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    fiqicigaal @ 6/29/2009 2:35 PM EST
 There is no central authority that unites those rival islamist groups who compete each other  and carry out sharia law of their own iterpretation when and where it suits them.

They have no legitimacy to stone people to death guilty or innocent, they are themselves  as guilty as  Osama Bin Laden or as the Natzi of Germany.
    fiqicigaal @ 6/29/2009 2:27 PM EST
 There is no central authority that unites those rival islamist groups who compete each other  and carry out sharia law of their own iterpretation when and where it suits them.

They have no legitimacy to stone people to death guilty or innocent, they are themselves  as guilty as  Osama Bin Laden or as the Natzi of Germany.
    xoogsade @ 6/29/2009 7:23 AM EST
 tani waxey i soo xusuusineysaa sidii gardarada aheyd ee dhagaxa loogu dilay Alle ha unaxariistee Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow oo markii la xoogay ka dib dhagax lagu dilay, waxaa maqlay in Mohamed Mohamoud Abdi diiday inuu u dagaalamo kooxda Al Shayaadiin iyo dembiilayaasha ajaanibka ah ee la safan markaasna qiil loo raadiyey si ay ugu aar gutaan, xukun kasta oo ku dhaca sida waafaqsan shareecada Islaamka waa in la taageeraa laakiin kooxdan islaanimadooda shakiga ku jira ee laga amro buuraha afghanistan waa in laga qabtaa bulshada muslin iyo gaalna loo kaashadaa sidii looga ciribtiri lahaa aduunka oo dhan si nabad loogu noolaado
    nomadic1 @ 6/29/2009 6:37 AM EST
 If it is proven that he first rap*e and ki11ed the girl afterwards, justice is served. I say, well done, provided they got the right man.
    gaafoow geesi @ 6/29/2009 6:22 AM EST
 anti,fadhi ku dirirka wixii aad rabtid ku qor laakiin shaqadaan qabiilka qaran iyo nabadidka ahi umada soomaaliyeed ku halaagayaan hala barbar dhigin shaqadii Nabigeenii suubanaay ee Muxammad nnkh,Nabi Muxammad scw wuxuuw ahaay raxmad umada loo soo diray,dadkana wuuw u nasteexeeyn jiray wuuna u bishaarayn jiray,idinkuna umad muslim ah ayaad bom iyo shilke iyo zuu la hdex wareegeeysaan,waxaadna dishaan dhamaan inta umada xag diin iyo xag maadiba ugu wanaagsan,taasina ma aha mid lagu faano.marka jooji sheegashada gaar ah ee diinta Islaamka adigoon dariiqeedii kuba joogin.
    anti-dabadhlif @ 6/28/2009 6:16 PM EST
 Munaafaqiinta iyo gaalada weey ka naxaan markee maqlaan xukunka allah baa la fuliyay.. Waligood weey ka nixii jireen weeyna ka nixi doonaan ilaa yoowmul qiyaamo. Hadeey mujaahidiinta wax ka sheegaan lama yaabi. Waligood xaqa beey wax ka sheegaan xumaantana weey fidiyaan. Nabiga C.S.W hadeey wax ka sheegeen, mujaahidiintana uma daahayaan ineey  wax ka sheegaan.
    abdihan @ 6/28/2009 5:44 PM EST
 clean the streets of these thugs,discipline them well. but i wouldnt suggest taliban style punishment, otherwise u'll make sharif look good
    Gacaliye@ @ 6/28/2009 3:38 PM EST
you are right, it's  a typical Osama Bin liar project carried out by his local f**l tools of Gaaldoon's caliber.
    momo519 @ 6/28/2009 2:42 PM EST

Another Osama Bin Liar project!

The more they commit these Taliban stunts, the more they loose the support of the people and the more they make Shariifoow look fantastic!

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