8 comment(s)
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    boqoljire @ 5/12/2007 1:40 PM EST
 This violation towards our mothers and the nurturer of our future has to end. When the rights of elderly women are violated and they are imprison while robbers such  as Marwo Huda are pardoned then, Riyaale then, you have no other choice but to step down.
    TARAAWIIX @ 5/10/2007 12:58 PM EST
 Ayuutooo, War Aniga magaca Hooyada("Shuun",) aaba iga yaa biyay, adinka dowladaad ka hadlaydiin iyo xerig....miss spell?
    yasin4020 @ 5/10/2007 6:13 AM EST
 Somaliland has constitution, laws, courts,...etc, better
than TFG,TNG,TGF(what ever its called), but we have the
right for a person to appeal. However I ca'nt say that
for our southeren bretherins. Gibrill bro we both know
that this is propaganda, and the people behind it are
sevaral kilometers around where their masters (ETHIPIANS)
are stationed. As for the family in question? If they
exist; PAY UP, or take your case to EU because most of
you live there and stop THIS CRAP!.

    jibriil @ 5/9/2007 10:53 AM EST
 It's easy to critize Somaliland Goverment, Democracy and Law without knowing any facts and
just based on this article written by the family. But this family has builded on land(2km long) that they own family(uncle) has sold.
And after many warnings to stop building and steal land that they have sold and belongs to others, the somaliland court has according to Somaliland Law
ordered the arrest of the purpetraitors of the Law.

This would hapen anywhere in the world if you steal from others. I think this case proves that we have a Law, which you cannot say from Somalia,
where people stole houses, land and other properties belonging to others for more the 17 years.
    ilwad @ 5/9/2007 10:35 AM EST
 I'm sorry to say this to Abdi family, I think you should get contact to the Ethiopians regime in addis because that's the only people somalis will take orders from whethere in somalia/land. they are in charge!!
    Fiqicigaal @ 5/9/2007 10:23 AM EST
 I would not bet my money on Somaliland's current judiciary .  Pay the ransom and bring your mother home save and sound . That might sound harsh but that is how we freed many people from Zone 5 ( ogadenia ) who have been unlawfully kept in  Hargeysa prisons
    Zundus2 @ 5/9/2007 9:41 AM EST
 Dear: Abdi Family,

Reading this letter sadden me tremendously today, and i can hope that people to which its addressed to can come to their sensess and let your innocent mother gain her freedom. I hope the people of Somaliland can stand up for the rights of their citizens and realize that freedom of expression, speech and protection should be granted to all of their country men equally. I hope and pray to mightly Allha that your mother will be free soon insha'llah. And i wish no other family in Somilia or Somaliland has to deal with this kind of senseless act of jailing our elderly instead of respecting them.

Thank you,
Mpls, MN    
    raage @ 5/9/2007 2:09 AM EST
 salaam all reer cabdi,

i think law doesn't work in somalia/land what ever
and had any one of you been in somalia/land you
could have been able to release your mom any whay
you guys all of you have gone to UK/USA and EU you
need to cme back get rid off these blood thrusty so
colled leader  u need to be the enovators of your people so
cme release your mon you are not British people and i
don't understand why u adress this latter to the British
ambassador if u cant cme tell your elder clans men to
talk to the goverment and let your mon be released whish
your moms freedom gt back

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