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    xamarweyne @ 10/26/2010 9:00 PM EST
 There was a length discussion before the current nominated PM come to be seen. Some argued that since the last PM was from Darod, this time Dir clan should be elected. Others argued that since majority of the dir clan is in north west somalia in what is called somaliland, the Darod should be nominated. Then the discussion moved if there will be a darod clan again, he or she should be not be in Majerteen, thus opening the door for marehan.
    xamarweyne @ 10/26/2010 8:58 PM EST
 It was reported there were at least four candidates from Marehan clan for the job, but the prsident Sheikh Sharif selected to nominate Mohamed A mohamed for PM job. Mr Mohamed was the least experience of all four candidates. The president was looking for someone who would be Mr Yes man and someone who is not familiar with the current politics. The others was reported had much experience and they had a lot of support which the presient did not liked. Just becuase that Mr Mohamed was educated in the USA, the president thought that he can convince international communities that he was looking someone with american background.
    xamarweyne @ 10/26/2010 8:56 PM EST
 However, this article clarified the idealogy of the MR Mohamed that he is less experience of the any government affair. Now everyone knows that he wrote in his thesis that mogadishu people are animals and they do not want government. He thinks that siyad barre was the savior of the somali nation and his tribes men are the only one equiped to handle the current affair of somalia. Even if the parliament approved, he will have a tough time to move forward.

    momo519 @ 10/26/2010 12:47 PM EST

Orod viatnameska hoos seexo caqli darraa ku heyso.

The simple truth is Somaliland will never be RECOGNIZED!

I guarantee you will die waiting for a recognition!

Iska calaacal.

    Egeh @ 10/26/2010 2:27 AM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
Nin ma tihid naag ma tihid e waxaad tahay dameer dameer dhalay oon Somali ku abtirsan.Qabiilkaaga dugaag ah ee reer doofaar na waad qarinaysa qabaailka xorta ahna waa aflagaadaynaysaa. Baqal yohow.
    Egeh @ 10/26/2010 2:21 AM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
So you and your mama spread the donkeys.
    momo519 @ 10/25/2010 10:02 AM EST

I never said that I was a man or woman.

It's not relevant.

I know many of your Isaaq men and their women are used by Darod and Hawiye regularly in Toronto and Ottawa.

I'm not talking about 1 or 2. I'm talking about over 20 of your women.

Meanwhile, your men are busy running around crying for Somaliland that will never come!

And your women are spreading for Darod and Hawiye!

    Egeh @ 10/25/2010 6:41 AM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
Isaaq men are known to be your users and a'busers.
    momo519 @ 10/25/2010 3:08 AM EST

lol! are you aure?

I Isaaq men are known to be....
    Egeh @ 10/24/2010 6:44 PM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
Now that you confirmed that you are b.i.t.ch, a big dog is ready and available for you marriage in the Zoo.
    Egeh @ 10/24/2010 6:38 PM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
So you finally admit that you are a women and what is more for you to admit is that you are lousy w.h.o.r.e.
    momo519 @ 10/24/2010 10:46 AM EST

You cant even read?

Where did I say that I was not a woman?

Stupid loser. Learn how to read.

    Egeh @ 10/24/2010 1:55 AM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
You said that you are not a woman. it doesn't matter because I can make one anytime I want. I say you are in fact a women and that is final. You have no options.
    Egeh @ 10/24/2010 1:44 AM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
I have prepared a special place your little monkey a.s.s  in the Hargeisa zoo where you will be on display for all to laugh at your silly actions  for amusement.
    Egeh @ 10/24/2010 1:38 AM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
Little monkey! you sure look like you are ashamed of your origin, but who cares. We deal with the humans who know and appreciate the great and successful nation of Somaliland where commonsense prevails and where all live in peace and harmony.
    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 7:26 PM EST

...because there is no such thing as somaliland.

And I'm going to call it like it is: Isaaq land.

You should be proud of that.

It's a little Isaaq project that is going no where.

Dhulbahante and Warsangeli are building up their SSC project.

Gadabursi is building up their little Awdal project.

Isaaqs should face the truth and accept that their little project is doomed.

You sound so stupid when you refer me as a Darod Woman.

Because you dont know if I'm a Darod and you dont know if I'm a Woman.

I can understand that your little childish brain cannot comprehend that I could even be an Isaaq.

Pathetic loser!

    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 5:19 PM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
It seems that you can't get enough of the name Isaaq. What are you a jealous women used and abused by Isaaq? If you have been divorced and thrown out like yesterday's garbage  you forget Isaaq and ask your Farmaajo to get you a husband from the D.clan.
    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 3:49 PM EST

At least this monkey understands what Isaaqs fail to understand; that this stupid professor will not get you anywhere.

