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    saba @ 1/20/2009 2:22 PM EST
 Saddexda Xaraf,loooooool. Fulay hymo.

Yaa Afsomali kaaga haraa??

    hymohamed @ 1/20/2009 11:43 AM EST
If the guy exists and the story is true, then he is a foreigner in Somalia.  You scared me gal.  Do you work for the "Saddexda Xaraf"?  I am gonna watch my words since momo519 is cruising here with some fishy questions and statements!!!!!!!LOL

You houldn't bother asking us other foreigners who are being chased by the authorities.  Keep in mind we are discussing Somali issues and not that deadly and dangerous stuff.  Keep me out sista,I won't mess with you, you're too scary!!!!LOL
    Gaadh'haye @ 1/20/2009 7:57 AM EST
I'm not Hymohamed. Do u want me to give you my address in Rinkbey, Stockholm so that you can  report me to SAPO like you guys did to Yaasiin Baynax, the UIC fella, whose is My distant cousin?
    saba @ 1/20/2009 5:26 AM EST

You also described me as LIBERAL on another thread,kindly
explain it, what shall we to make of that?

Explain both Liberal,and how do i fit to be one.


That is not to turn down the honour bestowed upon me by
the GURU, it is coming from the sheer lack of knowledge both
of the concept of LIBERALISM and myself.

Little explanation from the Guru will do a world of good to me!.
    saba @ 1/20/2009 5:20 AM EST
 One more darling,

You defined Knowledge for us.. Can you for once share
your knowledge with us the pathetic knowledge deprived.

Massage is for GURU Simbe.
    saba @ 1/20/2009 5:03 AM EST
 Simbe dear,

Aside from socialising,i enjoy the Exposee i do at times.

I thought you would come back defining "international law",never
expected you would come back defining ME.

Considering what is happening in Gaza, i thought you would define it
like this...

Cluster bo'mbs,raining down phosphorous,plasma weopons.. Rain them down from
distance to kids.

And do no forget the Motto and deeds, BY DECEPTION THOU SHALL WAGE WARS.

You have been BAMBOOZELED small boy!!.

    simbe @ 1/20/2009 2:10 AM EST
 Poor, little, Tiny Saba + Gaadh.haye aka Hymomohamed.

Knowledge is power, when you know how things works you will know where to start. It means you can even monopulate your whay out. Thats why I mention jews. Ogadenian wellbeing or freedom has nothing to do with Ashabaab.

Xaajiyo Saba! My point was allways clear to the contrary to yours, you belong nowhere in this forum. To me it seems you are here to socialize, but will remine you, here is opinion forum, not social forum. Here, you should have ideaology. Here you behave like a jurge without lawyer or solicitor.
    momo519 @ 1/20/2009 12:14 AM EST
 Why not answer the question? Is R u b e n  S h u m p e r t a Somali or a foreign?
    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 11:15 PM EST
 I watched the movie and I saw the beauty of islamic law that is in force.   Did you see how the residents of Merca were very happy?  

If the men are not foreigners, then how do they become outsiders in Mogadishu?  I think some folks here want to insult our intelligence.  

It is better we leave it there.
    momo519 @ 1/19/2009 10:03 PM EST
 No one said Godane, Fuad and Roobow are foreigners. Learn how to read.
    momo519 @ 1/19/2009 10:01 PM EST
 What do you think they are doing in the video?

Does the name R u b e n  S h u m p e r t sound Somali to you?
    momo519 @ 1/19/2009 9:54 PM EST

    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 9:31 PM EST

"International Law"?   My friend, please tell that to the poor and defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza who have been bombarded for over 20 days with White Phosphorous, Tanks, Artillery, F-16 delivered bunker buster bombs, and many other deadly weopans or the Somalis in Ogaden or in Central and Southern Somalia who have been invaded, occupied, killed and maimed by the merciless Ethios troops?  If this international law that you are advocating can do any thing for them, then I have a bridge in Dayton, Ohio that I want to sell it to you.  

Interantional law ku lahaa, may sunta naga daayaan ay xeebahayaga ku shubayaan ama maraakiibta xaalufinaysa badahaga haddii xeer caalami ahi jiro.  
    @ 1/19/2009 9:21 PM EST

Bad baad dhex dabaalanaysaa arimaha diinta ku saabsan inaad aqoon u leedahay baa wanaagsan.  Ku oran maayo waan kaaga cilmi badnahay laakiin aan kuu saxo intaan hadda arko inaad ku dhex jirtid:

1. Qabuuraha waa in la ixtiraamo oo loo duceeyo.   Laakiin maaha inta la tago in laga ducaysto.  Ta la diidayaa waa taas in inta la tago, lagu dawaafo oo lagu wareega cadaysto oo iyaga la baryo.  Waa shirkiga noocyada ugu xun. Tan ay suufiyada iyo Islaamiyiinta kale isku haystaan waa taas.   Haddii ay dhacdo inay dadku u aadayaan qabuuraha inay ka ducaystaan oo ku dawaafaan, waa la burburinayaa, meydkana inta kafan cusub lagu xidho ayaa meel kale lagu aasayaa oo aysan dadku ogayn.   Cibaadada waxa kaliya oo loo niyaysanayaa waa Alle.

