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    ns8t @ 4/15/2007 11:37 AM EST
 I dont beleive that mobiliazation of foreign army in Somalia will help with reconciliation.  Is militancy peace keeping or peace of the pie keeping.?
Perhaps reconciliation by intervention of foreign mediators would be helpful if all parties agreed to the appointment of specific mediators.  It is easier to shake hands after an argument than it is to shake hands after a gunfight.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/15/2007 12:07 AM EST
 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to remind myself and you that we should always strive to doing the best in life and work toward here after. This life is a temporary one and one that we will leave to a better place insha alah. Every word we say and every action we perform good or bad will be written and accounted for. However, Allah loves those who asks forgiveness while we can so I want to remind you all and myself to doing good and ask Allah forgiveness for all of our sins. Also, we should pray for a better Somalia. Reading all of your comments even though we may support different leaders/groups our intensions are the same (better Somalia), so may Allah make our land a safe place.
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 6:35 PM EST
 Haye ma haddad keentay inaad isaga kay dhigto nin haya furihii janada iyo cadaabta, oo ilaahey shaqadiisa inaad la wareegto ay wax yar kaaga harsan tahay, weligayna diinta iyo dhaqankeyga maan caayin, waxaa cayaa kuwa sida xun u isticmaalo, xaqna waan u leeyahay. Wadaad beenaale ayaan diiday, Warlordna maan dooran, ee Soomaali intay meel isugu tagtay ayay dooratay. Marka qolyaha aan ka hadalnay iyo adigaba oo anoo halkaan soo indha cad i leh Gaal baad tahay, maxaan ka sugeynaa haddey waqti dheer ay noo heli lahaayeen, Wadaad benaale oo tuug ah adduunka ciidankiisa ayaan ka xigaa iyo Itoobiyaan, Ugandese iyo wixii noo soo hiiliya oo naga qabta tuugada iyo ganacsadata mooryaaneedka ku naaxay dadka dilkooda iyo sun siintooda 17 sano.

    Analyser @ 4/14/2007 5:54 PM EST
 Careweelo intee ayaad noo wadaa wadaad diiday diintii diiday dhaqankii dayacday Warlord jeclaatay Gaalo u riyaaqday Ayaan Xirsi u dooday Shurki difaacday Ragga soomaaliyeed Dhibsatay cadaawad abuurtay caloolxumo faafisay cuqdad la wareegtay, Walaalay maxaa ku haya oo dadka kaa takooray  nacaybkan faraha kugu abuuray  waa maxayse hadafkaaga?  
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 5:48 PM EST
 We have many people speaking Somali but inside are Ethiopians. Anyone who supports Amxaaro to me is another amxaar. Good night fellows until tomorrow insha alah.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 5:46 PM EST
 The TFG are also irrelavant and Ethiopia is the only one controlling Somalia and with the will of Allah insha alah they will be wiped out. Ethiopia can get all money and weapons but one day they will loose. Ethiopia couldn't defeat Eriteria which is very small country so I don't understand how they can control Somalia? Where are the Somali people????
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 5:40 PM EST
 Now you talking the talk, thank you for saying Aweys and co. are irrelevent, but they are talking to somebody in Mogadishu, so before you dismantle TFG, try to root the ones that these irrevelant guys are talking to and at no time  Ethiopia will be out of country.

Oodu siday u kala sereeysa loo kala qaadaa.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 5:36 PM EST
 Caraweelo, ugu horyen I apologize for the name issue. Second, I NEVER said waan taageeraa nimanka aad ka sheekaynaysid ee hoobiyaha haysta since only Allah knows their motives I can't support someone who I am not familiar with their intensions. I don't and WILL never support a TFG who are Ethiopians.

