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    adamjama @ 1/12/2007 1:13 PM EST
I think Siad Barre is laughing in his grave in between judgement sessions for his crimes.
He is saying look what they doing when I left them; Actually, I was not a president of a nation,I was only a manager of an animal Zoo.
It took Somalis nine months to get to Hawash in the 77 war and it only took Ethiopia 7 days to complete the invasion of the entire country...excluding what it already had "Somaliland & Puntland".
"Madaxda kheyrka qabtaa waxay ka timaadaa shacab kheyr qaba"

    Xaayow @ 1/6/2007 8:32 PM EST
 Caraweelo and others, I still standby with my comments about this auther who I have said commited a political suicide and sold his religion, bride and dignity of his nation to a mis-guided cause of the "Khabiilism". How else can this author write and I quote from his article "I would also like to thank the Ethiopian government for its unrivaled support in this do-or-die historic mission. Congratulations to you all!". If the author is a Tigrey or Christian he has right to congratulate the Ethiopians but to say he is a Muslim Somali and he is happy that Ethiopians invaded ourland with the pretex that they have been invited a government they hand picked that could not even defend its base is just leaving his religion and also his Somali nationality. See the articles posted by non Muslims here in Hiiraan and compare that with so called Mr. Hassan and you would reach a conclusion that he is not one of us.
    odeyyare @ 1/6/2007 6:24 PM EST
 the New goverment needs a people? the question is what
kind of people?
    caraweelo @ 1/6/2007 2:29 PM EST
 Mr Xaayow, the only good deed that UIC had done was securing the Capital & getting rid of the Warlords. But I don't see any other good we can discuss it here. Again, I believe they went nuts, went ahead of themselves and the rest is history.
    mercano @ 1/6/2007 5:25 AM EST
 Xaayow and few others. Plz stop referring the IUC as Islam practicing group, save a few. I would say, Shariif was sincere and some other brothers that I personally know, and perhaps few naive foot soldiers that were been CHEATED. Xaayow, talks about IUC spreading Islam! Spread where? Somalia? You mean, their shallow, narrow, "my way or 6 feet below ground"?  Allah SWT, says in Holy Qura'n, 'La ikraaha fi diin", & Prophet SCW said, 'Ad Diinu Nasiixa,' No cat will drink milk, by forceful neck grap!
    Xaayow @ 1/5/2007 9:38 PM EST
 Caraweelo, I have not said what I said to the author because he said some positive things about the TFG. What I am saying here is that this Author is not honest. If he was an honest about his remarks about the Islamic Courts he would have been more Just with his article. We all know the short history of the Islamic Courts and their good deeds are witnessed by Muslims and NON-Muslims alike. He chose to ignore their deeds and rather resort to fabricated lies about the Islamic Courts in order for him to achieve his ill-fated article which tried to sell the Warlord and criminally dominated so called government. A government that was unable to get a single vote of confidence from the population and resorted to use our enemies against our brave but ill equiped Muslim Youth who stood against the Imperialist Ethiopia. Mr. Hassan is today's equal to those who fought against Ahmed Gurey or Sayed Mohamed Abdalla Hassan. He is simply a collaborator and he commited suicide when he congratulated the Tigreys for their invasion of our Muslim Nation.
    QE @ 1/5/2007 8:41 PM EST
 Wiliwiliq - you made great points with regard to Mr. Hassan's article.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/5/2007 8:29 PM EST
 Plz read Minilik's letter to European colonisers and you will know what Ethp means to us:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/faisa/appendix-1.jpg?t=1168043701  paste the whole address to the address bar.
    caraweelo @ 1/5/2007 5:24 PM EST
 Mr.Xaayow, it is very sad that you have prematurely come to conclution that this guy is from the tribe of the president, because of his positive views towards the TFG. Your judgement is nothing short than, the same arrogance that became UIC's demise, when you assume that anyone who doesn't like the courts are against Islam. Boohoo, I am glad that those crazy men are halted and I hope, we will never hear about them. FYI, the TFG is based on 4.5 inclusive formula, where as UIC 90% is one tribe.. Moreover, yes this Gov't is elected by a selective group of people who went to Kenya, not a perfect one, but it was something to reach a full election after 5 years. The UIC were self appointed men and thought the barrel of gun will take to heaven, but guess what? they ended up dead or in the mercy of Raskanbooni mosquitos. Good riddance.
    Xaayow @ 1/5/2007 4:08 PM EST
 First let me say the author is either won by allegiance for his tribe, most likely he is from the tribe of the president or he is someone who does not like ISLAM at all. For him to say, the courts were not elected but the government was elected and represented the people is total lie. he should know better but he chose to ignore the government was elected by the warlords not the Somali people or even the Somali tribes. I was always lived here in Baydhabo and have never been asked what my opinion of this TFG government is. Secondly, the Islamic Courts were people who were god-fearing and even if they were not elected was following the Quran as much as they could with the environment and people they find themselves in. All the author needs to know is the reason the Islamic Courts were attacked, was they were spreading Islam and Justice where the current government will fight Islam and the Muslims. May Allah guide this author. I pray to Allaah not to put the enmity of the Muslims in my heart, because hating the Muslims is really a very dangerous thing. Secondly, I would trust an Imaam like Jiniqow and Ibraahim Suuley and Sheekh Shariif before I give my allegiance to warlord Aidid, Jeele, Abdullahi Yusuf or Mr. Geedi. We must realize the world specially the US and Ethiopia is a sign that you are really against the Muslims. See what the Muslims in Ethiopia are enduring even though they are more than 50%, see what a Muslims has to endure in everywhere. These warlords will burn what is left of ourland to the ground. So, if you really like Somalia and Islam you should not be the side of the Kufaar but the side of the Culamaa
    kelligi bilis @ 1/5/2007 3:53 PM EST
