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    fiqicigaal @ 11/15/2010 1:11 PM EST

One thing is for sure, you and I and of course bro baghdad bob and many other free minded Somalis share one very important belief, the unity of Somalia and all the priceless benefits that come with it: Security, Health, Education, development and most of all democracy.

Now, although you raised a valid point and I totally agree with you,  the  curse of our nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort without thinking of the consequences,  any sort rather than the right  sort at the right time with the right people.

Never the less,  I hope and pray that  Mr Farmajo and his band  win and find a way to defeat the real obstacles of any progress towards peace and stability alshabaab and  some how cut the rope of the vicious  circle  so that  the crooked , the corrupted and the clanists are  made straight to end this curse for a better Somalia.
    nuunow @ 11/14/2010 10:15 PM EST
 Baghdad Bob and Fiqicigaal,

You're both right! Peace & Security is usually the precondition as well as the centrality of fully functional government.

Of course, we don't want our few men of education and experience to be chased around and butchered by Al-haraam morons. That is why we have AMISOM in Somalia in the first place, albeit we can't rely on their support and protection indefinitely!

However, in the absence of pure nationalist fighters, building "fairly" strong Somali military forces that are loyal to government becomes a feasible option. To do so, we need to have a reliable, competent and corruption-free government that REALLY cares for the well-being of ALL Somali citizens and somehow captures the hearts and minds of Somali people. Moreover, such government should be capable of managing funds meant for Somali soldiers very well to ensure that each soldier gets paid on time in order to avoid soldiers from fleeing to look for other ways to make living and to feed their families.

The way I see it, this new cabinet with the full of competent technocrats (and no blood in their hands) fits perfectly well and has the best opportunity so far to succeed. If given the chance (and with the "temporary" help of AMISOM), they might be able to address the hot issues like security and corruption, as well as bring (or at least kick-start the process of bringing) some kind of sustainable peace and stability.

In other words, having strong, competent and reliable/trustful government seems to be the best way to UNITE as well as free Somalia and ourselves from the shackles of FFFs and Mooryaans (the troublemakers and peace-opposers).

    fiqicigaal @ 11/14/2010 2:12 PM EST
 In other words, the TFG is in war with extremist groups who will not stop until get k*lled or they k*ll anyone who tries logic and understanding and it has been tested so many times with no avail.

In that case, you do not position your government ministers in the front to be shot by enemy Snipers but you keep them some where safe where they can run their ministerial duties with no fear or intimidation.
    fiqicigaal @ 11/14/2010 10:52 AM EST
 Bro nuunow,

You know how I feel about those alsheydan groups who hold our people hostages to deny them LIFE which you and others in the diaspora enjoy and take it for grant like safety, education, health and most of all the choice to live and worship Allah in the correct way that is enshrined in true Islamic scriptures.

It hurts me to see decent folks suffer under the draconian twisted rule of religious madmen hiding behind islam.

Therefore, it is unrealistic and out of this world to bring the cream of the the society, men of education and qualifications, the future leaders of Somalia and put them into the frying pan, expecting that miracles will happen and alshabaab will surrender and we will all live happily after.

I belive SECURITY is the first door to try and when you have it open, then you can look for all the other things that makes a good government work to make a change.  

    baghdad bob @ 11/13/2010 8:14 PM EST

the nationalist fighters are you and I. The situation in somalia is pretty basic, brutal and simple. organized violence is the answer, in fact violence is the only answer against those who deny the existence of somalia as a country. huge swathes of somalia is occupied by all sorts of foreign elements from ethiopia to afghanistan. while the government is stuck in a 2km stretch, this is not by accident but by design. I wish them well, but knowing one or two things about africa this does not look good....  
    nuunow @ 11/13/2010 8:01 PM EST
 Baghdad Bob,

We will love to have nationalist fighters to bring peace & stability in Somalia but where are they hiding?