After all he may not be that stupid if he is fooling the whole Isaaqs to get them their dream recognition that will never come.

    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 3:33 PM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
Trust me Farmaajo will not be confirmed, but will be confined in Mogadishu to face the consequences of his a'busive language towards the Hawiye people and their and their heroes.The guy fell into a trap. He, instead of going back to America to start legal proceedings, will be begging the good professor to use his good office and influences to help him get released.
    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 2:40 PM EST
 momo519 aka silly monkey,
I wasted enough time trying to reason with a silly monkey like you.It is quite obvious that you do not belong to a forum where humans debate, discuss relevant matters  and exchange useful ideas so the time has come to send you back to the zoo where you belong and I will personally ensure that the great professor engage in your rehabilitation and retraining in your learning how to live with the reason animals once again.

    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 12:14 PM EST

It's true and everyone knows that General Aidid was a ruthles thug and a poor model for humanity.

BTW, Gen Aidid is not a Hawiye hero. He was as stupid as Colonel Aweys and Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf and Colonel Riyale Kahin.

Dr. Ibrahim Addow is a Hawiye hero and done so much for Somalis for so little time.

So what if Farmajo doesn't get confirmation. Big deal. I could careless.

But I hope the parliament rejects Farmaajo and he returns to America and files a law suit against your beloved Viatnamese Pham.

BTW, we are not debating here. We are not talking about Farmaajo.

We are talking about your Viatnamese Pham whose being paid by the Isaaq clan in Hargeysa to get them for the recognition they so desire that will never come.

It's because of these Viatnamese's stupidness that thinks an image of hoplessness in the South will give a recognition to the Isaaqs.

It never worked before and it will not going to work.

    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 11:40 AM EST
 Momo519 aka silly monkey,
This Farmaajo character of yours has the audacity to in'sult the great hero of Africa General Aideed in his thesis calling him ( a ruthless thug and a poor model for humanity). That was a poor judgment to say the least and that is why he is being punished and there is a  possibility of rejection instead of  confirming him for the premiership. He can not badmouth Hawiye and their heroes and get away with it.
    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 11:15 AM EST
I see that you can't change. You are still the same old s'illy monkey whose idea of a debate is to badmouth and in'sult a whole c'lan. You and I are talking about Farmaajo and since you can not defend him credibly or your d'onkey self you resorted to p'rofanity! what a low life you are.
    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 10:07 AM EST

BTW, anyone who believes this fat Pham who writes like a grade 9 is stupid.

It says so much about Isaaqs when they paid such a low level professor who teachs a very low ranking university.

I'm not surprised that it's taking this long for Isaaqs to get recognition.

What a waste!

    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 10:02 AM EST

Of course it's bad and dirty job....if you can prove it.

It's easy to say anything. But it's hard and impossiple to prove the said things if they've been invented as your Pham seems to be.

    Egeh @ 10/23/2010 8:37 AM EST
Debate like a man if you can and quit if you can not, but don't call anyone stupid. It looks like you want to start your monkey business and s'illy in'sults. Anyways spying was part and parcel of this Farmaajo ch'aracter. He was a secret service with a full colonel's rank planted in the embassy to spy on his colleagues and the visitors of the embassy alike. Don't you think that was a bad and a dirty job?
    momo519 @ 10/23/2010 3:28 AM EST

You must be stupid or worse.

I cant prove that Farmajo got his job in D.C. because of cronyism.

How could I prove that?

I dont have radio conversation. I dont have paper trail. I dont have a video recording.

I was never there in person.

If you dont have any of these and you could still prove that, kudos to you.

Farmajo's employment record with the embassay is not in question. And no one cares about his performance in the emabassy.

What's in question is how he got to the embassy.

If you or your dummy Pham or anyone in the world can prove how he got to the embassy, I'll take my hat off!
    Egeh @ 10/22/2010 10:41 PM EST
If you wish to dig deeper there are far more serious things about Farmaajo's employment (his real job) records with the Embassy which could also be proved. Do you really want to know and bring it to the attention of the public or you want to leave it at that?
    Egeh @ 10/22/2010 10:28 PM EST
Now you decided to wash Farmaajo's dirty linen in the public. You are asking the others Mr.Pham included to dig the dark past of this person who got his position with Embassy in D.C by way of pure cronyism, favoritism and clan-ism. Pham can prove that beyond  any reasonable doubt, you if you are honest can prove it and for that matter any real Somali can prove it too and Farmaajo himself can't deny it if he has a shred of honesty.
He did not deserve to be in that high position without any proper qualifications or political and diplomatic experience and that itself could be proved in a court of law.The other thing that could be proved are his sinister opinion about certain Somali clans who as his thesis record lack discipline and a sense of purpose and are confused as to what their priorities should be.
    momo519 @ 10/22/2010 9:45 PM EST


When someone takes you to court, based on things you've said against that person, you must prove what you said are facts and can be examined in court.

