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    wiifgarow @ 7/26/2008 6:56 AM EST
 If we use Mr. Saryan's logic then only those who agrees with his views should on the monitoring committe. Those who happen to have different views to Mr. saryan are not eligible. Hating Somaliland should be recognised as a blinding illness.  
    wiifgarow @ 7/25/2008 8:15 AM EST

adeer maxaad runta uga indha qarsaneysaan Soomaliya waa failed state.

Sayidkan aad la dhacsan tahay ma taqaaniine annagaa ka naqaane maad na weydiisaan? annagu gabaygaannu xusuusannaa waxa weeye " muslinnimo ninkaan kugula dhaqan muuminnimo khaas ah gaal maxasta kuu dhowra oo magansataa dhaama". Markii la eryaday ee uu cagta wax ka deyena waannigii lahayn " waa lagu digtaa ruux hadduu kuu darraan jiraye bal dayaay wadaadkii wakaa sii dabayshadaye"

    Firimbi @ 7/25/2008 3:45 AM EST
 sheeko reer-galbeed ayuu ninkan meesha la yimid.

haddii aad aragtid qof afkiisii hooyo ka doortay inuu
af-shisheeye oo kale wax ku qoro horta abdo uu leeyahay
haba-yaraatee ma jirto.

tan kale ereyga FAILED STATE waxaa laga soo guuriyey
dalalka reer-galbeedka ah oo sida ay qaran u qeexaan
iyo sida haddii aynu soomaali nahay qaran u qeexno aysan
isku mid ahayn.

soomaaliya dadkii lahaa waa ay joogaan badankood gudaha
dalka (90%) waxayna dagaal kula jiraan cadow shisheeye
oo maanta sida aynu ka warhayno jab weyn iyo ceeb aan
la soo koobi karin ku sugan.

itoobiya in ay baxayso oo waliba xoog lagu saarayo ma jirto
waxaan kaloo shaki ku jirin in dhulka soomaaliyeed yahay
meel dhib badan oo qofkii shisheeye ahi uu marka dambe
isaga oo ku oomay isaga cararayo.

sayidka ayaa laga hayaa markii uu ingiriis, faransiis, talyaani
iyo xabashi dagaalka kula jirey 21 sano, wuxuu ku yiri


Marka, sheekadii iyada ahayd ayaa maanta taagan oo filinkii
baa socda.

    Firimbi @ 7/25/2008 3:41 AM EST
 sheeko reer-galbeed ayuu ninkan meesha la yimid.

haddii aad aragtid qof afkiisii hooyo ka doortay inuu
af-shisheeye oo kale wax ku qoro horta abdo uu leeyahay
haba-yaraatee ma jirto.

tan kale ereyga FAILED STATE waxaa laga soo guuriyey
dalalka reer-galbeedka ah oo sida ay qaran u qeexaan
iyo sida haddii aynu soomaali nahay qaran u qeexno aysan
isku mid ahayn.

soomaaliya dadkii lahaa waa ay joogaan badankood gudaha
dalka (90%) waxayna dagaal kula jiraan cadow shisheeye
oo maanta sida aynu ka warhayno jab weyn iyo ceeb aan
la soo koobi karin ku sugan.

itoobiya in ay baxayso oo waliba xoog lagu saarayo ma jirto
waxaan kaloo shaki ku jirin in dhulka soomaaliyeed yahay
meel dhib badan oo qofkii shisheeye ahi uu marka dambe
isaga oo ku oomay isaga cararayo.

sayidka ayaa laga hayaa markii uu ingiriis, faransiis, talyaani
iyo xabashi dagaalka kula jirey 21 sano, wuxuu ku yiri


Marka, sheekadii iyada ahayd ayaa maanta taagan oo filinkii
baa socda.

    nadia208 @ 7/22/2008 5:26 PM EST

do you see the depressive name again down next to mine.

he poped up with right after i pointed out they will,
and he did with that ugly name with retarded ideas.
    Arraweelo10 @ 7/22/2008 4:17 PM EST
 Nargale good point,