We had enough of crazy fighters and warmongers in the previous cabinets and as we know they badly failed so. For the first, Somalia is in the hands of the most competent cabinet ever, why don't we welcome them with open-handed, give them a chance and see if they can succeed in their rather difficult missions?

    baghdad bob @ 11/13/2010 3:59 PM EST
 There is no peace in muqdishu and when you don't have peace you don't call in for Dr and professors, they simply can't impose and keep the peace. its insane and a waste of their time by recruiting such highly qulaified people into a government without a country. These are the type of ppl you bring in once you pacify and secure the city, otherwise they will get killed just like Adow etc we don't need such highly educated men at the moment, what we need are nationalist fighters to restore law and order. You don't send professors against interhamwe they will simply kill and eradicate them
    Holac @ 11/13/2010 3:03 PM EST
 Rahaweein = 4 ministers
Dar00d = 4 ministers
Haw1yee = 4 ministers but none for abgaal, they going to hunt mar3hans again like 1990.

dir = 4
5beelo =2
fake-landers (aka calool weynayaal) = 2 (foreign minister & deputy PM, Transport minister).
isaaq = 0

This will not work at all. You people are day dreaming.
    Holac @ 11/13/2010 2:46 PM EST
 Same old warlords same old Zoo-mali politics. This guy will not even get the approval from the Zoo ("parliament") because we all know how Zoomalia works by now. After five months Farmajo will be removed from office by Meles Sanawi. Same old things with different warlord names.
    fiqicigaal @ 11/13/2010 1:26 PM EST
 Well comrade Farmajo, as much as I love to see you and your government win and bring back some peace and stability and life to southern Somalia and beyond, Iam afriad you will need more work to do than to impress us with your intellctuals from the diaspora because in lawless Somalia without security one starts nothing but at least you have the ambition and the desire to make a change where change was impossible for long and painful decades and I pray for you.

As a matter of fact, you will need more than only prayers because in sinful society like Somalia o xaarantu xalaal u noqotay, it is hard to have their prayers answered.
    momo519 @ 11/13/2010 12:26 PM EST

My Abgaal friends are crying foul!

They complain that they are not represented in the cabinet!!!!

So they rather reject every cabinet that doesn't have any Abgaal.

They rather continue the death and destruction of their people in Somalia and the misery conditions of their children in the diaspora than accept a cabinet without Abgaal!

Even if all of the 18 ministries were Abgaal, their lives in the diaspora will not change.

This sickness of rejecting everything without your clan is not unique to Abgaal!

Waa nala quursaday! Waa nala yasay! WTF?

Time to grow up as a community and forget about these childish and nonesense obsessions!

    nomadic1 @ 11/13/2010 11:20 AM EST
 JSoomane lol
Awoowe bal inoo soo ducee liiska waan kujiraaye. Waxaan ahay kan ookiyaalaha qabo. lol
    jsoomane @ 11/13/2010 10:23 AM EST
"Bal ina Soomanoow soo ducee" lol.
Ducada igu duub...da'deediina waan ku jiraa!!  Laakiin
liiska haddii aad ku jiri lahayd ayeey ducadu noo
barakoon lahayd.
    nomadic1 @ 11/13/2010 8:34 AM EST
I agree with you. It is hard to run a government from 2km2 patch of land and 550 shaxaad doom MPs is even harder to satisfy when the people they were supposed to shaxaad just got smaller.

I think it will make sense if these ministers were completely segregated from the MPs. I know that is hard given the fact that they all live and eat in the same compound but since their jobs are completely separate, separating them completely will help the ministers get on with their jobs. Somalida waxsay ku maahmaahdaa dad kaa badan iyo biyoba waa ku qaadaan. Releasing a dozen and so innocent and rather honest educated individuals in the mix of 550 seasoned opportunistic clan zealots might cause problems.
    somstar @ 11/13/2010 3:11 AM EST
 Bravo Mr. Prime Minister..It is a good start..Somalia has as many Brilliant individuals as we have destrutive ones..I hope these brilliant individuals will hold their heads up and stand up to the those destructive forces.  
    nuunow @ 11/13/2010 12:56 AM EST
 Momo519 LOL,

FFF-free Somalia is one of the top priorities of PM. Farmaajo!

Soomaaliya Soomaali baa leh!

    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 8:51 PM EST


You should also add, as long as FFFs are there...

    JJ @ 11/12/2010 8:45 PM EST
 I should say good start but longway to achieve as long Ethiopia,two Sharifs andb 550dump MPs are there
    nuunow @ 11/12/2010 7:45 PM EST
 Well done PM Farmaajo!

