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    nomadic1 @ 3/19/2009 7:32 AM EST

Our country is suffering from a massive brain drain.

We need willing “brains” with no hidden agendas.

Unfortunately, willing and honest brains are not available where they are needed.

So, our country is in a “adverse selection” mode to accelerate its own demise.

    nomadic1 @ 3/19/2009 7:22 AM EST

Yes, I got your message.

I am yet to see a testimony of what actually happened in Somalia.

It is taboo that no one wants to talk about.

For us to learn from our mistakes, yes, we need to know our mistakes.

Politicians, Academics, Culamaas and the elders need to talk about these things in detail.

In Rwanda, people saw or learnt about what happened and the perpetrators came forward and sought forgiveness.  

So, I totally AGREE with you on the notion that we need to spill the bean and bury the hatchet.

I don’t think people fully appreciate the intricacy of our dilemma.

Let’s pray for the best.

    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 6:43 PM EST
 nomad walaal

I appologise about all the spelling mistakes!!!!in both Somali and English but i trust you get what I mean, don't you!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 6:39 PM EST
 nomad walaal

I tend to disagree with save first and justice later.  The very reason these people are dying is because some committing crimes and others are keeping silent our silence is what is killing us.  Where are the good poeple of the perpetrators they are key to saving things, but they are nowhere to be found, also silent we all are about xaqa.  Man sakata can al xaq fahuwa shaydaanun akhras - those who keep silence of justice are silent satan.  Do you know what that means, the consequence of silenece is profound on every level.  Silence cawaaqib kiisa you will witness socially, politicaly, economically and in every level.  Don't underestimate the consequences of silence it is what is finishing our race.  In other race were saved by those who sought justice, look at rwanda they were saved by justice!!!!!!!!!!

sukuut can alxaq cawaaqibkiisa aad bey u weyntahay!!!!!!!!!!Somalia can only be saved and united by the voices of justice nothing else trust me, if you don't believe me we can talk again when you have exhaousted all other paths than the path of justice!!!1only the lessons you didn't learn in 18 years I would not believe you will learn in the next few years.  taa kaliya ayaa Soomaliya soo celin karta, taa kaliya ayaa caruurta dhimaneysa u sabab ah.

don't be satan because if you do God will treat you as God treats satan!!!!!!!!!!!!

al sukuut can al xaq mussibad wee yaan, ee waqtiga ka faa iideysta Soomaalieye, ha la isi saamaxo hadal ma aha, waxaa la saamixi karaa qof qirta qaladkiisa, laakiin qalad maan galin laakiin aanu isi saamaxno hadal ma aha.  

It is a whole process you admit guilt , you tell the truth then you request in lagu saamaxo, just like South Africa and Rwanda!!!!!!!!!!

labada mid Soomaaliyey soo gala ama aanu xisaabtano, oo hadhow cafis aanu kala dalbano ama cinaad iyo adugaba waxaas baad samyesey aanu kujirno until Somalia is no more!!!!!!!!!!!trust me that is no khuraafaat anymore, Somalia will seace to exist sooner than you think!!!!!!!!!!!1

    nomadic1 @ 3/18/2009 12:26 PM EST

I concur with you.

Even though we can not generalise people, according to culamaa and their verdicts based on our Diin, one of the main reasons why we are in such a dire situation is because God punished us collectively.

“Qoom ay ku jiraan dad naasixiin ah lama halaago” and don’t forget, its not “saalixiin” it is “naasixiin” if my Arabic does not fail me. Taasi waxay ka dhigan tahay dad wanaagsan mihiim ma aha ee waxaa la rabaa dad wax hagaajinayo.

This means, even if there were thousands of pious and devout Muslims in places like Mogadisho, Baidoa and the Shabales when all these vulnerable defenceless victims were getting massacred, they did not do the right thing by keeping silent or by being indifferent.

Most of those who committed the atrocities are gone by now.

So, the best way to memorise and give justice to the ones that perished is to protect the surviving vulnerable ones that are likely to end up in a similar situation.

And please don’t forget that more Somalis lost their lives because of diseases and malnutrition than being killed.

If you listened to the BBC today, it is like a whether forecast. From Midlands, through Hiiraan, Bay, Bakool and all the way to the Shabeeles, it was 11 deaths here 13 there. How sad is that my dear? What is worse than keeping these innocent kids in such grave condition with equally greave consequences?