2. Madina marka la aadayo looma aado qabuuraha.   Waxaa la booqanayaa Masjid nabu  (pbuh)(prophet's mosque).  Haddii aad tagtid qabriga nabiga (pbuh) wax dhib ah ma laha waa la salaamayaa laakiin laga ducaysan maayo, sidaa ula soco.    

Kaalay waxa nimankaan lagu haystaa waa qabuuro ayay baabi’iyeen.    Caqiida ahaan way ku saxsan yihiin laakiin waa inay marka hore yihiin maamul dhulkaas oo dhan ka taliya oo awood u leh inuu fuliyo howshaas iyadoo aan dhibaato weyni ka imaanayn.   Laakiin qabso caqiido ahaan way ku saxsan yihiin qabuuraha iyo Shrineska aad ku dawaafaysaan inay burburinyaan.    Shiikh hebelow sidaas ii yeel, sheikh hebelow muraadkaan ii fuli.   Maad Alle baridaan intaad qabuuro baryaysaan?

You still don’t answer my question:   In your Somalia, are Somaliland, Puntland, and Bay/Bakool regions included?  If yes, how can a one from these regions become a foreigner in his/her own country?    
    saba @ 1/19/2009 5:46 PM EST
 Simbe, one more dear.

Jews know about your birth place's deatails more than you know or
care to know!!.
    saba @ 1/19/2009 5:26 PM EST
 If Simbe is from Ogaden,then why is he neglecting the affairs of his birth place??
    saba @ 1/19/2009 5:21 PM EST
Lool on Simbe, or shall i say Poor Simbe.

Jews use "international law" to achieve their goals??

What is international law Simbe?

Those of us who are uneducated,who can not "communicate globaly"
are eager to learn. In earnest Simbe, i want to learn.

How does it work dear?

Ps, i do not know what the rest wrote for Simbe to respond as such,
i must stop reading the rest of comments including the article,to contemplate

I am thirst for more Simbe, please do not give up on us.Those of us who are
slow to learn.   Thank you in advance.

    simbe @ 1/19/2009 4:49 PM EST

Dhagihii alle waansho ayaa waansan. Saaxib dadkaasu laf cad ayey toobin ku hayaa.
    momo519 @ 1/19/2009 4:39 PM EST

Yes. Alshabab leaders are Godane, Fuad, and Roobow and they represent Somaliland, Puntland and Bay/Bakool. Alshabab is a foreign entity. Because Alshabab is the only group in Somalia that has foreign fighters. They hide their faces and as a result we don't know the number of foreign fighters in  Alshabab. We always find out who they are after they are de'ad. In Guriceel de'ad Shabab fighters included numerous foreign fighters from Kenya, Tanzania, Suda, and the USA.

Their actions and ideology are foreign. In Somalia, we respect the de'ad. We don't destroy cemeteries and shrines. That action is foreign to our beloved culture. Alshabab dest'roys cemeteries and shrines. They do it not because they ha'te Somali cemetery, but out of ideology. It is not in the Q'uran to des'troy cemeteries. If it was, we wouldn't be visiting Medina.

Everything that I am telling you is out in the open. I urge you to take it easy and watch these thugs objectively. Just because they fight for you doesn't mean they deserve your unconditional support. Especially when they are calling to destroy your culture and continuing an unnecesary war.
    simbe @ 1/19/2009 4:17 PM EST

I want you to know one thing which is extremely clause to my hearty which is.

I born in Oganen, has memory of a cruel treatment and accupation where the accupaired and me has nothing in common, wether its a religion, culture, ethnecity, language and you name it.To free my people, Alshabaab has nothing to do with it, even the slighest. I beleive knowledge and know how of intranational laws and peaceful claim of my rights will prevail, and I am shure no one can stop me when I am sitting on the truth and know my rights. I beleive its primitive way to seek our gaol by terror. The coming centuery belongs to those who are well educated and can communicats globaly. Good example is Jews... Narrow minded idiot will not take you anywhere like Alharam.

That's why I give up long ago there assistans. There system is opposite to anything good for Somalia as whole, these boys need education
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 3:55 PM EST
 I know...........
I am not convinced...
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 3:17 PM EST
 I now you are a champion of democracy and i am willing to discuss with you some other time.
I am not onvinced.
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 3:13 PM EST
 Regarding Wiilasha, I share many things with them even though I don’t agree with some of their decisions. I don’t like when they refuse to negotiate or get heavy handed with the general public. I also won’t agree with them if they keep on waging wars against fellow Somalis. So, my support depends on their actions not their name or what they claim to be.

I am in for liberty and freedom but only under Islamic framework and constraints.  
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 3:09 PM EST
I am sorry to confuse you brother.
You asked me a very hard question. The more I think about it, the harder it gets and I am nowhere near giving you a conclusive answer.

I am against the br*utal occupation of Ethiopia in the Ogaden/Western Somalia. So, as a fellow Somali, I support their endeavours and struggles to free themselves, be it political or military. They are on the ones on the ground; they know what is best for them, so the choice is theirs.
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 1:56 PM EST
The AMISOM troops are not coming now, they are already holed up in your capital city. Since they are not a direct threat to any at the moment, its better to work with them and first restore law and order. Securing the country will remove the need that brought them in the first place. Conversely, fighting with them now will create a need to keep them and bring on even more.

