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    sahra somali @ 9/18/2010 12:19 AM EST

Iska aamus wax aad ku hadleysid wax lala yaabo waaye, who cares wahabis and their history. they are lunatics.Islam is pure religion.


like alweys well said bro.....
    momo519 @ 9/16/2010 4:51 PM EST

Abdul Wahab is nothing but a murderer and destroyer.

He knows nothing about Islam and the only reason you are following him is because of the oil money.

Wahabism is PS junk!

    fiqicigaal @ 9/16/2010 3:44 PM EST

I tell you what! you don't sound like a bad person but perhaps if you often listen to others you learn from them and that is what you need to do.

Come on now, stop being stubborn and follow the principles of Islam and embrace it.

Indeed I agree with  you that Islam is submission to Allah and only Allah and to follow the suna of our beloved prophet Muhammed(SCW).

And yes, Islam teaches us peace and tolerance but those who do not follow our Islamic scriptures or those who pretend to follow but twist it are worse than the kaafir.
    abdullahmuslim1 @ 9/16/2010 3:08 PM EST
 bn 'Abd al-Wahhab spent some time studying with Muslim scholars in Basra (in southern Iraq),[13][14] and it is reported that he traveled to the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina to perform Hajj and study with the scholars there,[15][16]  before returning to his home town of Uyayna in 1740. Official sources on ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's life put his visits to these cities in different chronological order, and the full extent of such travels remains disputed among historians.

Amongst his modern supporters were the late Shaikh bin Baz and Shaikh Uthaymeen of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Muqbil of Yemen, and Shaikh Albani of Albania


Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab considered his movement an effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to what he believed were the original principles of Islam, as typified by the Salaf and rejecting what he regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid'ah and Shirk.

This is for u l-life-f-ol kanaxow nafta waa
    abdullahmuslim1 @ 9/16/2010 3:01 PM EST
 mr fiqicigal your students waa isku caareen ee kasoo gaar
sheikh-ul islam muhhamed ibn abdul-wahab waa sheikh aduunka
dhan laga yaan wali waxaa yaqaan dadka caqliga iyo aqoonta u saaxiibka ah
marka momo519 oo laga yaaba inuusan safiina salaad wali aqrisan inuu wax kasheego
sheikh-ul islam waa warkii kufaartu rabtay ayagana ha u mahad celiyo sababto ah hadii
qof muslim ah oo wax yaqaan wuu dharbaaxi lahaa,

asxaan baan kuu samay nayaa ee Wikipedia gal taasaa loogu talagalay qofka aan waxba aqoone..

    momo519 @ 9/16/2010 12:08 PM EST

My 6 year old nephew can make in his Mac a fire animation!

Look at this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdtcRyOUFdg&feature=related and tell me if this kid is actually on flames or not.

Alhabab and Alqaida and their Wahabi Kufars are playing with your naive head and make you believe this is a real flame.

It's all animation.

Poor Dabodhilif.

    Anti-dabdhilifs @ 9/16/2010 9:48 AM EST
 Momo 519! Is this also a computer generated fire animation?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C6YOJh4tGc . You dont have to watch the whole video. From 6 minutes to 8 minutes, you can say the koran is been burn. In order to defend your friend kuffars, you have to deny their action. Is that what you doing? You canot cover the true with your lies. Why you keep saying the pastor in FL didnot burn the quran. We are not talking about him, and no one said he burn it. This is  another  pastor in Kansas
    momo519 @ 9/16/2010 7:09 AM EST

If it makes you feel any better, here it is:

Alhabab abd Alqaida are not Muslims and they dont belong to Islam.

The link Dabadhilif provided is computer generated fire "animation" burning.

Alhabab, Alqaida, and all the Wahabi cult are loving it because it serves their agenda of continuing the violence.

They were disappointed when the Florida pastor did not burn the Quran and so here they are on a fishing expedition producing an obscure video.

The Islamic world will not see peace until Wahabis are destroyed.

