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    zulekha @ 3/12/2007 9:37 AM EST
 Qamarasha, what american slogans you talking about, yes we need to stop the senseless deaths of our people, the last 16yrs we have been fighting each other, what slogan shall we use here?? The marley song doesnt come to contexts with the somalis situation.WE WERE UNDER NO OCCUPATION FOR 16YRS,AND YET BLOOD SPILLED,DEATH AND MAYHEM WAS THE NORM..So get over your anti american blindness,and face there reality sister, WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY..how can you compare US to the IRAQI's or the AFGANISTANIS.We are cant be compared to anyone,we will be breaking History for stupidty.
    odogleh @ 3/10/2007 9:46 AM EST
 If not for blind link support, we know that the TFG is inferior to the UIC which did a lot of things in a short period of time .
IT stood for Union of Islamic courts .
It usually happens that we look out for the hardest thing that becomes very tough to attain.
Somalia will not have a government with out tribal linkage.
But I am not a supporter of TFG because it is pure puppet and unrealistic in any thing that can be opted for.
It is a government for Majeerteens and majeerteenia clutches and a Puppet entity for Somalis.
TFG: transitional Foreign Governance on Somalia.

National Redemption Group
    qaranjecel @ 3/9/2007 11:53 AM EST
 I really don't blame the author and the one who's called himself Hagi-farah for their blind support of Mr.Yusuf and his garbage government, but what is clear for me now is that how HO is going too far for its bias and posting such articles like this! It's time that HO should double think, and be fair for everyone!

To me, it doesn't make any sense that the people of Mogadishu should stay silence while Mr. Yusuf is using the Ethiopian artillaries and bombing them day and night. I am sure Mr.Yusuf, the author of this article, and Hagi-farah would not be happy if what is happening in Mogadishu was happening in Garoowe or Boosaaso. Let's be truthful.
    qamarasha@yahoo @ 3/9/2007 11:48 AM EST

'Build our country and dignity", what a load of bollocks, those slogans are used
again and again by the Americans to Iraq and Afghanistan, we should never
believe it, yes we should sand up, and get up and dont give up the fight. Somalis
are fighting habashas and greedy dabadhilifs (shaqaalaha Zenawi).
    @ 3/9/2007 8:43 AM EST
 Matoke, you make it like Somalia is under colonialism, jeez you got a short memory, Somalia has been a failed state for the last 16yrs, where were the freedom fighters?? there was more qabiil affiliated fighters..so stop quoting the wise words of Marley[lol] and stay realistic.
If TFG isnt good enough, its only until 2009, then elections would come round, those good enough[have the ability to creat a democratic Somalia], will have the opportunity to lead[if we are capable of civility that is].Lets not add more fuel to the already flames.

We have a choice,to unite, build our country and dignity..or we could wallow in self pity,meyham and the rest..

stand up, get up dont give up the fight..was meant to those fighting injustice..what injustice do somalis fight,but for reasons beyond any reasonable comprehension.
    Motoke @ 3/8/2007 8:06 PM EST
 “they who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty nor security” - Benjamin Franklin

We(Somalis)’ll never give up for less than complete freedom. not shall we compromise the cost, it is worth. I agree the author, it will the cost is so much, but that signifies the value, its expensive, it ain’t bag of tomato. To choose the expensive is not loss.
Our fathers(A. Gurey, S. Abdulle…..SYL) will be crying in their graves, and future generations will bear hard if we accept les than complete freedom.
    Motoke @ 3/8/2007 7:55 PM EST
 The author writes, “We have both land and the freedom to re-establish our state.” Isn’t he talking about Somalia, the occupied land, in which its people have to choose between foreign occupation or puppet government?

“Give up stand up, stand up for you right……..” the right to be politically independent, the right be free of invasion, the right to warship and live in your own values.
    hawood @ 3/8/2007 6:27 PM EST
 I see majeerteen xaaraan ku naaxyaasha are here.
Hagi.farah, Abdullaahi yeey only knows how to
bully majeerteen. He has no guts to stay in
mogadishu and the whole world knows this and
won't support him. Who wants a loser who will
tun every time hardship comes. Puntland milita
are only brave when fighting civilians. Where
were they when UIC was at their door step?
They were in Adis ababa begging ethiopian.
Well established government? where? in baidoa?
Don't make me laugh majeerteen. Abdullaahi yeey
has a little heart by having foreign liver, it is
medicine and he'll die soon when he digs majeerteen
graves. African soldiers,they're cowards and will
leave as soon as they lose few soldiers. Then what?
you fill it.......

TFG= Totally Fu#ked Government
DFS= Dowladda Fugaan Soomaalida
    hagi.farah @ 3/8/2007 3:25 PM EST
 Qamarasha, kkkkkkkkkk
its okey to express your frustration and anger,
but on the other hand, no one cares of wat u think,
Somalia has a new president and a well stablished tfg government,
so u have two choices either side with the Mooryaan Malitias or the legitemet somali interm government,
i support the TFG 100% and i beleive their strategy is head towrd the right way,
Viva to all somali soldiers who took back Mogadishu from those viciouse and criminal mooryaan malitias,
viva to Abdullhai Usuf and his big heart,
viva to all the afican countries who are comming to help,
    qamarasha@yahoo @ 3/8/2007 2:33 PM EST

The UIC did not threaten anyone, the UIC fell because, the US, Ethiopia and Kenya
did not want a force that is good for Somalia and Somalis, because they (so called
coalition), wanted to pillage the valuable resources in Somalia, just like Iraq.  

The TFG is not going to do anything worth waiting for, because they are a force
being used, like Karzai, Maliki, etc,  therefore it is advisable for every person who
sincerely loves his people and country, to smell the coffee and take matters in their
own hands, and stop waiting and expecting others to do it for them.

TFG is not a force for Somalia and Somalis, and Somalis will not support them.

I will always back the UIC, because they are for Somali agenda.

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