17 comment(s)
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    Lamadage @ 10/27/2010 4:14 PM EST

Agree with you. American dual track is not new as it adopted as foreign policy tool in many times. Always America as fifth column in most of its foe or friendly countries fail to achieve the long intended goals of such policies. Somalia case point will repeat such heinous scenario. More blood and disaster consequences.

For instance, tribes, individuals, secular groups, greedy associations are all as we speak of lining up for US ambassador in Nairobi, Michael Ranneberger. US will fund all of them with different strokes. Then these groups will not do their designated jobs then they will divide among themselves into cursing groups. Remember milking American coffer has limited time.

Anyway race of shaping up Somali future is in its earnest. I bank on Somali Islamist if they practice honest politics with good tarbiyah. Changing gains into lasting political stand will always diminish American race and dollar.

That said, am not in illusion the danger uncle SAM moneybag pose in Somalia blunders  
    baghdad bob @ 10/26/2010 10:16 PM EST
 its so sad that we are laughing at somalia? I don't know how we arrived at this point but it seems somalia is done for it and its done for ever. its somewhat entertaining though and the laughing stock of the world.  
    kucadaye @ 10/26/2010 9:41 PM EST
 It tooke the 'supreme court' less than a day to come up with a verdict.  A world record.  And this is without considering or inviting the other party to the dispute to present their case.

The whole thing is a joke. The manner in which a vote is taken is not in the Charter or 1960 Constitution. It should be part of the Parliament interior procedure (XEER HOSE).  It is there and says accurately if more than 13 parliamentarians demand a secret ballot so be it.  If not it should be open.

Sheikh Shariif & the Courts are out to lunch.  That does not make Shariif Sakiin is a saint.  He is driven by personal interest.

Having said that, it will not change anything on the ground irrespective who becomes a Prime Minister.  As I said many times the TFG is a Puppet manuplated at will by those who wish us harm and are planning for us to disappear as a State from the face of the earth.

However, we know Allah have his ways, but we have to show unity and Ijtihaad to counter this potentially lethal threat.
    nomadic1 @ 10/26/2010 5:30 PM EST
 Dr Lamadage

What is your take on the new “Dual-track approach” to Somalia?

I think it will be recipe for disaster.  It might achieve the US’s desired/intended objective of defeating J people but might be bad for Somalia in the long run.

    nomadic1 @ 10/26/2010 5:00 PM EST
 Dr Lamadage

Sheikh Shariif, Shariif Sakiin, J people iyo Prime Ministerka cusuba laf maran ayay toobin ku hayaan. Istraatijad saan hadii la sameeyo saan ay wax noqanayaan la dhihi karo Somalia kama jirtay. Mar dhowna talo fara waa ka bixi doontaa kuligood warlords ayaa “overwhelm” ku samayn doono. Armay inay heshiiyaan hada u roontahay?  
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 4:45 PM EST
 Dr Nomad

Marka hore u malayn maayo both Sharif iyo Sheekh Xasan hadda wax wada wadaagi karaan iyada oo walxooyin badan oo lagu kala tagey weli taagan yihiin isagana ku dhex jiro AMISOM tank.

Laakiin for the sake of argument haddii uu sharif magacaabi lahaa madaxda BX iyo XI oo uu oran lahaa waa PM iwm runtii waxay J people geli lahaayeen qalaalso qaato muddo in la demiyo.

Sharif waxaa uu rumeysan yahay haddii uu Farmaajo gudbo in Gedo gacanta J people ka baxayso. Meelaha kalana qaybsan geli karo.

His cunning way may back fire though. That is if there counter tact from J people provided they consider the plight of Somali IDP/broken nation is articulated better than current discourse.

That is why inside debate is getting very heated mood and some direction.
    nomadic1 @ 10/26/2010 4:31 PM EST

Sheikh Shariif haduu fursad haystaa maxaa ugula talin waydeen inuu Mr Aweys Prime Minister ka dhigo?
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 4:13 PM EST

why they are rejecting him.
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:56 PM EST
 I'm in Mogadishu and I never heard there is Somali Supreme Court. May be it located in our goofs near warshadda Baastada.

Anyway this farce is getting momentum. Now there is huge character scandal revolving around this dude. I don't know its authenticity but I know why second sharif and Abdirahman Abdishakur is against him. Beside money and securing future ministerial posts this is one of big reason why they are rejection him.

Read this link

    fiqicigaal @ 10/26/2010 3:49 PM EST
 It is only in Africa where a simple mechanic driver can become a member of parliament in a fortnight and Sharif Sakiin the Speaker of the Somali Parliament is a good example.

You see folks, this Sakiin man was a confident, witty, cunning and shroud, he was full of himself though he was only a simple lorry driver and he was good at it so much so he was trusted by his fellow drivers as well as his passengers where ever his driving business led him to.

But of course when he found himself beyond his limitation, beyond his wildest dreams as a Somali parliamentarian, he became incompetent and he was never again able to perform competence as he did in years as a driver, the only skills he had.

So what do you expect from your average Somali driver with no education background or any qualifications to support him stand firm on his own feet in a cruel and d*rty world of politics?
    jsoomane @ 10/26/2010 3:47 PM EST
 In lugu xiro iyo inaad madaxwaynahaa saxan tiraaho tee baad
yeeli lahayd?  jawaabtu mid culus maahan haddaan la
    momo519 @ 10/26/2010 3:03 PM EST

ha ha!

"World’s first portable supreme court!"

That's classic!

    nomadic1 @ 10/26/2010 2:22 PM EST
 World’s first portable supreme court!

Who said this government is not effecient?
    mercano @ 10/26/2010 12:53 PM EST
 War of the Shariffos, Part I; one - nil, in favor of the shiiq against the sakin.
Who in this universe is behind guys like these appointed as President and Speaker of the parliament of a great nation.  Where were they or even their forefathers during 25 years of war for independence.  O! Somalis, you may exhaust yourselves to fix the batil, but nothing will be accomplished except by those that the Royal and Noble blood of the martydom in fight for freedom fighting flow through their veins.  Mark down my words.
    momo519 @ 10/26/2010 8:47 AM EST

lol @ Fiqi!

I can just imagine the FFF and the AMISOM troops in Mogadishu looking around dumpfounded asking themseleves where is this Supreme Court located? And who is guarding the Supreme Court?

    nuunow @ 10/26/2010 8:05 AM EST
 Fiqicigaal lol,

So now that Somali Supreme Court has clarified the dis*pute in favor of Sheikh Sharif, what would be the Speaker's next move? I know a "Macan'gag" man like him doesn't give up easily ...
    fiqicigaal @ 10/26/2010 6:31 AM EST
 I warn you sharif Sakiin, what ever you do, do not get yourself into the ring with sheikh Sharif or prepare yourself for early knock out.

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