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    @ 6/28/2020 2:20 AM EST
 Abdi Tadicha Dando
    magudbe @ 8/16/2010 6:41 PM EST
 "very humble"..( b4 someone jumps the g*n) here denotes..
being unprententious.. being modest if you.. not being arrogant.
    magudbe @ 8/16/2010 6:27 PM EST
 Fiqi.. I concur.. live and let live..the rule of thumb should
be(in this forum or in general) .. speak ur mind without antagonizing others,  puting down someone or playing the "holier
than thou" attitude is uncalled for. I see Mr. Hassan , as a Somali artist, who enjoys what he do.. very sociable..congenial at best..
very generous.. very funny (always ready with a joke,at times with Maay twist to it). Tribalism(Somaliness is what espouses) is the last thing in his mind.
very humble, ready to help others. Congrats to him..
    fiqicigaal @ 8/16/2010 5:08 PM EST
 Well to be honest with you folks, his songs do not press the right buttons for me but if others enjoy listening his music or congarulate him then I have no problem with that because the last thing I want to do is to judge others while I as a human being may dismiss my own fault or the faults of those who I politically support.

Nothing good is good enough to maryolay!  
    magudbe @ 8/16/2010 2:02 PM EST
 Neg@tivity is, as a Somali as Qurac..I think those who were
@bused (physical1y and s*x@ally ) in their childho@d are
manifesting that trait in public forums.. s@distic, l0w life,neg@tive outlook of life. Samanatar
is Somali legend , what he does with life .. s1nging or d@ncing
is no body's business. least he did not go out donning
Sh@lwar/Kham*s.( green one at that.. the most ug1y looking). Sporting a henna dy@d beard.. k1lling,
pill@ging n r@ping.. his way into other ppl's proper1ty.Samatar is as a Somali as
The Haruub.(caanaha lagu cabo). Mind you this(comment) coming from someone from Puntland. go figure
    Lamadage @ 8/16/2010 9:58 AM EST
 Samatar gets Lifetime Achievement Award kulahaa!!. War shaqa yaraa reer MN mase grant baa lagu cunayaa sheekadan. Why don't they give encourage Somali top students or Somali achievers in Science, medicine, math, Xadith, Fiqhi, xifdul quraan etc? Mar dhow waxaan sugaynaa haraagii habraha mingiska tumi jidhay oo life Achievement la siin doono. Midda kale yaa yidhi wax la yidhaahdo life achievement ayaa jidhaa? May be we need welfare suc**rs award.

Hassan Adan Samatar is old hack who never repent sin coined "Somali music art"". Despite he is in advance age he still continue in qiwaayah (astray). Today, the ploferation of shaking booty/legs among Somali diaspora and in Somalia is the product of Hassan and other ma xishoodayaal singers.

BTW, I agree with Alaale insights.

    Magudbe @ 8/14/2010 11:50 AM EST
 And Thank you for the memories
    Magudbe @ 8/14/2010 11:42 AM EST
 A legend . Congrats. sweet man with great sense of humour and a good Somali at that.. I know him personally.. Toronto used to be his hometown.. He moved to Holland..will be missed.Again congrats Mr. Hassan, for the memories.
    subagle @ 8/14/2010 6:04 AM EST
 Congratulations, Samatar, you really desserve honor Doctrate Degree of Arts as you are supper star who contributed a lot to Somali Music.  
    subagle @ 8/14/2010 6:00 AM EST
 Congratulations, Samatar, you reaaly desserve honor Doctrate Degree of Arts as you are supper star who contributed a lot to Somali Music.  
    sheikh @ 8/14/2010 2:26 AM EST
 Congratulations Hassan. Indeed you are the Only super star we have
so far, free from tribal and other dirty staff. You are also a hero.
    Hawd @ 8/13/2010 11:36 PM EST
 Congratulation to you Hassan Adam Samater, you deserve it, bro. You are a legend Somali artist and well respected with distinction by all Somalis.


The top ten Somali artists:

1- Mohamed Suleyman Tubeec ***
2- Mohamed Mooge ***
3- Hassan Adam Samater ***
4- Jubba
5- Kuluc
6- Ahmed Mooge
7- Ahmed Ali Egal
8- Ahmed Gacayte
9- M. Nur Giriig
10- O. Dhuule

For girls:

1- Halima Magoole ***
2- Sahra Ahmed ***
3- F. Mandeeq
4- Amina Abdulahi
5- Hibbo-nuura
6- Maryam Mursal
7- Kinsi H. Adam Caqaarta
8- Nimco Jama
9- Khadra Dahir
10- Saado Ali

    alaale @ 8/13/2010 11:06 PM EST
 Waxaan sugnaaba waa silsiladii qabiilka fanaaniinta oo bilaabmata. Ma hubo in Samatar Qabiil abaalmarin lagu siiyay, laakiin waxaa la saadaalin karaa maskaxda Somalida. Waxaan sugnaaba waa Ahmed Cali Cigaal/Saado/Hiba Nuura oo tani daba socda.
    mmg @ 8/13/2010 9:21 PM EST
 wwww somali community in mennisota well done and samatar is one of the most resbectful in somali singers and Beledweyne best song ever i listen
    Holac @ 8/13/2010 6:59 PM EST
 Well done to the people who organized this. It would be awesome if Hassan Adan Samatar and Abdulqadir Jubba visited Hargeisa.

I think Beledweyne is still his best song. I dont understand his May songs.


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