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    boqoljire @ 1/27/2008 7:09 PM EST
 Instead of concentrating this hard on these youngsters achievements you detour to the settings... Here is the 411 about Sweden. Unlike you obsolete Africa mentality black people esp Ethiopians and Somalis stick together in this whitewashed land. whether the local belongs to an Ethiopian restaurant or a Swedish would not have matter since you would have found faults in both. Now grow up and discuss the topic and not the place settings.
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/10/2008 4:29 PM EST
 Somalis are hypocrites, especially those of you in here who unfairly criticizing these youngsters who gathered in solidarity, in order to talk about their achievements and failures as a community in Sweden. Would it matter to you if they rented Italian restaurant? I think you wouldn’t make all this fuss, cause you prefer the white colonial over Ethiopia. What a bunch of fake nationalists. SSUF keep up the good work and don't listen to these useless spoilers.
    momo519 @ 1/4/2008 1:45 PM EST
 Who is your enemy, Ethiopia or England or Italia? Italia and England colonized our people, dehumanized our people, oppressed our people, and still dominating us. These English people told us that Ethiopia is our "historical enemy". They used Siyad Barre and Mengistu against each other to further tehir short term interest goals. The French took Jabuti and told them stay out of Somalia. We think the French is a friend and Ethiopia is a foe. The Hutus and Tutsis are killing each other. Why? Because teh French and the Belgiumska told them who the historical enemy is. England and Germany fought more than 100 years and killed millions of people from each other. They are friends now. You never heard a "historical enemy". How many times we fought with the Ethiopians? How many people we killed from Ethiopia and they killed from us? How many people we Somalis killed within our selves? Give me a break. We are in the west because of other Somalis. Not because of Ethiopia.
    Mysomalia @ 12/29/2007 10:55 AM EST
 walaahi waxaan ka xumahay in dad isku sheegayo
ururka dhalinyarada somaliyeed in ay shir sidaan oo kale
oo muhiim ah ay ku qabtaan restourant Ethiopian ah haddana
boqorkii Xeyle Salase uu darbiga ugu dhaganyahay. Aaway astaantii
somalia, aaway calankii somalia ama hidaha iyo dhaqankii somalia?
Maxaa horta sababay in meel ay ku nool yihiin 2000 oo Ethiopian ah ay ka sameysteen
lokal iyo baar ay ku kulmaan ay somali oo shan jeer kabadan ay u
sameysan weysay lokal u gooni ah oo howlahooda ku qabsadaan?.
Ilaa iyo goorma ayaan sidaan ku sii jireynaa? war sameysta
meelo idii gooni ah oo aad shirar kiina ku qabsataan.
mar danbana fadlan khaladkan aad sameyseen oo kale
ha sameynina. wax fahma oo wax isku dheefa.
walaahi Iam very very sorry.
    Gaadh-haye @ 12/29/2007 9:52 AM EST
 No one should be fooled, these disobiediant lost youngsters don not represent us, the Somali Students in Stockholm, and in Sweden at large.

