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    Geele123 @ 4/12/2007 12:04 AM EST
 This is exactly all what they want MOORYAANS.. Make Mogadishu ungovernable
They will try every thing possible to block Somalis to reconcile and move forward
2.5 years reamining for TFG mandate to end is all they hoping so that anarchy returns
    Gacaliye@ @ 4/11/2007 10:17 PM EST
  Just like his late father, Canaa noog Caydiid does not have any credibility to talk about Somalia's interest! Wixii oday wadaa inan wadaa! Wasn's it the same Aydiid who proposed "pass-freedom" between Ethiopia & Somalia a few months ago? Wasn´t it this stupid kid who was helping Ethiopia's undeclared dirty war against previous intrim  goverments, against our country for years, from just Addis Ababa? Ethiopia get out of Somalia & Aydiid just shuuuuuut up!  
    simansime @ 4/11/2007 4:24 PM EST
 Salad Cali waxuu ku hadlay waxay ahayd hadal uusan
ku hadlin nin masuul dowladeed ah. Waa in xilka laga qaadaa.
    adamjama @ 4/11/2007 3:58 PM EST
 Aideed says "The credibility of the whole (government) has been compromised ... It has collapsed,"
The idiot just figured out what the rest of us knew long ago.
Many, many times I posted a formula that summarized my feelings toward this TFG stooges. The formula is TFG + War lords + Ethiopia = formula for disaster.
Imagine where people like Aideed and Salad Ali Jeele are in charge of national security... do you expect much from a government full of this type of clawns?
Jeele says “Next offensive against Mogadishu by TFG & Ethiopia, the question will be “Markii la qoxo, koleey waa la qaxaahe, ma xaga iyo Kaaraanaa loo qaxaa, mise xaga iyo Galguduud loo qaxaa?
I guess that question should be directed at Aideed, Atto, Qaybdiid, & the other Galgudud war lords. They will start fighting their age old disputes under the TFG Umbrella, this time all expenses paid by the west.
While we are waiting for reconciliation from these losers, they are working on another cycle of bloody violence between two or more tribes
    simansime @ 4/11/2007 10:08 AM EST
 "The invading Ethiopian troops have destroyed a 10-km sq. (area of the city in which) 1,086 civilians have been killed ... A massacre has happened," he said."

Ina Caydiid ma jirjiroolaa, mise maaha nin caadi ah!!!!

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