4 comment(s)
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    fiqicigaal @ 6/16/2010 3:09 PM EST
 We Somalis must have the curse of chaos written in our DNA.

But guns are meaningless toys without accomplice(man) and we have them psychopaths in abundance.
    Awdali4life @ 5/24/2010 7:52 AM EST
 Human tragedy at it's worst!!! Hard to inhale it when it's your home country that is in such ruins!!!

What if someone blames it all on the guns, or who ever brought it to us? To quote it from Nuradin Farah’s Links: “guns lack the human truth”…everything currently happening in Somalia is lacking the human truth of survival.
    Qaran @ 5/24/2010 2:05 AM EST
 This was the only article written by a Westerner without a lie and propaganda. But it's beyond sadness.
    nuunow @ 5/18/2010 8:48 PM EST
What a sad and tragic story, and yet so true!

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