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    nomadic1 @ 1/31/2010 10:55 AM EST
Walaalo waan iska kaftamayay markaan Modeeba lahaa I am one of your MPs and I am not coming back to your parliament. I wasn’t talking about a real MP, I was talking about an imaginary cyber MP. Lol
Walaalo waqti dheer somaliya ma tagin marka MP cidna igama dhiganayso ayaan filayaa. Laakiin markaan Somalia tago role yar oo wax tar dalka u leh ayaan ka qaadan, NOT notional government role.
    saba @ 1/31/2010 3:30 AM EST

Walaal maxaad ku nacday Shariifka Xildhibaanka kaa dhigtay??

Sow caasi ma ahid markaa??
    sahra somali @ 1/30/2010 11:50 PM EST
bal shariif haduu tago ma cid kale oo ka roon miyaa jirta bal noo keen..
waxaan somali hadaan nahay naqaan faro ku fiiqis.
this alhabab will take the control and we are all death nation walking.
areey shariifoow maha ka kacoo baladka nimankaan ka qabo..minow ilaahey kuu roon yahay adigaa maha ugu sareesid ee nimankaan afka duuban na mooti..
    fiqicigaal @ 1/30/2010 6:16 PM EST

This is not mucaarad, it is budhcad hubeysan and they will do anything to have their way what ever the cost.

Come on sis! oppostion party would compromise for the sake of their people, but tuugtan afka soo duubatay will only kill and loot, they never mention peace and stability.

You see, Sharif may not be the best choice to take us through this tough journey which is full of obstacles and hinderance, traps and assasinations, political and military plunders but we can not afford to let alshabab take over and make our people suffer for a long time, longer than they can endure.

I prefer to see a smooth power handover to a third party which is based on the interest of our nation. Not another warlords nor another fake religious madmen.
    simbe @ 1/30/2010 5:11 PM EST
 Tuke Shariif.
Wax qabo haddii kalle is casil adiga iyo Ina Cabdirashiid- Laba dameer
    lilisamatar @ 1/30/2010 3:03 PM EST
I like how you romanticise huuhaadaada badan!

well shariif should have taught of this day when he was creating al shabaab!!!!!!!

and stop blaming the alshabaab xabiibkaaga sheikh sharif has just vowed to eliminate opposition, what is this logic, bal dawlad bilaa mucaarad halkee lagu arkey, and how is going to silence them, doesn't he kno thi is mission imposible, dakii ka horeeyay ayaa mucaardka aamusiin ka riwaayey, bal itaal baas ma xoogiisa iyo dabaabadaha amisom ayaa been u sheegaya!!!!!!!!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 1/30/2010 11:55 AM EST
 Guys, it is only human nature to worry where there is tragedy,  to laugh where there is joy, to cry where there is sadness. Nothing wrong with being human, but if one has lost that humanly feeling, then there is something wrong and disturbing.

And who wouldn't be worried if one was the president of the failed state of Somalia. Not me.

The question is: How are we going to change this misery into joy?

Peace is the only solution and alshabaab are not promoting it so far.
    lilisamatar @ 1/30/2010 8:36 AM EST
they sure all look very worried and their morale very low, I am sure everyone is worried about when the bomb will detonate.  if the shariif can't see that then maxaanu kuhaleynaa!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 1/30/2010 8:35 AM EST
Sharif nimankii walaalihii la colow, oo saxiib kuma laha shabeeladda dhexe, iyo tashishe, Puntland la col weeye, jubooyinka iska badaa, the only friends he has now is Ibbi and Sakiin, sorry state of affairs, that shows that this ambitious young man is going nowhere what so ever! Taladdi ayaa ka xumaatey sidii kuwii ka horeeyay oo dhan!!