You actualized something HISTORICAL by bringing in competent and capable cabinet!

This is the first sign that you are indeed a man with his words as well as a man that REALLY wants to bring tangible changes to put an end to the misery of this war-broken nation. Long and difficult journey is ahead of you and your cabinet, but use your collective determination, courage, willpower and positive outlook to thrive and overcome any obstacles that malicious and Somali-hating creatures throw at you.


    ilatali @ 11/12/2010 7:10 PM EST
Congratulation.. the best for Somali
Tigrey is out, USA is welcome..
Aqoonyahan is in
Diasporo is back..
Al-Shabab is out..
Somali nabad nabad & caano..
    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 6:59 PM EST
 Halkaan ka arka 36dii Wasiir ee PM kii hore Ina Cabdirashiid, oo badankood ayagoo aqoon lehna ay ka bixi waayeen boorso qaadis, dibad wareeg, baryo iyo maal raadis.

    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 6:16 PM EST

So true. I forgot to say that I'm glad that the likes of Ibbi is left out!

    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 6:16 PM EST
 Nomadic1, you are right they can not operate their portofolios within 2 km of Villa Somalia(security wise) and another major factor is clash of cultures which is ultimately inevitable. As well most of my concern lies shaxaad doon MPs, Sakiin and Xariif in the mix. Alla u maqan Somaaliya iyo Soomalidaba.
    nomadic1 @ 11/12/2010 5:57 PM EST
We have made progress from the days of the warlords but we regressed in other areas. Personnel-wise, we still have Shariif Sakiin in charge of 550 wild  MPS who dream up all kinds of weird and wonderful motions depending on their level of Miqaana. Sheikh Shariif himself is not a courageous man. Courage is not about wearing some ill fitting fatigue and touring the front line. It is about making bold unexpected decisions and pulling off results. The guy is too timid and predictable.

I believe the new cabinet is balanced both in quality and quantity. The only problem is they are alien to the local clichés. Shariif Sakiin and Sheikh Shariif have no experience of western lifestyle or work experience. They are not also as highly qualified as these new guys. So, they might be a friction or clash of cultures.
I think it is hard to abolish or revamp the current parliament set up.
I feel sorry for these guys. I feel sorrier for Somalia.
    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 4:23 PM EST
 Nomadic1, quality and quantity wise we had made gigantic progress.

But the million dollar question is, will these Ministers able to do their jobs without the interference of the two Shariifs?. Also the PM, will he be left alone to do his duties, without Shariif getting entangled with him after the honeymoon is over. How about the over inflated and rowdy Parlamentarian. Already I heard that some Parliamentarians had voiced their disagreement of the selection of the new Cabinet and are vowing to bring them down hard.

I think the 550 Parliamentarians need a big reform or shake down.
    nomadic1 @ 11/12/2010 4:11 PM EST
 Somalipeace10, Jsoomane and Simansime
Thanks for your concurrence.

Waa runtaa. Naxariista alle lagama quusto iaa qowm xad gudbay mooyaane. laakiin waxaa ka horayso “ wa anibuu ilaa rabikum wa astaqfiruu lahu”. Soomaali hadaan nahay waan xadgudubnay waxaana nalooka baahan yahay inaan ilaahay u noqono.

Bal ina Soomanoow soo ducee.

    nomadic1 @ 11/12/2010 3:59 PM EST
 Tana way na soo martay.
Who said we haven’t made any progress?
    jsoomane @ 11/12/2010 3:55 PM EST
I second you on agreeing with Nomadic1. You said "...I am glad that
warlords and their militia are not part of the cabinet." That is one
way to look at.  But I wonder who did the bidding for these accademians
who were selected in the backward 4.5 formula.

    nomadic1 @ 11/12/2010 3:48 PM EST
How about if we say obstacles 1, 2 and 4 are fixed while obstacle 3 is variable, I,e FFF, Mujaahidin, Ahlu Sunna, Amisom, Clan militias….. to keep everyone happy. Lol

BTW, Momo, it seems you are even more pessimistic than I am. If miracle won’t work for Somali and money won’t come in time, then we DOOMED.

Teeda kale, waxaad ilowday the naughtiest professor, Mr IBBI. If I were you, I would let Dalxa off the hook and replace him with IBBI.