As things stand, everything is up for grabs and no one can sideline the group you are referring to. They need to adopt with the current climate and start making peace with others.
    @ 1/19/2009 1:43 PM EST

My friend I have to underline stongly two things. what amaze me is how can you and me se so defrently with this matter

1. Alshabaab has nothing to do with well being of Somalis, they have global agenda and prespectivs, beleive me, even if they succeed to take over Somalia they contenue fighting antill they stablish their dream Califat (Skalifat)  I am not against that muslim skalifat but its not realistic. My people Somalis suffers very long time and they can't take anymore this Alshabaabs global war.
Hymohamed Alshabaab is foreing element,keep it mine.

2. Hymohamed you asked me, what is better than Alshabaab, what is the alternative? I give one, anything is better than these guys, even Maana Isha is better. Why, war will never stop even if take over Mecca, they will try to impose Sharia law in US, and I am not joking.

Hymohamed if you want war, you have your Alshabaab and good lucky with them.

Somali haddaan nahay dagaal joogto ah Daafad uma hayno.

    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 12:38 PM EST
 Waxqabadka ragga ragga ah:

    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 11:56 AM EST
You were telling us yesterday that this group's leaders are from Somaliland, Puntland, and Bay/Bakool regions.   You are telling me now that they are foreign.    When are you telling the truth?   Illaahow haa iyo maya meel hanagaga yeedhsiin.   In your Somalia, are Somaliland, Puntland, and Bay/Bakool regions included?  Can you explain further what do you mean by foreign actions and foreign ideologies?   In your view, is Shari'a law a foreign?   Help me get your point.

    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 11:54 AM EST
 Simbe and Hymo
I will respond to both of you later today.
The security alarms will kick in if i stay here any longer.
    momo519 @ 1/19/2009 11:39 AM EST
 Alshabab is a foreign group. They may have many Somali members, but their actions, their ideology and the presence of foreign fi'ghters allpoint out that they are foreign. Now to answer your question, Somali problems can be solved by Somalis only. Au troops will leave and so Shabab militia.
    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 10:31 AM EST
 To my understanding, Jihaad is always a duty on Muslims but there are many forms of Jihaad, off course it does not always have to be in a conflict.  Without Jihaad, our diin would be in danger.  In this situation, I have posted the news from JABISO website.   In my view, I blame all of the misunderstanding and conflicting statements coming from Somali groups on ARS-DJibouti.   It looks like they want to sieze power, sideline other groups, use clannish dogma, and confuse the public.  What I don't understand is what are the AMISOM troops doing in Somalia?   Why do we need other foreign troops when 1993 mission failed and the 2006 Ethios invasion brought so much misery?  Why would any Somali group need foreign troops and call others to come? I can continue and post many more questions.

My moral support to certain Somali groups is not endless but when I look all of the entities, I see no other alternatives. So, Nomadka ands Simbe, give me the alternatives you have and I will reason with you. Can you help me undertand why certain groups have to be sidelined from Somalia's future?   This is the sticking point.   We are being told that you cannot include any political settlement with certain Somali entities.   Who is to decide Somalia's future, foreigners or us?

    simbe @ 1/19/2009 9:07 AM EST

You confused me brother. We use to depate here in HOL but have deicult times to figure out where your sympathy goes to. OLNF, Alsahaab , Liberals like Saba, democrat like me etc. My friend you can’t belong everywhere when the deference is so huge.

Its was joke when I attacks you as weekend group.

Bal doc uun isku beydh
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 8:41 AM EST
 Aniga kolay ilama aha in ay wax micna ah samaynayso in mar walba dagaal lugu jiro. Wax walba bilow iyo dhamaad ayay leeyihiin. Waa inuu jiraa hadaf la tiigsanayo, hadafkaasoo cayiman dhan walba, markii la gaarana waa in la garan karo waxna la iska badalo.

Haday ciidamada Amisom xoog horay ugu joogeen hada waa la saari karaa ayadoon dhiig lagu daadin, waayo hadii nabad la helo wadankana la hanto, iska taga ayaa la oran karaa.

Wixii dhaqaaqaba waan la dagaalamayaa waxba ma kordhinayso.

Mar walba xoof looma baahno. Mar mar caqli ayaa loo baahan yahay.
    simbe @ 1/19/2009 8:40 AM EST
Some people get boring to be foreigner and refugee, they will do everything to belong some organisation, clan business doesn’t not work for them, there is no reliable government to support. They are desperate and want go home. These people forget one important factor which is, you choose wrong organisation if you believe Alshabaab is your ticket. Think twice don’t go there and fight for their cause, it doomed to be failed.