Sida aad sheeganaysid walal, oo ah inaad 1977 ka wixii dhex maray Somalida iyo cadawgeeda amxaarada ah wax ka ogtahay makugu kalifteen inaad taageertid dadkaas aan magaca baas leh. Taariikhda Soomalia hada ka horay ma soo marin inay amxaaro u taliso thanks to Abdullahi (Cadow) iyo Geedi (Geed). As long as people like yourself supprot these people our country would be in a dark history. The only reason that the Ethiopia came to our country was to control and you know that so stop being blind when Allah gave you eyes to see.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 5:25 PM EST
 Aweys and the Islamic Courts were in power @ one point so I don't know if anyone listens to them anymore. To me this is just talking to talk and that is ONE thing the Somalis are good at (talking). We need to learn to walk to walk. I would love to see the Ethiopian troops out of the country ASAP and the TFG replaced, which doesn't sound like it would happen at anytime soon. Everything is possible with the Will of Allah.
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 5:21 PM EST
 Marka ugu horeeya ha ceebeyn magaca aad huwatay Somalia1977, mida kale hingaadada magaceyga maaha sida aad u qortey, iska kay necboo laakiin bilaa caleeg magaceyga ha silic dilyeyn. Dhiig waan leeyahay, waana aan ku xumahay dadka rayidka ah oo ku dhex dhimanaayo dagaalka Xamar, sidoo kale waxay la mid tahay kuwaan hore uga naxay, oo ah dadkii kale oo Soomaliyeed ee ku dhintay Muqdisha 16 sano ee la soo dhaafay, iyo kuufurta Soomaliya meelo kale duwan oo qaar si xun loo cunaqabateeyey. Marka diirka naxa waa inaan lahaana xili kasta. Itoobiyaan maanta waxa keenay wadankeena waad og tahay ee ha is dhaandhaamin, waa nimanka maanta dadka la dhex jooga hoobiyaha oo aad taagereysid inay sii wadaan hoobiyaha, adiga iyo inta kula fikirka ah taa uma jeedaan. Marka keena Caaqil waxaan joojiya, oo yiraah ummudaan badbadinaya, oo wax badan dhaanta hadalka odeyga muska ka soo hadla oo fuleyga ah.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 5:03 PM EST
 Carwelo, I can sense your hatred towards the people in Mogadishu but why don't you comment on the Ethiopian and TFG killing the civilians daily? Dhiig ma lihid miyaa? Sidee 24/7 uga hadli kartaa dad ka soo horjeeda doowlad ku sheeg amxaaro xaar badan wata???????????????
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 4:38 PM EST
 This looser in the bushes and his counterparts in Mogadishu is what driving the whole war and he does nothing else than giving the Carte Blanche to continue this useless war.
    iila.tali @ 4/14/2007 4:27 PM EST
 let us get real, we need to go after anyone who is respoisble
killing our civilian in Mogadsiho.
The Genocide against Mogadisho is authrized by Malez
the midgetman, Abdulahi Yusuf and Geedi carry out the genocide.

I don't care about this old man he never kill Ehtiopia
civilian, what he is sayn is no significant,
he is looser in the bushes with no power.

Malez, is Slobadan Milosvich of Serbia, authrizing to kill civilian.
Yusuf, Geedi and Jeele caryy out the killing;
we are filing our case in Arusha,
the long awiated document is beeing taken out
from the country.

We have enough picture to prove the case,

This is the end of malez and TFG..

    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 3:56 PM EST
 Ciyaalkii fay caligii ay dhaleen tuugta iyo wadaado isku sheega ayaa soo wada kacay!!!. Mooryaantii mas iyo good madax shabeel leeftaa malageedii baa galayeey, waa la soo qaban Il Grande Capo Ladro Aweys iyo saxiibadiisa, u ooya intaan Alambaqa ama Guantanamo la geyn.
    Dhool @ 4/14/2007 3:25 PM EST
 If USA wants to invade Somalia, they need no approval from anyone because they don't answer to no one! Furthermore, if they wanted to catch Mr. Awes, he would be in Gitmo by now, enjoying a good 'ol fashioned US burger. But his capture ain't worth US tax payers money simply because he is no longer considered a threat.
    ilwad @ 4/14/2007 2:49 PM EST
 Anti-traitor, well said!!!

Sheikh Aweeys may allah bless you and the rest of UIC leaders and also nadiif somalis amiin.

As for tegree+dabadhilifs and USA they are wondering about like headless chickens as to what to do about our brave resistance fighters! they are even begging for ceasefire!!and its only the begning of their hell in somali soil, may they also rot in hell forever!!!!
    anti-traitors @ 4/14/2007 2:37 PM EST
 Maraykanka oo tababar u furay basaasiin cusub oo Soomaali ah  