This Pham guy, that you are inlove with, has to prove it was cronyism that got farmajo to Washington. He has to explain his motive to injure Farmajo's reputation.

He will be requuired to explain on his word choices, and sentence choices and tone.

I've sat in court proceedings and listened defamation cases.

Your Pham will have to spend money to defend his personal attacks against a decent American Tax Payer.

You and your Pham can dig as deep as you want on Farmaajo's history.

All you will get is nothing but a decent hardworking Muslim Somali American guy.

    Egeh @ 10/22/2010 7:36 PM EST
 Records speak for themselves and what someone proudly puts in a thesis is what he earnestly believes and in all probabilities  what he would practice in the real life.
    Egeh @ 10/22/2010 7:23 PM EST
 Records speak for themselves and what someone proudly puts in a thesis is what he earnestly believes and in all probabilities  what he would practice in the real life.
    magudbe @ 10/22/2010 4:45 PM EST
 Dr. Pham is paid lobbiyst for Somaliland.. what ever he writes should be taken
with grain of salt.. The new PM has a clean slate.. I do not agree with much of what
he narrated in his thesis.. critical thinking as it may be, he comes across someone
who has some reservations about certain quarters in the Somali clan families.
As a puntlander, I support him provided that he adheres to the constitution and the
power sharing formula.. however putrid as it may be. Any one who read the PHD
thesis of the current president of Palestine.. Dr. Mohamoud Abbas in Russia, can
attest to, that he modified/changed his views ,vis-a-vis Israel.. I hope and pray that current PM of
Somalia does that same.. and ppl should judge him for his record , rather than what
he wrote in a thesis... Mr.PM you have my support . keep it up.
    mo_mohamed @ 10/22/2010 4:26 PM EST
 It is clanism, not just cronyism that got Farmajo posted to Washington. It reminds me sadly when Marehan was the Majeedheen of 1960.
    abdiabdulle @ 10/22/2010 4:09 PM EST
 Dr. Who? Pham?

In my opinion, this guy has failed to make any valid point, but rather only wanted to attack the dignity and assassinate the character of the new PM. He criticizes the PM’s views of various issues; among them: Ethiopia’s interest on Somalia. But what he fails to understand is, that many Somalis are in agreement with the new PM.

Further, Mr. Pham pretends he is knowledgeable to Somali politics and Somalia in general. He questions the new PM’s eligibility for the post “Apart from the dubious personal merits of the new prime minister, there remain questions about his legal qualification for the job (article 47 of the Transitional Federal Charter requires that he be a member of parliament)” , what he doesn’t know is, that rule was changed. It was modified when Nur Ade was appointed for the PM position. He reminded me, when US troops were entering Somalia 1992, CNN brought a man they told us was SOMALIA EXPERT. He was asked, “What should the Marines do upon arriving Mogadishu?”  He answered, “they have to secure the Airport, the seaport, and the railway” apparently, he used read books about Somalia in the Italian colony era, but didn’t know that railway left with the colonial owners.

My advice to Mr Pham, if you are really a DR. as your title depicts, please learn how to research before you make injudicious and foolish testimonies.
    Egeh @ 10/22/2010 3:26 PM EST
 Should he choose to take anybody to court he would be in trouble because some more of his dirty past might be dug up so he better let the sleeping dogs lie.
    momo519 @ 10/22/2010 1:05 PM EST

It's networking that got him the job.

If it's cronyism, he better be able to prove it in court.

    shaafi @ 10/22/2010 12:29 PM EST
 dear brothers Dr Pham and any one like are those created our divisions
are the very ones who left behind this poisonous and fatal
tanet which ruined africa as whole.
look at the language he used and how he wants to highlight all the defects of this new pm