I think we should save the dying ones first and then seek justice later.

    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 11:44 AM EST

Do you know one of the symptoms of psychopathology are lack of empathy and the inability to feel that your actions are causing pain or hurt to others!!!!!!!! Psychopaths do not feel pain of others that’s why they are serial killers and rapists!!!!!!!!!

that is what we are dealing with!!!!!!

and by the way people who took maal kii dadka iyo dignigtigoodii ba waxa ay u maleynayaan in dhulkii iyo xoolihii ey tahay what is making me angry, to hell with material loss or gain, what is the point, it is about the whole experience and what they have unnecessarily and avoidablly subjected people to!!!!!!!!!bal ii sheeg maxaa la ila daba cararayey, can you tell me why!!!!!!what on earth I did to deserve such treatment!!!!!!!!and why all those people vanished maxay galabsadeen!!!!!!!

anyway I know that you are trying to lighten things up, but darling I am enraged I am angry that even xanuunkii baa la ii diidanyahay!!!!!!!!!! how emotionless the perpetrators can be!!!!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 11:42 AM EST

Do you know one of the symptoms of psychopathology are lack of empathy and the inability to feel that your actions are causing pain or hurt to others!!!!!!!! Psychopaths do not feel pain of others that’s why they are serial killers and rapists!!!!!!!!!

that is what we are dealing with!!!!!!

and by the way people who took maal kii dadka iyo diginigoodii ba waxa ay maleynayaan in dhulkii iyo xoolihii ey tahay not really about the whole experience and what they have unnecessarily and avoidablly subjected people to!!!!!!!!!bal ii sheeg maxaa la ila daba cararayey, can you tell me why!!!!!!what on earth I did to desrve such treatment!!!!!!!!and why all those pople vanished maxay galbsadeen!!!!!!!

anyway I know that you are trying to lighten things up, but darling I am enraged I am angry that even xanuunkii baa la ii diidanyahay!!!!!!!!!! how emotionless the perpatrators can be!!!!!!!!!!!

    nomadic1 @ 3/18/2009 11:27 AM EST

We need to learn from our mistakes and forgive each other but may be not forget.

Take it easy dear.

And on a lighter note, have you been to “habaarwaalid” after you have been chased from Kismaayo. Very beautiful isn’t it? I wonder how much of that thick forest and wildlife is still there. I would love to visit there one day. looool

Take it easy dear.
    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 11:13 AM EST
 clever one man sakata can alxaq fahuwa sheytaanun akhras - if you choose to be silent while seeing the wrongs you are a silent satan then, growing up is not an axcuse, by the way in Britain ignorance and thoughtlessness are both crimes by themselves!!!!and talking about migration I wonder waxa ku soo saaray ama dadkaaga soo saaray!!!!!!!!?????????ama darood iyo umadda soomaliyeed ayaad aheyd oo ka cararaya the genocide or hawiye hawiye ka cararayey!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lilisamatar @ 3/18/2009 11:05 AM EST
 miyeyna aheyn cajiib in someone called mysomalia uu ku faanayo in ay xoolihii dadka iyo dalka dhaceen!!!!!!!!!!!!actually he thinks in ay meeli i bugto, did he figure that out by himself, I don't know but he realised in ay meeli i bugto, well try to be killed and lose your family and frineds just because of who they were, masacare the old and the young and let me witness it and then expect that I should be ok, how clever is that!!!!!!!!!!!even xanuunka ayaa la ii diidan yahay!!!!!!!cajiib!!!!!!waaba ba iyo jab ha sheegan oo aamus oo ha hadlin oo hadhihin why, what on earth I did to deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!

the idiot he missed that a whole nation is in agony because of these crimes, a whole nation is displaced and a whole nation have lost a meaning for life, then he has the audacity to tell me meel baa i bugta, well try in luuqyada luguu istaago and you are forced to identify yourself and be killed, humilitaed because of who you happened to be, try that your neighbours of a lifetime come after you wanting to slaughter you, well try to run to the end of the world and be chased by people who look like you yet want to kill you, try to try to escape and be killed in a sea knowing that you can never land on the ground because the thugs are waiting for you, try to make sense of all of that, try be chased aaway from your home, to afgooye, to kismaayo, to wherever you thought was save just to be killed because the tuug arrived before you!!!!!!

