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    hamdi @ 7/15/2007 10:18 AM EST
 eheheheheheh, soomali waa in istaqaan
oo walaalaha, eheheheheh. Anti Traitor
hadda haddaad diiday cididii micno ma leh
lakiin waxaan ka yaabay Toos maxaa kaga
cabaadsiiye ina ma reer habar kala?

    TOOS @ 7/14/2007 11:19 PM EST
Please do us favor and cut this nonsense of yours
Because you’re not making any sense
Mise abaayo falaxal baad cabtay? kkkkkkk  
Af qalaad aqoontu miyaa? MAYA, MAYA!!!

Tan labaad islaantii Xamdi maxaa ka si ah?
waa maxay reerahan ay aflagaadada la kortay?
Xaajiyo bal quraan iyo wax akhriso xaalkaagu meel
xun buu maraayaaye KKKKKKKKKKKKK
    anti-traitors @ 7/14/2007 9:08 PM EST
 Reer Jaamac waal? hayaay hamdi waad ka soo dartay. Saas TFg u taageereesay waad ku waalatay miyaa? dadka abtirsado  ma ihi ee been ha iga sheegay.  hooyadee hadee dhuloos tahay so what? saas maan reer waqoyi ku  ahay? iweeydii qabiilkeega hadaad saan ugu kulushahay inaad ogaatid.  wado dheer ha ii soo marin. mida labadaad. wali  islamists macnaheeda mataqaanid waadna ka xishooneesaa inaad dhahdid. magacaan after 9/11 buu soo baxay. waa magac gaalada sameesatay oo rabaan ineey islam ku caayaan.
    Camel Girl @ 7/14/2007 8:53 PM EST

    hamdi @ 7/14/2007 7:07 PM EST
waxaan filayaa inglishkaa kugu adag
mise caqligaaga wali foorar ku maqan
war warku ha ku gali, anigaa ku haysta
gaalada AP News erayga Islamist waxay tuug
walba ugu isticmaalayaan.
teeda kale Adaa afkaaga iga yiri
Reer Jaamac waal inaad tahay oo Dhulbanate
hooyadaa tahay, mise waad is ilowday?
war anigu maba jecli wax islamist yiraahda
ilaa haddana gaaladaan AP news soo qortay
Islamist baan ku heystaa, haddaan gaalka
inabtigaa ah kaa maagay sorry, waan ku ogahay
gaal cida la hadashaa inaad colowdaane.
Khaldaan fahamtu?
    TOOS @ 7/14/2007 6:48 PM EST
 Shirka dib u hallaynta ah (Gabay). Curiye Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed
Posted to the Web Jun 04, 14:35  

Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed
[email protected]

Gabaygan waxaa tiriyey Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed 2007-06-01. Wuxuu kaga hadlayaa shirka la sheegay in Xamar lagu qabanayo, oo lagu tilmaamay  ”shir dib u heshiisiin” ah. Hase ahaatee wuxuu ula muuqdaa gabyaaga shir aan hagaagsanayn oo wax lagu qarribayo. Sidaas daraaddeed ayuu ugu magacaabay ”Shirka dib u hallaynta ah”. Wuxuu gabaygu toos ula hadlayaa dadka laga yaabo in ay ku sirmaan shirkan. Wuxu yidhi:

Shirka dib u hallaynta ah midkaa haatan lagu baaqay
Ee cadowgu hees iyo mashxarad ku hambalyeynaayo
Ee ay hormoodka u yihiin heeryo niman qaatay
Ee culimadii hayn jirtiyo diinta lagu hiifay
Ninkii u hanqaltaagoow adaa heeray nabaddiiye
Adigaa hanuunkiyo ka baxay hilinkii toosnaaye
Adow hiishay cadowgaa intaad heegan gelilayde
Haddaad tahay hoggaan dhaqan haddii haybad lagu saaray
Ma habboona inaad hoos tagtaa hohe shisheeyaaye

Shirka dib u hallaynta ah midkaa haatan lagu baaqay
Ay hadal hayaan waa wax aan, horumar keenayne
Qoomkii Hawaas iyo wardheer hore u sii xoogay
Ee Haragarduur iyo Jigjiga looga hadhay maalin
ee Harar waxay qurux lahayd geliyey hoostooda
ee haatan Xamar uula tegay hub iyo duullaanka
Nabad inay habeeyaan ninkaa ku hindisoonaya
Dhabtii waa habaarqabe ka tegay hadiga diinteena
Ama waa habow baadiyoo hagis u gaajaysan
Ama waa hunguri waalanoo hadhimo doonaaya
Ama waa habeen-jire-dhallaan, ka hurda taariikhda

Shirka dib u hallaynta ah midkaa haatan lagu baaqay
Hungo weeye oo iga wallaan lagu hagaagayne
Habkuu Faarax Nuur yidhi haddaan hoga tusaaleeyo (1)
Isaguba halyeybuu ahaa hibo u dheerayde
Huuhaada beenta ah war aan hoos u garanaayo
Booraamo hadimood, mindiyo wada haliilaaya.
Doqon baa halkii lagu halligi soo hawaarsada´e
Hooggeeda Soomaaliyeey hoos waxuma eegto
Hadmaad hees run uga qaadateen, hawl yaraa dirirtu
Saw kaa Axmaar soo hangaday soo habqami maaha
Saw kuwaa hubsadayee baddii haatan tegay maaha
Haddii ay hubaal nabaddu tahay hororku muu laabto?
Hubkan yey u soo iibsadeen lagu halaagmaayo?