That is true. Only Allah’s miracles can sort Somalia out. I am one of the most optimistic people around but even I am finding it hard to remain optimistic.
    somalipeace10 @ 11/12/2010 3:28 PM EST
 I agree with Nomadic1, what we need is not reform of the present unworkable system but to restructure it. That said, even though the likelihood of success is uncertain, I am glad that warlords and their militia are not part of the cabinet.
    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 2:33 PM EST
 Koleyba Wasiiradan hawl badan baa hortaala ee insha allah waxaan u rajeynayaa inay ku guuleystaan wax qabadkooda. Inkastoo caqabado badanina ay jiraan oo ay horyaalaan.
    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 2:17 PM EST


Even miracle will not solve Somalia's current problems.

Like you said, and I'm paraphrasing some, TFG's main obstacle are:

1. Large and incompetent cabinet.
2. Large and incompetent parliament.
3. Filthy Foreign Fugitives and their Somali dabodhilifs.
4. Lack of significant financial supports.

Thanks to Sheikh Sharif and Farmajo, the first one is not an obstacle anymore.

The second one will require courageous move from Somalis to set a standard for the next parliamentarians.

Insha Allah, Somalia will be freed from these FFFs soon rather than later.

Understandably, significant financial assistance will not arrive while 2&3 are lingering around!

    magudbe @ 11/12/2010 2:15 PM EST
 Let us give them the benefit of the doubt, After all these are Somalis , and Tribe and
Tribalism are ingrained in their pysche . The deck is stacked against them, with the
little time left in the mandate. If they can bring security and the hope that every thing else
will trickle down,.. then they are in for a good start. I hope their case should not became
the old proverb."Too many cooks spoil the broth". They should go to work ASAP.. no
political posturing or horse trading... good luck.... Nin xil qaaday eed qaad.... word
to all monday quarter backs.. let us give them a room to breath....
    nuun @ 11/12/2010 2:13 PM EST
 Momo, thanks for the link. I enjoyed the son. :)
    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 2:04 PM EST

Nope. It's not insulting to point out someone who is faking!

I know Dalxa and all his family very well. He did not graduate from Luqadaha or from any other university.

It's not like he just enjoyed music and art. The man was a famous singer!

Here is a link of one of his songs: http://www.bulsho.dk/pla.php?song=Waa 15 Jir - Maxamed Cumar Dalxa.mp3&album=heesonew

Once you hear that, you'll know that he is better off singing than claiming to be a professor!

As for Gedi, yes he has a degree in Vet and taught a short time.

But does that make him a professor?

He11 no!

Regardless of these two clowns, we have numerous shameless Somalis in Canada claiming to be university graduates and can't even speak, read, and write English, Arabic, or Italian!

    nuun @ 11/12/2010 1:35 PM EST
 almost all are new faces. what happened to old folks. all gone?
I wish them best of luck and success. These guys should be given all the support they need as well  as more time. 6 months is not enough to do anything.
    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 1:35 PM EST

I agree with you all the factors that might be real drawbacks or advantages to the new Capinet Ministers. As I said before only Allah's miracle, can let them over come their obstacles.

    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 1:27 PM EST
 Momo, be more original with your accusations and please abstain from generalizing people with the Illiterate former warlords.

Dalxa hadduu muuusiqa iyo heesaha jeclaa, taas ceeb maaha. Laakiin wuxuu ka baxay kulliyada Luqudaha(JUS), ka dibna taqsuskiisa oo Carabiga ahaa wuuxuu ku qaatay Sudan, kadibna isla Kulliyadii uu ka baxay buu Macalin ka ahaa. Geedina wuxuu ka baxay Kulliyada Xanaanada Xoolaha(JUS), waqti aan u badnayn wuxuu ka noqday isla kulliyadaas macalin. Markaa ma iska caytamee, mise waxaa daliil ka dhigatay inay kugu dhagrayaan waxbarashadoodii hore ama say u eg yihiin iyo say u socdaan aan ka gartay.
    nomadic1 @ 11/12/2010 1:21 PM EST
 I must admit this is an impressive line up bar the two Ahlu Sunna reps who I don’t know much about.