  http://www.kismaayonews.com/fullstory.php?subaction=showfull&id=1176570567&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1&. All dabodhilifs who support TFG and dont have jobs afcourse take walfare in westren countries  here is new jobs for you. Atleast TFg leaders are making money and you here sitting eating walfare. this is your job
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 2:20 PM EST
 Waryada, maa riyada iyo indho saabka la iska daayo. Waxaad u oyneysaan wadaado tuugo ah iyo argagixisadii adduunka ku casumay caasimadii iyo dhulkii Soomaliyeed oo dhan, oo 16 sano shaatiyada bedelaayey si ay u sii haystaan hanti guud iyo mid gaar ahaaneed ba. Tuugtii marna ha ku qaraabtaan af qabiil, mooryaanimo, muslinimo iyo xornimo doon, qabiil haddana. Dowladaan haddey wax ka qaban karto raggaas way kudaba jirtaa, haddeysan waxna ka qaban 5 tii way dhamaan rabtaa, oo waa weli hawl sugi doonta Soomali, armay roon tahay in hadda laga taqaluso oo Soomaali iyo addunka oo idil isugu tagto.
    anti-traitors @ 4/14/2007 1:44 PM EST
 hasancoloshe. what was Imposible conditions? why dont you name them? We all know UIC conditions when they were meeting with those dabodhilifs  last year. Their   condition were ethopian must leave somali and let somali people solve their own problem.They didnot even talk about who will be president or prime minister. Dabodhilifs coulnot aprove those condition because their fathers Meles and Bush didnot want that.
    C Gaal @ 4/14/2007 1:43 PM EST
 Lack of pragmatic solutions and rational thoughts for ending this vicious cycle of violence in Mogadishu is number weakness of Abdullahi Yeey and his army of warlords.

The TFG is none starter and is in no existence any more. They failed to govern miserably.

The governance expected from this TFG was to restore peace and stability to the longer suffering people of Mogadishu, but not to continue further destructions and slaughter.  
    C Gaal @ 4/14/2007 1:35 PM EST
 Lack of pragmatic solutions and rational thoughts for ending this vicious cycle of violence in Mogadishu is number weakness of Abdullahi Yeey and his army of warlords.

The TFG is none starter and is in no existence any more. They failed to govern miserably.

The governance expected from this TFG was to restore peace and stability to the longer suffering people of Mogadishu, but not to continue further destructions and slaughter.  
    hassancosobleh @ 4/14/2007 1:19 PM EST
 Who is gonna buy this fake claim? Speaking of negotiation, the UIC came with impossible conditions prior to Ethiopian Rescue Mission, If Aweys is a sheekh why did he form the UIC when our holy government was  formed. He cant fool us. He is good for nothing.
    anti-traitors @ 4/14/2007 1:11 PM EST
 He got a good case. he said he dont appose reconcilation, but he appose foreign invasion. If you are n't baist or dabodhilifs,  you can see his point. I'm sure most Somali will agree his point. The main problem is USA and Ethopia want their own way difinition of reconciliation. They want pick and choose who will participate this meeting. Afcourse they wil pick all dabodhilifs and traitors. The question is who are you to decide who will participated this so called reconcilition meeting. This question is for USa and Ethopia. Not dabodhilifs and traitors.
    FIQICIGAAL @ 4/14/2007 12:52 PM EST
 Correction, i would NOT
    adamjama @ 4/14/2007 12:36 PM EST
 Mr. Aweys;
You are mistakenly trying to separate the hand from the glove.
TFG is nothing more than Ethiopian stooges and cannot survive for a minute without Ethiopian tanks.
Let me remind you it is nothing more than naked occupation & is beyond UIC or reconciliation options.
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 12:19 PM EST
 Keep talking Sheikh Aweys, the more you talk, the more we will get more troops from Africa and also you are giving strong reason that the Ethiopians should stick around. Is that making you a hero or a coward.
    Geele123 @ 4/14/2007 12:05 PM EST
 he is out of power now he is trying everything possible to intimidate our Government
Rot in Hell because of him 3000 young boys perished. He deserves to be executed in public.
    Geele123 @ 4/14/2007 12:04 PM EST
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/14/2007 11:38 AM EST
 Mr Aweys, you are asking for the impossible and you know it because this government is not going any where and the peacekeepers will stay including the Ethiopian invaders.Now the best thing you could do is to stay out of  this because it is not your war anymore and the situation have changed dramatically in case you are oblivious to the current situation. Stay in your hideout or they will hunt you down and they will hand you to the  Americans or even to the Ethiopians and i would like you to die in Guantenamo prison  
    islamist @ 4/14/2007 10:54 AM EST
 Yes!, we do not oppose to reconcilation, but we do oppose to Foreign invasion. We[somali islamist] would never allow somalia to be invaded by our worst enemey and the US. ALLAHU AKBAR

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