even if what dr pham says is true, is it the right time to say? no really but he wants to ignite
an other problem among us.
brothers we are all human and do mistakes, and no can claim that he is 100% perfect however
not supporting any wrong doing of the PM I beleive it is time to forgive and forget what happened in the past
and to concentrate the future and how we can save our beloved country from the waraabaha like dr pham
    mo_mohamed @ 10/22/2010 7:08 AM EST
 You are a typical clan-motivated Somali trying to run away from the truth. Since you detest the truth which is the only tool to rebuild Somalia you are Somalidiid, not Somalidoon. Don't insult and threaten Dr Pham, we are not living in the time of MOD. Death threats and killings was how MOD and cronysm ruled the nation when 20-year-old Farmajo was promoted diplomat and then 1st secretary to Washington Embassy by Adeerkii Abdirahman Buluq Buluq.
    soomaalidoonka @ 10/22/2010 12:41 AM EST
 It is obvious this information is fed to this Cambodian mercenary by MARYOOLEY. While I don't care this guy and the TFG itself and I think this appointment is too little too late to do anything about the current Somali affairs, I still think this stupid guy has no say in Somali affairs. All he is posting here is just typical fadhikudirir stuff perhaps with the exception of the thesis part, which I agree with him for the most part. It is people like Mo who this information would make a sense. He has the audacity to post here "I talk to my girl friend;s dad...blah blah" " ,,and viva Mogadishu and Hargeisa government" as if that would kill anyone else who is not from there. He seems sick to his throat and I think animosity is killing him...what a fake sick guy.  
    Egeh @ 10/21/2010 9:18 PM EST
 Very true. No educational qualifications were necessary or required to get a job at the Somali Embassy in D.C at that point of time, only a simple proof of relationship with the big one sufficed.
    momo519 @ 10/21/2010 7:58 PM EST

Farmajo will be taking this fake dotor to court for defamationa dn damages.

The fake doctor has to prove that it was cronyism that got Farmajo to his diplomatic post.

The fake doctor has to prove that post secondary education was required to get a job with Somali Embassy in D.C.

The fake doctor has a lot of explanantion to do in court.

This time he crossed path with American citizen and therefore American courts will settle it.

    nuunow @ 10/21/2010 7:42 PM EST

I think Mr. Pham is an American of Vietnamese origin and he is entitled to his opinion (but not his OWN opinion, though!).

You can bring counter-arguments to the table in a civilized manner or without being disparaging, otherwise you will simply undermine or lose your own credibility.
    Egeh @ 10/21/2010 6:29 PM EST
 Somalilanders are not interested very much on who is the president or the prime minister of Somalia. Quite simply that doesn't concern us therefore anyone of you who thinks that we are behind this article on Farmaajo is wrong. You can attack Pham all you want, but leave us alone and stop your misguided blame game.
    Egeh @ 10/21/2010 3:51 PM EST
 Mr.Pham on Farmaajo and suddenly all you could see, think about or imagine is Somaliland cash dollars in action.How mindless!
    mo_mohamed @ 10/21/2010 3:03 PM EST
 Nomadic, why are you showing signs of shaking to the truth. It looks as though truth is burning your gut and abdomen. Dr Pham is a prophetic professor who has an exceptional expertise on Somali Studies, specially notoritious MOD clan system laid down by Afweyne. I am impressed at how Dr Pham explained how Farmajo and his clan prospered the injustice of Afweyne regime. I sent an email of appreciation to Dr Pham, encouraging to continue and accelarate writing his truth-telling articles which makes intellectual change to Somali Diaspora Community.
    fiqicigaal @ 10/21/2010 1:50 PM EST
 I wonder why every simple debate must turn into clan argument even if the issue in hand has nothing to do with clan, or has it?

Ahh, I could be wrong in my perception that some how we are able to separate clan tit for tat talk from sensitive and important issues that needs to be addressed and decided for the common interest because may be every thing about Somalia is entwined with clan and clan intererst.

In other words, our whole world revolves on that sacred card, 'THe Clan Card'.

How naive and insensitive can we go in relying on that very primitive clan mentality that led us to this endless chaos.
    mysomalia @ 10/21/2010 12:52 PM EST
 What has a chinese with a wicked eyes got to do with
somali problems? How does he know every thing he writes
about somalia and its leaders unless he is informed by
h@ters who cant stand on the somali name.
I think Mr Pham or what ever his name is should focus on
the chinese human right abuse and how they behave with
thier mainority people like Tibet and Uigers.

Mahiigaan Totaly agree with you this is insult to the
somali people and somali nation. But waht you do when
some somalis hung out with foriegners and inform them
how bad we behave with each other by believing they may benefit out
of it. I hope they stop thier disgusting behavior and
be happy thier race and country.

Hawd I have also lost many things cus of the civil war
like my childhood and lack of school most of my life but I forgive every one
who is responsible of the civilwar and I will always love somalia no matter what.
And I think you should do the same.
    nomadic1 @ 10/21/2010 11:55 AM EST
 What a naughty professor!
    somalipeace10 @ 10/21/2010 10:22 AM EST
 This individual Mr.Pam has been at pains to promote the secessionist agenda of our brethern in the north.However, he is trying to comment on situation(Somali affairs) he knows very little about, save the propoganda passed on to him by his employers. Let us recognise that he is another MERCENARY, nothing more or less and treat him as such. He tried to choose and pick from the thesis of this newly appointed prime minister. My position on this transitional government is known.Hoever, it is up to the Somalis to decide their future but not a ill-paid mercenary.I think he is hurting their cause more than he is helping.Unfortunately, many of our mis-guided brothers seem not to get it.
    Hawd @ 10/21/2010 4:57 AM EST

Hmmm,you are not a boy then, but only thinking and behaving like a one. You are a few years younger than me anyway, but then I am not surprised at your behavioural peculiarity as you are close relative of of Lamadage, the self-declared intellectual.