 The word is selected and not elected. TFG was an Ethiopian annoitated organization made of War lords.  However, I would like to agree with you about disarming the people; but let us start with Puntland, Galgadud, Mudug, Gedo, central Shabelle then Mogadishu and Finally Lower Shabelle and Lower and middle Jubba.  Does that sound more palatable to the writer, may not after all underneath all these glittering out pouring Somalis are still as clannistic as the day the started.  Yours Kelligi billis that should tell you something.
    gantaalka @ 1/5/2007 2:42 PM EST
 Well written article, but with little substance. I am not sure if you are kidding to yourself when you write "The government has people's mandate to govern". Al contraire! This is a government of warlords, put together under the auspices of Ethiopian regime, imposed on the Somali people. At best, this is a client government for the Ethiopian regime.
    caraweelo @ 1/5/2007 11:55 AM EST
 Excellent article.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/5/2007 11:32 AM EST
 Those tribal minded individuals who are day dreaming will soon wake up. Anyone who justifies Ethiopian blatant occupation of Somalia will be dissilusioned. The warlord government is imposed on the Somali people by its traditional enemy, for whoese interest do yu think? If you think mooryaans of Dabageed, Mohamed Dheere and C/llahi Yusuf will disarm Somali people, that will not happen,assured that Somali people will resisit Ethiopian brutal occupation.
    shukuman cade @ 1/5/2007 10:29 AM EST
 I will admit I’m intellectually challenged. We are quick to insult someone’s opinion if it differs than ours. For me it does not make any difference if Ethiopians are in Somalia, and therefore I could careless about your claims that our nation is under foreign occupation.  My Somalia, has been under occupation for more than 16 years.  
    fiqicigaal @ 1/5/2007 10:18 AM EST
 The TFG needs to be fair and firm during these difficult times. Let us use logic at least once in our life time and let us encourage the TFG do the mile stone to unite our nation  
    muwahid @ 1/5/2007 9:09 AM EST
 I am deeply ashamed of you because you defend the secular murtadeen like tfg who have just sold the Somali land to the Kuffar. Insha Allah, the Mujahideen in Somalia will defeat these enemies of Allah and restore peace and dignity to the people of Somalia. Long live UIC, Long live.
    cadeeycadow @ 1/5/2007 8:41 AM EST
I am very disappointed with you as a somali brother for defending this so called TFG who come to somalia with ethobian tank and helicopter. This goverment is asking the trust of the somali people while it has sought protection from the Ethobia against its own people. The UIC did not need any protection becouse it was grass roots movement. I cannot believe you happy to have Ethobian to occupy the somali capital. You seem to be traitor like Yusuf, Gedi, Aided, and the mujrim Hurre bubaa who drinks alcohol from standing.
    mercano @ 1/5/2007 7:13 AM EST
 The TFG should take Mr. Hassan's advice. Jelle on the frontline? That has no base. International community was the one that imposed a warlord inclusive governing body, and now they are campaigning for an IUC inclusion. They must proit from the turmoils of nations. Why is Bush not making dialogue with Zawahiri?
    Yousef2 @ 1/5/2007 7:09 AM EST
 I tend to agree with Wiliwiliq on the issue of 'going cautiously' on the issue of disarming the people. Avoid armed confrontations as much as possible. On the issue of putting the Army in the front row instead of the civilian members of the TFG, it should be balanced, but generally the civilian faces should be dealing with the public.
    lammagoodle @ 1/5/2007 6:58 AM EST
 The TFG should take the writer's advice and get things done fast.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/5/2007 6:56 AM EST
 Your point is clear and worthless. If you praise Salad Ali Jelle, an illetrate who have had no formal education, it tells a lot about your intellectual capacity. I am very sorry if you are offended, or anyone else is offended for that matter, by my sincere revelation. The Transitional government is not an individual or several individuals. It comprises different institutions, Ghedi alone cannot issue orders as a dictator. The TFG needs a plan from its institutions including parliament. As we know the whole Somalia is awash with weopons, so disarming Mugadishu alone will solve nothing, people will transfer their weapons. Furthermore, there are no government forces or police force. At the moment there are clan militia from Jowhar and Puntland. In order for the people to hand in their weapons, there should be a national army otherwise no sane person will hand over his/her weapons to clan militia.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/5/2007 3:13 AM EST
 The people you mention like Salad Jelle control nothing and not many people in Mogadishu recognise his title. You said brave forces of the government since when ethpns become government forces? Ironically, you fail to mention anywhere in your article the danger associated the presence of Ethpian forces, I wonder why? You are also contradicting your self when you said: warlords should be targeted first, did you forget that most of the TFG consist of warlords full of blood on their hands including their president.

I my self was against the IUC ever expanding their territory toward the north of the country however it was necessary to establish courts in all other areas in the south as there was no effective administration or ruled by warlords.
Road blocks were spread in every KM of the way to Kismayo. If the TFG takes advises like yours onboard that will be their downfall and the beginning of new civil war, they instead need to consult with the people and be patient in order to ovoid further conflict, especially on the issue of disarmament.  
    amman @ 1/5/2007 2:55 AM EST
 A well-balanced article with a good measure of realism.
TFG is losing hard-earned momentum and Mogadsihu is slipping back into anarchy
UIC diehards are rejoicing now that chaos is back.

TFG needs to act now!!!. It's now or never. Tick Tick
    george bush @ 1/5/2007 2:51 AM EST
 Dowlada dalxiiska iyo safarka – that sums them up. I think within a short time they will get kicked out of Mogadishu and who knows they may end up in Madagascar!

    abdik @ 1/5/2007 12:30 AM EST

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