11 comment(s)
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    Casanova @ 4/17/2007 12:42 AM EST
 There are two things you guys need to remember 1: is that Abdi is very wise man and he understands and he handle that accident well.He could have fought with the police officer and had been charged assualting a drunk police officer so i beleive he did the right you can't take the law by your hands in this country. 2:they are sying this officer was good guy decorated one but that is all crab. there is no way that a ggod guy can snap like that wheather he is drunk or not.All that crab they are saying means only one thing which is he never been cought before period.
    waxgarad waalma @ 4/14/2007 7:36 PM EST
 Good job Abdi Omar!!!!, this is a good encouragement for other cab drivers especially those in North America. Qig504, I agree with you, There is no justce in kufar's countries. It is ironic that Somalians don't like to threat justice themselves, but they expect to get justice from (qurba).If you wanna poeple respect you, you have to respect each other and teach your children to help each others and threat with respect for other peoples instead of teaching them for tribalism. That is only way we can achieve peace and stability.  
    madaxay @ 4/14/2007 12:42 PM EST
 They could have easily said that he was checking in to a rehab for his addiction... Like many others have in the past... lol
    qalanjo07 @ 4/14/2007 11:21 AM EST
 and you ask why the cap drivers in minneapolis resist the service of the drunkards? that is why
    qig504 @ 4/13/2007 11:51 PM EST
 Justice !! I have been around since 1985 I have never seen justice. Go back to your country and do what it takes to do justice to yourself, your children, and your country as a Nation, people, and as territory. That is one sure way for us to get justice
    adamjama @ 4/13/2007 12:42 PM EST
 Their true colors come out when they are under the influence of Alcohol or other narcotics.
    caaqil @ 4/13/2007 9:07 AM EST
This is crucial time, when u insulted of ur colour and race.
It reminds me my freedom i had in my country. But it's all well, this whole world is just 2 days, let's not forget we r guests and this is our crossing bridge to Jannah! (For those who come up good deeds and do all the 5 pillars of Islam)
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/13/2007 4:41 AM EST
 Mr Omar has done what every law abiding Somali should do wheather they are  in America or here in Britain or elsewhere for that matter. I hope justice will be carried out in this case and the perpetrater will be fired
    sonamo @ 4/13/2007 3:07 AM EST
 Dr Ali maybe hiiraan should renew the legimate sanction
they hade on your "rational and sincere voice" the Somali
Cap Driver mr Abdi Omar is using the Dr. Martin Luther King
and rised to the majestic heights of meeting physical force
with soul force and now he is gonna put a police officer
who  received seven letters of commendation and three
superior performance awards off off the streets well done Osman
    Dr Ali @ 4/13/2007 2:24 AM EST
 Hiiraan online group,,,,,,thanks for letting my sincere comment get through this time. Tell me......due to temporary conversion----- u lifted illegimate sanction you imposed on my rational/Sincere voice for long time. Anyway, this time I have to say to ya guys thanks for once. U r Somalis .....who knows what is next
    Dr Ali @ 4/13/2007 2:16 AM EST
 This Omar is Lamb coward Somali pycho typical. Why he didn't kick the belly of this A....hole. Isu xinin waynaa dhexdooda but when it comes to white they r willing lame duck tamed creatures. U Somalis defend yourself and die hard with dignity instead of fearing prosecution that already happening to you.

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