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    camel girl @ 11/13/2008 6:42 PM EST
 Love but he might think to be forgotten but just being forced to a Somaland history. Hadraawi you are a Somali and there is no north or south in Somalia.   I love  you are a wonder and I am proud and happy You come to make your point in a country that loves humans equally (Canada) a close to the Somalia legend. I have no to shut my mouth easy.  How are you World/Somalis?
    Sahalsiidi @ 11/10/2008 3:50 PM EST
 Odeygu waa qabiiliiste weynaadey, dadka Toronto meel xun uga dhacay
intay xaflad uu istaahilin loo dhigay oo calanka Soomalia dadka kaga dafeen stage ka.
heeskii "Soomali yey tooso" waa la diiday in la qaado Ceebeey tacaal.
Ottawa maba la qarsan Somaliand agents aa soo dhoweeyeen.
    Lamadage @ 11/9/2008 9:48 AM EST
 Hadraawi to us is nothing but Somali old hack who didn't use his talent for his Islam and the betterment of Somali people.

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