Who needs that kind of Somaliweyn. Waxaa waaye waa quusooyo ee adi iga sii hor mar aan kugu taagsade, ma la isku dheel dheelaa.
    nargale @ 7/22/2008 3:51 PM EST
 Fiqi!!What makes you think the world is aware of your course,while you can`t even give a clear signal,loudly&formaly pronounce your possition concerning your neighbours,brothers,friends& enemies as well?I am not trying to dicourage you,but i want to know where i stand in this&what i can do for you!!as whom?I am avoiding that "Somali way" of SALAXA AAN KU FADHIYA EE IGULA SOO FADHIISTA!!and the most common these days"I am going down,so everybody else must go down with me!!!aaaaaaahua hua hua hua hua!!!
    dhodimeer @ 7/22/2008 5:07 AM EST
It is a matter of ones rights to chose what one sees in his/her interest but the fact of the matter is that the majority and i mean 90% of Somalis have one good common interest which is their unity and sovereign not to mention their existance in the mist of all the suffering they have been going through . Having said that , i respect every ones rights and preferences regardless of their ethnicity and which part of Somalia they hail from though i still support the unity of this proud nation  
    nadia208 @ 7/21/2008 7:07 PM EST

here come the fulay clan, i swear i attacked hawiye many times
did not see for once two coming to respond at the same time or different times
for that matter.

Mention Ogaadeen and they pop up from nowhere to deffend nothing and at the
same time have the audacity to call you Clannist and "not having point" etc.

    jabra.2008 @ 7/21/2008 7:07 PM EST
 Are some people day-dreaming here? They are way off the topic.
    kuraysomali @ 7/21/2008 7:01 PM EST
 There you go again!! the same creatures, the same idea!!!!

waano abuurbaa kahoreeyay.

To the article, let everybody do what they think is best for them, the
Somaliland case is no exception. Wanajua vile wanataka!
    nadia208 @ 7/21/2008 6:45 PM EST

How do you two feel when a nomad tells a Bandiri how
"foolish" clannism is??!

One thing though, i notice i influence people, seven lines replaced
the usual two ever since i pointed out.
    Arraweelo10 @ 7/21/2008 6:31 PM EST
 Nargale wow! feeling hot hot hot. Keep kicking a'sses, Viva Somaliland.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/21/2008 6:26 PM EST
Of course for you the word Somaliweyn must be a mountain of hurdles , twists and turns to overcome and it is a hard work though if you frequently listen to others you will learn from them . It will also be monitonious and boring if one keeps rebeating him self to let some one understand ones moto and ambition when the rest of the world is aware of the intentions and the goals of the people of ogaden .Thus one more time for you nargale , our aim is to liberate the people of ogaden from a black savage coloniser period. Yes, we are all Somalis and it is in every sane Somali's dream to witness the unity of Somalia so we can all claim the dignity and sovereign that our people and its country deserves and one day soon that dream will come true . As for those of you who foolishly chose to play the clan card and persue a doomed and lost cause , i can only sympethise with you but i can't force you to see the wider picture .    
    nadia208 @ 7/21/2008 5:25 PM EST
 Why?! Aren't you able to see the beauty of Goronya,how free
and mysterious he is. How he could fly but chosen to walk .

Geel is doqon, look how big he is and enslaved by skinny somali nomad.
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 5:19 PM EST
 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!Goronyo? funny really funny!!!!!ok!ok""understood!!!aaaaaaaaaaaahua hua more beer please!!!
    nadia208 @ 7/21/2008 5:11 PM EST

Why are you pushing me towards Geel when i am after Goronyo.

I can't stand geel,love the exotic Goronyo.
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 5:08 PM EST
 Nadi!!good to see you!!how important day it was for you to visit here!!i hope you wont be offended by some of my ways,you know?sometimes it is must!!Ghaad Haye naf male Fuleyga Xunka ah-He throws one stone&run away!!!!aaaaaaaaaahua hua huaaa!!!
    nadia208 @ 7/21/2008 4:25 PM EST

I am loving you even more and more. Who are your parents dearest!
You are full of wisdom, i am refering to other comments you made on
other thread. I agree with you all, and please do not believe a somali's
claim to nationalism, it is euphemism for opportunism.