I still respect your views a good Somali who is trying to hold his belief together in vain. And for the future, we will have two goverments ; Somaliland and Somalia with people going freely between the borders. With those do not agree with this have to c'ommit s'uicide before they have to see and witness the truth with their eyes.
    Mahiigaan @ 10/20/2010 9:55 PM EST
 Peter pham all somalis should treat him as persona
non grata.
I could not read
his filthy words because he starts insults our people
He has no right to insult our leaders, this is insult
to the dignity of all Somali people.( i know some
people are in igare with no dignity)
every article these people write against your people
and your country is a way to make you feel inferior to
who is peter pham other than some Fatass small-eye
creep who read some books! what does he know about
Somalia or Somalis?
    nuunow @ 10/20/2010 8:01 PM EST

I hear you well, but kindly re-read my previous post, especially the first statement.

The new PM (yet to be confirmed) admitted that TFG with its "business as usual"-mentality is nothing but a failure and one of his top priorities will be to address and change it for betterment. Just listen to his first speech with open mind. Yes, its easily said than done, but nothing is impossible in this crazy world and no corruption and incompetency, which become the legacy of Somali government is bound to prevail in the end! Rampant corruption will continue to exist, though!

Can one indvidual make postive changes in Somalia? The answer is no, one person alone cannot bring changes. But one person (with the help of others) can start/trigger positive changes that begins with simple individual(s) ideas which then take root and grow into something greater. For instance, the market-oriented reforms of Greater China, one of the largest economy in the world, was initiated by single individual.

As for the achievements of TFG, it doesn´t matter who (individual, Somali troops or allies) kicked Al-haraam from many areas, its still victory for all Somalis including TFG, who represent Somalia and Somalis in everywhere!

"A pragmatic hope . . . provide[s] us a resource for facing complicated problems whose solutions are not obvious or within immediate reach. A pragmatic hope is thus itself a source of hope."  by Dr. Patrick Shade. 
    Egeh @ 10/20/2010 5:09 PM EST
 I see some of you are not only dishonest, but are hypocrites to the bone. You want to make the naive and simple minded people to believe that this simple article written by Pham about Farmaajo has anything to do with Somaliland. This is preposterous to say the least.
    mysomalia @ 10/20/2010 4:32 PM EST
 I meant to say Iam NOT that boy, Iam almost 30 yrs old
    mysomalia @ 10/20/2010 4:31 PM EST
 Hawd. Iam that boy man Iam almost 30 yrs old. I know why somalia is at the bottom
and the reason behind it. Its all somalis foult not Isaaq, Darod or Hawiye. Each family have to accept
its share of the somali prpblem otherwise nothing will go ahead. Why would you want
to divide the country? And who do you think will fellow you with ur **somaliland**?
Remember its not only ISAAQ that live the so called SOMALILAND. IF you cant get along
with the somalis in the SOUTH then there is no way you will get along with those in the north
so even if we divide somalia in to PL; SL and SOUTH there are still mixed somali in each
territory so I dont see any reason we may be better of to be different LAND LAND.
The best way is to accept each other and come up some solution which is fair for all the ppl.
Paying to a foriener every time for seccesionst purpose will not give you independent
from somalia and it will only increase the h@te between somalis. Weather you like it
or not somalis will not accept the division of the country.

I h
    mo_mohamed @ 10/20/2010 3:55 PM EST
 Dear Dr Pham,

You got the point. You are the truth-teller of Somali Studies. Please keep up the good work and help Somalis with your telling-truth essays.
    fiqicigaal @ 10/20/2010 3:17 PM EST
 I am afraid the only scheme at work here in this article is that Pham who neither cares about Somaliland nor gives a hoot if all Somalis perish into thin air is laughing all the way to the  bank for inciting hatred between unsuspecting Somalis who are led to believe that he is like the messiah and that he can bring miracles.
    Hawd @ 10/20/2010 2:44 PM EST

Do not be discouraged by my comments Mysomalia, we are all still brothers and sisters but again we have to at some point swallow the bitter pills to get treated. All Somalis have to come together and divid the country for better and good of all Somalis.
We Somalilanders do not like the Lamadage people from South who bizarrely consider themselves intellectuals uninvited. So, in the South with full of Lamadage people you cannot get the trust of other people and this why you have been in chaos for twenty years. This is fact and not exaggeration.
    Hawd @ 10/20/2010 2:21 PM EST

Uh-oh, my unreserved apology to you for my misconception about your gender, please forgive me. This was all down to your all the time emotional postings to other comments that you do not agree with.

