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    samantarsoomaal @ 9/6/2007 9:46 PM EST
 Puntland_Killa,I believe in state sanctuary for Majeertaan/Dashiishle clans,but when I see idiots like you,one wonders If there is a need for the clan to take an I.Q Tests of its population to isolate the Majeerteen dummy genes.We need good spokesmen for puntland,but Majeerteen idiots need to be sterilized in order to prevent the future breeding of idiots among the the clan.You have been bred by idiots,and you will breed idiots,therefore you should be sterilized!
    Puntland_killa @ 9/6/2007 2:06 PM EST
 Solution= drop few atomic bombs in the unstable south.
Wipe out its inhabitants and move in there after 20 years
when no more radaition in the atmosphere.
    samantarsoomaal @ 9/4/2007 10:09 PM EST
 Mr.Raage,my point is very,very simple:North-west and North-east regions of Somalia are not the "Somalia" that we always hear about in the news as the vagapond of Africa.It is the "somalia of the Southern Regions" with Hawiye as the dominant clan.You are not doing Hawiye any favors by engaging in your "feel-good" all-clans-are-the-same-in-this-affair talk.Some Somalis have shown responsibilities,and others still can not get their acts together.If we are afraid to ask this question,because it hurts the feeling of this major clan,we are only doing what we used to say in Xamar as kids "camiraad".Are we helping our brothers by lying to them about their political handicap,Mr.Raage?
    raage @ 8/31/2007 11:56 AM EST
 MR. Samantarsomaal i have never seen such a good person
like you, have you ever asked your self what MR. SNM said
and what i have written as replay to his comment. i don't
want to talk about you the affairs of Somalia if you are
not Somali although you are. you are right Mogadishu and
other near by regions had/have problem but do you think
it is the region what caused the region or all the residents
of the region or the warlords simple answer that will came
into you mind is the warlords. don't you know that there is
no fighting between Hawiye sup calns at the moment or
don't you know that southren somalia is not the land of
only Hawiye i think you are bit older the MR. SNM but
you too young my son so grow up. can you think about what i am
a prefect idiot or ... what ever be somalia samatar it better for you
becouse if i got US passoort do you think you are US native no you are not
do you think north Somalia is free from foreign invention the answer is no
so don't think that the invention is just in mugadishu
but it is all in somalia and every where.          
    samantarsoomaal @ 8/30/2007 9:04 PM EST
 Mr.Raage,SNM2007 is absolutely right.Somaliland has never been symbol of shame for all of us.I can show you,Raage,by incontravertible evidence,the truth that It is Mogadishu and Its sister regions that are the problem of Somalia.There has never been a single foreign intervention of stabilization force in the Northeast or Northwest Somalia,since the fall of the bloody Siyad Barre regime.We have the Baydhabo starvation intervention of Operation Restore Hope.We have countless,foreign-sponsored conferences to try to bring peace between Hawiye clans.We have 17years of 0 administration and total anarchy.Now,unless you are perfect idiot,you would ask this logical question:is it Somalia or some of it that has failed?Raage,you maybe older than SNM2007,but old age is no insurance against idiocy an hypocrisy.  
    raage @ 8/30/2007 9:23 AM EST
 SNM2007 my bro i need to remind you that you are somali
weather you say guul somaliland or not you are from failed
state weather it has failed from 1964 or after what ever.
if you don't cry one of you relatives is crying from
mugadishu or any where else in somalia. do you think
etheiopia has got more doctors then somalia? do you think
etheiopia has got more resources to help somalia? fist you need
to know about somalia and etheiopia their background and economical resources.
why we are so back? can you tell me Mr. SNM ?
is such people like you Mr.SNM grow up i think you are still too
young to comment about politico somalia.
    SNM2007 @ 8/26/2007 5:42 AM EST
 I love how they cry about failed Somalia, Somalia didnt fail today, it failed 1964. Its funny you think so today. Anyways stop blaming your problem on Ethiopia and the world, and take a deep reflections of your selves.
You do all the killings in Somalia, Ethiopia is there to help you understand what a nation building is. Ethiopia would rather send engineers and doctors to Somalia, but how can they when each and everyone of you is carrying an AK47 that says "Kill Ethiopia".

Stop crying for once.

Somaliland Guul.
    stickorcarrot @ 8/25/2007 4:09 PM EST
 Well done brother, with two exceptions!

bravery: I have yet to see the bravery that we are known
for. All i heard from the Waryaa is we are brave and proud
but, in practical they lack both of them. If we mean bravery
when we are killing and maiming each other, then there is another
definition for that it is called stupidity. That makes you do dump
things and feel proud of your ignorance.

I agree with you the problem we are facing except that i have no proof that
Waryaa people are brave and proud. They would kill you to save a foreigner
that is a fact..we are in a mess 17+ years and still counting .I wish them luck

    stickorcarrot @ 8/25/2007 4:08 PM EST
 Well done brother, with two exceptions!

bravery: I have yet to see the bravery that we are known
for. All i heard from the Waryaa is we are brave and proud
but, in practical they lack both of them. If we mean bravery
when we are killing and maiming each other, then there is another
definition for that it is called stupidity. That makes you do dump
things and feel proud of your ignorance.

I agree with you the problem we are facing except that i have no proof that
Waryaa people are brave and proud. They would kill you to save a foreigner
that is a fact..we are in a mess 17+ years and still counting .I wish them luck

    qabdiid @ 8/25/2007 3:30 AM EST
 This article was written by someone whose intellectual thinking is beyond the current Somali political philosophy. The author has truthfully narrated historical background of Somalia in order to extract some hard question of Somali problems. To answer Hussein’s intellectual question, I am predisposed of the idea that Somalia is failed state because it shows the truthfulness of our current situation. Even though we have many things that unite us, Somalis choose very few things that we differ.  Well done Mr Hussein.
    shanta @ 8/24/2007 12:33 AM EST
 I’m glad we had him for 21 years. We were procupied with him, he was our diversion, our common enemy and most of all a leader who knew his people better than they knew themselves.  Indeed he was great salesman, and now most of the people are bit nostalgic abuot that period. After him, came the massacre and the slaughter of Somalia.
    sool state @ 8/23/2007 10:33 PM EST
 Is true that the situation in Somalia is equal to
Syria and Lebanon, however, Syria got international
pressure to get out of Lebanon but Ethiopia will
never get pressure from outside to get out of Somalia
other than encouragment to stay in and eliminate
"Somalis" at all costs.

With that said, Is Somalia a failed state? I say yes
it's and how we can bring it back to statehood
only requires United Somali as one. That is it.
Forget war, forget long term solution, forget all
that external help we don't need none of that at
all. All we need is the people to be united and
have same goals as a nation. But i am afraid as long
as tribism is in us we will never be able to accomplish
that therefore, the question can we bring Somalia
back to statehood dims and it becomes clear that
keeping Somalia as a state was a lot easier than
trying to bring it back to statehood.

I also disagree with the writer "He devastated the
country with his economic and social backward ideas
compounded with his militaristic misadventures"
He sure did things wrong but don't forget what he
did right either. Let's not blame the destruction
of the Nation to one person who actually did a lot
compare to those African dictators and focus on what
can we do in the future.

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