafaatka Hawiye, Darood, iwlm, waxba inakama xumaadeen. Waxana soo bixin lahaa Axzaab ku dhisan Mabda'a iyo dann guud.

Wa salaamu calykum!
    Hawd @ 3/27/2010 7:26 AM EST

Maya, Egeh maha Darod waa Isaaq, laakiin dagaal ayuu ku jiraa oo waa isu qabaneysaa; momo519, Figicigaal, Mahiigaan iyo Kucadeye... dhamaantiin waa u wada jawaabeysaa markaa waa in uu iska kiin celiyaa.
    Egeh @ 3/27/2010 1:50 AM EST
Unlike you, homeless and stateless moron, who doesn't have a place to call home, myself and the great Mr. Goth have a territory to defend and rest assured your little lies won't change anything or do any damage. You are another lost and confused soul, I suspect you think I am from Goday or Jigjiga which are under the occupation of the Ethiopians. Do you think that you are talking to Fiqi Cagdheer. Remember pal you are talking to a proud man from Hargeisa and not to a loser from the Kililka.
Come to Hargeisa and meet me there. I will guarantee your safety and security.It will be a good opportunity for you to see how the smartest of the Somalis conduct their business. We shall educate you there and send you back to your chaotic country a changed and enlightened man to possibly make a difference to your people.
    Mahiigaan @ 3/27/2010 12:24 AM EST
 Egah said "Let me tell you something, having a bilateral relationship with a country is far different than being colonized."
looooooooooool I told you the guy is delusional.

there was a guy like this die-hard Lander, until he went to
hargeysa, This Tigre guys comes up to him,"secret police" what
are you doing in Hargeysa he asked him and he went on to say
how long do you plan to stay blah blah.
They guy come back to Qurbo crying, can you believe this
a freaking amxaar is ordering me around in Hargeysa lol

Egah do not tell us something is good, when you yourself
will never live there. Bashir Goth does not live there either
so how good is it, if no one want to be there?
and yeah, this is Somali website loooooool
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 9:50 PM EST

For one thing I didn't call you stinky this or stinky that, but it would appear that you enjoy being called names, so if you want to be stinky something it is up to you. On the other hand you call this a Somali site and I concur and that is why being a Somali myself I am participating and there is nothing you can do to stop me from doing so. I am not like you filled with j'ealousy and hat'red when it comes to Somali sites on the other side. I think it is foolish of you not to visit the Somaliland sites to update yourself with what is going on there. You don't know what you are missing. You could be wiser  and your small brain may be stimulated if you are exposed to the real information there.
    momo519 @ 3/26/2010 9:20 PM EST

I can anticipate you having difficulty understanding gender-neutral language.

It's ok. You could address me as a man or as a woman; it wont bother me.

You could also keep addressing me as a stinky Darod or as a stinky Hawiye...believe me name calling does not bother me.

I grew up in a miyi and magalo; I have a taugh skin that is made for both.

But one thing is for a fact; this is a Somali site.

If you secretly admire Somali googaaleysi and cannot stay away from our skinny bones, be our guest and stick around.

Just dont lose your head everytime we start bashing Somaliland.

'Cause if you do, you be losing your head often and it wont be healthy for your vitamin D deficiency-ridled-Somaliland-ass!

    egeh @ 3/26/2010 7:29 PM EST

So now you are gender neutral that mean neither a man nor a women - something in between nino-naag and precisely that is what you are and I have no quarrel with your type.
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 7:24 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa (Habar jir hayaa in lala qabay moodaa). You obviously are confused. To think that the Ethiopian are ruling everywhere like they rule your Ogadeen is absurd. It is naive and silly on your part to have such a wishful thinking and you need to be awakened to the reality. Let me tell you something, having a bilateral relationship with a country is far different than being colonized.  Somaliland is a sovereign country and has every legitimate right to maintain diplomatic relationship with the rest of the world and Ethiopian is one of them, but your own people chose on their own freewill to live under the occupation and colonization of Ethiopia. Your people enjoy the enslavement and do prefer living with the Ethiopian humiliation than having liberty and freedom with their Somali brothers.
How long do you think that you can fool yourself. You should know by now that the only sell out people of Somali origin are those of Kililka who do not even call themselves Somalis.  
    momo519 @ 3/26/2010 6:56 PM EST
 War Cigow bal i dhagayso,

I don't accept or reject descriptions so long ast it groups me with a particular gender or with a particular clan.