Dhagahii alle waansho ayaa wansan  
    nomadic1 @ 1/19/2009 8:35 AM EST
Hade hadii ay xabashi tagtay jihaadka barakaysan ma la iska sii wadi. Mar walba ma iska barakaysan yahay?
    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 7:06 AM EST


1.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed (JABISO) waxay Ilaahay uga mahad celinaysaa isla markaana u aragtaa guul uu ilaahay keenay cararka uu Gumeysiga Ethiopia ka cararay Caasimadda Muqdisho, fadliga Eebe ka dib, waxaa sababta iska lahaa Mujaahidiinta & Shacabka oo iskaashanaya. Waxaana ilaahay weydiisanaynaa in uu ka wada saaro wadanka oo dhan Gumeystayaasha.

2.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed (JABISO) waxay u aragtaa Ciidamada Amisom in ay qeyb ka ahaayeen cadowga ku soo duulay Diinta Dadka iyo Dalka, uguna sugan wadankayaga si sharci darra ah, waxaynu u jeedinayaa in ay si degdeg ah uga baxaan wadankayaga, hadii kale aysan ka istaagi doonin xabadda Mujaahidiinta.

3.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed waxa ay ku boorinaysaa Mujaahidiinta iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay sii wadaan Jihaadkoodii Barakeysnaa oo ay ku la jireen Cadowga Alle, iyada oo ay haatan u soo gurbaan tumanayo cadaw kale.

4.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed (JABISO) waxay ugu baaqaysaa Mujaahidiinta oo dhan in ay u midoobaan Cadowgooda iyaga iyo Shacabkooduna ay isku xirnaadaan, waxaana ugu bishaaraynaynaa in uu haatan socda dadaal lagu mideynayo Mujaahidiinta meel fiicanna uu marayo Ilaahay mahadiis.

5.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed waxay u aragtaa in ay waajib tahay in wadanka lagu dhaqo Shareecada Islaamka, ayna banaanayn in sharciga Alle lagu badasho Qaanuun dadku sameeysteen.

6.Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed (JABISO) waxa ay ka digeysaa qabyaaladda, tacasubka, aflagaadada iyo wax kasta oo sababi kara kala fogaansho iyo isnaceyb.

Wabillaahi Towfiiq

Guddoomiyaha Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaliyeed

Sh. C/laahi Axmed Cumar

Source: http://www.jabiso.net/News.php?View=141
    hymohamed @ 1/19/2009 6:54 AM EST
 Yes indeed IbnSomal is a winner, a decisive one as NinFiican put it.  Stick around brother and keep educating them.  
    simbe @ 1/19/2009 2:42 AM EST
 Kaalay goormaa Ninfiican radical Alshaab noqday.Walle balo la arag, war dadkaan xagee u socdaan
    simbe @ 1/19/2009 2:39 AM EST
 Somali real Islamist want Islamic rule and full liberation balaha balaha
Do the Islamist like shiek Sharif and Janaqow is not radical enough for you. To me they are very radical. Shalabaab ideology is madness. They represent a modern way to seek power and to kill for it. Anyone who oppose them should be eliminated, they don’t believe dialog. Alshabaab must understand all Somalis belongs the country and every Somali has his/her right to think other wise. Stop crocodile tears and call kufaar lover anyone who think differently then your’s.
    JAYKLEN. @ 1/18/2009 11:35 PM EST
 Why are alshabab continuing the fight after ethiopian departure ???? These terrorists with links to osama bin laden are our number one enemy they don't want peace. Our people are sick of the bloodshed that has been going on since 1991. We must now all unite and defeat these beaded criminals.
    Ninfican @ 1/18/2009 9:28 PM EST
 And the inner is IbnSomal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!indeed decisive victory.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 8:07 PM EST

Actions speak louder than words!
    shanta @ 1/18/2009 7:19 PM EST
    @ 1/18/2009 7:14 PM EST
You are a juvenile when it comes to Somali politics (I’m borrowing your comment to Nomad the other day) - you keep discounting the Somali Element in this formula of yours.  Doc, we have not reached the plateau on which you keep referring in terms of Jihad of the few to be the basis for a society that has been long divided among clan/sub clan affiliations, to unite overnight for the sake of Allah. If that was doable in the name of Allah, I guarantee we wouldn’t be at this point.
18 years have passed since the collapse of our nation, and the failed resurrections of our country, are attributed to the lack of compromising and the need to trust one another faithfully.
My sincere suggestion to you, is to accept what is at the table without revisiting the wasted years, it might not be to your taste and hard to swallow, but sometimes miracles do happen when people work together- who knows? Perhaps this could work to your advantage. But I will not compromise is not the right answer, unless you are willing to take credit for the collapse of an entire society.  
    MO5 @ 1/18/2009 6:40 PM EST
 Hawiyow Al-shabaab iska xoreeya,dantiina ma wadaan waxayna doonayaan sidii aad u baabi'i lahaydeen.
Waxay meesha ku dhibaataynayaan waa dadkiinii,waxa qaxayaana waa dadkiinii.
Mar hadii Amxaaradii idinka tagtay,nimankan Al-shabaab ee gaalada ah iska qabta.

Waan hubaa in aan Islaam lagu sheegi karin ficilada ay Al-shabaab ku dhaqmayso.
Arxan darada iyo naxariis la'aantu ma aha calaamad Islaamka lagu yaqaan.
    simbe @ 1/18/2009 6:32 PM EST

Did you came from another planet or what.

