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    daljir @ 4/30/2007 11:40 PM EST
    siigaaale @ 4/30/2007 10:07 AM EST
 people i came across this article and i wonder .Because some
of my responses are sensered many times. here is the link
    jhaickal @ 4/29/2007 2:13 PM EST
  It appears that some of the writers here are far from reality.  The situation in Somalia has always been atrocious where tugs with guns usurped everything valuable as theirs and killed anyone in their path, but no one cared, dared to say anything or recommended better venue. Those who now say no violence including Galib, Samater, Galeydh and Abdirazak Hussein applauded for the TFG and its members to be dead and destroyed when the Islamic Courts surrounded Beydhaba.  The TFG is the savior of Somalia and its people and the TFG is not Abdullahi.  Abdullahi is a mere patriot who is part of the TFG and willing to sacrifice for all Somalis.  Unlike Galib, Galleydh, Abdirizah, Samater who are hyenas in disguise and are power hungry.  Somalis are now awake and no hidden mischievous agendas, which are politically sugar coated will be served on our table.  
    Aaisha1 @ 4/28/2007 5:43 AM EST
 (2) That is because they believed, then disbelieved, therefore their hearts are sealed, so they
understand not. (3) And when you look at them, their bodies please you; and when they speak, you
listen to their words. They are as blocks of wood propped up. They think that every cry is against
them. They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allâh curse them! How are they denying
(or deviating from) the Right Path? (4) And when it is said to them: "Come, so that the Messenger
of Allâh may ask forgiveness from Allâh for you", they twist their heads, and you would see them
turning away their faces in pride. (5) It is equal to them whether you (Muhammad SAW) ask forgiveness
or ask not forgiveness for them. Verily, Allâh guides not the people who are the Fâsiqîn (the rebellious,
the disobedient to Allâh)[] (6) They are the ones who say: "Spend not on those who are with Allâh's Messenger,
until they desert him." And to Allâh belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites
comprehend not.
    Erigavo @ 4/27/2007 8:46 PM EST
 Altho Ghalib is from Hargeisa and pro-union, he raises my eyebrows
that is he is implicitly aligned with those who want Somalia remain
stateless and at a very dismal condition, for they see it as an opportunity to gain
recognition for a clan state.
    laylasamatar @ 4/27/2007 9:38 AM EST
 guys, why don't you buy or borrow some brains from someone or somewhere
    hillac @ 4/27/2007 8:58 AM EST
 Somalis should never wait nor expect any help from the arabs,especially the saudis,if the arabs were capable of helping anyone then they would have helped their fellow arabs.All these governments who are pretending to want to help are the very ones who are causing the problems that are facing us,we as a people should only rely on ALLAH and ourselves.
    seyd shariff @ 4/27/2007 1:18 AM EST
  Unfortunately Arabs have no role Somalia.
They have watching our children killed and maimed by The Tigre regime
and imperialist powers.
We depend on almighty Allah not treacherous Saudi,s.
The role is to destroy our unity and spy on us.
Insha ;Alla,h victory is at hand no bloody Arab help is required.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/26/2007 8:53 PM EST
 Well, I can't believe it. The dude is asking the Saudis for help. I dispise the Saudi kingdom just because they detest us Somalis. They could care less for our country and they would rather see our country suffer even more.
    hillac @ 4/25/2007 10:46 AM EST
  The name of Vidkun Quisling became synonymous with treachery the world over by helping bring the nazis to norway,we too have our quislings whose names would be treachery and cowardice.
    hillac @ 4/25/2007 10:20 AM EST
    cadeeycadow @ 4/25/2007 1:01 AM EST
 But if the realignment of Somali forces takes hold, conditions are not stalemated. Things are moving against the U.S. and Ethiopia. Even if they have many more cards to play, the invaders seem to have a losing hand.

Please read:Have the tables turned on the U.S. in Somalia?
    Aaisha1 @ 4/24/2007 10:33 PM EST
 We don't need IGAD,USA,UN,Ethiopian,We need the help of Allah(swt)
and soon it will came inshaAllah
    nuune @ 4/24/2007 5:40 PM EST
 Mark my word, the defeat of Meles and his goons is so close..keep the struggle and let us liberate our lands from tigree gangs and their stooges
    adamjama @ 4/24/2007 5:07 PM EST
Your statement "We heard from Northern Somalia, Ogaden, only Reer Puntland and Rahanweyn dummies are silent" is false & naive.
Who in the north did you heard from? The government of Somaliland or the opposition, who are you refering to?
If you are refering to people like General Ghalib & professor Samatar, then let me give you some wake up news. Neither Ghalib nor Samatar are with the Hargeysa regime.
About Puntland, where do you think Abdirisak Haji Hussein, Ali Khalif Galaydh, & Zakariya Haji Maxamud are from? they all called for the Ethiopian withdrawel of Somalia. Some went so far as to call for Jihad gainst the invaders.
May be you just heard them on the BBC & you don't know who they are.(waxay kala yihiin Majerten, Dhulbahante, iyo Leelkase) Ka fiirso intaadan iska hadlin.
Your insult toward the Rahanweyn people shows your level of decency & fairness.

    Ali72 @ 4/24/2007 3:26 PM EST
 Gen. Ghalib is well known Somali nationalist, the truth is some people cannot accept the short lived success of ICU.
Saudis are waiting green light from US,meanwhile, thousands of Somalis are hidding behind tribal thinking and support this illegal occupation.
National Resistance will continue until Ethopians withdraw all Somalia.
I said many times, where are this man ( Col.Yusuf) kin, they must speak up against this mad man, It's not time for Tribal loyalty, we are talking about National dignity of Somali people.
We heard from Northern Somalia, Ogaden, only Reer Puntland and Rahanweyn dummies are silent.
I will like to see Gen. Ghalib as next President of United Somalia, I am sure this is a man we all agree who has integrity and vision to lead our nation.
    Legend1 @ 4/24/2007 1:45 PM EST
 Is so ironic that the international community have all given the green light for those attrociticies being commited by the invading Ethiopians and their sub-servants (TFG), which should never have been allowed to rule the country.  

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