I prefer to remain gender neutral and a clan neutral.

I can understand your frustration of not knowing my clan or my gender.

You lose your confidence and become powerless if you are not too sure a person's particular group.

I could be Banadiri, Jareerweyne, Rahanweyn, Dir, Darod, or Hawiye.

I have the confidence to be an Isaq and still be against Somaliland and for Somalia!

I have the confidence to be Majerten-reer mahad and accuse Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf of comitting attrocities against the Hawiye in Mogadishu.

I have the confidence to be Habrgidir-Sacad-Jalaf and say that General Aidid was one of the worse Generals in Africa and responsible what's happening in Somalia today.

I have the confidence to be Marehan-Dini-Koshin and say Siyad Barre and his stooges have committed a genocide against Isaq clan in Somaliland in 1988.

I have the confidence to be Rahanweyn and say that the RRA have sold their soul to the devil and Roobaaye is the worst Alshabab leader ever!

I have the confidence to be Abgal-Warsangeli-AgonYar and say that Ali Mahdi was the dummiest Somali leader ever!

I have the confidence to be a Midgan and say that General Samatar deserve to be executed.

If you have any confidence to say or do anything against your own, lets hear it!

    fiqicigaal @ 3/26/2010 4:37 PM EST
 Few things to show you that Somaliland is ruled by Ethiopia:

. Ethiopia controls Berbera Sea port, the only seaport in NW Somalia.

. Meles can  sumon the authorty in Hargeisa into Addis when he decides to do so

. Ethiopia has secret agents who has the power to arrest any one they want regardless of his/her status. It could be a minister or a general or a road sweeper.

. Meles has the last word if Somaliland is to reshuffle its administration of any level.

. The authority of Somaliland are forced to hand innocent people from ogaden or even from southern Somalia to the Ethos to be slaughtered for crimes they didn't do to oppress any one who differs their policy.

The list is endless, so who is the traitor?

Mind you, my ONLF has never and will never be summoned to Addis because they are fighting for the liberation of their people and its region which is part of the five star, Somalia.  
    fiqicigaal @ 3/26/2010 4:18 PM EST

I told you, didn't I? You only shoot youself on the foot when you change the subject into clan based argument, the only contribution you are able to come up with.

To bring ogaden issue to the table and make it a case conference while the issue in hand was the Somaliland of Goth and the secessionist sellouts only shows that you are trapped in clan mindset which makes you see ogaden and ogadeens, that on one hand estranges you from reality of the moment and on the other hand and at the same time interrupts your ability to understand the purpose of this debate about the article and the interest of Somaliland in One Somalia or the lack of it.

Because of this clan mindset, this false perception of reality you only find yourself unable to escape from an emotional and elusive recognition knot that fastens into bigger and bigger false hope which is taking you to an ever deepening, ever widening animosity towards other Somalis.  
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 3:57 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

If you are up to the challenge prove me wrong that you are not the traitor I call you.  I know that you can't do it alone but you are allowed to have all the help you could from all the lost D. Tribe boys here, but keep in mind I can beat all of you single handedly.
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 3:55 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

If you are up to the challenge prove me wrong that you are not the traitor I call you.  I know that you can't do it alone but you are allowed to have all the help you could from all the lost D. Tribe boys here, but keep in mind I can beat you all of you single handedly.
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 3:28 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

Some more hypocrisy of yours! Why can't you challenge me intelligently and defend yourself from my accusation. I called you a traitor  and I proved beyond doubt that you and your people are dead against the Somaliweyn you so hypocritically try to falsely defend?  I suggest that you cut the crocodile tears and stand up for your belief. Defend your Ogadeen position and leave the Somali affairs to the real Somalis.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/26/2010 2:00 PM EST
 Release more Cantrabaqash and be your own judge and jury to prove me right.

The whole Forum is waiting to read your respond.

Can you defend yourself and prove me wrong? No you can't, it is not in your character to show decency and good manners.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/26/2010 1:52 PM EST

You are nothing but a sad lonely creature and once you group with other Cyber users in Hol, and you are allowed a lively exchange of information and ideas you struggle because you can't handle it.

Then you do what you know best, you release bags of Cantrabaqash and you think other people are enjoying it.

No. No one is enjoying it because no one can make head or tail of your mumbo jumbo.