waan xanuunsanayaa oo waan bukaa that is to me the onley sensible think to do in such horrific existnece!!!!!!!!!!!!

qofka aanan bukin oo xanuunsaneyn must be the only one who is so not normal, even kii wax dilayey ayaa xanuunsanaya xooloyahow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    TheCleverOne @ 3/18/2009 1:17 AM EST
 To; Lilisamatar

The implication was petty differences (gone too far) being the catalyst for the horrors Somali people committed against one another. Also, having grown up outside the country, it's unwise to hypothesize that I'm criminal or bad person. However, in the sense that we're all criminals because we have failed to collectively address our differences, then I accept the guilty verdict.
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:50 PM EST
 (tabat yadaa abiilahabin watab sa yaslaa naaran daata lahab wa imraatahu xamaala al xadhab fii jiidihaa xablun min masad)

sadaqa allahu al cadiim!

    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:36 PM EST
 the clever one
do you call the massacre of people and the damage done to Somalia sa petty differenecs. ha it could be only be you mr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    diidgaal @ 3/17/2009 8:24 PM EST
Ilaah wuxuu kaloo yiria addun waa xabsi muslim iyo
janno gaalo, marka sida aad wax u sheegeysid waxba
kama jiraan. Hadaad mooday inaan dab hurinayo dadbaa
mooda inaan nabad raadinayo, hadalkaagana waxba ma tarayo
aan ahayn inaad cadeysid inaad dabadhilif gaal tahay
oo aad rabtid dadka inaad gaalo u gumeysid oo aad ka
dhigto raaci gaal. Shariifoowga aad aaminsan tahay baa
gaal raac ah waayo wixii shalay laga diiday baa maanta
loo ogolaadayee maxaa isbadalay? waa in la gatay oo jeebka
lagu ritay lana rabo inuu dadka ku duleeyo diin quraafaad
ah oo gaal ogol yahay. Taasna diin maaha. Marka waan kaa
horeynaa dadaka soomaaliyeedna waa og yihiin waana taa
waxa uu shariifoow meel u gaari la'yahay ee dabadhilifnimada
qurbaha la joog soomaaliya lagaa yeeli maayaa.
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:23 PM EST
 annihilation indeed and guess who did it!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:21 PM EST
 of course mr clever one as usual you are trying very hard to over smart everyone, everyone is telling you are wrong you can never be the right and the clever one!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:19 PM EST
 saqajaamo yahow, wixii isku kiin haleeyaba iyagaa gardaran, alshabaab did because they were young kinds who believed you were real wadaads.  I tell you what i rather be whipped by alshabaab than live amongst you!!!!!!!!!!
    TheCleverOne @ 3/17/2009 8:16 PM EST
 Although Somalia is currently experiencing an existential annihilation, the comments posted here are just as depressing as the news because people still bicker and act like savages, not learning anything as of yet. Same petty differences going too far, as always - and it's those in diaspora.
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:15 PM EST
 ahlu sunna kulahaa look well my arse wankers!!!!!!!!!!!!!caruurta yar yar aad ku adeegsateen markaad mucaaradka aheydeen you think maanta waad naga dhaadhicinkartaan in ay yihiin terrorist, its only you who are the terror of somalia, the shabaab wiil prevail, just like alqaeda out lived the americans who made it, saajaamo yahow, wixii isku kiin haleeyaba iyagaa gardaran, alshabaab did because they were young kinds who believed you were real wadaads.  I tell you what i rather be wipped by alshabaab than live amongst you!!!!!!!!!!
    hoda1 @ 3/17/2009 8:14 PM EST
 Waxaan rabaa inaan u jawaabo ninkaan la yiraahdo "DIIDGAL" hadalkii ugu danbeeyay oo soo qoray. Horta waxaan rabaa in aan qeybo hadalkiisa ahaa wax aan ka taabto.
1- Horta maanta siyaasada ka jirto dalkeena ma aha mid diin ku salaysan ama diin wax ka badali karto, waayo Somalia waa dad 100% Islam ah, midkii ilaah ku casiyayna uu og yahay qaladka u ku jiro.
2- Ilaah aduunka waxa uu inoo keenay in aan ku cibri qaadno, intuu Islam ama Kitaabku imaan Ilaah waxa uu dunida ku abuuray dad cawaan ah oo diina heysan lakiin Ilaah markii uu umadiisa ka yaabay dulmigooda ayuu u soo diray nidaam ay kuwada nooladaan. Marka Ilaah ma dhahin si ciriiri ugu noolada dhulkayga oo wakaas aad u jeedo dhulka baxaada weyn oo ina siiyay ee umadiisana ku heshiin la'dahay.
3- Mida sadexaad Ilaahay wuu xarintimaayay ka colaada horiya ha noqoto mid Islam ama mid Gaalo. Gaaladana Ilaah ayaa abuurtay mana ogid in Ilaah hanuunin doono xaga wacan waadna aragtay magan galayda ay ina siiyeen ee aan ka heli waynay dadkii Islamka ahaa. Waa tii ogeyd waxii ka dhacay dalkeena maantana dhibka haysto ma aha mid diin la'aan ee xaraantii laga galay dad aan waxba galabsan oo maalkoodii iyo noloshoodiiba ku luntay.
Marka DIIDGAAL nin munaafaq ah ayaa tahay, ee naga jooji xumaanta iyo quranka kaa buuxo. Aduun iyo qariba waa u shaqeysanaynaa oo Ilaah ayaa yiri u nooloow sidii aduun ka dhimanay, u cabso sidii adiga oo bari ka tagaya. Mida Ilaaheey umadiisa asagaa iska leh ma gaalo ha ahaato ama Islaan ha ahaato isaga ayaa la xisaabtami marka ma laha waxaad u bahantay in aad xadiisyadii nabiga aqrisataa.
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 8:09 PM EST