Ibbi he is everywhere talking on everyones behalf, raggii kalena afkoodii baa juuqagabey! Ibbi sidii qof waalan ayuu u dhaqmayaa, ma fiyowyahay mise kiniinigii ayaa ka dhamaadey intuu xamar joogay! Maalin dhaweyd waxaan dhageysta isga oo khudbad isboortiska ka bixinaya, waar ninku badanaa waxwalba miyuu ka hadlayaa! Waxwalba laguu yaqaan, waar islaantii la weydiiyay ma taqaanaa Coke Cola oo tidhi waan daadiyey, miyeyna aheyn COOCACOOLE  ayuu i soo xasuusiyey!
    lilisamatar @ 1/30/2010 8:33 AM EST
  they all look very worried,
kuraasi isku eekeyn iyo miisas kala nooc ah! If they cannot get that simple task r*ight, Waq*ti lum*is ayaan tan u aqaanaa!

    nomadic1 @ 1/30/2010 8:33 AM EST

You are right. No one cares who sits on the left, right or centre, or whether they sit down at all. In my view, I don’t think they should sit down at all given the dire circumstances. I don’t think they should celebrate either, since they have not achieved anything worthy of celebration.

I would have appreciated their tenacity and sacrifice if they all knelt down on the floor, faced the camera, raised their arms in the air and said, “Soomaaliyeey toosoo, toosoo isku tiirsada ee, hadba kina taagdaranee, taageera waligiin”.
    lilisamatar @ 1/30/2010 8:29 AM EST
    nuun @ 1/30/2010 12:52 AM EST
 wow, sagaaro biyo ma cabtaa mise cabto.
The people are full of inferiority complex that they read some hidden agenda into every little pictures.
relax, people. In somalia, people are not that protocol-mania and the job is  so overwhelming to think of who sits on left,right or the type of the color of the chair.

    momo519 @ 1/29/2010 10:39 PM EST


Excellent observation!

However, you have left out one important fact; that the PM is the most educated and as such a very humble man.

The PM is too cool and too modest for kursi weyn iyo kursi yar iyo kursi alwaax ka samaysan.

If you know what's important at the moment, you wouldn't care which chair to seat so long as you are being seated!

    xamarweyne @ 1/29/2010 7:56 PM EST
  The first person who commented on this article noticed and questioned why Prof Ibbi is standing next to the president while PM, Mr Sharmarke is at location?,implying that there is no protocal when it comes to Sharif Sakiin and prof. Ibbi and the commentator requested that these two to be told the preisdent sometime needs privecy. However, I think that all these actions such as being with president, sitting next to the president,travelling with him overseas, consulting the president more than prime ministers, undermining the prime minister an any opportunity are done purposefully. The example is look at the first picture here. Look at the difference seats that they are sitting. It looks like there were three seats in the begging of the meeting that were intended for the president, the prime minister and the speaker of the parliament. It is obvious that when the three seats were taken by the president, the speaker of the parliament and someone that was named and I donot know by face, someone found a smaller seat from the back of the room for the prime minister to sit. As it can be identified the PM seats is smaller, shorter than the other three seats even though the PM is the tallest man, the heaviest man in the room. It is verybody's guess if the PM can not even claims his seat to be vacated, what can he accomplish as building the government institution. It is clear that he does not belong there and he is being used for the name so they can claim this is a government of unity.
    shanta @ 1/29/2010 6:48 PM EST
 For those of you in denial, what is the alternative? Al-Haram.
    nuun @ 1/29/2010 6:34 PM EST
 for 20 years. These are the best guys so far. they have best chanceto succeed and they will.
Where love to have good rival but sorry to say there is NONE so far.
Untill I see one, I'm going to pray for these guys. We already saw the idea of  overthrowing bad goverment without having any replacement.
    Gacaliye@ @ 1/29/2010 5:34 PM EST
“war meesha ka TAGA" oo u baneeya Osama Bin Liar's iyo Eritea's shiekh Afwerki eeyda ayku ugaarsadaan.  Waad ogtahay kuwaan ujeedo!

Sure they have not been creative in solving anything, but could they be creative when Osama's and Afwerki's lapp dogs recieved them with mortar shells from day one????
    Stickorcarrot @ 1/29/2010 4:26 PM EST
One year of death and destruction. He has no control of
any part of the country. He can't even hold this nonsense
in a secure location where he controls its security. What is
point of calling yourself a government?

