8 comment(s)
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    rooble @ 12/26/2006 4:13 AM EST
 A bunch of loosers that have nothing to do ,,,,,,,, sorry NSPU guys, wake up plz ,,, u gotta wake up from your dream.
    abdulkadir @ 12/25/2006 6:36 PM EST

Sorry. in my exuberance for somaliland, I forgot to answer your
specific questions.

Rgarding the legitamcy of the elections in Somaland, we intend
to have anothre set next year.  Bring any world organization your
heart desires and we shall prrof to all the fairness of our elections.

with regard to websites that do not carry NSPU, i depsise them.
I honestly think we Somalanders have a good case and have nothing to be
afraid of.

With respect to Mr Jama Mohamed Ghalib, hiiran.com decided to edit it and
you will never know my views about him.  I trust, you are an imaginative guy
to surmise my feelings.

on the point about meeting somlis:  I grant you. you are
correct, I never ask for Somalanders.  I ask for Somalis.
I have in Minnoseta airport recently and I could never forget
how the rental agents treated me.  I felt special.
i was told to pick ip any car my heart desires.  Somalis
will always have a special heart in my heart.

We will will unite in the right terms but not on the
wrong terms.  It will be bad for all us.

By the way, it is good to know you are a Somalialnder.
One of these days, we shall rely this exchange tour siblings.


    @ 12/25/2006 5:43 PM EST

You are a good man.  I like your kind.  You make sense and ask questions.  Your kind of dialogue rather than the monologue of some others is a good thing.

Here is my genuine retort.  

I despise any website that refuses to tell all sides of the story.    To be honest, I think Somaliland has a good case to offer Somalilanders of all stripes and the world.

My veins and red corpusles carry, every conceivable DNA of Somali Landers.  I shall burn in hell if feel any ill will to any of our people.  

I have been around too long, have seen too many of the civilized world to engage in any petty grudge to shepherds of our land.  Maiming a mother in Laascanood is abhorrent to my spirit.  

However, I have my own priority.  I speak for myself first, i.e. for my liberty first, then for my Somali Landers of all stripes, then for Somalia, then for sub-Saharan Africa.

I believe in building our vast family (beesheena weyn) brick by brick.  Hadraawi has been accused of abandoning the belles of the North for a Beer Lula of Beltweyn.  He responded by saying that “Beesheena weyn baan ku baxaan baxaayo,  kolba meel ba booqdaa.  Marba tii i babe,  boholyow i gelisaan ku baraarugaayoo,  kalgacylkii boodheri  qayteda siiyaa… beritana  Jamaame iyo Baardheere iga eeg”

I share the sentiment of my idol.  I am also awakened by any belles of our clime.

On the political side, I do not share your utopia.  I am not a theorist.  I am practitioner.  I stand my ground, as god has given me light to see it.

In the process, you will not find me massacring mothers.

In good spirit, yours truly.
    kucadaye @ 12/25/2006 4:00 PM EST
 Abdulkader, you stated:
"The supporters of the NSPU are welcome to voice
their ideas and campaign for it in a peaceful,
world- supervised, open election processes."

The reality is no such election took place in the
past. Furthermore, the secessionists' propaganda
claims that "Somaliland" is democratic where freedom
of speech and free press flourishes.  That is far
from the truth.  As a supporter of 'Somaliland' I
challenge you to submit this NSPU COMMUNIQUE for
publication to any of the 50+ Somaliland websites.
I bet none will take the offer, thus proving that
there is no democracy or Freedom of Speech in your
fiefdom.  Remeber what happened to Gen Mohamed Jama
Ghalib, a pro-Somali Unity figure, when he landed in
Hargeisa, his birth place, few years ago.  He was
arrested, humiliated, and deported from his place of
birth.  His crime: he is against secession!

The Somaliland project is so fragile that its supporters
can not engage in civil dialogue let alone pro-unity
groups participate in an election.

On that note, Brother Abdulkader, imagine you got
stranded in a small town somewhere in diasporas.
You need a place to spend the night.  Would you go
around asking people whether they know of a 'SOMALI"?
in town Or would you ask for a "SOMALILANDER"?
Think about it!

Finally to educate yourself and others about the accurate
history (ancient and more recent) please spend few
minutes reading the NSPU publication:

Kucadaye (the guy who tells it like it is - in
good faith)
    abdulkadir @ 12/25/2006 12:26 PM EST
 A reality check:

Assertions, assertions and assertions and no facts.

Facts belie the assertions of these NSPU

Here are the real voices of Somaliland communities in an election certified by honorable world organizations:

Here are the votes cast for the government of Somaliland in the various 5 (actually 6 regions) of Somaliland by the inhabitants:
186,383 – North West Region ( Wooqiye Galbeed)
100,495  - Awdal ( Borame, Gebiley and surroundings)
66, 598  - Togdheer ( burco and surrounding)
53,096  - Sanaag  ( ceerigabo and surroundings)
27,300 – Saaxil ( berbra and surroundings)
6,261  - Sool  ( No lasanood but mostly from Cynabo and surroundings)

Total participants – 440,133.  As certified and supervised by world organizations
These are the overwhelming voices of Somaliland that elected the present government.  You cannot get more legitimate than that.  Are we to believe in the bitter assertions of few in DC or on the leg tamely expressed views of the public?

Soon, We will hold another set of elections in Somaliland.  The puny supporters of the NSPU are welcome to voice their ideas and campaign for it in a peaceful, world- supervised, open election processes.  If their ideas have merit, they should not be afraid to campaign for it like real citizens, instead of indulging in delusions and seeking foreign support.  That is the honorable thing to do.   The rest is gibberish.

Somaliland is peaceful.  It is legitimate. It is on God’s side.  It is thriving. It loves all its communities and works very hard to earn the trust of all its citizens, as demonstrated by their resolute commitment to peaceful process of give and take. Forces of darkness and bitterness have failed to foment upheaval and distrust among Somali Landers numerous earlier.  Propaganda and alarmism are a poor substitute for facts.
    fiqicigaal @ 12/25/2006 10:24 AM EST
 I will rather support a cause that will trymph than a cause that was doomed from day one. Long live united Somalia  
    egeh @ 12/25/2006 9:47 AM EST
 A failed conference based on lies and fabrications by few disgruntled and out of shape wanabe politicians who have nothing else to do. This so called gathering is no different than numerous of the same kind that have all ended without any tangible result.
Waste of time and money
    yarta @ 12/25/2006 3:22 AM EST
 We should see more of this people.......A United Somalia

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