Alshaab say many times they will attack any body whether they are TGN or forign troops in Somalia. We know the only thing which satisfied them is total power in Somalia. They will impose their interpretation of Shaia law in every in Somalia like Talabad did. That will not be good future for your kids if they ever be in Somalia-  
    ibn-somal @ 1/18/2009 6:17 PM EST
 sxb, am not a god, thus I do not know what is in that groups heart. As I said before, only Allah and those men know why they are fighting in location x.

But, of course, you as a graduate of kidnergartern qabilist school knows how every Somali individual or groups thinks; and most of the time it is to spite clan yx.

The only evidence you bring forward is that they happen to be from clan x. Wax kale ma haysa?I have already provted that ICU hawiye members hold the same position with regards to the African troopa. That abdi or maxamed is from clan x doesn't neccesarily mean they are fighting in region b because of clanism.

For your information, they attacked Ethiopian base in Puntland. For your information, only last week they fought Ethiopians near kismayo area. For your information, only a few days ago they fought ethiopians in bay area.

So, their goes one conspiracy out the window.

Why not in Garowe? Are there Ethiopian troops there? no>? are the African troops there?no

And you bet, although I would never support them on this, they will attack PL and SL, if they ever became a power in Somalia.

For the meantime they are concentrating on Muqdisho the capital city. They see the African Troops as the same as Ethiopians, because they were allied to them and the aFRICAn troops have even asked the UN yo give them a mandate to attack them. It is very simple sxb, they oppose Africna troops because of ideology' it has nothing so ever to with tribalism. Sheikh SHariff held the same position not to long ago, but he flip flopped and nobody knows what he stands for anymore. They also see the warlords and tfg in the same light that the Sheikh saw them six months ago. UNlike him, they haven't done a reversal on their ideology.

Lastly, I say the burden is on you:

bring evidence showing that they want to continue war against African troops because they want to continue war in one clans territory? Have they ever said this? Has any of those men ever uttered a word of tribalism. pLEASE dont bring hebel is from x and he is not fighting in his home town.waxasi wa qabyalad.

    simbe @ 1/18/2009 5:53 PM EST
 Dad aan isku qadiyad ahayn oo isku jiibinaaya ayaan u jeedaa.
Wixii ka soo hara sow waqti iska dhumis maaha.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 4:09 PM EST

I am with you. I feel sorry for the innocent people in Galgaduud. I had the same feeling when I saw those pics that Godane will start a revenge war against the people in Galgaduud. Now, as you see in that article, Godane and Rooboow are in Galgaduud trying to revenge. Looking forward to see Roobow oo afka daqsi ugu jiro in la soo galiyo.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 3:59 PM EST
 Well, the burden is on you to explain why Shabab choose to fight in X and not in Y and Z. Remember X is where Islamists are in power and Y and Z are where Islamists are not in Power. Also when explaining keep in mind that Y and Z are some of the desired locations and also where Shabab leaders have relatives. Any child in grade school would be able to explain.

Why wage war in area X when it is under the control of the Islamists?
    ibn-somal @ 1/18/2009 3:38 PM EST
 you still haven't explained how their waging war relates into them wanting the blood of a certain clan. The only evidence you seem to putting forth is;

a. they are from x area and it is safe.

THAT is simply guilt by tribal association.

    @ 1/18/2009 3:11 PM EST

I am keep mentioning Godane, Fuad, and Roobow because they are the leaders of Alshabab and they are the men who are continuing the unnecesary war on Guricel. They refuse to listen the people's concern to avoid more war in Mogadishu.

Asmara group are guest for the Christian Tigre and can say what they want. The truth is that they are in exile and don't have a say what goes on in Somalia. Colenel Aweys called all parties to stop the war in Guricel. No one listened. Why? Because he has no influence on Alshabab and has no influence on AhluSunna.

Sheikh Sharif's diplomacy secured to get rid the Ethiopians. Shabab and their supporters called him a traitor and Murtad. Sharif said that he wants a total Islamic rule for Somalia. Sheikh Sharif never said that he wants Ugandan troops to stay Somalia. Sheikh Sharif's position that Ethiopians and Ugandans are the same have never changed. He went to Jabuti to negotiate with TFG. To have a sucessful outcome, whenever 2 people or 2 groups negotiate, both parties have to compromise and give up some position. Sharif's first priority was Ethiopia to get out. Both parties seemed to agree on that. It seems that Sheikh Sharif compromised and agreed the Ugandans to remain in Mogadishu until later date. It all seems part of the deal he made with Nur Adde and Ahmed Abdisalam.

Since to have the Ugandan troops remain in Mogadishu was part of the Jabuti deal and Asmara group reject the Jabuti deal, their resisting of Ugandan presence is understandable.

    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 2:48 PM EST
    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 2:28 PM EST
I have seen the gruesome pictures the so called ASWJ displaced on their websites. I also briefly looked at the link you provided.

From the moment I saw those pictures, I knew there will be backlash from wiilasha.
I feel sorry for the people of Galguduud because when two elephants fight, the grass will suffer.
    Lamadage @ 1/18/2009 2:17 PM EST

bro yuusan madaxa ku xanuunin. Be hopeful.....I don't want to give up a lot of info beyond what I wrote for a good reason. Real Somali Islamist bikhayr but they need to do a lot of clean up. Nothing more nothing less.