Remeber what Finiinka told me once and the rest agreed, that the Ogaadeen minnisters
in Kenya are elites and i was chased around by all for bad mouthing them (which i didn't)
could care the least. Now if Ethiopia appoints an Ogaadeen for minnister of defence, dare you
nargale bad mouth him.

I did not read the other comments but only yours and Baghdadbob's so i say to Boby, change is good.

He is fool he who doesn't change his mind.

Greatings dearest Narta from Walawayn.
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 4:06 PM EST
 Fiqi,Ghaadka&anyone else who was wondering about Somaliland`s possition about Somalia&Ogaden!!!!Lets start with Ogaden!!You are not clear&dont have a clear goal yourselves,you are persuing a dream that you never dreamed of Somaliweyn&When that dream knocked your door,you were torn into "Xaydhna jecli"legana jecli"Now you have only two choices.1,You fight for freedom of Ogaden as a free nation or 2,You be part of Ethiopia&remain there!!!!Somaliweyn story?Soamliland knows better than you.For Ogaden to narate about Somaliweyn,it will be a blind man showing the way to people with eyes!!!As for Somalia i got this for you!!!When two brothers fight"you"The stranger"Take the hoe&go dig!!!Iam not stupid enough to take side,coz thats what Somalia is asking from Somaliland!!!!aaaaaaaaahua hua hua hua huaaa!!!
    appalled @ 7/21/2008 2:13 PM EST
 South Somalis, what part of Somaliland Don't want to
re-unite with you don't you understand? Stop crying
after a people that don't want nothing to do with you.

Don't you people have any pride for God's sake? Wallahi
I promise you this, if you people work on your confidence
and start respecting one another instead of begging foriegners
to mediate you, then you won't need Somaliland, stop thinking
that you can't survive without Somaliland, wallahi ur cry
is starting to sound like a woman who has been left by her
husband with ten kids for another woman
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 12:09 PM EST
 Gaadhka what are saying?you call that the right buttons?Ninkii ugu dambeeyey ee aan caqli&garasho tuhmeyey ayaad eheed!!!People like The stupid one should go my school&anyone preventing that must have DIB USOCOD!!!aaaaaaaaaahua hua huaa
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 12:04 PM EST
 SonofBi!!Its you who is full illwishes&wont recognise the succeses of others&by the way today an average in Mogaddishu or Gaalkacyo fellow chews five tones of Qat ayear.Somaliland grows their own Qat&dont have pay topdollars to buy qat from Ethiopia or Kenya!!!The problem of every human is mine too&it effects me in all aspects.Where you found comfort&fun is where iam a voiding to take sides!!!Its a matter of trying to solve in good faith OR STAY AWAY!!It wont take you too long to blame me for interfering into your affairs&bite me with every teeth you can find!!The solution you are looking at somaliland`s failer,is infact not far from you neighbour whom you treated with no mercy&you threw every dirt you could find!!!aaaaaaaahua hua uauaaa!!Mental flow!!!
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/21/2008 11:49 AM EST
 Truth Hurts.
The Cleverone must have pressed the right buttons to make you panic like this!
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 11:31 AM EST
 Cleverismood-thestupid-one!!!!what do you say?its time you go my school!!Aliiiiiiiif-Ba-Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!i hope you it!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaahua hua hua huaaaaa!!!!!!!beer first!!!!
    nargale @ 7/21/2008 11:25 AM EST
 The clever ismood-the stupidone!!!You dont know what your talking about,your arguments are full of "Iskacaabi-iskaceli-yaan lagaa badin"you want to use false,lies,fantasy`s to built acase agaist something you dont like!!not liking is a way&very acceptable,but your strategy`s is only an idiot moves wich is very common in every somali&thats why we are all here where we are&Gabre is telling us what we should be doing!!!UNDERESTIMATING&LOOKING DOWN to our enemies&people we dont like is what makes us NOT TO SEE WHAT WAS COMING!!Animal xun aan ogeen Xisaab,juraafai Taarikh,saynis, Siyaasad iyo diin toona!!!aaaaaaaaaaahua hua hua aaaaa!!!
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/21/2008 11:10 AM EST
 Unlike the assertion made in this biased article, the nomination of Matt Bryden as a Co-ordinator of the UN Security Council's Monitor of arms into Somalia is not something worrisome. I say so not because of the man’s association with ‘secessionists’ or his marriage to Somali woman from NW Somalia, but because of his credentials on Somalia affairs and his opposition to the TFG.
If the man is going to put brakes on the flow of illegal arms into the TFG warlords’ coffers, its indeed a blessing in disguise. We need some who is against the TFG to be appointed to that position even if he is secessionist.
The author of this ill-fated article tries to portray the TFG as guardians of ‘Somalia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty’, which is not the case. We all know they’ve damaged Somalia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty beyond repair.
I don’t care if the UN appoints a Jew for that position, for I’m fighting my own pharaohs in the form of ‘government’.

