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    runta sheeg @ 9/13/2008 9:10 AM EST
 dad baa jira iska jecel inay faafiyaan wararka ku dhisan
CALAACALKA, taasina waa laga fiican yahay.

Shaki kuma jiro in dhub faro badan soomaalida la'soo kulantay,
balse dhaqan ahaan dib u fiiri taariikhda soomaali. soomaalidu
waa dad firfircoon oo runtii aad u qabweyn, waana waxyaabaha
illaa iyo hadda reer-galbeedka ka yaaban yihiin oo
ay isweydiiyaan had iyo jeer marka soomaali laga hadlayo.

"sidee baa dad 20sano dagaal ku jiray, u soo taagnaan karaan
oo ay walibana cadow ka tiro iyo tayo badani u babac dhigi karaan".

marka soomaalida waa dad lagu yaqaan inay si dhaqso ah uga
soo kaban karaan affoyinka la soo darsa waana dad aad iyo
aad u adadag oo runtii loo abuuray adkeysi faro badan, shakina
iigama jiro in soomaali noqon doonto mid astaan u ah
afrika iyo carab, maadaama aynu labadaba ka tayo sareyno
    jayklen1 @ 9/10/2008 10:12 PM EST
 What are all these majerteen who support trabalist yusuf talking about ? You guys want to keep your puntand and dominate us in the south huh ? The last time you dominated us was during dictator siad barre, there is somali proverb that says mukuaal meshey macaan ku barato ey macaluul ugu bakhtisaa.

You shall see we are coming to your puntand once we run off the tigres
    laylasamatar @ 9/10/2008 6:34 PM EST
 calaacal calaacal iyo calaacal
waxaan HOl leeyahay don't adress Somali adress your own, you know what I mean, I hope!!!!!
this monkey business in the South is not a Somali business, it is a faction business, put your house in order, ha isku dhax qarin Soomaali e!!!!
    laylasamatar @ 9/10/2008 6:33 PM EST
 calaacal calaacal iyo calaacal
waxaan HOl leeyahay don't adress Somali adress your own, you know what I mean, I hope!!!!!
this monkey business in the South is not a Somali business, it is a faction business, put your in order, ha isku dhax qarin Soomaali e!!!!
    @ 9/10/2008 3:14 PM EST
 Let us cut the chase and be realistic. We must take responsibility for the events , the tragedy and the unnecessary killings that we brought upon ourselves in the last two decades or so. The world has washed its hands from Somali affairs long before any one tells us though the meddling , the deceit and the deception on  Somalia by uncle sam , Ethiopia and all those who have hidden agendas is on the rise . Today more than ever, let us acknowledge that responsibility is the price of freedom and let us strive to work on that principal or we will be blaming others for our short comings in another half a century .
    sonofsomalia @ 9/10/2008 1:48 PM EST
 I am quiet impressed with the naivety of HOL or Somalis in general.  The United Nation is defunct institution who does not want anything to do with Somalia, as side from humanitarian aid and regular “affirmation, confirmation and AMISON term extension”. Somalis must take drastic actions and quit the United Nation and Arab League at once, what is our membership worth if we must beg for 18 years.  Any tangible peace in Somalia will only be realized when the individuals and clans at home begin to think beyond themselves and interest. Unfortunately with the prevalent anger, envy, ignorance,  suspicion and paranoia back home that day is long coming. How can evil die, when millions in the diaspora are fuelling the fight. What will a UN force ever achieve in Somalia, beside locking themselves in their bases and hoping their term finishes. If we want peace, stability and our dignity back, lets start by forgiving, forgetting and cleaning our house of all men of evil.
    shanta @ 9/10/2008 9:46 AM EST
 Now, the world is a different place than the one we were accustomed to, and had indeed felt that our special needs were catered by the international community to satisfy our undying attention in seeking a remedy to rectify our short comings of failing to resurrect our state.  The world has recognized what many of us knew before, and that is stability can’t be brought by the intervention of UN, when the Somali is not willing to participate in any efforts of stabilizing this nation, and failing to bring peace for all through these years, apart from sabotaging any previous initiatives that has been agreed upon. UN, as an entity is in the business of minimizing risk associated in involving itself in a durable and sustained conflict which has consumed time, and countless lives with no end insight other than renewing and taking another direction every 3 years or so. It’s time for Somalia to take ownership in ending this misery and I doubt that Al-Haram will just do that.
    @ 9/10/2008 8:43 AM EST
 Maalin aan sidaa u fogeyn ayaan la kulmay aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo ku nool carriga maraykanka kana tirsan golaha dhexe ee ARS (garabka Jabuuti).  Waxaan isla soo hadal qaadnay hal-ku-dhegga beryahaan inta badan la maqlo oo oranaya shirka Jabuuri wuu meel marayaa InshALLAH maxaa yeelay "waxaa naloo ballan qaaday in ciidmada Itoobiya nala ka saarayo".  Ballan-qaadkan cidda loola dan leeyahay waa Qaramada midoobey.  Marka waxaan ku iri war ninyohow bal qaramada midoobey ha noo dambeeysee, maxaa qoraal ah oo aad ka haysaan Ameerikaanka oo sida xaqiiqda ah isagu gadaal ka riixaya Itoobiya. Maraykanku wuu fadhiyey madasha shirka ayuu iigu jawaabey. Wuxuu markaa doonayey inuu yiraaho haa maraykanku qayb ayuu ka yahay ballan qaadka.

Waxaan ku iri taa shaki weyn ayaa ku jira.  Macquulna maaha. Maraykankuse hudduu sidaa yiraaho oo uu meesha la soo fariisto (marna ha ka yaabin inuu qoraal ahaan wax u ballanqaadee) inuu qayb ka yahay ballan-qaadkan sidee ku dhacday in Aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo weliba ku nool carriga mareykanka ay taasi uga hoosbaxdo oo uu rumeeysto. Soomaalida inteeda badani ee akhrisay heshiiskii Jabuuti waxa u soo baxday inuusan gundhig u noqon karin xal laga gaaro xasaradda ka aloosan dalkeenna hooyo. Ruux maanta ka dhegeeysanaya maraykanka inuu itoobiyaan ka saarayo waa ruux iska indha-tiraya dhaqanka uu caanka ku yahay maraykanku oo tusaale cad ay u tahay arrinta Falastiin.

Itoobiya heshiis caalami ah kuma soo gelin Soomaaliya ee waxay ku soo gashay siyaasad xaaraan ah oo uu maraykanku danihiisa gaarka ah ku wato.  Aakhirkana waxay noqoneeysaa in itoobiya u adkeysan weydo xanuunka nafeed iyo kan dhaqaale ee ka soo gaarey Soomaaliya oo ay taasi garansiiso ineey Soomaaliya isaga baxdo.

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