Yes, Sharif and Janaqow has betrayed this J respectively. We will not let them to squander the fruit of this limited victory while Abyssinian and its lap dogs are still lurking for this nation.

    ibn-somal @ 1/18/2009 2:17 PM EST
 sxb, only Allah and those guys know they went to guriceel. In any case, why only bring out them guys? WHy not bring da ones who bling to that area and went there too? Maxad ugu warwareegi dhowr nin? What about asmara-icu who see the ugandands as the same as the ethiopians and vowed to resist them? You know their tribe and you don't accuse them of wishing war on hawi  clan. tHE clan conspiracy theories are getting boring.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 2:14 PM EST

There are Somali Islamists already living from Lowyacade to Raska. Maybe you want to have international criminal fugitives to live from Lowyacade to Ras. Godane, Fuad, Roobow, and all their foreign fugitives will end up as the same faith as Ruben, Ceyrow, Tima-jilic, Fanax, Aspro and many others oo meydkoodu duurka bahaladu ku cuneen.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 2:07 PM EST

Read the above link. Why would Godane and Roobow headed Guricel?
    Ninfican @ 1/18/2009 1:49 PM EST
 In the meantime,, what a difference couple of years make!
At height of the Ahmaro on onslaught in Mogadishu, 'residents'  were calling upon all muslims let alone somalis to come join the j binis(business), Maantana dalkaayna noo dhaafa ey leeyihii!!
War maxaa tiri?
Addunyo xaalkaa ba'a waa halkii datoorkee.
    Ninfican @ 1/18/2009 1:42 PM EST
 Hadde dhakhttarku markii horana asaa dhiibay bleak picture haddan waxaow leeyahay all is not lost.
war dhakhtar, arrinku soo saas ma ahan wallaale.
Meeshaan ani madaxaa igu wareeray.
    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 1:27 PM EST
It is the semi-nomads that thrive on lawlessness.

Nomads are peacefull and passive.
    Lamadage @ 1/18/2009 1:26 PM EST
 Bro Hymo.......

Somali real Islamist want Islamic rule and full liberation while others want half baked stuff. Don't be disappointed we are working round the clock to unite them. But Allah know where it will end.

Read below link and fill the blank........

For MOmo

I laughed when you played the same tune I was hearing here. Wait until you see Somali Islamist from Lowyacadde to Raska.  Miskiin

For those who said, Somalis apply shareecah on themselves except finance should be the joke of the day.


    ibn-somal @ 1/18/2009 1:24 PM EST
 momo, asmara-icu group doesn't want african union troops to come and they have always vowed to continue resiting them. Just yesterday a sheikh said the same thing in shabela hose. Again, we do need to go into his tribe. Are they tribalists who wish death on hawiye too? Secondly, they are resisting xabash in the towns you mentioned. If there was African troops in Garowe, i'm sure they would do the same thing. Thus, dont judge people from your tribal lenses. It was Sheikh shariff who said( 2 years ago) that African troops and EThios are one in the same. We are still waiting for a sharica explanation of what has changed, Islamcially that is, about that position. Perhaps, the clan is more important then sharica these days, lol.
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 1:20 PM EST
 ok im gone.
    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 1:16 PM EST
Yes, you are right. That is why we survived nearly two decades of statelessness.
    saba @ 1/18/2009 1:09 PM EST
 The Nomadic sense of freedom from Authority,for better
or worse gave the Somalis that flexibility.

Authority to be aboyed requires a settles society to rule.

Somalis of nomadic stock never had that sense of stability,
so they did things on their own,by their own choice.

That is why it is tough for most of Somalis to see an authority
that dictates Laws on them.
    saba @ 1/18/2009 1:01 PM EST
 The only field Somalis did not apply Shariica on themselves
was in the field of Finance.
    saba @ 1/18/2009 12:57 PM EST

Somalia's problem is not lack of Shariica, it is lack
of nationalism and too much dwelling on Clan loyalties!

Somalis apply Shariica on themselves with or without
authority .

If you observe the behaviour of Somalis throughout history,
even in diaspora, Somalis opt to do things Islamic way.

Forexample,in matters of divorce,inheritance,crime ,etc,etc,
Somalis apply it all the time.  They do not wait an authority
to apply it for them.

Siyad barre almost abolished Sharia law in family matters and inherritance.

With all his power,he could not succeed.  People in Somalia continued their
genuine Islamic ways.

Lack of genuin ,nationalistic,political leadership who understand the depth
of foreig meddeling in Somalia is in dire need.
    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 12:50 PM EST
If there is no food and security, there will be no people left to apply the shareeca you are talking about. They will either perish because of starvation or leave in search of security. Only the trees will be let behind.
    saba @ 1/18/2009 12:49 PM EST

Gadhaye Jid-Caddaha ma ku tusay mise maya?

"the same applies to you" ma ku yiri markuu Ugandha iyo Burundi
kala diray?

Maxaa ka haaysaa walaalow meesha??