What a sham.
    momo519 @ 1/29/2010 4:12 PM EST

...at least these guys, Sherif and Co. are trying to build something while the Wahabis are trying to destroy everything.

    nomadic1 @ 1/29/2010 12:47 PM EST

Meesha ka kaca waxaa ku xikto meesha ka taga. Godod baan qodnay iyo faataa dhug ma soconayso. Haday xal keeni waayaan waa inay meesha ka tagaan.
    kucadaye @ 1/29/2010 12:36 PM EST

You summed it very well.

Perhaps you should have substituted this:
“war meesha ka kaca”
“war meesha ka TAGA``

Their continued presence will only prolong our misery. With their disappearance from the scene the vultures in Nairobi, Addis, and New York, who rely on them, will be out of jobs, at least until they try to erect another TFG prop.  We should try during this interim period to put our heads together and pool our resources to find a Somali solution, inside Somalia.  
    Usheega @ 1/29/2010 12:33 PM EST

Saaxiib inta fiiri http://www.aminarts.com/nov_21_2009.html

    Usheega @ 1/29/2010 12:29 PM EST

        Walaalkey Aqoon ma aha waxaan ka hadlaayo ee
Prof.waxaa u isku haystaa inuu meel walab xukumo.
Badaa aayaan ku ogaa haddan waxan ku arkey asagoo wax
xaaqaya xarunta xisbiga. Saqadaad waxaa lahaa inuu sameeyo
Duqa magaalada NOT prof Ibbi.
I just want to the Prof and Shariif Sakiin do their duty job.

Thank you .
    Usheega @ 1/29/2010 12:26 PM EST

        Walaalkey Aqoon ma aha waxaan ka hadlaayo ee
Prof.waxaa u isku haystaa inuu meel walab xukumo.
Badaa aayaan ku ogaa haddan waxan ku arkey asagoo wax
xaaqaya xarunta xisbiga. Saqadaad waxaa lahaa inuu sameeyo
Duqa magaalada NOT prof Ibbi.
I just want to the Prof and Shariif Sakiin do their duty job.

Thank you .
    fiqicigaal @ 1/29/2010 12:04 PM EST
 Apparently they can do the talk but can they ever do the walk? That itself is in the hands of Allah, but I fail to see light behind this dark tunnel.

At least the TFG survived. Many other groups did not.

What next?
    mohamed614 @ 1/29/2010 11:12 AM EST
 usheega xoolo.com in abdirishiid miyuu ka qoon badan yahahay prof ibi madaxweynaha ciduu raboo ka dhiganaa sxb marka dhibka ka ku haaya muxuu yahay
    nomadic1 @ 1/29/2010 10:57 AM EST
 “The past year we have been very busy building the foundations of the Somali state,” said the president.

Aroy foundation ma jiree god aa ku dhuumataan maa qodanayseen? Bal mar banaanka u soo baxa oo wax qabta. Sidaad u sheegteenba aduunkii oo dhan wuu idin taageeray mucaaradkiinana waa la dhibsaday laakiin waxaa la yaab leh sababta aa wax u qabsan la’dihiin. Hadii mucaaradkiina la naco xitaa shacabkii gawsahay idinka haysataan waayo wax soo jiidasho ah oo la idinku raaco meesha ma yaalaan. Waad kala hadlaysaan, waad been badan tihiin, waxba ma qabataan, dad badan oo tuugo ah ayaa idinku jiro, kalsooni daro ayaa idin haysato……..war meesha ka kaca.

“This year, our plans are to be ‘as self-sufficient as we can’…” said the president. <<<< Not much confidence in this statement, Mr President.
    usheega @ 1/29/2010 10:28 AM EST
 Aniga waxaan la yaabanahay waxa madaxwaynaha ag
istaajiyey Prof Ibbi asagoo  oo joog R/Wasaare Abdirashiid
sharmarke. Waa arin ceeb ah
Prof. Ibbi waxuu isku badelay body groud ayaan filaa.!
Mararka Qaarkood Shariif Sakiin iyo Ibbi waxay ku dhaqmaan
waa ceeb ee USHEEGA inay PRIVACY siiyaan Madaxwaynaha.


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