Mar dhow howsha way soo gaba gaboobaysaa.

Meesii u dambaysaa la gaaray.
    adamjama @ 3/17/2009 8:09 PM EST
I will chat with you later it looks like you got your hands full kkkkkkkkkkkkk.
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 8:04 PM EST
 ma waxaad isleedihiin by claiming the 40 men of jazeera you will wipe your crimes, do you know who is xussein xassan muusa abaiihiin wasa ma ogtihiin waxuu ragaa isku ahaayeen, are you claiming our men today!!!!!!!!!!sinjiyadiina wasa, nacdal yahow uskaga ah, how dare you !!!1

and nomad and stciky and all the dreamers stop reaosning with these fu*ckers they are nobodies!!!!!!!!!!!!reasoning has to have a limit!!!!!!!!you were trying for 18 years doesn't that tell you anything, samar badinidinaa!
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 8:01 PM EST

Are you really a female? I doubt it. Gabdhihii hore
hadalada qaar waa ka gaabsan jireen xitaa haddii dudumo
mooyee aan cid kale arkayn LOL...

Relax....hadaladda qaar fool xumo ayay siyaadiyaane iska
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 7:59 PM EST
 Below message if 4 AdamJama
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 7:59 PM EST
The topic was Somalia and Rwanda not European, China and Japanese atrocities.
They fought clan and ethnic lines for a month killed each other, and moved on.
We are doing over two decades. Do you have credit for these people after the fact?
They moved on and build a nation from the ashes of their massacred
people ..we are still standing on the ashes and still at each other.
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 7:52 PM EST
 adinka iyo dhilada hol iswasa, bakhti bakhti dhalay!!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 7:48 PM EST
 ku dhaha adinka iyo aabihiin iyo wixii ila sinji ah ba aabihiin isku wasa, Somalia iyo Soomali ma qasbeysaan.  Anaka oo reer PL ayaa intaa idinka heynay SL, laakiin xoolo xoolo dhaleen baa tihiin, ee do you think actually taaladii xaawo taako in aad nagu harow saneysaan, yilcan Soomaaliyadan isku keen keeneysa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aabihiin iyo soomaaliyaba wasa wax aana nasab ayen baa tihiin and dying for recognition, for the latter you will do anything, i arka oo i eega!!!!!!!!!!!majeerteenka aad iska dhaadhicineysaana oo aad isku masaxaysaana won't help you, your stinking shariif had toi employ MJ ha and deny every other tribe the opportunity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F* you, do you actuially think that this means anything F* you wankers, low of the low keep xoola nimadiina, by appoiting MJ magac baad halkaa ka raadineysaan!!!!!!!!!nacdalyahow madaxa dudumada leh, ibliis iyo ina ibliis maxay Soomaali u sheegayaan!!!!!!!!!
    adamjama @ 3/17/2009 7:46 PM EST
Sorry buddy; I didn't know when listing the worst recorded human atrocities in the World I also needed to list the 32 most remarkable improvements. Here is some side-by-side examples for your convenience, Hitler killed 40 million but built a dying nation into a military & economic powerhouse. Stalin killed 20 million but changed Russia from Agricultural to Industrial economy. Japanese killed 45 million Chinese........ Should I go on?
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 7:40 PM EST
 guys tell ilatali and mysomalia to check mogadisho inches from pece I left few messages for them, iyga iyo dadka wax uyar dhimanyihiin ee nala wadaaga wadan!!!!!!!!!!!!
    lilisamatar @ 3/17/2009 7:40 PM EST
 guys tell ilatali mys somalia to check mogadisho inches from pece I left few messages for them, iyo dadka wax uyar dhimanyihiin ee nala wadaaga wadan!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 7:20 PM EST
 Well said Nomadic1

