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    odogleh @ 3/21/2007 7:56 AM EST
 Many articles introducing ideas demonising clan politics have been printed in this page daily with out avail. You can solve a problem in a wrong way but you can keep it that way for ever.
Tribalism has been with any president we have eve had then, what are all these stories about and who misses some thing if tribal chieftains claim their share of the cake?

Incurable illness should be endured. Clan politics and tribalism are simple examples.
Subdividing others and uniting yours is no more feasible and tricks in this regard are already used. Our tribal unity safeguards our future well being and peaceful co-existence with other peace- loving clans through the process  sharing common interests mutually with them. Thanks … Hawiye
    @ 3/16/2007 7:28 AM EST
 The plan was to replace Ethiopian troops with a multin
ational African Union force as soon as possible,
but the first Ugandan soldiers to arrive in Mogadishu
on March 6 immediately came under fire as well.
Like his father before him, President George W. Bush
has authorized a military intervention in Somalia,
and once again it will end in tears.

Dear Mr Dyer,

You said "and once again it will end in tears" is this
a kind off cod messege you are sending and to how?

Or if you have inside information that an unbush is about
take place, you realy should say somthing and save lives.
    amina_samajecel @ 3/14/2007 3:04 PM EST
 Somalis accepted warlords rule just because they held us hostage for over a decade.
The futile perception was that they are powerful.
We believed since the warlords are the ones who caused the war
let them bring peace, let them use their power to stabilize the country.

However, we were all wrong. Warlords are the problem, “once a warlord will
always be a warlord”. If Charles Taylor did not solve Liberia’s problem so does
Abdullahi Yusuf. Therefore, my advice is let us remove them from office and form a council
of Somalis, who care about our Country, to help us rebuild the Somali State.
We could forgive them for the sake of peace.

If we let them stay, it will cause more losses of lives,  properties and perhaps,
they will face the same destiny of former war criminals.
We learn from the Qur'an and from History tyrants always fail and suffer in
the end.

Insha Allah with the help of the Almighty God we will win.
    odogleh @ 3/14/2007 7:44 AM EST
 I think it is time to stop crying over a split milk and look forward for the future.
We all understand that peace and stability are  not on the menu as far as Somalia is concerned
we are being deviated to adventurous directions that we have no choice. our dayly chores are being transcribed to the dotage on the presidency and he passes it to us for commitment. and that is the outcome of our want of giovernment.
What they want is paramount to our needs.
let us take a time to think about our fate and that of our nation.
At the time we wake up again it is going to ba a very big bang....
The Hatris with their shoes will be thrown away in to no return...
    cadeeycadow @ 3/14/2007 7:32 AM EST
Please read this article
"Invasion shattered Somalia's stability"

"If Yusuf could bring peace to Somalia, with or without the collaboration of his fellow warlords, it would be a lot better than the chaos that prevailed a year ago. But it is very unlikely that he can do that whether the Ethiopian troops go home or not -- and it is quite likely that they will go home soon, precisely because that would maximize the chaos.
Ethiopia doesn't want to occupy Somalia permanently; it just wants to cripple it."

    hanixin1 @ 3/14/2007 4:37 AM EST
 correction: islamophobic politicians
    hanixin1 @ 3/14/2007 4:32 AM EST
 It is an accurate account of the past event and the present calamity in Somalia. Peace in south central Somalia has been elusive for the last decade and half with hundreds of millions of dollars spent. However, the Union of Islamic Courts have achived a sustainable peace and stability in those areas including Mogadishu without any foreign interference or help.Ethiopia invaded Somalia because it wants to keep Somalia divided and chaotic. On the other hand the Bush administration supported this criminal enterprise because of the false and baseless intelligence given by Ethiopia. Furthermore, the islamophobic policies of the Bush administration had a very hard time to swallow that an Islamic movement successfully restored peace and the trust of the people. The warlords led by Abdulahi Yusuf have been the ones who have been opposing the establishment of any government in Somalia. When the TNG was established in Djabouti Ethiopia summoned all its cleint warlords including Abdulahi Yusuf and formed the infamous SSRC to prevent the TNG from establishing itself. Abdulahi Yusuf and other warlords also opposed to Cairo accords, Sodere agreement. These warlords have been responsible for the destruction of Somalia and they cannot be entrusted with the future of Somalia. Warlords who dominate this Ethiopian backed government are the problem of Somalia and cannot be part of the solution. International community should realise that and should not find these warlords who are intent on perpetuating the chaos and clan division.

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