You are nuisance to other commentators.
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 1:12 PM EST

So you accepted the description!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nina afkiisa lagama xaal mariyo.

Micno yare,
Maskax qudhunle,
Muxubo naagoodle.
    Momo519 @ 3/26/2010 12:52 PM EST

Thank you for your kind words!

Egeh ma Daaroodbaa? He sure fits the description you just gave about Daarood men.

Sidii caruurtii ayuu u caqli daran yahay
    egeh @ 3/26/2010 12:20 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

You and your people are the ones that are traitors who have betrayed the Somaliweyn cause by refusing to be part of it. Your people chose to continue living under the yoke of the Ethiopian colonialism, thinking that slavery under your masters is more beneficial and much better than the freedom which will associate you with the rest of the Somalis. Ogadeen is what you call yourself instead of Somali Galbeed so shut up and mind your own business.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/26/2010 10:50 AM EST
 A double faced liar who wraps himself in a clan flag with his hypocrite patrotism.

He needs to be dragged off and tried for treason along with his cousin Riyalle an ex officer in the notorious NSS mafia who perhaps even murdered many Somalilanders for that matter.

Hardly any countries in the world acknowledge the demands of some sellouts which is a testimony of a good conscience in their part as a civilized world.    

Mark my word, no one in their right minds most of all the international community is ready and willing to see Somalia dismembered which in fact will not suit their foreign policies where they are bound to keep together within their empire for economic and security reasons.

What a pity that the good people of Somaliland has caved in to the demands of few sucessionists who have been trying hard to force the rest of the people in the region into their wrong and disasterous path.    
    Hawd @ 3/26/2010 10:27 AM EST

Gabadh karti leh oo indheer garad ah ayaa tahay marka aan qiyaaso qoraaladaada, waxaa maqli jirey dumarka Darod way ka waxtar iyo raganimo badan yihiin raggooda marka loo eego deeqsinimo, hawlkar iyo wax garadba, waana mid aan adiga iyo Saba ka dareemay in ay run tahay.

Hadaanu Isaaq nahay ama Idoor sida aad noogu yeedhaan, dumarka Darod waxa aanu u qiimaynaa sida ragga oo kale lakiin raggoodu waxay nala yihiin wax caruurta ka miciin liita oo wax magarato ah. Hadalkaa aan ku leeyahay waa run, mid aan cid ka qarinayo maaha waa mid Isaaq oo dhami rumaysan yahay.
    Hawd @ 3/26/2010 10:14 AM EST
 egeh, momo519 waa gabadh ee maaha nin, waxaa kuu cadayneysa in ay gabadh tahay qoraalkeeda sida :" Uf!", oo ah kelmad ay isticimaala dumarka oo keliya.

Markaa waxba yey isu kaa qarin waa gabadh Somaliyeed ee dhawr, waa laga yaabo in aad guursato oo Burao ama hargeisa keento hadii aan lagaaga horey oo mid sawaab ah oo Darod aanu fara fareyn kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    Momo519 @ 3/26/2010 10:03 AM EST
Aqoon baa iigu kaa dhiman.

I have always recognized and supported somaliland's self determination.

I pray that somaliland's recognition comes sooner rather than later.

I also wish awdal and sanaag and puntland will achieve their self determination.

Btw, how do you know inaan nin ahay?

    egeh @ 3/26/2010 9:06 AM EST

Wax badan baad adiga iyo reer doqonba lahaydeen Somaliland ma jirto e ma maantaa qirtay markaad tidhi anigu shabakadaha reer Somaliyaan booqdaayey ku ekow kuwa Somaliland.
Kolay doqonkii meeshuu u lumoba reerkoodii moodaayey baa tahaye car yaan beri kaa maqlin Somaliland may go'in.

Momo nin aan miyir qabin,
Nin ay maskaxiisu madhan tahay,
Oo xoolaha la mid ah ayaa tahay.
    Hawd @ 3/26/2010 6:10 AM EST
 I send my compliment to the author's insight of present situation in Somaliland and Somalia.

And I can seen the majority of the posters critical view on the author's comments in the article that Somaliland and Somalia can exist side by side but not as one.

The truth is though that non of you here can stop Somalilad breaking away from Somalia, and in Somaliland day after day we are getting stronger and stronger until we reach a maturity that most of worldwide countries send their compliments of recognition. No doubt it will come sooner or later.
Until then everyone has got their view to express what they like, but one is for sure, Somaliland will get its deserved recognition and nobody will do something about.
    momo519 @ 3/26/2010 12:56 AM EST
Iska caytan!

