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    fiqicigaal @ 7/13/2007 6:30 AM EST
 Blaming only ina Ysuf for all that has been happening in somalia for decades is either ignorance or hypocricy. It is no secret that mr yusuf was a ruthless warlord who will do anything to get his own way . I might not like the man for the fact that he had brought the Ethiopians into our country ( that is debateble ) but your own heros who are also warlords had voted for him to be the president of somalia . Tell me who is holier and wiser among these warlords if you have one . So let us stop this clan mentality or we will be stuck in this little mad world for ever  
    @ 7/12/2007 4:50 PM EST
 The old man, ina Yusuf dies in one way or another, nothing special with that.  But Muhsin, bro let us be honest about the cause of our Somali misery! Got walaalka ha qotin, hadad qotana ha dheren, wayo lagayabe  inad adigu ku dhacdid! The so called "Beesha Hawie" not only conficated the propertiy  of all Somalis, but also
    muhsin @ 7/12/2007 1:17 PM EST
 Ina yusuf determined to die for a short cause while genuine somalis are for long cause.

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