7 comment(s)
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    yasin4020 @ 5/10/2007 7:09 AM EST
 That me bellow, yasin40002000
    @ 5/10/2007 7:05 AM EST
 People settele down okay.
Nobody has to die or kill other humans for a drop of oil.
Has'nt any one heared of sabotage, besides with 10mil
inside somalia and another 5mil in Ethiopia our population
and landmass is sufficient enough to scare Halliburton
and their friends running from SOMALILANDS.
We see everyday how nigeria is awash with blooded oil,
therfore we do'nt need oil for know anyway. But if they
insist on drilling in the horn, then I am sure we the
people will rise up for the occasion.
    MohamedIS @ 5/9/2007 10:57 AM EST
 Kibogoyo, my god only commands me to do what is just and i believe this is just.  You would dare say anything about at-tawba, it says what needs to be said about fighting for the sake of allah and believe me is the highest ranking among all ranking in this world and here after it places you the highest as well.  Kibogoyo, you too slow minded to understand that reason being your mind is still fixed on man made democracy our democracy is the words of allah and they are the best form of governance, insha'allah god willing we will have somalia under the sharia law.  That can be achieved fighting for the sake of allah and doing everything for the sake of allah and if it comes to killin a human being for the sake of allah it shall be done brother with no hesitation.  
    haniye10 @ 5/7/2007 3:54 PM EST
 great article
    Kibogoyo @ 5/7/2007 11:12 AM EST

If your "gods" commands you to kill a fellow man then its the right time that you abandon the killer gods. However, you have to go back and read again to understand surah tawba as you claim. For sure that is the word of God and not god you poor misled soul.

The Moha'dis dummy thinks he will atain "the highest honor" by killing other human being.
    mooryaandile @ 5/7/2007 2:16 AM EST
 This kind of utter is the contemporary license peace loving Somalis come up with, in order to erradicate culprits, thugs and assassins writing senseless ideas in cyber space here and there. Believe it or NOT you don want religion at all, you just want civilian homes, farms, government buildings and a counterfiet bank notes made in South-East Asia, to kill, kill and kill. Instead, we'll NOT let you live for that long to trade in religion anymore. It's nowadays only when people thanked God just to see you dying alone, without fellow Somalis beside you and still your rotten bodies are under the ruins. Thanks God. Allahu Akbar. Moreover, I wish all God throws you the bottom of the hell.
    MohamedIs @ 5/6/2007 4:34 PM EST
 Let things settle down they can all come and dig the oil fiels than we can just start blowing up insha'allah. I encourage every somali at ages between 15-70 or able to fight for the cause of allah should do so cause there is nothing better also is the highest honor anyone can achieve.  Read Suratal Towba and what allah says about the mujahadiin those that chose to fight for the sake of allah.

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