5 comment(s)
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    hanixin1 @ 6/8/2007 11:11 AM EST
 I do agree with the writer that the ISCG is a wothless talking shop where hypoctares exchange ideas. While being silent about the illegal invasion and occupation of Somalia, this group falsely blames Eretrea. The warlords who are in the government have a lot blood on their hands and deserve to be punished for their crimes. Well done brother Mohamed and the truth will ultimaley come out.
    luckymes @ 6/7/2007 9:33 AM EST
 Alot of bla bla always. Who can tell what the dummies
want !!
    shanta @ 6/6/2007 11:09 AM EST
 Poeple get over it.
    Amina_samajecel @ 6/6/2007 9:50 AM EST
 What happened to America’s claim to be the symbol of
freedom and democracy?
How could USA spend its tax payers’ money to install and empower
warlords and worsen the suffering of the Somali people?
Unless it changes its strategy, the SCG is supporting
the building of the worst dictatorship in
the Somalia history.
    Amina_samajecel @ 6/6/2007 9:42 AM EST
 You are absolutely correct brother Mohamed. I don't
understand how the SCG wants to help Somalia and yet
continue to support the causes of the Somali problems.

My question to Ms. Frazer is: would the American people
accept a Russian invasion? Would the Pakistani people
accept an Indian occupation? I don't think so.
Then why she wants Somalis to be humiliated under Ethiopian

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