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    wadani2 @ 5/28/2007 2:30 PM EST
 mybe the so called somali american peace council should start thinking about those they claim to represent and suppor the government's effort for peace and reconciliation and the quick departure of Ethiopian troops from somalia. the only one that's preventing Ethiopia from exiting somalia are the thugs and supporter of the ICU who are attacking them, but as is evedent the somali police gaining more control of mogadishu, it is only a matter of time before these thugs are caught and Ethopia army will leave.
    wadani2 @ 5/28/2007 2:20 PM EST
 This press release isn't worth the paper it is written on. first the ICU start assasinating the very poeple who can bring peace to the country e.g. human rights activist, former members of the somali army and police. doctors and religouse scholars also haven't escaped the masacre carried out by these thugs hiding under the banner of our beloved religion. instead of calling on them to be put on trial the so called american somali council were giving them money to carry on witht the killing. by the way a reconciliation conference is on the way and it is happening none other than in the capital of somalia whether you like it or not, somalis will come togther and ethiopians will leave.
    lammagoodle @ 5/21/2007 5:50 PM EST
 Tuugadii ay TFG kala cayrisay miyaa meeshaan ka qaylinaysa tiiyoo isku magacawday Peace Council?
    stickorcarrot @ 5/19/2007 8:55 PM EST

It is refreshing to see you advocating for Somali cause
rather than "family state!" Is it change of heart from
your part or just almost "wag the dog" theory of trying to
keep Somalia feuding so perhaps there could ba a chance
for the family state dream? I don't know only time
will tell!
    somaalidoon @ 5/19/2007 5:16 PM EST
 Insincerity of this article is so clear anyone can detest the fake
and false information it’s trying to propagate. I agree Somalia is
for Somali people and we should tend to our own affairs without
outside interference. But, we tried that many times right? I think we
have been trying that for the last 16 years and we have nothing to
show for so far. But still, I think without the warlords we could
have done it and UIC showed us how to do it.
I also agree to be established war criminal for Somalia and that
should be anyone who perpetrated war crimes in Somalia. Ooh boy
do we have many war criminals! Here is a short list:

Mohamed Dhere
Indhobahal (AKA Indho Cadde)
Xaran ku naax

And many more war profiteers who get rich looting and maiming
innocent Somali people.
    siigaaale @ 5/19/2007 12:57 AM EST
 fools.YOUR country is invaded by Eithiopia.your people
are being enslaved by colabraters and all you can see
is fault a another somali who say that is wrong...!
man ! that is f................up.
    nabadraadiye10 @ 5/17/2007 11:02 PM EST
 "Establish a war crimes tribunal, similar to the Sierra Leone and former Yugoslavia tribunals, for the war crimes that have occurred during the current occupation of Somalia" are these guys for real stop wasting ink on useless proposals oooh and this one "Organize an all-inclusive peace and reconciliation conference in a neutral venue as soon as it is practical" where this time? perhaps in Asmara? and how long another 2 years like in Mbagathi, it aint about peace conferences people it is about people who dont want the return of a government so stop trying to fool us and shut up.
    nabadraadiye10 @ 5/17/2007 10:57 PM EST
 where were these guys when we were in chaos for 16 years and were being held hostage by mooryans thugs? oops,,forgot they are the mooryans thugs disguising as a noble organizations. get it through your little narrow heads and your short sighted peanut sized brains---- this train called the TFG is not going to stop so get on it or get runned over it. enough is enough mooryanism and thuggery are over now we have a government
    shanta @ 5/17/2007 10:25 AM EST
 The defeat of Clan Occupation is motivating this kind of non-sense verbiage “press release” from a group that is well versed in the Somali affairs. First, they ought to hold themselves accountable for financing Somali’s civil war, and later fund raising for their clan to dominate and subjugated innocent people. Those of us who have participated in raising money for bullets are guilty as those who used bullets to kill.
    odogleh @ 5/17/2007 7:43 AM EST
 Although I agree the writer of the article with some points of vital importance, I have some abstentions of the idea that Arab and muslim armies are to replaced with the Ethiopians.
in true vision of the problem, it is doubtlessly clear that subjugated armies has nothing to do with the already hardened people who has actually less to care than before the UIc was defeated.
Arab armies are already defeated in any aspect of military professionalism and have less logics in dealing with a place ours.
A successful peace keeping operation should have both the characteristics of peace making and warfare capabilities to cop with the volatile situations like this. Arab armies will leave behind another ideologies which will be hard to neutralize in the peace-time Somalia- Hardlineship will also increase at the first they set feet on Somali soil.
it is the believe of many that Arabs are part and parcel of the choas- creating culprits in this country as they only export to us antagonism and bomb culture as well as metamorphosed sermons.
    laylasamatar @ 5/17/2007 5:54 AM EST
 Somalis be the ears and eyes of your country, report any suspicious movements and activities do your country and the future of your children a favour.  Those who call for the chaos to continue are not Somalis, or they are financed by criminals or other agencies, watch them and monitor them.  If every Somali becomes the ears and eyes of his/her country, we won't need others to help.  the criminals and those wanted in the world are hiding in your country and looting its resources, Somali has no one but its people.  Somalia needs you so protect it from enemies, the poeple who want you to continue in this, have no future or hope they are the enemy and anyone who are supporting them needs to be watched.  
    Taraawiix @ 5/16/2007 10:04 PM EST
 Concerned about the genocide:
Every one of us could have written to his/her Congressperson, and this can be established in a simple electronic mail link; may be SAPC can facilitate. The lauder you can speak the better the chances to be heard.