" What we did to ourselves between 1990 and 1993 was a tragedy.
What have been doing between 1993 and now is stupidity.  "

That is all in a nutshell.

Thanks Nomadka

And welcome back...

"this land is your land" join us, sing with us

Waa erayadii iyo laxankii Lama with little twist LOL

This is the only song Lama accepts. Don't push it though!!
    diidgaal @ 3/17/2009 7:16 PM EST
 Adduunku waa xabsiga muu'iminka iyo jannada gaalka.
Dadka badankood halkaan ka hadlay waxa ay uqeylinayaan
waa adduun oo aakhiro xisaabta uguma jirto.
Waxaan leeyahay iska nooloow sidii xoolihii waxaa dhaanta
nolol ciriiri ah laakiin cabsi alle wadata.
Nabadda la raadinayana waa mid gaalada lagu raacayo
oo sidooda oo kale ah iska nooloow, taasna waa tijaabinay
oo meesha ay na dhigtay waad aragtaan. Marka hadda ka dib waa
maamul cabsi ilaah wata keliya waxa lagu badbaadayo ee
ma rabno wax gaal soo dhoodhoobo oo gaalku uusan dareemeyn
dhibteeda. Ninkii raba gaal maaulkood waxaan leeyahay
qurbaha joog, kii gudaha joogana isaga tag meesh oo raadso
meel gaal maamulo.
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 6:28 PM EST
 What we did to ourselves between 1990 and 1993 was a tragedy.
What have been doing between 1993 and now is stupidity.

    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 6:09 PM EST
 Stick and Adamjama

The Rwandese beat us on severity but we caught up and beat them with our longevity.

The Rwandese learned from their mistakes and decided to move forward.

Our problem is that we never get enough of anything.

If things don’t change soon, Somalis will perish in their thousands without a single shot fired on them.

Even if things change, it will be too little too late for some.

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 5:05 PM EST

“Aabahay baa Geel lahaan jiray anaa Dameer leh baa ka fiican”

I don’t buy that statistics of only 350, 000 people died in that decade,
Baidoa only was almost close to that number. If you count the civil war
in its entirety, we are closer to them than you think. But, instead of
emphasizing their fault and what they’ve done wrong why are you hiding
their improvement? They massacred each other to a degree that is not
seen in Africa in recent memory but they overcame to build a thriving nation
and became a powerhouse for Central Africa. They send peacekeepers to all hot
spots in Africa; their economy was growing to close to a double digit.
A lesson should be learned instead of excavating their not so envious past.
    adamjama @ 3/17/2009 4:46 PM EST
 There is a lot we can learn from Rwanda including the art of mass murder with unprecedented speed & efficiency. If you look at the World's worst 32 atrocities, Somalia is the last at that list #32. Most African countries like Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo etc are all way ahead of us.  Rwanda Massacred in 1994 800,000 within 21 days but Somalia on the other hand lost 350,000 from 1991 to 1999 when the statistics was compiled and can you believe that included all forces of death like famine and epidemics. Now do you agree with me that we can learn a lot from Rwanda to move up the ladder of mass murder. I hope they don't train our police! I heard they also have a trained rats that can sniff land-mines.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 4:40 PM EST

Yes, he was a warlord. However, he was a warlord with principle
and some dignity. He forgot, forgave, and suppressed and vengeance he had.
You should at least commend him on that. He has some quality that many Waryaas
are lacking. Collective self examination is needed.
    samori @ 3/17/2009 4:21 PM EST
 isnt paul kagame a warlord?

yes he is

the difference now is that he's wearing designer suit and supported by the west
    MO5 @ 3/17/2009 3:27 PM EST
 Does this mean:

Hutu vs Tutsi policy applied in Somali politics?