Shirka dib u hallaynta ah midkaa haatan lagu baaqay
HUBE waa ilaahaye haddaan ku hadlo maankayga
Hagardaamo iyo xeelad iyo hadimo weeyaane
Hooggeeda Soomaaliyeey, hoos wax uma eegto!
Bal sidee hammiga loo geshaa hadhac la dooyeysto?
Saw taa kitaabkii hufnaa loo handaday maaha
Saw kaa hanuunshiyo wadaad, galay huluul maaha
Saw kaa halaagsamay dadkii hoystay nabad maaha
Saw taa hilbuhu daadsanyihiin hooskii Xamar maaha
Saw taa habaas weynta´ee mayd la haray maaha
Saw kuwan haweenkii goblamay hawdka wadhan maaha
Saw kuwan hiqdaas uun hayee hiilka raba maaha
Saw kaa hubkii sida raggii, hiirta qabay maaha
Hal booliya nin haystaa hadduu haan u culanaayo
Hadduu faray hankiisii inuu hore xalaalaysto
Hawshaba kumuu darin malaha hooto soo maqane
Waase hubanti sheekada inay heello dabataalle
Hadalse wuxu ka joogaa habkaad adigu yeeshaaye

Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed
[email protected]  
    anti-traitors @ 7/14/2007 4:51 PM EST
 Hamdi if you dont know the meaning of that word then dont use it. Those westren media knows the meaning of that word and they are the one created that word. These is hiden meaning behind it. Snd, why you keep calling me khaldan? I'm not khaldaan and if you have problem with them, go find them. They are everywhere. I dont have problem with if you call those mujaahidiin bad names, but dont call them the word you dont know like 'islamists'  You free to call them  munaafiqiin, tuugo, mooryaan. Atleast you know the meaning of those words.
    hamdi @ 7/14/2007 4:26 PM EST
 Anit Triator,
always Khaldaan is khaldaan. why are you asking
me who is Islamist ask the Darn AP news who the
heck are the so call Islamist? I am addressing
the AP News, I guess that went over your head.

as for Mujahidiin, was not the SNM who used to
call themselves the Mujahidiin and still the
Mujahidiin, we call them munafiqiin.
You call Siilaanyo Mujahid, or Mahamed Kahin
yet, when that filthy S-land government
is burning the Muslimiin with tazers I have
never heard them protest it, when the
S-land gov is rounding the Muslimiin
and selling them to America or Ethiopia
these so call Mujahiid never say anything
the same goes for the Mugadishu so call
Mujahiid, but killing the Innocent somalis
are ok with them, and they have been doing
it for the last 17 years, what a mujahid eh?
My friend your mujahid is my munafiq.
    anti-traitors @ 7/14/2007 4:03 PM EST
  Uganda:Shaqo kuma lihin amaanka goobta uu ka dhacayo shirweynaha beelaha..http://www.shabelle.net/2007/july/n12313.htm. Shir tigree tank ku waardiyeenaayo. kuwaan iyagaa is fashilay. Xataa hadee uganda iyo TFg soldiers waardiyeeya shirka  eey dhihi lahaayeen xoogaa macquul beey ahaan laheed. Kuwaan maskax mahayaan. Uganda waxeey u diiday lacagta shirka beenta ah lagu qaadanaayo baa loo diiday.
    anti-traitors @ 7/14/2007 3:55 PM EST
 hamdi and proud to be mix arenot we all islamists? or muslims? You keep saying that word. May be I'm mising something. Those groups aganist this TFg didnot call them selves 'islamists'. They have different names like mujahidiin, muqaawama, or islamic court group. If you dont agree with those three names they call them selves that is another case, but I never heard them saying they are 'islamists'.
    hamdi @ 7/14/2007 3:01 PM EST
 Shame on AP for Calling these killers Islamist,
these gaalo are so desperete to label any sicko
physco out there as Islmist...
Islam is a peaceful Religion, and anyone who is
Muslim will be happy to see other muslim people
who want to reconcile in the name of peace.
May Allah protect the Peace seekers and May
Allah destory anyone who is against the peace
of this Muslim people. Amen.
Shame shame shame on anyone who wishs  harm to
people who seek peace, Islam=peace and no one
who is against peace can claim to be Muslim.
Allah subxana watacalaa is our judge
and he is the all seeing and hearing and
he is the altumate justice, insha Allah.
we seek refuge with Allah.
    proud-to-be-mix @ 7/14/2007 2:31 PM EST
 Fiqicigall,I agree with you the fact that these Islamist are inciting violence that will contribute Somalia's prolong civil war.The Islamist are clearly indicating that they do not want peace to preveal as they suggesting death sentence will be imposed upon those who take part of the reconcilation conference. We don't have to say we will drive Ethiopians out of somalia everyday,we need to embrace solution to put an end this choas that revaged across somalia. I want this conference to be one that will pave the future of somalia and one that will make a differece .Hope things get better.
    proud-to-be-mix @ 7/14/2007 2:29 PM EST
 Fiqicigall,I agree with you the fact that these Islamist are inciting violence that will contribute Somalia's prolong civil war.The Islamist are clearly indicating that they do not want peace to preveal as they suggesting death sentence will be imposed upon those take part of the reconcilation conference. We don't have say we will drive Ethiopians out of somalia everyday,we need embrace solution to put an end this choas that revaged across somalia. I want this conference to be one that will pave the future of somalia and one that will make a differece .Hope things get better.
    hanixin1 @ 7/14/2007 2:13 PM EST
 This ill-fated conference is aimed at legitimising Ethiopian colonial conference. For that reason anyone who part in that sinster conference is aiding and abetting the occupation forces and hence a legitimate target for the resistance fighters. Somali people are fighting against brutal colonial humiliation and will be victorious.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/14/2007 1:52 PM EST
 Who has the right to impose the death sentence on others because they want to take part in the reconciliation conference? This kind of language will only distant the majority of the nation from those who advocate violence and clan mentality  

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