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    jayklen1 @ 8/28/2007 12:35 AM EST
 Why there were no pirates when UIC was in charge ? Is it possible that the pirates are related to ina yeey and he spilts the ransom with them, the international community must investigate ina Yeey
    Wiilwaal23 @ 8/24/2007 3:17 PM EST
 Hamdi was sent to overseas by her uncle who happens to own 30 roadblocks ( ISBAARO0) in  and around Mogadishu. Her comments filled with mooriyanism and thugarism wont surprice me. The Mudug and Galgaduud mentality will never change, no matter where you might reside on mother earth. Wiilwaal was formerly known as : Hassancosobleh.
    hanixin1 @ 8/24/2007 1:42 PM EST
 Such questionable activities are rewarding in Somalia, that is why we have the warlord "government". If the international community does not realise that this kind of activity will only increase the suffering and the myhem of the whole people of the region, it will be too late.
    hamdi @ 8/24/2007 12:09 PM EST
 Hooray for the Hijacker, at least they are taking
their misdeeds away from Somalis and into the seas
grab any ship off the coast of Somalia, anyway,
these ships are filled with goods belongings to
those who are bringing death machines into somalia.
Marchents who fuel the war in somalia,
let them pay to the teeth!
    Fiqicigaal @ 8/24/2007 11:57 AM EST
 correction : Denmark not Norway
    Fiqicigaal @ 8/24/2007 11:56 AM EST
 This is a regional problem and it will affect the rest of the world unless the international community makes effort to support peace and stability in Somalia politically and economically. As much as i oppose rewarding piracy i do not blame Norway for rescuing their own from those mindless thugs who do not value life and will kill for a dime

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