Hutu= Alshabaab
Tutsi= ICU Maxkamadaha

    diidgaal @ 3/17/2009 1:13 PM EST
 Shariifoow ma saan baa u dambeysay? Photo Op iyo
quraafaad gaalo buu ka dhamaan la'yahay. Waan arki
doonaa meeshuu ku dambeeyo. AU forces waxba kama
qaban karaan meel ethiopian iyo mareykan wax ka qaban
waayay. Dad qurbaha ku dharagsanna warkooda wax micno
uguma fadhiyo dadka wadankooda gaalada ka xoreysanaya.  
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 12:28 PM EST
 Shanta loooooooool

I see. So the guy is in some kind of indirect exile. Lol

Catch u later.  
    shanta @ 3/17/2009 11:57 AM EST
 Needless to say that we have become a society that admires criminals and protects them by issuing immunity at every level, while not taking chances on eliminating such offenses in the first place.  
    hoda1 @ 3/17/2009 11:42 AM EST
 It does not matter how the president speed up his work in the country until there is establishment to have anyone inside the country that is the time to work and changes can occur. There is no notion that are more worst than Somali people in the world never exist and that is why am I saying is that the World has been through where we are today but what the "World" make them reliase the situation was judging each individual and putting them justice all criminal people. But us our criminals are still not facing justice and they are running some of them in the goverment and acting that they did nothing to the nation. Rwanda criminals who killed billion of innocent people face justice and that is how they forget and forgive eachother. My point is that until Somali war criminal face justice and notion forgive those people it's hard to dream on peace.
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 11:26 AM EST

You might be right but trust me brother, timing is crucial.
For individuals, yes, patience is virtue but for organisations and governments, speed, timing and precision is vital. Because of their complex nature, delays, hiccups and bottlenecks are inevitable.

They are not even on gear one at the moment, so any attempt to slow down will make them STOP moving at all.
    shanta @ 3/17/2009 11:23 AM EST
Your argument makes sense, but only when it’s applied in a certain situation and given the right environs are in place.  The heads of PL & SL can travel within their regions requiring few body guards- but can Sharif go Afgoye without a mechanized infantry leading the way? It seems that his absence from Mog at the moment reduces the chances of innocent people dying due to target practices performed by Al-Haram on Villa Somalia.
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 11:11 AM EST
 With all due respect to Uganda and Rwanda, Shariif needs to realise that they are paid to help us and there is nothing more to be derived from them at this moment in time.

Perhaps, he should teach some geography to his 500 plus PMs and then ask them to teach at the neighbouring schools. lool
    xiis @ 3/17/2009 11:06 AM EST
waxaa la yidhi "haday degdegsiinyo door dhalaan kaadsiinyona kiish lacag ah ayay dhashaa"
Patience brother aduunyo orod laguma gaadhee.
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 11:05 AM EST

I would advice him to employ his resources as efficiently as possible. Don’t forget, there are times when a day today is different (better) than another day in some other day, if that makes sense. That is what they call “Time value of money” in finance. What I am trying to say is, contrary to what you said last night (him spending his first 2-3 months travelling around), the first few weeks of his tenure will determine the success and the failure of his government. To make full use of that very limited but very crucial time, he needs to speed up his processes and try to do as many things as possible. I,e, he can delegate some of the low priority visits and also do two and three things at once. At the current rate, the guy will end up touring Africa for the next 100 days and end up achieving nothing.

In sum, there is nothing wrong with him visiting these neighbouring countries but for god’s sake, he is taking the mick. He can visit them all in one day and do other things.
    shanta @ 3/17/2009 10:17 AM EST
What do you suggest he ought to do?
    nomadic1 @ 3/17/2009 10:10 AM EST
 Surely, President Ahmed knows something we don’t know but its fair to say that he is taking too long doing the same thing over and over again.