Anigu kolleyba shabakad Soomaali ah baan joogaa oo mid reer Somaliland ma joogo!

Qofka qariibka ah ee sidii dameertii reerkooda ka soo dheeraatay waa adiga.

Ee waxaa iga talo ah inaad iska joogtid shabakadaha reer Somaliland.

Shabakadaha Soomalida dhiig-kar uun baa kaa raaci.

Anigu waligay shabakad reer Soomaliland ah ma gelin. Adigu se xerooyinka Somalida ayaad afka qurmuun la soo taagan tahay!


    egeh @ 3/26/2010 12:26 AM EST
Weli dameeri dhaan raacady baad tahay. Goth iyo Siilaanyo midna waxba kaama galine adigoo dantaada qabsada ayaa lagoo qaadan lahaa. Waxaa la yidhi doqonku meeshuu u habaaboba wuxuu moodaa reerkoodii.
    momo519 @ 3/26/2010 12:02 AM EST

Wax iga khuseeya ma jirt!

I could careless what happened in Hargeisa.

Laakiin hadalka Siilaanyo yiri wuxuu jawaab u yahay oo uu khuseeyaa qoraalkaan daciifka ah ee uu Bashir Goth soo bandhigay!

    egeh @ 3/25/2010 11:29 PM EST

Waa dardaaran nin weyn. Haddii doorashadu dib u dhacdo waxba dhaami mayno Somalia. Waxaanuse ku niyad wanaagsanahay oonu ku kalsoonahay inay doorashadu dhacayso e adiga maxaa kaa khuseeya. Sow dameeri dhaan raacday ma tihid.
Markay doorashadu noo dhacdo doqon yohow ma dilaaci doontaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    momo519 @ 3/25/2010 10:36 PM EST

AXMED-SIILAANYO: “Haddii Doorashadu dib u dhacdo waxaynu ka mid noqonaynaa dalalka Dawladnimadoodii waayay”
    egeh @ 3/25/2010 7:30 PM EST

Yours is nothing but some more f'arts from the d'onkey t'ribe.
    Mahiigaan @ 3/25/2010 4:55 PM EST
 "Somali..land" no one is going to recognize because the British
Goverment and all of Eurupe are aware of Hargesa, barbare,
cergabo etc. were all Dar-od cities pre-britiania Colony,
and the is-xaq were just the tenants, and when the british broke
the backs of the Dar-od, they gave the cities belongs to dar-od
to Is-xaaq as a reward for their be-trayal.

a tenant cannot sell a home that does not belong to him.

these people has always been cadow of Somalis, the somalis
just did not know, they have always been gaining the misfortune
of the rest of us, they really have great naceeb for rest of us.
they are have been trying to sell land that does not beling
to them for the past 20 years, now they are so desperate
they are trying to sell it to the Russian mafiosa, sad

    somalipeace10 @ 3/25/2010 3:16 PM EST
 This article is fraught with distortions, fallacies, lies. The author mr.Bashir Goth is aiding and abetting Ethiopia's concerted effort to dismember Somalia. We are glad that people in "Somaliland have relative peace in comparison with their brethern but it is an outright lie to say there is democracy or political stability.There is no single service that the administration provides. The administration is corrupted and is based on cronism. All my friends from "Somaliland" continue to tell me that. The following is a comment based on an article exposing the hypocracy and contradiction by Goth and his ilk.
It is not only mr Goth who is hypocritical but the whole "Somaliland" misadventure is based on fallacy, lies and deception. To substantiate my point, following arguments are called for. First, Mohamed Egal, the late "president" of "Somaliland" was vehementally againt the seccession and dismemberment of Somalia when he attended the both Djabouti conference in early nineties. He later conveniently changed his standing and adopted seccessionist rhetoric. In the same way, late Abdirahmen Tuur was propogating for the seccession at that time but later went to Mogadishu and became cabinet member of Salbalaar.He subsequently and openly condemned the attempt to dismember Somalia .The whole concept is opportunist facade milked by anyone who wants to claim hight position in North Westren Somalia. The other obvious lie and fallacy is that the reason they claim prompted their attempt to seccede is  human rights is violated. Contrary to that argument, the current head of "Somaliland" was high ranking notorious intelligence officer who was responsible for disappearance of many civilians, however, noone talks about it. Only "South" is blamed for everything. Having said that, my argument is not against people in North Western Somalia and the wrongs inflicted on them by the military dictator, but the issue I am addressing is the blatant lies that so-called leaders are spreading. The current nonsensical article by Goth, where he contradicts himself, must be read against this historical backdrop and it will be easy to understand it in its contextual place.
    momo519 @ 3/25/2010 2:08 PM EST
Although historically, Khat users were predominantly from northern Somalia, my source say that most Khat users are from southern Somalia.