I don't think you want to test Gadhaye's temper,better run from this forum.
    camalow @ 1/18/2009 12:47 PM EST
 Yeah we dont want alshabaab.Hol qasab miyaa inaan alshabaab supportgareeyno naga daaya de qashqashka.
    camalow @ 1/18/2009 12:43 PM EST
    daacad1 @ 1/18/2009 12:36 PM EST
 98% somalis don't want Al shabab qasab MIyaa sheekadu
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 12:33 PM EST
 if god grant it, the hawiya unity council may be able to mediate the islamic groups in the capital.

There is two islamic groups and TFG that control the capital or does Alshabab control?
    hymohamed @ 1/18/2009 12:27 PM EST

I think you should stop this h'ate that you are spreading.  Where were you when these young men that you mentioned were waging the liberation war and forced the Ethios to quit?   What is happenening is controlled groups have been created and they are using backward clannish mentality to incite illerate folks.  They want combination of tribal militia, AMISOM, other foreign troops, and warlords to wage the next phase of war on the real Somali islamists.    That is what is happening.

Without pacifying the capital and storing peace, there is no point of moving to other areas.  
    hymohamed @ 1/18/2009 12:19 PM EST
I am very saddened to hear that news.  Even the islamists are so fractured that each one them is maintaining a fiefdom.   I was hoping a unification between resistance factions but it seems elusive at this point.  Looks like power struggle.  
    warka @ 1/18/2009 12:18 PM EST
 to all Somalis: consider your self as the luckiest humans on the face of the earth. We have experienced all sorts of governments. first colonial, democracy, socialists, dictatorship, lawlessness and worst of all dabadilifyo. with the will of Allah, islam will rule somalia soon or later whether we like it or not. let's support those who want to establish shareeca on somalia and forget the qabiil and amxaro lovers.
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 12:10 PM EST
 I agree with you that No particular clan own Mogadishu. But it is obvious that most people in Mogadishu TODAY are Hawiye. Most people in Puntland Majerten. Fuad is Majerten and most likely has most of his relatives in Puntland. Puntland has a secular Authority. Mogadishu is run by Islamists. Contrary to what Islamist leaders in Mogadishu want, Fuad wants to continue fighting in Mogadishu. Why not fight in Puntland?
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 11:53 AM EST
 al shabab has many foreign jihdists amongst their ranks but its hard to tell with their faces covered.
    luckymes @ 1/18/2009 11:49 AM EST
 Mogadishu people have suffered enough through the Ethiopians and Al-shababs. Al-shabab was a wolf in the sheep masquerading as saviors of Somalia against the infdels, but anybody with a vision could see that they are monsters with foreign agenda.
Why it is necessary to fight in the capital after the Ethiopians have left? They simply know they will lose supporters to continue their bloodshed. Anyway, Mogadishu residents knew their ulterior motives too late. It is the end of Al-shabab when Mogadishu says enough is enough, and it seems to be so now. They (Al-shabab) are child abusers, recruiting children as foot soldeirs. These young children have a right to be procted from these vultures.
    ibn-somal @ 1/18/2009 11:37 AM EST
 Fuad is from Muqdisho actually. If you mean clan wise, then no tribes own muqdisho.
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 11:31 AM EST
 islamic groups have been successful in burning ethiopian vehicles through ambusheds

like this one - a destroyed ural truck
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 11:25 AM EST
 obviously the ethiopians are still a presenance in the country.  the Gedo region and the bay region.

Its hard to tell which group attacks ethiopians - bandits, clan militia, or islamic group.  

I would say that al shabab does not fight the ethiopians directly because guerilla warfare is more effective.

The ehtiopians have to go through jilib and buaale before the reach kismayo.  the onlf would have a better shot than the ethiopians.
    nomadic1 @ 1/18/2009 11:22 AM EST
 Pointless  and unnecessary!!!!!
    momo519 @ 1/18/2009 11:15 AM EST
 Ethiopian forces are in Buur Hakaba, Garbaharey, and are on their way to Kismayo. If Shabab is serious about their war against Ethiopians, why not go and fight them where you known they are? Why continue to fight in Mogadishu? Why not other cities? Why not fight in Garowe and establish an Islamic state? Why not fight in Hargeisa and establish an Islamic state? Why not fight in Baidoa and establish Islamic state? Because Shabab leader Godane is from Hargeisa and his co-leader Fuad is from Puntland and his other co-leader Rooboow is from Baidoa. It is a very simple logic to understand why they don't want to fight where their families live. Shabab wants to continue the fight in Mogadishu, a city that is in effect under the control of Islamists. Even children in grade school can see the st'upidness of Alshabab's logic.
    camel girl @ 1/18/2009 10:29 AM EST
 The are not bad but a good eye watches.  Humans watch and salary is good to every human used.  Somali keep ground and proved and watch out.
    Lamadage @ 1/18/2009 10:27 AM EST

Today, Mogadishu is going like Beirut way or shall I say more than beurit way. Three sections with different authority control system....worst were we Islamist claim to hold it. Thanks!!! to Sh. Sharif, Janaqow. The section Islamist hold is divided into fiefdom. Sh. Sharif tribes in which I among others were trying hard to convince them to look the bigger picture is the real obstacles. They are talking to us with rare strange language that smells filth and tribal. Jabiso masha Allah is good but cow*rds in nature from fear of fake Somali public opinions.  Alshabab has clarity and vision in this struggle. They don’t blink from truth and action.