Abdulwahab is an evil generated by the British and his evil agenda lives on!

    nuunow @ 9/16/2010 5:38 AM EST
 For your information, submitting to low-life humans like Al-shayaadiin (or the Sheikhs you mentioned) is one of the worst sin in Islam. There is only one Allah, and to Him every Muslim should submit and fear! That is one of the five basic pillars of Islam, and every Muslim should know about that.

It is not too late to go back to Allah and ask forgiveness, for He is the Merciful and Compassionate toward mankind.

As for the defending Kuffars, either you don't know the meaning of the two words (as you keep saying it over and over again), or you are really the one who defending the kuffars while playing the infamous game - "Tuug Intaan Tuug La Dhihin Ayuu Tuug Ku Yiraahdaa". LOL.


You said it all.
    abdullahmuslim1 @ 9/16/2010 4:49 AM EST
 This reminds me the video i once saw about the sufis
defending a book called (munaaqib jaylaani)(full of shirk this book)
and our sheikhs from salafu saalih defending the book of allah,  
now what he have here some people defending the kaafir burning the quran
directly and indirectly,

It clearly shows how some people are far from reality about being muslim
being muslim doesn't mean i can side with whom i like,
being a muslim is to submit and if u understand the meaning of submission
u will never fall in to the darkness of ignorance.

Always there will be xisbulaah and xisbu sheydhan, there is no third one,
    fiqicigaal @ 9/16/2010 4:25 AM EST
 It never occurred into my mind that this pastor would go ahead with his bluff and burn the holy book, so I will not linger my thoughts on what could have happened.

But the truth of the matter is, there is no lesser evil because  alshabaab‘s violence is visible to all today in Somalia and  if there is a regression in denouncing thoughtlessness and extremism it is a big step backward  to oppression that serves only  in the interests of religious madmen.

    nuunow @ 9/16/2010 12:22 AM EST
 Islam religion is too pure, flawless and invulnerable to be undermined or destroyed by a filthy man looking for attention or publicity.

But having say that, burning the Quran is still wrong and condemnable, so is the committing suicide and massacring innocent Muslims while hiding behind Islam religion. All Muslims should be united to defend our beloved religion from its enemy, and as well as stand up for the rights of each and every "real" Muslim.
    Anti-dabdhilifs @ 9/15/2010 6:18 PM EST
 Momo519! Since Pastor Fred Phelps became  an alqaida because his  is the one who  burn the quran.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsYFA_bZfCs&skipcontrinter=1 You dont need to lie in public because everyone can track your lies. Munaafaqiins, dabodhilifs, wanabe kuffars are saying itis wrong to burn quran because Alqaida  will have more "tools to recruit people". They  concern more alqaida's  recruitment than their  holybook is been burn. All the muslim pupet leaders are saying same thing, and they dont dare to defend their book. Why canot they  just say  dont burn our quran without mentioning alqaida? What they would have said if there were no alqaida or "extremists"?. I wish they can answer me this quetion.
    abdullahmuslim1 @ 9/15/2010 4:56 PM EST

waxaad tiri they are not islam???
lakiin islaam waa diinta qofku wuxuu noqdaa muslim,

midakale isku day inaad muslim raac noqoto intii aad gaalo raac noqon lehee
gaalo iyo wixii raaco waa isku mid naar baana udanbeysa
ee intii aad towbo leedihiin toobo keena muslimii tana raaca oo taageera

eebow islaamka iyo muslimiinta cizee, gaalada iyo gaalo raacana dulee
    momo519 @ 9/15/2010 12:27 PM EST

Florisa Pastor cancled his stunt.

Alhabab and Alqaida were disappointed because that stunt would have given them more tools to recruit innocent children into their cynical minds.

Now, it seems that Alqaida and Alhabab are going ahead and burning the Koran and blaming the Americans!

We all knew that Alqaida and Alhabab were lunatic groups that had no religious faith.

They are not Islam, Christian, or Jewish.

Alqaida and Alhabab believe no God or Allah.

If they do, they would not be burning the sacred Koran.

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