It is a simple fact!

    egeh @ 3/25/2010 9:29 AM EST

Wake up! this dream of undivided Somalia has been dead for the past twenty or so years and that is a fact.
    simbe @ 3/25/2010 7:52 AM EST
 Somalilanders is our brothers and world has no interest to divide Somalia. They don’t want to se five Somali states with has equal votes as powerful nations like US in the UN, that’s fact.

Waxba ha is daalina cidna aqoonsan mayso. My advice to Somaliland and Puntland is to pan this drag KHAT or at least begun campaign against Khat users, in Somaliland almost the 70 percent of adult men use Khat- you can call Somaliland the Marqaan land, a society destroyed by this deadly drags and Puntland is working hard to match Somaliland in terms of importing this drag, that’s why I love Alshabaab sometimes to get red this disease, they are already doing good job in some places in the south.

Where is the light this idio*t is talking about Somaliland is catastrophic place like the rest of this cursed nation.
    momo519 @ 3/25/2010 2:55 AM EST


You said Somaliland president, Colonel Kahin, is "...known to be less evil..."

That is an admission that he was an evil, but not as evil as Siyad Barre, but evil enough to say that he had murdered some Isaaqs!

What a shame!

    momo519 @ 3/25/2010 2:51 AM EST


Fugitive or not, 911 Saudis show that Saudi Arabi produces largets terrorist in the world.

Like wise, Somaliland Alshababs show that Somaliland produces the largerst African terrorists in the region.

Your president is mocking you. he is making a fun of your naivette. he had oppressed you in the past and now he is ruling you with your love. How sweet is that!!! What a mock!

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/25/2010 1:49 AM EST

This is lowest of the lowest...look how low can this
guy go.

Is it because Sherrif was in London? What makes you beg
for something that will never materialize?

It's true as you said, Somalis are not the same. I resisted
many times to accept, but now I will accept that you are not
indeed Somalia and have nothing with Waryaa nation. Those who
said you're Oromo must have known something. In the meantime,
forget about Somalia, talk about your Oromo land.

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/25/2010 1:44 AM EST
 Complete and utter nonsense.

I already know you and your submissive attitude.

Every step you take, you take to get away from your
inferiority complex.

That is the story of your life.

I never met you and don't know you, bur reading your
rubbish articles over the years tell me that you are
indeed have self esteem problem.

Keep doing it, you will not go anywhere.

    egeh @ 3/24/2010 11:12 PM EST
Godane in Somaliland is considered fugitive,outcast and straight up outlaw, but in Somalia he reigns supreme and is feared or respected  and considered as the overall leader of the mighty al shabaab so does it really matter where he was born?
The rest of the persons you mentioned sent from your side to sabotage our stability or the stability of other nations are nothing but the product of your chaos and have no connection with us, but president Riyaale even when he was part of the notorious NSS of you uncle Afweyne was known to be less evil than your own animal like uncles. He is now a defender of Somaliland with heart and soul against all enemies.
Are you really in your sound mind to make any comparison between few outlaws you consider them to have birth connections with my country and the absolute chaos, carnage and total destruction of yours. You better wake up dreamer!
    Diinow @ 3/24/2010 6:22 PM EST
 Oops! I meant, could you not.........
    Diinow @ 3/24/2010 6:18 PM EST
 Goth, cold you not beg your masters without bashing us beyond repair? Dude! Your are a disgrace to the good Somaliland peopple!
    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 5:04 PM EST

Is it probaganda that Ahmed Godane, Alshabab Supreme leader who often imitates Mullah Omar is from Somaliland?

It probaganda that Shirwac, American-Alshabab, is from Somaliland?

Is it probaganda that Mohamed Almuhajiri, Alshabab martyr, is from Somaliland?