With my advice to you, since you are still a boy and relatively inexprienced with what caused the situation in Somalia today and what had happened before, you need to balance your head between wrongs and rights and learn the truth from both foe and friends.
Most of Somalis dearly want to get their country off the ground and stand again as a country as it was before. But this is not that easy boy, and this is why you have to understand and that some Somalis like me
want to see two neighbouring countries from former Somali Republic simply because we are better off to be two sisterly countries that can help each other from outside but separate sovereign states.

No hard feeling here, we all Somalis are brothers/sisters, but if we get back together another w'ar will break out and Somaliland and Puntland will get sucked into this t'urmoil happening in the South now. This is why somaliland will never agree to the union again. This a forgone conclusion whether one agees or not.
You guys have been fighting for twenty odd years and from this we learned who you really are, a non existent people in the real world and we cannot be part of that chaos anymore.  
    fiqicigaal @ 10/20/2010 1:39 PM EST
 Hol, you really annoy me more than any loud mouth fadhi-ku-dirir in any Somali social network does.

I say, cuna i sii daaya!
    fiqicigaal @ 10/20/2010 1:24 PM EST
 What is the fuss all about? And who said fixing broken Somalia  will be an easy ride for anyone at this time of all times?

    mysomalia @ 10/20/2010 12:19 PM EST
 Hawd. Thanks bro. I may say some bad things about you
and Egeh but its not personal. Thanks for respecting the
name that i carry and I mean it I love somalia more then
my live so if you find me aggressive in some issue dont
take it personal. I have to uppset you Iam not a GIRL but
a BOY kkk. But many thanks any way and I will make sure
to spell your name in correct way. You carry a beautifull
name too, which is the land that AMXAARO INJIREEY robbed us from.
We should come close to each other and save UNITED SOMALIA.
    Egeh @ 10/20/2010 12:01 PM EST
 Cagliga fayoobi wuxuu leeyahay codka wax lagu dooranaayaa waa inuu ahaadaa qarsoodi si uu qofka wax dooranaayaa si xor ah oo xalaal  wax u doorto kii oon xeerinayn qabiil, balan uu hore u qaaday, laaluush uu qaatay, damac iyo hunguri kaga jira mansab uu isleeyahay waad waaye haddii lagau ogaado sidaad codka u bixisay.
    Simansime @ 10/20/2010 11:42 AM EST
 Shariif Hassan markuu rabey inuu dhaafiyo mooshinka ahaa in Ethiopia ay soo geli karto Soomaaliya wuxuu ku qaaday vote kii gacan taag oo aan qarsoodi ahayn, oo na xoog cad ahayd. Maantana wuxuu leeyahay vote ka kalsoonida PM ha noqdo mid qarsoodi ah, waayo? wax la qariyaa qurun baa ku jira.
    Hawd @ 10/20/2010 11:35 AM EST
 ... get yourself and act together ...
    Hawd @ 10/20/2010 11:32 AM EST

You have got and carry a beautiful name and I hope you are a beautiful Somali girl too, who can get an attention from a fellow eligible Somali man. I always admire your writing and comments for their consistency and belief in united Somalia.

But you have got only one downside, which is that you always misspell my name incorrectly whether deliberately or down to one of your senses not working properly. In either way, I forgive and still can offer to debate with you nicely and in this way we can get closer and forge a some sort of ....

So, please yourself and act together to get ticked for the right person!  
    momo519 @ 10/20/2010 11:32 AM EST

This Viatnamese is seeking an attention.

His writing skills are more like highschool than a professor!
    fiqicigaal @ 10/20/2010 11:20 AM EST
 Hol, war cunaha isii daaya inkaartii dhusa weyne idin ku dhacday e.
    Simansime @ 10/20/2010 11:02 AM EST
 Same old game same old Shariif Hassan is manipulating the Parliament. That is why you can't expect any change what so ever.

Fadhigii baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo fashilay - BBC Somali October 20, 2010

Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ku fashilay in uu kalsooni siiyo Raiisal Wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed.
Baarlamaanka ayaa kulankiisii maanta oo uu ka qeyb galay Madaxweyne Shariif Shiikh Axmed, uuna Guddoominayay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamanka, Shariif Xasan Shiikh Adan, waxaa ka dhacay buuq ka dib markii la isku af garan waayay qaabka loo qaadayo codka.
Koox ayaa daneyneysay in codku uu noqdo qarsoodi si qof qaliba uu sida isaga la habboon ugu codeeyo. Laakiin qaar kale ayaa doonayay in codku uu ahaado gacan taag.
Sida darteed buuq ka dhacay goobta la fadhiyay, ayaa Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, Shariif Xasan Shiikh Axmed, wuxuu goostay in uu xiro fadhiga baarlamaanka oo Sabtida dib la isugu soo noqdo.

