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    Geele123 @ 4/10/2007 1:52 AM EST
 The diaspora comminity should thank the TFG for its effort to clean up the capital streets from dowlad diid thugs
Stop the blame game and make your self availble when the rebuilding of the country starts soon
We will see if all these highly paid profisionals will sacriface their income for the sake of their country
We will find out soon who will volenteer for the daunting task of rebuilding the nation
    AHASSAN @ 4/9/2007 6:14 PM EST
 not our name
    hamdi @ 4/9/2007 12:21 PM EST
 not in my name!
    markhaati @ 4/9/2007 10:43 AM EST
 You call this bravery? Geesanimoy xaal qaado! It is nothing but the same old song that we know only too well. Pontificating from the ivory towers about what “should” be done doesn’t get us anywhere: it’s been going on for years now.
“Habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa” If you can talk the talk, why not also walk the walk? Brave are those who are in Somalia and not the Diaspora. So please spare us with these good for nothing conferences
    Yosra @ 4/9/2007 9:39 AM EST
 Brave men and women who gathered at Leiceter deserve a
staning ovation.

Thank you for your bravery!

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