    nargale @ 7/21/2008 11:07 AM EST
 The good thing is-Nobody is asking you what you want or dont want!!They all know your culture is based on fanatism fundamentally!!!We failed to consult one unother about our issues when its was the right!!now its up to  InterCom to TELL you what to do!!!Soomaalidu been wey kumaah-maahda,weyna kudhanqanta,wey kugurigalaan,wey isku maweliyaan,wey kutashadaan,wey dukadaan,weyna ku qabri galaan!!!!Isin ka isin,is our pride&a way to live,but its time we payback every peive it!!!aaaaaaaaaaaahua huaaahua aaaaaa!!
    sonofsomalia @ 7/21/2008 10:34 AM EST
 Northwest Somalia has the same nomadic composition as middle Somalia, as such what makes any one in their right mind think this region of 1.5 million given independence will have peace. The only reason there is peace now among the ruthless nomads is dream of succession, ill-wish for their souther bretheren, and ever flow of qat from Ethiopia and Kenya.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/21/2008 8:48 AM EST
 wiifgarow ,
I can't see anything meaningful in your comment and you are entitled to post your views even when it beggars belief that you accuse me for hatred and bitterness when i always mention and stress how proud iam about the peace and stability that Somaliland has been enjoying for over a decade and so . As for my stay in the UK , all i mean't to say was that i prefer home sweet home and i stick to it . By the way , in case you mix up my view about the secession of Somaliland  with the develoment and peace in the region , i must say iam all for one Somalia period.
    wiifgarow @ 7/21/2008 8:07 AM EST

I see nothing but hatred and ingratitude in your messages below.