    Simansime @ 10/20/2010 10:47 AM EST

Hear me well, I am not critizing the new PM who still has to be confirmed by the Parliament. I am critizing TFG over all and it would be futile to pick one person, when the whole entity is failure. How can you measure success story of the Government when you are relaying performance of individuals like Barre Hiiraale and Dabageed in Hiiraan. There is difference being hopefull and being du*mbfounded with reality.
    nuunow @ 10/20/2010 10:15 AM EST

The new PM promised that he will address the issues you mentioned but in reality it could be all hype - nothing delivered. Nobody (including Mr. Pham whose honesty is questionable) but Allah knows for sure what is gonna happen in the future.

On one hand, your logical thinking could be right because Sharmarke with the same qualifications and experiences has failed to bring tangible changes, so why would the new PM succeed under same circumstances?

But on the other hand, considering that circumstances are slightly different (Islamist are losing ground and TFG is getting an upper hand) and unlike his predecessors, the new PM came with a different but sound plan stating that he will change current political course (no deep pockets, no tribalism and positions appointed by merit rather than using clan power sharing formula and many more), then its fair to say that his chance of bringing some changes is neither unrealistic and nor completely out of touch. In fact, changes seem more plausible now than two years ago due to fact that people are more tired of the futile war and are now more mature for peace -- at any cost!

Will he practice what he preaches and deliver promises he made? That remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, we need to pray and keep our hopes alive for our sake and that of this war-torn nation.
    Egeh @ 10/20/2010 9:41 AM EST
I suggest you make use of the ana'lytical s'kills of this well known prof'essor and based on the facts highlighted by him about your yet to be confirmed p'rime m'inister  weigh the pros and cons to decide the suit'ability of Farmaajo for the p'remiership.
    Egeh @ 10/20/2010 9:29 AM EST
Some more blame game.Refute the facts put forward by Pham and stop in'sulting the I-idoors or else you never will get out of this quagmire of yours.
    Simansime @ 10/20/2010 8:01 AM EST
 As much we know this man is agent hired by the secessionist group. But one has to face and see what he said about the TFG, is anyone in here would say those allegations are un true?. In concolution, this man said that this new PM can't change much like his past predecors and how hard is that to grasp. As we know the mandate is till Aug 2011, let them play till the end. Rajo xumo illaah nama geliyo, laakiin Soomaali waa in ay tiraahdaa waxakan shaqayn mayso. We should be realistic, but not dreamers of un attainable goals. Flying around the world, filling the pockets and more is the legacy of this Government.
    mysomalia @ 10/20/2010 6:01 AM EST
''As matter of fact and without exaggeration, it was the Somalilanders who where
the running engine of the country since 1960 up till 1985 when the reckless driver,
Siyad Barreh, of the vehicle crashed it to a wall and the engined stalled on the impact permantly.''

Howd you must be kdding me. Since when have you guys been the running engine of
the country? The only thing you brought to somalia is QABYAALAD and JAAD. Is that
some thing to be proud of? We can see the this chinese man was paid to write this
rvpish article but the quastion is, what do the IDOORS benefit out of the somali problem?
They said they left us but still they cant stop to come up rvbish claims just to prolong
the somali problem. Waa wax cirka laga soo tuuray kuwan yaa naga qabto nac-nacdooda.
And why do they have the need of paying to foriener? Dont they know english since they
were supposed to mini-english or I may say AGOOTII ENGLAND KA TAGTAY?
    Hawd @ 10/20/2010 5:41 AM EST
Dr. Pham, I could not agree more than this of your article, it is absolutely cracking the truth where is need. I saw many of your artcles on Somaliland and Somalia and always admire for your truthfulness and clarification of right to the point of concern.
In Somalia, the country needs the right people to get off the ground and lead a proper life and stable goverment. As matter of fact and without exaggeration, it was the Somalilanders who where the running engine of the country since 1960 up till 1985 when the reckless driver, Siyad Barreh, of the vehicle crashed it to a wall and the engined stalled on the impact permantly.

This is why they cannot replace the engine with a proper one because they cannot make a good engine themselves and neither can they buy or borrow another right one. Dr. Pham, with your great prowess of understanding in historical and current Somali affairs and your interest in how things are unfolding in month in month out, there is no ending in the crises of Somalia in the near future as its people are not rippen enough to sort out.
Unfortunately these people you are talking to and telling the truth are born hopelesses and do not want hear the truth as they cannot handle it or have got the capacity and courage to face it up.


