7 comment(s)
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    Simansime @ 12/27/2010 8:53 AM EST
 There is no translation needed this is self examplatory article, but with many shady statements. No doubt there are plenty wrong with Somalis and this Government with hiden mercenary deals should come clean without contradictions between its cabinet Ministers, PM and the President. There is another news item which I just heard, which a forieng company had been leased to our Airport to run 10 years! who the h*ell are they to sign something as big as that. Poor Somalia everyone had come to fleece its resources and sell it to the highest bider, from their technocrats to small time crooks. Dadku rajo bay ka qabaan aqoonyahankii, ayagiiba laba jeebleyaal nagu noqday oo hoosta wax ka wada saxiixaaya, wax rajo ah malaha.
    nuun @ 12/26/2010 11:00 PM EST
 There are too many things wrong with somalia and Somalis. if you guys going to critisize something find another more convincing one.
pick one line of the article  then try to read things into that line is just ridiculous childish behaviour. People reading this article know english and I think they understand what article is saying. We  need no translatiion from you, thank you but no thank you.
    jsoomane @ 12/26/2010 8:59 PM EST
 " The scope of TFG agreement with Saracen is training Security Personnel and some Humanitarian work."

".......some Humanitarian work" Sounds shady!!
    kucadaye @ 12/26/2010 8:48 PM EST
 1. “The agreement with Saracen predated the current government so the review of this agreement by the cabinet now was to make sure that it serves the best interest of the Somali People.”

So when the TFG President signed this Agreement he did not know for sure ‘it serves the best interest of the Somali People,” ?  
Was the Parliament given the opportunity to have a second look at this Agreement?

2. “The funding of these activities is provided by some Muslim Countries.”

What Muslim Countries?

3.“This is a rare opportunity afforded to Somali People in State Building.”

Saracen, a mercenary outfit, is contributing to State Building?

    Simansime @ 12/26/2010 12:45 PM EST
 Actually the Minister of Finance that had signed this agreement is Mr Xalane.
    Simansime @ 12/26/2010 6:36 AM EST
 "3.Heshiiska waxaa dhinaca dowladda KMG ah u saxiixay wasiirka maaliyadda oo sidoo kale ahaa isla Wasiirkii Maaliyadda ee xukuumaddii hore."

Is that mean this agreement was brought to us by Shariif Sakiin(Former Minister of Finance)?.
    Simansime @ 12/26/2010 6:31 AM EST
 "Saracen is training security personnel and Humanitarian some work."

This whole deal is not very convincing to most of us. TFG is saying that Puntland's is not part of this agreement and we know that Puntland is dealing with Saracen on their own.

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