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    madaxeey @ 1/2/2007 12:25 AM EST
 Let's see what the new wave of the Somali politics brings. Let's hope it won't be that the Ethiopina be the protectorate of Somalia. They have already started to ban women wearing Xijaab. Also this is in the making of a new dictator in Somalia either it be Abdulahi (ina yeey) or Gedi.
    qig504 @ 1/1/2007 7:38 PM EST
 Set-up democracy. Twisted logic. Decadent morality. Fraudulent policies. Corruption that has no ckecks or balances. Is that what they call the good governing
    Hussein Abdiruh @ 12/31/2006 4:28 AM EST
 It seems to me or I’m noticing that we are like in the theater, siting and do nothing for our Homeland but enjoying the pictures and reading the articles, if we see what  we like we cheer if not we bash and criticized. If someone does something we jump on and look for the negative they did or doing you  know that we are not perfect and.
Hello Somali’s Somalia  is in deep () we have to do something and think for our selfs or some one else will for us  
    cabdull @ 12/30/2006 11:37 PM EST
 Mudey gacal, weuxuu uga baxeeyey maxkamadaha "marxaladaha" hada laakiin ethiopia waxey rabtaa in ay marxaldii ku soo celiso ee haka saarto
    AHMED NUR @ 12/30/2006 7:09 PM EST
  This article of J.Raimondo reflects the reality in Somalia. Sometimes I wonder if Raimondo is more Somali than those who are celebrating for the Ethiopian invasion and the return of the worlords.
It is not for the first time that Somalia is being invaded, but it is the first time that large number of Somalis are dancing and seeing the invaders as friends and "walaal rahiim ah" as one of the worlords described.
I grew up in Ethiopia and I can not describe in words the huge difference between Somalis born and raised without Colonization and those still under the Ethiopian colonization. The former are more open and more educated while the later ones are mostly illetrate, with little or no hope.
For those happy with the invasion you have no idea what you are dancing for.
    Yousef2 @ 12/30/2006 6:46 AM EST
 Sheekadan waxaan dhameeyey Sheikh Mudey Gacal,
"Waan ogeyn in maxkamadaha aysan Kitaab iyo Diin wadin, laakiin marxalada ayaan ugu baxeynay,hadana waxaa timid dowladdii Soomaaliyeed oo eryay maxkamaddihii been abuurka ahaay" ayuu yiri Sheekha Muudey Gacal oo intaa raaciyay in dowladda Islaamiga ay caasimada u imaan weyday Hoggaamiye kooxeed iyo kuwo sheeganaaya diin.
    sharif @ 12/30/2006 4:33 AM EST
 Well done.  I think the blunder of the American policies
is to be blame for the perpetual conflict in somalia.

They should listen to people like you to fix peoblems in
far away countties.  The Somali resistance against Ethiopian
troos and their american backers will gain momentum soon
and the true war will start soon hopefuly.
    honestbrother @ 12/30/2006 4:16 AM EST
    Stickorcarrot @ 12/30/2006 3:18 AM EST
 Well done! and for that guy, Bashir Rageh? I only heard
his name before till today when i heard him speaking on BBC.
What a joke! Is that the kind of men who were running the
show in MOG before ICU? This guy has no clue and there is
something about him that I am feeling he will forever be
an agent for foreign countries. Seeing his face, I think
he is somewhat retarded.
    Stickorcarrot @ 12/30/2006 3:13 AM EST
 I think there is a bug in the system. Sometimes i am having difficulty
posting, and then after i give up all of sudden i see
my message posted. Hiiraan.com please fix this, i am sure it is not
Faafreeb thing, or is it?

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