If we are Muslims and done a real Ji*ad against Abyssinia and its lap d*gs we don't need culima who talks about food and fake security only. That is not all what we fought for. We fought to own our land, apply Islamic shareecah on every inch of this country and let our people live with dignity and freedom under Islamic government. Not how to buy or supply certain foods under black man occupation. No fake tranquility while Mogadishu is full of all g**lo lovers and many others want to conquer. This contradiction must stop if anyone is interesting the real liberation from gaalo and gaalo la jireen. Otherwise, mark my word, Sh. Sharif will be held liable any blood shed in this intra differences. I’m afraid he is heading to become soon like other warlords or others id**ts who sold their soul to s***n.

With that clarity our souls survive

Dr Ali aka Lamadage
    s.y.l @ 1/18/2009 10:22 AM EST
 war somali baaloyo aragtey, dhibaatadana
waxaa wada waa dowlada been abuurka ah ee
itoobiya ushaqeysa. arintan waa arin aya
ka denbeysey itoobiya si hadii ay baxaan
ay u badbaado dowlada ku meel gaarka ah,
bal hada waxey naga dhaadhicinaayaan in
kuraasta baarlamaanka ahaato 550 mudane,
india malaha 550 mudane, waali iyo
jahwareer ayey soo wadaan, sababta ay
meesha ugu hayaan cidamadan afrikaanka
waqtiga ayey ku dheereysanayaan, si ciidamo
hor leh loo keeno, oo dagaal xamar sidaa
uga sii socdo, hadii somaali ka daashey dagaal
ciidamadan cadowga waxba dhaamin ee xamar ku
garaacaaya madaafiicda maxaa meesha loogu hayaa.?
mujaahiduuntu ilaa hada wax awood ay sheeganaayaan
ma jirto mana rabaan in ay dowlada kasoo hor jeestaan
dawlada ku meel gaarka ah ayaa mid isku kalsooneyn, oo
ku gabaneysa ciidamada afrikaan ah, somaliya uma baahna
ciidamo shisheeyey dagaal waan ka daalney,ha iska socdaan
ciidamo afrikaanka, 18sano ayaan halkaa ku soo gaarney,
waana ognahey anga ayaa nabad keeni karno, ha kayaabin in
aduun weynaha iyo africaan HIV qabo in lanoo keeno maanta.
gabdho somaali badan ayey duleeyeen oo adoon ka dhaleen,
dhibaatooyin badan ayey nookeeneen kuwa hada jooga, iyagana
ha iskaga baxaan somaliya ama halkii tigreega marey meel
ka xun ayeey marayaan, nujaahiduunto halkaas waa ku saxsan
yihiin, ragan qeylinaaya maanta hadii ay nabad rabaan
waxba yey ku hoos gaban 3500 ugaandhees iyo burindi ah.
mujaahidiinto waxey ka sareen wadanka 100.000kun oo tigree
ah, marka calaacalka iyo baryada joojiya,iyo shisheeyaha
aad naf ka raadineysiin, aamina walaahiin, saara qashinka,
hadii kale qoriga caaradiisaayaa lagu sifeynaaya xamar iyo
soomaaaliya oo dhan sida uu qorshahu yahey , alaahu akbar
    Lamadage @ 1/18/2009 10:22 AM EST
 HOL....let me finish this

By doing this you are getting low by second. Really....for the first time.....I'm annoyed
    @ 1/18/2009 10:10 AM EST
 The problem that looms large for some/former Islamist is they can't live up with clear nusuus of this deen. They want at best half baked Islam while singing from five star hotels in Jabuti. The followings are some in which fail to get foot hold in our Islamic teachings:

They want

1)  to tailor down Islamic teaching to fit their unwarranted ventures which this deen doesn't sanction.

You may ask what is that?

My answer is this:

a) They don't want any shareecah rule over Somali government at this time. Instead they want to make so called Somali charter as legal binding docket on Somali Islamist;
b) They want to legitimize Somali traitors as Somali leaders then share with them a new un-Islamic venture
c) They want to legitimize AMISON forces that defile Somali soil in the name of peace keepers
d) They want to deligitimize any force that want to drive AMISON out of country in jihad way as lawless/aimless people;
e) They want to legitimize the idea of Somali big four tribes are full human beings while others are half/lesser in rights
j) They want to rally behind tribal dogma after divorcing the very basic foundation of ICU in which has clarity

    moorish @ 1/18/2009 9:44 AM EST
 in other words i am home.
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 9:42 AM EST
 Wahaan ka imid Kismayu.  ahay carab iyo soomaali.

I did not want to tell because Ma Aqaanno yaa akhri
    Gaadh'haye @ 1/18/2009 9:37 AM EST
 Uganda and Burundi have enough problems of their own.
We ask them to leave our soil and go back to their countries of origin.
Anything short of that is hostile act which is a declaration of war.

The Same applies to you, in this sad medium.
    moorish @ 1/18/2009 9:15 AM EST
 this is not good, this will only prove more bloodshed


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