The question to ask now is whether this seemingly impressive line up will translate into success on the ground?

To answer that question, one must understand TFG’s main drawbacks.

1) Too large and too incompetent cabinet
2) Too large and uncontrollable parliament
3) Uncompromising powerful opposition
4) Lack of direct financial support

This new cabinet might solve the first problem and might even make headways in persuading the international community to support the government directly rather than through the present shadow Somali cabinet in Nairobi (NGOs). But what about the other two problems – Two and Three.  

I am sorry to say this but I am afraid the success and failure of this government is heavily dependant on external factors that are beyond their professional capacity, training and expertise. Say, crushing or caressing the armed opposition, taming the 550 unru1y parliamentarians and persuading indifferent international community to inject quick funds.

They say there is time and place for everything. Who knows? May be this is not the right time and place for these highly educated individuals.

To pen off, I am NOT optimistic. Miracles do happen though – specially when you least expect them.    
    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 1:11 PM EST

Dalxa was a singer by profession and member of Hobolada Waaberi! He was not an academic.

In early 90s, pre-Puntland era, he taught Arabi & Diin in an obscure "university" located in Bosaso.

If that qualifies him to be a professor, then be it. He aint fooling me.

As for Gedi, he has a degree form Lafole and do not have any PHD.

In early 90s, he gave lectures in less than 6 months in one of Mogadishu "universities".

If that makes him a professor, be it. He aint fooling me.

Btw, we have seen these two men in action working as Mps and by that, it is obvious that these two fake professors, Dalxa and Gedi, are incompetent Mps let alone academics!

    shabeel @ 11/12/2010 12:58 PM EST
 while you applauding the lean cabinet, the credentials of the new ministers and their competency (yet to be proved),  people are busy finding about the Qabiil composition of the cabinet, not their qualifications. Some are even confused how can this cabinet of 18 make justice to the 4.5 formula? what clan is left out? and it's not that late when the buffoons led by clannish clowns and illiterate elders will sound their usual alarm of "looma dhama". Soon the pitiful parliament will follow suit to beat the clan drums unless Formaggio outbids Sakiin.
    Simansime @ 11/12/2010 12:36 PM EST

I agree most of them are highly educated, except few of them with dubiuos or false background(which we all know). Other than that, I am kind of happy to see this elite educated class, but unfortunately what they can do with all of their talents and the short period that is left?. A miracle work!.

I want to correct you:

Dalxa and Gedi were not fake Professors, they both taught the Somali National University with their respective Faculties. Unless, you are saying the National University was fake.
    mo_mohamed @ 11/12/2010 12:28 PM EST
 This is the most technocrat-dominated cabinet ever appointed in Somalia.. I see over-qualified men like Omaar and Dr AbdiNur of Ohio.. These are men of highest integrity.. Bravo
    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 12:16 PM EST

Masha Allah!

I'm so happy!

I'm so happy not because I expect an imminent change in Somalia, but because Farmajo has started a beautiful trend!

Despite the fact Farmajo's government has only few months to serve our people, it is a start of something beautiful!

All the fake Doctors and the fake professors are all gone!

We now have real doctors, real professors, and real university graduates with resumes that can be verified!

The days the likes of Hussein Aidid who droped out of university after only 2 years and recognised in Mogadishu as an Engineer are gone!

Muse Sudi, Qanyare, Dhuxulow, Hassan Abshir, the fake professor gedi, the fake professor Dalxa, are all gone!

Somalis who have any ambitions to serve their people in higher capacity should now goto school and study hard or else encourage their kids to study hard, because the days of taking the short cut in Somalia is over!

The day Somali parliament is filled with real university graduates will be the begining of real hope for Somalia!

    momo519 @ 11/12/2010 12:05 PM EST


2011 will be the year Filthy Foreign Fugitives and their dabodhilifs are exterminated from Somalia!

    Anti-dabdhilifs @ 11/12/2010 12:00 PM EST
  August 2006.    Somalia's interim Prime Minister, Ali Muhammad Gedi, on Monday appointed a 31-member cabinet

December 2007.  Somalia: Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein announces his cabinet.

February 2009.  Somalia's Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sha'amarke has announced his cabinet on Friday.

November 2010.  Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed unveiled his new cabinet.


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