Is it a probaganda that the only Somalis in Guantanamo Bay were from Somaliland?

Is it probaganda that 2 Italian aid workers have been executed in Somaliland?

Is it probaganda that Colonel Dahir Riyale Kahin is a former NSS officer?

Is it a probaganda that Colonel Kahin's term in office has expired?

Mr. Goth's article is in fact a probaganda.

He is trying to make Somaliland look like an Utopia when is in reality as filthy and as poor as Somalia.

Who is crying?

"Please accept us...we are your true friends and Somalia is a terrorist pirtae infested place...."

Those are Mr. Goth's words.

Keep crying...

    egeh @ 3/24/2010 4:46 PM EST
Do you think your denials and negative propaganda will have any detrimental effect or adverse impact on Somaliland? I personally know for sure that your hostile attitude towards us is what energizes us and moves us forward, so keep on crying forever.
    shaafi @ 3/24/2010 3:33 PM EST
 not taking out of the acount that somaliland has kept its
terretory a tangible peace and stabilty, mr Goth's
interpretation sounds in different meaning.
it is an exagiration and a campaign which he is trying
to sell somaliland to the world.

however, the last UN report expressed that there is a gun in every
somaliland house, and that most of the inhabitans of somaliland are armed.
corruption and fraud prevailed ever where in somaliland, the unemployment is 100% and the adminstration is depedent on
the UNDP support, so what acheivement is he talking about?
when we look the last isreali comments about somaliland,
and the american interest in the region, there is posibility of deviding somalia
into small fragnents which all come under the ethiopian rule.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/24/2010 3:17 PM EST
 Kucadaye, momo519 & baghdad bob

Well said!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/24/2010 3:07 PM EST
 It has to be the case that self-denial and prejudice are the shining sores on those secessionists of Somaliland and the only thing that will satisfy them is if the rest of Somalia disappears into the sea overnight.

Nay! That is not gona happen because we are all in this half sunk half floating boat and we may as well work together to survive.

You can look at it on different angles, you can turn and twist the truth, you can try to mould it in your own makings but when you spin the coin, it will always fall on to one side- One Somalia.

Ama fad ama ha fadin daniba way ku fadsiin!
    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 1:50 PM EST
Somaliland and Somalia may appear differently from the outset, but they are just the same.

Goth's argument is plain simple;  Somalis in the south are corrupt, terror plagued, and hopeless.

He also argued that Somaliland is a place where "kept Islam in God’s turf and in its dignified place of being in the hearts of people to meet the individual’s spiritual needs. It is a place where its people distanced themselves from the lawlessness and butchering taking place in former Somalia. A place where pirates are captured as criminals and put on trial, where suicidal ideologies are shunned..."

He continued to argue that Somaliland is a multi-party democratic system and has achieved peace without the UN and limited international assistance.

Well, well, well...like I said earlier Somaliland produces most of Africa's international terrorists!

Ahmed Godane, Alshabab Supreme leader who often imitates Mullah Omar is from Somaliland. Shirwac, American-Aslbabab martyr, is from Somaliland. Mohamed Almuhajiri, Alshabab martyr, is from Somaliland.

Puntland has the best record of capturing and prosecuting pirates in the region.

Somaliland has little or no record of trying to presecute pirates in the region.

Two Italian Aid workers have been executed in Somaliland by terrorists.

Just like Somalis in the south, Somaliland people are in tahrib and in the refugee camps around the world.

Just like the Somalis in teh south, Somaliland people are in exile with refugee status.

Interestingly, Somalia has had a more sucessful presidential elections than Somaliland.

Abdiqasim, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Sheikh Sharif all came to power with open and fair elections.

Colonel Kahin's presidency has expired and has used the parliament to extend his term.

His last election was deemed to be a fraud by the opposition in Somaliland.
    mysomalia @ 3/24/2010 1:33 PM EST
 When are Idoors gonna say enough is enough?
War halkee laga haayaa kuwan? I have never seen m
day hard ppl like them. I dont think amerika or any one
from the rest of the world even wants to know any thing
that has to do with SL let alone making friendship with
them. Are u guys upset cuz u were not invited in Downings streat?
Even u r step father ''England'' dont need u let alone amerca. kkk

Its time for u guys stop day dreaming and throw that Iraki flag
and give the respect our beautiful blue flag deservs...
    kucadaye @ 3/24/2010 1:30 PM EST
 Re-hash of tired Somaliland's self-serving propaganda. It is meant to coincide with the current visit of "Somaliland" Foreign Minister and his entourage to Washington.  Waa exercise in 'ii dhe!'

