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    muraad @ 9/18/2007 11:04 PM EST
 Very tragedy some here are glorifying the former dictator responsible much of Somali's tragedy.  Undemocratically, after the death of our last democratically elected president, he held Somalia hostage for 21 paving the way for todays destruction.  Crimes committed by the dictator is many including enriching his clan at the expense of millions of Somalis, encouraging and arming clans to fight each other and resisting peacefull transion from dicatator to democracy and lastly his war against the religion of Islam by massacring and arresting our learned Ulema.  Lets not glorify our dark past so that we dont repeat it again in the future.  
    halac @ 9/9/2007 4:52 AM EST
Make your quike money at Mog.airport,and leave before it is too late.Somalia is like naked women walking through gangsland expecting not to be harmed.
    Camel Girl @ 9/6/2007 5:28 PM EST
 y Capt. Paddy Ankunda
Monday, September 03, 2007

Thank you Sir. Thanks for saving a dead city “Mogadishu”. Very dead City.  Somalis we invested in this city. We try to save secure grounds us clans. However, we try and the world is listening to us.  Isaac, Hawaii, Darod are Somalis .The city belongs to ABGAL thank you if this President is a nonsense the Darod will take him back with a very good word from the Mogadishu families. Do we want to keep Hon. Ali Mahadi/Prime Minister Geed? We will take Abdullah Yussuf, which will not happen soon... Siyad Barre tried to put Somalis in one page/road, He wrote our language. He tried to unite  the Somali family put his efforts to help the youth by bringing them from north to south to teach and show them what family meant he dealt with difficult adults to teach/show/learn Somali was one.   I love our flag, I die for it
I love Ethiopia/Uganda they made Somalis focus in their stupidity/ignorance sabotaging politics.

The international community is applauded and I hope Somalis listen to this closely.

    Abzamo @ 9/6/2007 8:58 AM EST
 Yeah u are right somalia need it is own army, but we don`t need an army that dance to the tune of ethiopian music.every country earmarks astronomical amount  of money for defence purposes, therefore the army job is to defend the country from external agression .but if the army takes orders from another government, then the concept of forming an army is defeated in the best sense of the term.Capt Paddy Ankunda what somalia needs is peace, and that can come when other countries stop porking their dirty nose at somali affairs.Army will eventually come the moment we finish putting our houses in order.a man in the first place has to look a safe and condusive place to live after that he can go and fetch a wife for himself now that he got a house to entertain his wife.
    ameriko @ 9/5/2007 4:31 AM EST
 waxaa la yaab.ah mudo 16 sano ah 3 madax weyne medkoodna ma saxna hadaba yaan sugeenaa amxaaro soomaliyeey ka gura
    ameriko @ 9/5/2007 4:30 AM EST
 waxaa la yaab.ah mudo 16 sano ah 3 madax weyne medkoodna ma saxna hadaba yaan sugeenaa amxaaro soomaliyeey ka gura
    D.Africa @ 9/5/2007 4:22 AM EST
  Thank you Captain.
    samantarsoomaal @ 9/4/2007 9:39 PM EST
 Wadajir,and Captain Akunda,would like us to have "an all-inclusive" army.What non-sense!We had that army and it was manipulated by Siad and his kindergarten opposition clans,and we know how useful an "army" this was throughout the period of our so-called independence in Somalia.Captain Akunda is full of platitudes,and short on substance.We do not need a national army in Somalia,inclusive or no inclusive.We need Somalia to be divided into territorially-separate clan entities,say e.g 15-clan based regions with their own internal lightly armed forces.The federal administration would a very limited jurisdiction in the internal affairs of these highly autonomous region.But again no strong "national" army,notwithstanding dreams of this simple-minded ugandan captain,and his Somali yahoos!
    Geele123 @ 9/4/2007 10:34 AM EST
 Thanks Captain Ankunda, Make no Mistake Somalia will restore its glory in no time,
    Legend1 @ 9/4/2007 10:06 AM EST
 Thanks to the captain and the points he raised are valid ones because our country do need a force that is all inclusive, however the captain is wrong on one point  and that is when he says somali army was defeated because of poor organising, I totally disagree and it is very important not to ignore that the underlining factor why we were defeated, which was because of 80,000 cubans, god knows how many Yemeni forces and libyans came to the Ethiopians rescue under the soviet's orders.
    amina_samajecel @ 9/4/2007 7:33 AM EST
 Thank you captain Akunda, u are indeed correct. Somalia
needs its own army. We also need a government that cares
about its people. We need to change the current puppet
government with a true Somali government then will form
a Somalia army Insha Allah.

It's time that we, the Somalis open our eyes.

    wadajir #5 @ 9/3/2007 6:53 PM EST
 Thank you captain Ankunda you have made a very important point. We need an all inclusive army. Ethiopian Meles will most likely  not support us to have our own army, so that we will be able to protect our national sovereinty. Thank you again for delivering this much needed aspect of our unity.
    somaalidoon @ 9/3/2007 4:00 PM EST
 It took Uganda 20 years to produce your army and
leaders like you. Give us some time, we need some
time to stand our feet and as African brothers we need
help to protect us against ourselves!!!

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