Lamadage aka Cali-nacas,

Listen im'poster, the Iidoor you are always bashing here with your desperation of jealousy to stop them from their goal cannot get you anywhere or anything. we saw and encountered your people in batt'les in many times and defeated them spectacularly. So, my advice to you is go and do something for yourselves instead of sticking your noses into affairs of better people. Cali-nacas is alaways Cali-nacas!
    Lamadage @ 10/20/2010 2:47 AM EST
 Rest of his fa*ts as brother Stick put it -if it holds-  gives some credit to Farmaajo. These include;

1- His stand on Abyssinia and Kenyan the two arch enemies of Somali nation

2- His territorial integrity of Somalia including Somali Galbeed and NFD


If anyone around this fake PM he should tell him:

List Fat as T person against Somali territorial integrity.

With that you can curtail both Idoor dream and their layman in Washington DC luuqluuq.
    Lamadage @ 10/20/2010 2:45 AM EST
 In time of American meltdown he has to suck more Ayuuto from Hargeysa to pay bills. Therefore, he took aim on this fake PM. Not in scholarly way but on clannish mudslinging Somali way.

Aside from that Fat confirms my earlier stand that the man is die hard supporter of strong Somali central government. Is that big deal? No. Moreover, the western bogyman: Somali Islamist was his selling point to America government. The two points are quite obvious among desired appointment qualification. He was vetted by American, Abyssinia and regional stake holders of Somali politics.

    Lamadage @ 10/20/2010 2:42 AM EST
 As Somali Islamist my stand on this whole fake TFG fiasco is clear. Neither it serve the aspiration of Somalis nor it has merit to stay in Somali politics. It is anti-Somali let alone un-Islamic.

That said and from get go I never been in illusion this hog (Peter Fat) is real threat to Somali national security. His whole sewage work revolve around dismembering Somali territorial integrity.  So far he failed to achieve Idoor dream despite his non scholarly paper-trails are littered in American less influential academic circles/print media. Or shall I say it failed because of Idoor non sell-able goods. Thanks to many Somali Islamist and nationalist successful refutation of his l*es.

    Stickorcarrot @ 10/19/2010 11:34 PM EST
 Alas, desperation propaganda from secessionist and its cheerleaders.

Mr Pham, why do you have to list all these media outlet? To convince us
how credible you are? In the eyes of Somalis, you have none. You are nothing
but a hired gun who will go the distance to earn misguided $$ from delusional
individuals among our family. Your effort is better spent if you advocate for
your people and atrocities committed against them ..remember agent orange?

You tried your best to make this guy wolf in sheep's clothing. In fact, I think
in the eyes of "regular" Somalis, you made him better. In all due respect, it is
acceptable for him to say nice things about Siad Barre, we can take that as Somalis.
What we did not know was his stand towards the traitor in E Africa. Thank you for
your clarification.

In your simple misguided understanding, you think, any Somali leader who is not
Melez's good side is non-starter, sorry to tell you and your supporters in the
closet, we can be against Melez and point his betrayal of Somali family, and the
same time, lead the Somali people. Truly, this article helps this guy more than it
hinders....he can thank that your handlers in the closet
    ilatali @ 10/19/2010 8:58 PM EST
 The new PM is what Somali needs, young educated
and of course Somali-American from qurbojooga.

He is challange to old, uneducated, clan minded
leaders of S/L, P/L and TFG islamist in the last 20

Ethiopia, Ugandha, and Kenya ers to dominate
Somali politics is over..

We welcome the new prime misnter and wish him succuss..

Waabaa beryo bilicsan arooryo baxsaan maalin wacano..
    nuunow @ 10/19/2010 8:49 PM EST
War ninkaan nacnac laha ah warka iyo beenta uu wado wuxuu ula jeedaa isku dir iyo iska horkeen dadka Soomaalida ee walaalaha ah.

    Simansime @ 10/19/2010 6:13 PM EST
 Ouch! that h*urts and I just wonder why the PM's dirty laundry is out so fast, maybe some of his clan family are not happy his nomination and they wished Goonjeex or Abdiqani Diini would be considered for the post.


Did you say he is planning to be inaugurated 21 OCTOBER(kkkk Oktobar waa tee? waa taayadii). No way, he is not going to do that, unless he is so out of touch.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 10/19/2010 5:34 PM EST
 Although Ph.D Pham is on the payrol of the seccesionist encalve of Somaliland, I think much he is saying about the new Boy in Mogadisho is right. What ever motive he has on this article, I think alot of material in the article are on the spot. I swallow my hopes back from the get go when I read that "He was born 1962 and was wokring at a high proffile job at the foreing minister 1982". Go and figure. I think he will just remind us the Bare years and the injustice that brought us to this point.
Welcome back Mareexaan, welcome back Mohamed(Siyaad), welcome back Ocktober and hopefully welcome back 21 ocktober(the day he will be innagurated).  

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