This meeting can be best summerized as "gathering of wicked and the wretched, those at brink of society."
    wadanisoomaali2 @ 12/28/2007 7:20 PM EST
 waxaa la yaab leh ururadda Somaliyeedna ma ethopian ayaay isu bedeleen? AXUM ama aksum waa kacbadda ethopia ee ku taal Tigray regian near (Adwa)
sidaasoo kale Haile Selassie "Power of the Trinity" waxuu ahaa boqorka aay ilaa hadda aaminsan yihiin ethopianku!! haddaba aaway maadaama aad
tihiin urur sheeganaya SOMALI aaway astaanti soomaaliyeed? ma waxaa doorbideen in aad Ethopian isu ekaaysaan maanta? oo hadeey ethopianku ka baxaan
wadanka kawaran? ma urur soomaaliyeed aaa u xuub siibeeysaan? kkkkkkk  calooshood u shaqeeyste maxaa ka wadda dhigay somalidda kuligood? waa midda
iga yaabisay anigga? fiicnaan la heeydee in SAYID MAXAMED CABDULLE aad surtaan meeshaa aad surteen Haile Selassie!! maadaama uu yahay halyeeygi ugu
magaca dheer ee Somaliyeed ama xataaa Aadan Cabdulle!! waan ku farxay markii aan arkay urur soomaaliyeed laakiin waan ka xumaaday markaan arkay
calanki ethopia na maad saartiin? waxaan filayaa in aad qabiil tihiin ee aadan Somali metelin SSUF!.
    wadanisoomaali2 @ 12/28/2007 7:17 PM EST
 waxaa la yaab leh ururadda Somaliyeedna ma ethopian ayaay isu bedeleen? AXUM ama aksum waa kacbadda ethopia ee ku taal Tigray regian near (Adwa)
sidaasoo kale Haile Selassie "Power of the Trinity" waxuu ahaa boqorka aay ilaa hadda aaminsan yihiin ethopianku!! haddaba aaway maadaama aad
tihiin urur sheeganaya SOMALI aaway astaanti soomaaliyeed? ma waxaa doorbideen in aad Ethopian isu ekaaysaan maanta? oo hadeey ethopianku ka baxaan
wadanka kawaran? ma urur soomaaliyeed aaa u xuub siibeeysaan? kkkkkkk  calooshood u shaqeeyste maxaa ka wadda dhigay somalidda kuligood? waa midda
iga yaabisay anigga? fiicnaan la heeydee in SAYID MAXAMED CABDULLE aad surtaan meeshaa aad surteen Haile Selassie!! maadaama uu yahay halyeeygi ugu
magaca dheer ee Somaliyeed ama xataaa Aadan Cabdulle!! waan ku farxay markii aan arkay urur soomaaliyeed laakiin waan ka xumaaday markaan arkay
calanki ethopia na maad saartiin? waxaan filayaa in aad qabiil tihiin ee aadan Somali metelin SSUF!.
    Garyaqaan2 @ 12/28/2007 5:29 PM EST
 "CURAD" don't get me wrong I am not an ONLF supporter in any measure however I would rather be routing for ONLF then Xabashis any day cause the onlf are somalis.
At this present time waxaan joognaa waqtigii layidhi
"Lix halkaad kujoogtaan dagaal laabta ka'ogaada oo hadii maxa laydin jaro lugaha meermeersha"( Caqil somaliyeed). As far as getting along, we will neva as long as they have our lands S/Galbeed iyo greater Somalia
    curad @ 12/27/2007 11:03 PM EST
 Here i read again another parnoid somalis about ethiopia. what is wrong the picture of the king being there
it could be held in a ethiopia restaurant. I think you have nothing better to say than speak about ethiopia ethiopia

get all a life. ethiopia and somalia are trying to get along and will with or without those twisted ONLF minds
    Garyaqaan2 @ 12/27/2007 9:24 PM EST
 I am sure this are not somali nationals celebrating under "Salasie" the guy who fought so hard to keep is under western colonial rule. If the are somalis i am deeply disappointed in yo ppl
    shabeel @ 12/27/2007 10:58 AM EST
 Dhalinyaradan waxbaa ka qaldamay. Sawirka Xayle Salaase ineey qariyaan ma fahmi waayeen?
Filinkooda saas ayaa u maleeysaa inoow ku gubtay hadii eeysan si deg deg ah nooga raali gelin arintaan
    Gaadh-haye @ 12/27/2007 10:04 AM EST
 There are more Ethiopians in this meeting than Somalis.

I wonder who these people claim to represent?

Certainly not me.

Holding meeting in Ethiopian restaurant under the gaze and watchful eye of their former emperor Haile Salasie is both dubious and treacherous.
    xnuur @ 12/27/2007 6:32 AM EST
 SSUf Hambalyo ayaanu leenahay ,waxaana laga rabaa Dhamaan
dhalanyarada somaliyed in ey isku xiraan muu jiyaan
si loga baxo xaaladda cakiran waa wadanki hooya heysata.
humuuda u noqdaan samatabixint wadanka maadaama ey wax  qaban
waayeen qab qablayaasha mudado 17sanadoood ah

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Somali Youth Union (Int'l Affairs SECTION)

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