    howle @ 5/16/2007 9:51 PM EST
 In my view we are all somlians ,we love our country but we don't like peace,we like tribes and clan elders dictate us the winners and losers .some somalis claiming that they are educators ,the reality is they are allegators because they are not winners right now ,can we give you achance to become winners agian ,we are loosers,let us work peace not winnig or losing on the ground ,don't kill civilians ,dont scae mohamed dere he is your brother sit with him and talk and make a decision not land mine and ambush .we need peace not war we know that.
    adamjama @ 5/16/2007 6:04 PM EST
 A USA national security adviser was once asked Since every poll & public opinion statistics shows 90% of Iraqis don't want Americans in Iraq, why do you think some of them want us to be there?
He said "The only Iraqis who want us to be in Iraq are those who know they will have to leave as soon as we leave". The same goes for the TFG stooges. They will have to leave within minutes of Ethiopian departure, quote me if you want.
They have crossed sacred lines & encouraged Ethiopian genocide in Mogadishu, that alone makes them morally & legally unfit to govern.
    aligaagaale @ 5/16/2007 5:42 PM EST
 Advocating in post 9/11 world is not going to work.  Every rule the world established last 100 years had been broken.  If you do not have a military power, you will be bullied.  I think the genocide the TPLF regime committed in Somalia is horrendous and the only way we can get justice is by revenge, no matter how long it takes.

Some weak traitors are in this forum justifying Ethiopian presence in Somali.  You need to know this, you are not any different form them.  We all know the kinds of you.  Peace will come to Somalia.  
    Waardiye @ 5/16/2007 3:35 PM EST
 One of the reasons we didn’t have a government for so long is because whenever there is hope in the horizon, some people especially those from the Diaspora (the likes of the so-called  Somali American Peace Council) emerge from their caves and start issuing meaningless press releases!
Where were these people and their so-called organizations when the warlords and drug dealers were massacring the innocent people?  Where were they when the Ethiopians were opening their embassy in Hargeisa?  
It seems that these cyber warlords are driven by just clan chauvinism and hatred!
Waardiye Jama                          
    somalipatriot @ 5/16/2007 3:22 PM EST
 Markhati I agree with u about the crimes tribunal. Hopefully the so called UN can open the door to that. Yes it should start from 1988 and should include the warlords, war profiteers, so called parliament, TFG, Melez, Ugandha, IGAD, Indho Cade, Cade Muse, All the tribal leaders who supported the invasion, arms dealers, and all those who benefited politically from Somalia's misery.
    markhaati @ 5/16/2007 2:10 PM EST
 My response to fake “Somali American Peace Council”
1) Ethiopia did not start the fire in Mogadishu-it has been burning since 1990
2) Pakistani (Muslim) soldiers were killed in Mogadishu in the early 909’s.
3) Another peace conference? So that the killing will continue? Somalis are fed up of these so-called Peace conferences.
4) Yes to war crimes tribunal, but only starting from 1988 to the present
    adamjama @ 5/16/2007 2:06 PM EST
 Any Somali with an IQ above that of a potatoe knew Ethiopian invasion of Somalia was a formula for disaster.
Though I would carefully avoid giving unnecesary offence, I concluded those who support the Ethiopian invasion are one of four groups:
1) Those self-serving interested men in the TFG who can't be trusted.
2) Weak-minded group who can't differetiate a fire from a flower.
3) Prejudiced group who will support anyone from their tribe even if he is leading them to "Jahanamo".
4) Moderate men who are tired of the anarchy & whose argument is enough, how worse can it get? This last group are the people I try to reason with for the sake of our nation.
  Because they alone can cause more calamities to our country than the other three idiots put together.
    hillac @ 5/16/2007 12:20 PM EST
 Ethiopia came into somalia because it was invited by those it put in place as somali leaders.Ethiopia was just fulfilling their age-old dream of access to the sea,but it may be asked what were the warlords hoping to acheive by this?The chimerical tittles of leaders of their people?What they have achieved is the undying epithet of the biggest traitors of all time.

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