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    caraweelo @ 5/10/2007 5:55 PM EST
 Thank you Abdulrehman, what a well thought essay, you played a tune that most of the anarchist and opportunist wouldn't want to listen. Galayr and Samatar are spoilers of our new and better destiny, but they can't stop this TFG train.
    Qamarasha@yahoo @ 5/10/2007 5:51 PM EST
Mr. Hassan
No doubt, this article has taken a lot of your valuable time, but I am afraid you
could have used your valuable time, for something more deserving than this
cheap article.

Those so called people you call 'government', are nothing but thugs who have
innocent muslim blood on their hands, and nothing you or anyother sell outs say
can change decent, straight thinking people's  minds.
    @ 5/10/2007 9:17 AM EST
 Who are we kidding! It is all about a israeli style land
grab of innocent south somali farmers. They tried that
tactic on somaliland, but they decided for thier own
safety to stay at a deserty bossaso, berbara has a similar
climate which is impossible for anything to grow easily.
Rise up my people of the south and take your lands back
at any cost, we somalilanders will assist you as much
as we can.

    marshaale @ 5/10/2007 1:11 AM EST
 Well thought and rationalized, What a excellent article. I wish some of fellow our country men and women are like you.
you shed the light and pin pointed. I solute you.
    ilwad @ 5/9/2007 10:38 AM EST
 Rubbish article!!!
    Legend1 @ 5/9/2007 8:50 AM EST
 The author's views about Somalia's political climate are so biased that even the blind person can read his biast trash between the lines.  What the country needs is true statesmen unlike those war mongers and soulless so called TFG leaders, whom all they doing is looking out for their own interests because the way these people are behaving and the route they planning to take the country to is a complete chaos and never ending devastation.  But insha Allah (God willing) their synical plans will fail and they will pay a heavy price in this life and hereafter for the crimes they commited.  One last note for the author get real and stop these garbage.
    nuune @ 5/8/2007 10:04 PM EST
 an objective and rational person will contemplate who brought us to this calamity, who sustains the chaos and the statelessness? The callous warlords who now make up this warlord government are the real culprits of our misery. Any one who supports warlords and the TFG does it for clan reason. A real Muslim and Somali with an iota of decency and intelligence will never clap and support such evil men.
    nuune @ 5/8/2007 9:59 PM EST
 a sea of carnage, complicity, clan chauvinism is underway. The country is at crossroads where callous warlords and their compliant cheerleaders are now propagating hypocritical lies. war criminals don't lead to peace and justice but to carnage and chaos. The ethiopians won't be able to sustain the occupation and history will record those who condone the barbaric acts of the war criminals
    somalipatriot @ 5/8/2007 5:29 PM EST
 "However, the government must not take any revenge from anyone. It has to focus on justice and equality. No one should be privileged over the other and no one should be left behind."
I am sorry..where have u been? under a rock I'll bet! The "govt" IS taking revenge,.IS favouring certain group/families and IS leaving the most helpless among us behind! The warlord era was bad but imagine if they had ethiopian tanks and american cash ...u don't have to imagine..Just open your eyes!
    nabadraadiye10 @ 5/8/2007 5:13 PM EST
 excellent article man
    seefta bannaank @ 5/8/2007 3:18 PM EST
 Wow..wow..wow..king of the castle...king of the castle...Thanks mr Abdulrehman Hassan, the article is well fact based..Those dudes dont understand or really dont comprehend the reality on the ground in Somalia. I can proudly call these College Profs a bunch of windbags.
Lol, its true he has to make a backpay to his former employees.perhaps next time when he goes to the podium  someone should ask Questions about the whole lootings he did..
    adamjama @ 5/8/2007 1:17 PM EST
 Mr. Hassan;
Perhaps the skeptics & the opposition you are trashing are genius intellectuals whose unbiased & deep-rooted views are the only long-term hope we have.
They have the courage & intelligence to conclude that the issue is not a choice of Somali government, but who is for & who is against the Ethiopian occupation of our nation. Do not put words in their mouth. Maybe it is you who has a hidden agenda.
Why don't you tell us the war lords and the criminals you referred to in you article are all members of the Ethiopian created artificial TFG government, the idiots you claim to be proud of. But what is most amazing with your article is how you conveniently avoided mentioning the name Ethiopia (the center of gravity), whiling lecturing us with everything else from Abe Lincoln to the American civil war which is irrelevant.

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