18 comment(s)
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    mercano @ 2/1/2007 4:14 AM EST
 OK, brother Abdik, here is one.
In the future, future Somalis there is hope that the clan feuds may be supressed. That is if all you diaspora Somalis' children take the turn to run this nation, they will seek for one another as Ausies, North Americans, Scandanavians, UKians, and so on.  as they can only get along and understand in that manner.  In the west most children spend more time away from the parents at school or watching local television. How much of this qabiil mentality and personality can they absorb?  
    abdik @ 1/31/2007 2:17 PM EST
 Thanks, mercano. You remind me of an old from the 1980s who knew about the ins and outs of Somali politics and history better than anyone I have met to this day.

I will never forget that story you told us last year in this same forum about the peace conferences in Kenya, in which you attended, and how they could not agree who to represent them as their interpreter. For some odd reason the idea that old men who want high level positions in the future government of Somalia could not agree whether for example Professor Samater become the interpreter of the conference or not just stuck with me to this day. I can't get that out of my mind as hard as I try.
    mercano @ 1/31/2007 6:57 AM EST
 ...'cause you do good bro.  with you, we would be in good hands, never get bothered by those that do not see things the way you see, for behind the hill or a rock, one cannot see the city.
    mercano @ 1/31/2007 6:53 AM EST
 Abdik, I told you before bro, you are among those that "watch it happen" and never belong to, "those that wonder, WHAT HAPPENED?"  I hope and pray that one of these days you belong to, "Those that make things happen", you do good bro.
    mercano @ 1/31/2007 6:48 AM EST
 Sool state, the huge beach front facility in Mogadishu by Madina was bought by the Americans for ONE Somali Shilling.  It was not built as US Embassy till 80's. The Red Indians in the 1700s were paid more for the looting of land.  Most of you are too young to know this.  This was just before Independence. When the Americans asked for a price, the young politicians were surprised at the American intrest in no man's land so outside at the time.  Little they could foresee that the city would one day, in 30 yrs, grow and Madina would come to existence. They offered for free when they could not understand. The Ambassador insisted on a transaction.  One of the politicians said, ONE SOMALI SHILLING, $0.15. Everything was signed as the A/dor pulled a 1 SoSh from his jeeb tuug.
    sool state @ 1/30/2007 9:45 PM EST
 Mercano good one. But remember the U.S were paying at
least rent when they were in Mogadisho, but this time
they don't have to pay single dime. U.S
embassey/ Military camp was rented for $6,700
dollars just in mogadisho along. Today 4 military
craft or boats are parked in Somalia
and they pay $0.  
    abdik @ 1/30/2007 1:40 PM EST
 Brother Mercano glad we see things the same, at least on this issue. You seemed to know more than I do. I was just fellowing my gut feeling myself.
    gantaalka @ 1/30/2007 12:26 PM EST
 Nonsense! This is full of rabbish. These clueless writers are advised to do a simple background check before embarking on writing about Somalia.
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/30/2007 11:36 AM EST
 Somalia became a dumping ground for immature, unexperienced and novice writers like this one and many others.
    fajo @ 1/30/2007 11:12 AM EST
 to all soomaalis

boqolkiiba sideetan soomaaliya waa nabad.
ma isweydiiseen way only xammar is on war?
hadab xammer nabad bey noqon hadii hadii laga saaro
dhamaan nonhawiye people. xataa hawiyaha leh deegaanka
kale sida kuwa dega gobolada dhexe. Inta dad aan u dhalan
xammer katalinyo nabad gubatey.  Bal dowladu hadegto
hargeysa aan nabeda eegnee. waa hubaa inay ka darnaaneyso
xammer sababtoo ah dadk deegaanka xammer leh wey laqabsadeen
gumeysiga. waxaan ka cosanayaa HOL inaysan bloking
    REDDEER @ 1/30/2007 8:53 AM EST
    serene @ 1/30/2007 6:33 AM EST
 Utter rubbish. The article had little to do with the title and was full of misinformation. I wonder why HOL devotes space to such articles. There is nothing meaningful and newsworthy mentioned on there. Perhaps Mr. Curiel will be better at sitting around consuming khat with his three friends and having ‘a natural buzz’.
    gulleid @ 1/30/2007 5:18 AM EST
 Just ignore as he Chronicle Staff Writer propery i think judow chronicle san jose nighberhood delivery boy.
those who think america can safe somali they just dreaming we 're as somalia exesited before great satan america
this is test for as our nation go through this century.
My allah help us to secseed.
    sede @ 1/30/2007 4:56 AM EST
 Somalia should not be important to anyone, I am sad that
I am a Somali-American. Sorry to say I wish the Somali part
was cut off. These people called Somalis are the most arrogant and
idiotic people in the world. Just a few minutes ago I read an article
stating clearly how some(probably many) Somalis support the tfg, the
most con-Somali Govt. (ironically) in the world. I begin to realize that
these people deserve the things they have coming to them. But hay who
am I, I am just another "skinny" in the freedomland.

one more thing aids of the tfg spend work on this comments posting section
so if you see the parlimentarians (abdik, caraweelo, ......) don't read
the propaganda's feuled comments they post. If you agree with these
people you should apply for a govt. job at Sotopian.com.
    mercano @ 1/30/2007 4:08 AM EST
 Dirie himself wears a single lens though he says, quote, "If anyone looks at it with one single lens, you will never get the whole picture..."
Mr. curiel, you talk to 2 Somalis and read couple articles, you only get to see a a prtial picture. Your San Jose neighbor, Dahir when he talks about Arabs, he left out how much United Arab Emirates tolerate, respect and accommodate Somalis.
Then you keep refering the UIC folks as, 'government' again and agian.
Dirie's shallow mind thinks that Somalia can only be saved by the US. Another Somali that has a typical African mentality, carry the begging bowl.
On the issue of oil, why would an America president be in the poorest African country on Xmass eve, the most important family event in the US culture, when he just lost it to Clinton, and it was an unprecedented event?
It was not US Embassy that settled the Conoco camp, it was actually the US military, 1992/3, there was no American Embassy as the author wrote.
Why were there the 4 American major oil companies in Somalia in the last days of Siyad Barre, then suddenly we had these chain of chaotic times, and Dirie says Somalia can only be saved by Americans, give me a break. It's a free country brother, dont be afraid for your 2 greens, greens, green card & green dollar.
    kurus @ 1/30/2007 2:01 AM EST
 Great article Mr Curiel!
Amazing how an outsider can see that our differences is tribe and not religion, yet we are blind.
America needs Somalia, it needs it to be the first peaceful Muslim country in which they interfered.
Guns and bombs bring nothing,peace is better.
Long Live Somalia! May Allah protect us from the evil hearted ones! Amiin! Amiin!
    sool state @ 1/30/2007 1:10 AM EST
 Yes Somalia is important to America. But how to
contain the violence and win the people's hearts and
minds has nothing to due with tanks rolling over them,
miigs shelling, and threatning the people at large.
Because history tells us and it will tell us that
war isn't solution instead it's part of the
problem. First America can support us and we can
see them as an ally, but not when they are with
Ethiopia and warlords. the two main factors that
destroyed my lovely nation.
    abdik @ 1/29/2007 11:00 PM EST
 Just ignore the rest of it people. The title is the important part.

"Somalia is important to America"

We knew that, Mr. Curiel.

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