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    ilatali @ 7/6/2009 11:48 AM EST
 Lilismatar sidee ka noqortay shekadu,
Waxaan ku shegayaa in dad badan ku dhacay cudurkan
ka socda masraxa ka socda ee Shiikh Aweys & Shikh Sharif
syndrome, Alaa u baryey inuu ka daawe7yo.

Marnaba ma taagersani shiikh sheydaan, mooryaan & doofaar
dadka laaya, xaqana inuu soo bixi doono shaki igama jiro.

Adiguse maxaa ku tusay Kofur haben & malin.

Arinata meesha taalo way naga tun weyn tahay dhamanteen,
sheydan buraha Toora Bora ka yimi ayaa na qasaya.

Lakin ciida waxaa u harya ninka iska leh.. ogow.
    lilisamatar @ 7/6/2009 4:42 AM EST

you haven't got a clue do you!!!!!!kusoo gaab sheekada yussuf, you fail to have an imagination beyond him and that is why perhaps you cannot move forward!!!!!!!!!!and why dahir aweys and not alshabaab...and all the other sheiks!!!!!!!!!!now in your limited imagination one is abgaal and the other habar gidir isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and also then you will divide heabl and hebal along the lines of clan vs clan!!!!!!!!!!that stupid circle you were riding for god knows how long!!!!!!!!!!!!it is simple to go along rather than come up with other resons and seeking other solutions!!!!!lazy man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ilatali @ 7/5/2009 7:38 PM EST
 Lilisamatar, sidee kaa noqotay baayo,

Ugandha xeeb ma leh, xagee ka keentay
ceelasha bitrool'ka ah.

mise waa sheko xadhiidhkii aad isku sheegi jirteen.

Adeerkaa aad difaaci jirtay ayaa ka masul ah dhibatda
manta taagan, ogow oo aynu ka digi jirnay,
hadana waxaa keenatay inaa difaacdo Dahir Aweys?

Yuu cunin waraabahu, yudh yudh
ka ilaali weedhaha, waayahay
    lilisamatar @ 7/5/2009 5:20 PM EST
 and while you were busy killing your brothers and linning up Africans to kill them with you, Uganda waxaa laga heley ceelkii bitrool ee xeebaha ugu weynaa!!!!!!!perhaps soo they would not need to be soldiers for hire!!!!!!!!!!!shariif will need some other miracles to help him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 7/5/2009 5:19 PM EST
 and while you were busy killing your brothers and linning up Africans to kill them with you, Uaganda waxaa laga heley ceelkii bitool ee xeebaha ugu weynaa!!!!!!!perhaps soo they would not need to be soldiers for hire!!!!!!!!!!!shariif will need some other miracles to help him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    baadiyow @ 7/5/2009 4:34 PM EST

Oday Dahir Aways ayaa waxan dhib ah ka mas'uul. Sababtoo ah isaga ayaa shakhsiyan iclaamiyay dagaalkan.

Markuu lahaa waxyar sabra!!! Ma sidan buu ka waday???

Duf ku bax caqli yaraa ma lax sawiraa!!!

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