9 comment(s)
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    Hussein Abdiruh @ 3/2/2007 5:23 PM EST
 laylasamatar you are the best sis keep it positive and best yet
ignore such dumps.
    laylasamatar @ 3/2/2007 4:56 AM EST
 hawood, I dont blame you, you obviously need help.  Maybe you should consider spending some of the time you spend in hatred in learning how to spell a word or two
    hawood @ 3/1/2007 8:16 PM EST
 Layladhillosamatar is here too. The government
don't start the fight kulahaa. You sick Majeerteen
and the Somalis have realized that so where are
you going to go know? What are you going to do?
Dhillo you should consider how you and other
dhillooyin will weep when we destroy your men.
Abdullaahi yeey will soon be gone so will
Majeerteen. Qashinbaad tihiin kulliggin and
we'll discard you rightfully.
TFG= Totally F#ked Government
    amina_samajecel @ 2/28/2007 4:41 PM EST
 The author is correct. It is the right of Somalis to choose
what they want, no one should dictate to them.
Somalia's problem is corruption and nepotism.
People seek power to serve their grid and use clansmen to reach
their goals. The author is more realistic than the Somali guy
who tried to mislead the author for clannish reasons.
God is just and His Holy Qur'an is the truth. There were ignorant
people and also pretenders who slashed people, perhaps,
they were working for TFG. Who knows.
What we know and what the author and many others including
"arrogant" Ms. Frazer agree is that UIC were the best
when it comes to peace and order in Southern Somalia.
Their achievement  was the best possible because they were formed
by the people, were working for the people and gained
the trust of the people.

    Yousef2 @ 2/28/2007 12:09 PM EST
    laylasamatar @ 2/28/2007 12:09 PM EST
 nonsense, are you sure you are not a UIC member posing as a European man!!! if the UIC care about the people why don't they stop firing on them.  the governm,ent don't start the fight they defend themselves from traitors enemies of Somalia.  whoare they actually work for, not the Somalis for sure?
    nadia @ 2/28/2007 10:09 AM EST
    nadia @ 2/28/2007 10:06 AM EST
 Mr Baily, spot on article well done!!

The two main points for me was

1 The insurgency are not targeting civilians like the one in Iraq
2 What type of goverment is installed in somalia is up to Somalis and the US+allies have to understand.
    FIQICIGAAL @ 2/28/2007 6:35 AM EST
 The devil you understand is much better than the one you do not know . And to add insult to injury the later is our enemy ( ethiopia ). The IUC lacked diplomacy and tolerance which speeded up their down fall . The illegal presence of the Ethiopian army in Somalia will make it more difficult for the Somalis to engage any constructive dialogue witin because the Ethiopians are there to make sure that there will never be a strong and stable Somalia governed by a government elected by the people and is for the people

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