Bashir is trying to make us believe that there are two solitudes: 'Somaliland' & 'Somalia'.  This is a lot of bull. There is only one borderless land mass inhabited by Somalis in the Horn of Africa.  If one is unstable it will for sure spell over to the next neighbourhood. Just reccall last year's simultaneous suicide bombing in Puntland and Somaliland.
    egeh @ 3/24/2010 12:57 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

Even if Mr. Goth showed you the light thousand times, you won't be able to see it and the reason is you simply are blind to the reality.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/24/2010 12:37 PM EST

Not sure what acheivement you are talking about unless you mean't the relative peace in the region.

There is no tangible development or sustained economic and its human rights record is not good.

Further more, the impact of poverty on the people in the region is alarmingly devastating.

Also the corruption by those in the authority to keep their personal gains paramount to any potential benefit to the people.

So, where is the light?
    egeh @ 3/24/2010 11:44 AM EST
Take easy boy!! no matter what you say, the whole world knows that Somaliland is the place to be when you are looking for peace, stability, progress and respect for law and order. Wisdom and ingenuity of it's people is what saved Somaliland from the chaos prevailing in Somalia. Now the world has come to the conclusion to consult Somalilanders to get a way out of this endless madness in Somalia so you should be thankful and grateful to Somaliland.
    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:11 AM EST

Somaliland is not an underestimated friend, but a real threat to America.

    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:08 AM EST

Somaliland produces more international terrorist than the rest of Somalia.

    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:07 AM EST

The Danish cartoonist attacker was also from Somaliland.

    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:06 AM EST

Mohamed Al-Muhajiri, Alshabab from Toronto, was also from Somaliland.

    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:02 AM EST

Shirwac, the Alshabab-American, blew himself in Hargeisa was from Somaliland.

    momo519 @ 3/24/2010 10:00 AM EST

Ahmed Godane, Alshabab Supreme Leader is from Somaliland.

    saba @ 3/23/2010 11:57 PM EST
 The mass'acre in Mumbai, of which this Dhilay blamed on
'House of Islam' was condemned upon CHAABAD LUBAVITCH by
non other than other Jews, who know what CHABAD LUBAVITCH
is capable of.

This man called the Chabad Lubavitch house of O'rgy 'House of God'.....

Other Jews who know what CHABAD LUBAVITCH IS were laughing at that OUT LOUD.

Such men, men like the one above, are cancer in the Somali body.

    egeh @ 3/23/2010 10:42 PM EST
 Mr. Goth is absolutely right. He hit the nail on the head and put everything in the proper perspective. He articulated his opinion in a way that you cry babies could never get any intellectual challenge to refute the facts he presented.
    ilatali @ 3/23/2010 9:41 PM EST
 Waxaa la yiri baqasha is mooday faras ayaa ugu xun,
bal eeg qashinka aad ka qoraysid umuds Somlaieed.
Ma sidaa baa mooday in America ay saaxiib kgu
noqon,ama u taageri adeerkaa Riyaale?

tell your uncle, former NSS Col, Governeor Riyale,
apointed by Malez, waxaa is moday maha.

America is good firend to all pece loving Somalis,
whereever they are..
not dabodhilif carabaha u shaqeyo, jaajus ah.
waxaa is soo xasuusisay Ismail Bubaa hadaladiisa
baqtiga ahaa.
    baghdad bob @ 3/23/2010 9:37 PM EST

goth can never write a line or two without trashing Islam.
    baghdad bob @ 3/23/2010 9:35 PM EST
 Here is a fool dwelling in yesteryears political tools. Anti-Islamic rhetoric is done and it evaporated with right lunatics. America is rebuilding bridges, investing in its infrastructure, mending fences with friends and foes. America is not interested in chasing some flimsy and invisible enemy in the corners of a country that does not exist. There is no country called Somaliland there is only a single UN recognized country for all Somalis and that is Somalia.
I knew many Somali northerners would be enraged by the mere fact of welcoming sheriff into downing street. The warlords in northern Somalia have no right for such high caliber treatment since they don’t hold the tile of presidency. Trashing Islam and Somalis and Somalia will not get you anywhere.    

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