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    kurus @ 6/29/2007 9:26 AM EST
 Wonderful article!!!!
It saddens me to know that in some countries June 26th and/or July 1st are not celebrated at all.
Where is the nationalism, where is the love for our country.  Did our forefathers die for nothing?  Did our brothers fight the imperialist for no reason?
Yes we are separated, yes we have fought, yes we are still fighting....but we are somalis no matter what.  East, south, north, or west we are all somalis!
Long live Somalia!  May Allah protect us from the evil hearted ones!  Amiin! Amiin!
    odogleh @ 6/29/2007 8:18 AM EST
 uninformant comes running down from the wild to spew virulent epithets at unreproachable dignitaries while selling his own ethnic bias in the form of independence day celebrations.
negative expressions are already jamming without changing any thing on the authentic matters.
day time barking is nevertheless more magic than the one in the night.
    @ 6/29/2007 6:13 AM EST
 A very funny article with a lot of lessons for people working with Somalis suffering from mental disorders. The "writer" argued against the ill hope placed upon the former Somali Italian by the people of former British Somaliland as negative and not conducive to their progress as long as they continue with their closed mentality. However, another closed mentality was brought out him with the first few line of his article crediting works of literature to a singer than the writer of the lyrics:
"Halkii dheef laga filaayey miyaan dharababa ka waynay?
...                                                 - Saado Cali Warsame"

As for the "spacious villas", the former dictator of Somalia lived in  "spacious villas" and yet his offspring and himself died alone in a rented studio . Despite the wishes of those with challenged mental IQ, it is sometimes better for people to consider what is sustainable than what would have looked good in a picture. For a person whose ethnic background holds the records for being the most unproductive people in what use to be Somalia, "spacious villas" should have been the last thoughts in your mind.

The rest of the article is nothing but hatred towards other Somali speakers of non-xxx origin whether they be in the current Republic of Djibouti or the would be Republic of Somaliland.  It is very interesting how he concentrated upon all those other Somali speakers except his own i.e. those who made the pilgrimage to Muqdisho to help Ethiopian occupation/subjugation of former Somali Italiana. In his article, not once did he mention the reasons why this 1st of July had not been the same to the people of Muqdisho.

Finally, it would have been better for the writer to leave 26th of July and 1st of July to the people of the two Somalis whom united. His main concern should have been the day of independence for "Puntland". What was the year and day?
    ilwad @ 6/28/2007 4:36 PM EST
 Bro Ali H Abdulla

I wish we have more people like you in Somalia!
    ilwad @ 6/28/2007 4:35 PM EST
 HOL sencoring people for no good reasons!!!

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