Also, I think it is us, the Somalis that need to learn from the Rwandese, how they forgave one another and decided to move on for the common good.

We are a bunch of ungovernable lunatics.

    samori @ 3/17/2009 10:08 AM EST

more censoring, let's try again.............

what i mean is, somalis can learn from rwandan muslims not from paul kagame, he's a kaf*ir
    hoda1 @ 3/17/2009 10:04 AM EST
 Shame on you President, your dress attire is out style, remember you are representing the whole Somali nation that has great history for centuries except the last decade in which the USC party distroy the whole nation in a unbelievable way so please USC has destroyed the name of Somali nation and now don't make your own way to dress and than represent us. My advice to you please be carefull as you representing us. Dress like a President, I'm not attacking you in a bad way but in a good way and act someone that represent a nation.
I hope this comments will read President's Advisor and will let him know how the nation feels our president dress code.
    samori @ 3/17/2009 10:03 AM EST
 dalmar haji!

if rwanda is such a pretty place to live how come some hutus are still hiding in the bush in congo?
nope it's not.... now we are being told things are rosy until entrepreneur paul cross his masters.then they will start bashing him and looking to arrest him. right now we can't know.
As for islam, yes during the massacre rwandan muslims were not involved, in fact they live together and intermarry.those who sought refuge in mosques or muslim populated areas were spared from massacres. unlike somalis, rwandan islam is void of tribalism.
unfortunately thats not sharif's agenda, i am sure he wont even visit the muslims there.... he's busy learning to be obedient puppet.
    dalmar haji @ 3/17/2009 9:44 AM EST

Please check your Rwanda facts before you bash the
country that is growing at almost a double digit rate
even since entrepenuer Paul took over.

As for Islam to be a force to eradicate tribalism
isn't a strong Islamic institution necessecary?
Build one or support the building of one. Stop yapping.

    somaliknight @ 3/17/2009 9:11 AM EST
 May Allah bless president sheikh sharif, he is really doing great job.A flexible guy who promotes peace is what we needed and now we got him,alhamdulilah.
    USheega @ 3/17/2009 8:07 AM EST
    Xaaji007 @ 3/17/2009 7:13 AM EST
 HOL admin.

Waar cunaha dadka sii daaya oo qofkastaa fikirkiisa ha hadlo.

Stop you bias selection of postings, if it won't offend anyone there is no reason to oppress peoples opinion.

You release only those who concur your personal point of view and others are discarded (what a shame)
    JJ @ 3/17/2009 6:14 AM EST
 President Sh Sharif is doing very wel, but one advise I would like to give the president: Please wear tie or leave the suit alone and wear islamic robe-Khamiis or Kwunda suit.
    samori @ 3/17/2009 5:58 AM EST
 OK let's try again!!!

may be he went to lear how to exte*minate opponents while the world still view him as peacemaker
    samori @ 3/17/2009 5:55 AM EST
 HOL's censorship getting ridiculous now.......
you post something only to find words are missing
    samori @ 3/17/2009 5:52 AM EST
 may be he went to learn how to rivals while the west is turning blind eye.

calling it peace
    samori @ 3/17/2009 5:34 AM EST
 Assalaam alaykum!!!

what can you learn from rwanda?
only islam eradicate tribalism,as for somalia it has to happen once and for all in sha Allah.
i am telling you this because the world that tribalism in rwanda has disappeared thanks to UN propaganda.
nope it hasnt,while this guy is in power other tribes are feeling let down and oppressed.... more hatred.
in contrary, it's him that should learn from sharif and become muslim.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 2:57 AM EST

There is a bug in your system, what is going on it took
you that long to perfect this, or you are not trying?
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 2:53 AM EST
 Rwanda is sending forces to us, to save us from ourselves that is a tragic reality.

The ever so proud Waryaa, are beggars of civilized African world.

Stop name calling you "HANDSOME" banana eaters Waryaa. After all,
"action speaks louder than words." They succeeded where you failed miserably
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/17/2009 2:35 AM EST

Compare Rwanda and Somalia for the last two decades and look
how low they went and how far each came up. There is a lesson
for all of us. Those of you African bashers should learn from this.
And stop “blame others” first attitude. We know we are not alone
for our affairs, but don’t make an excuse for your failures.

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