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    samantarsoomaal @ 8/29/2007 9:45 PM EST
 Legend1,when you say "our country",I think,you are refering to Mogadishu and its surrounding Hawiye regions.You can not possibly meaning other autonomous regions of Somalia such as Somaliland and Puntland.Stop presenting the never-ending crisis of Hawiye administrative saga as the problem of all Somalis.Some Somalis have proven to run their affairs without assistance of foreigners,and therefore this lack of statesman is not a "somali" issue,but Hawiye territory issue.Stop deluding yourself,do not hide your shame by the general label "somalia".
    Legend1 @ 8/24/2007 8:58 AM EST
 Well written article and good job to the author.  However I am not sure if shanta is thinking clearly because the comments you are making do not have anything whatsoever to do with the current situation in Somali, lets face it as long as Ethiopia keeps interfering Somalian affairs we won't have any tangible and meaningful peace in our country.  As far as Aideed and Ali Mahdi are concern regardless of what one has done it wouldnt have changed a thing because our country lacks the proper statesman who are loyal to their country's needs first then their own needs second and because of this, foreign powers who don't care about our country's stability always take advantage and make us of this.
    shanta @ 8/24/2007 12:50 AM EST
 Wouldn’t it be better if ICU laid down their guns and stop blowing innocent civilians, and form a policat party as the opposition and star campaing for 2009. They ought take advantage of this momentum which they build for themselves and transformed it into polical gains in next election.  Imagine if Aided kept his positon as the chairman of USC and allowed Ali Mahdi to finish his term. Today, Aided would have been our president.

    george bush @ 8/23/2007 3:33 PM EST

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