Ingratutude to Somaliland which you admit educated you; ingratitude to Britain which you admit welcomed and saved and protected you for 20 years.  Both of these chracteritics bring back memories. Somaliland welcomed you too in the 70s and 80s..and what did we get for our hospitality? Well I will say peopel can see it for themselves.    
    wiifgarow @ 7/21/2008 7:50 AM EST
    fiqicigaal @ 7/21/2008 5:52 AM EST
 Yeah , think if Somaliland had been independent and helpful. Well if wish ful thinking and dreams can bear fruits , i would like to think that Somalia had never been colonised in the first place . I would also like to think that i have never been in the diaspora for twenty odd years and that i had  never  set foot on  ungodly  UK and the other places i have been to since i left my sweet home sweet . Having said that , we need to reflect the past to learn from our mistakes , and focus the present to prepare for the future and stop living in the past . Mind you , hell has no furry and occupation is occupation which ever way you look at it and we must fight it or we will be enslaved by the low of the lowest creatures on this earth
    TheCleverOne @ 7/21/2008 12:30 AM EST
 No country or legitimate organization would recognize a tribe as an indepedant state. If that were the case, a host of "nations" would have been borne out of nearly two dozen African countries. Generally, world bodies highly discourage the formation of new nations, encourage unity, particularly those in Africa and developing nations/continents. The Kosovo fiasco is an example of how intricate and long shot it is. Various groups in Africa hire high-powered lawyers/lobbyists/scholars etc. They usually suck their meagre resources and entertain them with the notion of getting them a UN seat, but they know the world simply does not want another tiny, poor, war-prone, aid-dependant African nation, they're also against it so as not to open a pandora's box, ripple effect of secessionist movements that were highly discouraged after decades' long efforts, to re-emerge.
    stickorcarrot @ 7/20/2008 9:42 PM EST
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/20/2008 7:40 PM EST
 Misery acquaints man with STRANGE bedfellows!
    baghdad bob @ 7/20/2008 6:14 PM EST
 They resorted to fighting after they were occupied! so why let the occupation in the first place? Occupation came as a result of injustice and it will continue as long as we think along clanish lines. Think if Djaboutians were naive enough and were to unite with somalia? Think how helpful somaliland would have been today if they were independent?
    fiqicigaal @ 7/20/2008 5:40 PM EST
 Dameer iyo labadiisa daan iga dheh:  i mean the occypation of Ethiopia on Smaliland is a different kind which might seem pasive and harmless to the unsuspected eye  but in fact , in the long run it is dangerous and unpredictable while the ever vigilant patriotic , may be sometimes not so diplomatic people of the south have bravely resorted to fight the enemy and said no to occupation.
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/20/2008 5:25 PM EST
 Strange philosophy!
    baghdad bob @ 7/20/2008 5:01 PM EST

There is a dircet and indirect rule, what is happening in muqadishu is a direct rule, the ethiopians are having fun! in Hargeisa its an indirect rule, at least you dont have armed ethiopians raping your women and its smart way of working with your enemy and they are all controlled from washington. somaliland made a big mistake by joining a lunatic club,My father fought for the indepence of somalia and yet he never wanted somaliland to join with somalia despite the fact that he hails from the south. He knew this was to come!
    fiqicigaal @ 7/20/2008 3:52 PM EST
Sadly you have nothing in common with the educated decent class mates i had from Somaliland when i was growing up in Hargeisa but i must say i recognise a mindless clanist when i read his cheap and baseless comment which is a reflection of your immaturity and your lack of intelligence and sensitivity towards others . The question i still ask is who in their right minds will listen to your propaganda which is your way of inciting hatred and bitterness between clans who have been living side by side since dawn and there is no way you or the likes of you can shred the tradition and cultural link of the people you call cagdheer,unlike you others call them ogaden and those you claim to hail from though in my book i think you are just  a fake.  
    luckymes @ 7/20/2008 3:21 PM EST
 Baghadad bob,

You are ascribing everything that was beset on the South to Ethiopia. What about the time space between 1991-2006?
Who destroyed Mogadishu and inflicted all those brutal massacres in South Somalia? Were they Aliens or the same people who are still committing the same wanton. How come you want to live when you set fire on your own home? Come to your senses litle boy.
Somliland has peace. Puntland is doing fine, though some elements want to disrupt everything they strived for, but that will never happen. You could have done the same thing or even better if you come to your senses!
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/20/2008 1:26 PM EST
 In 1923 shortly after the defeat of the Darvishes by the combined forces of  England and local Somali forces in British Somaliland, a bloody hunt ensued. They said there were ‘hunting’ the fleeing Sayid and convinced the British that his immediate family had harboured him somewhere in the Ogaden region. That sad saga of ethnic cleansing and revenge was known as the ‘Rayid assault’. Entire Cag families were machine gunned and wiped out. Remnants of that massacre are still evident today.

Wiifgarow, every one had his share of misery and pain. The deference with us is we are willing to let go and burry the hatchet. You know haddii aan isku mashquulno dalkan Orormada iyo Yamyam iyo qadaad weynta aan ka dhaxalnay waa lala wareegi, waana xaqiiq.
    wiifgarow @ 7/20/2008 12:42 PM EST
 Actually I love my Darod brethren including cags who make me laugh Aga! Adoogaa dab naara lala dhac! All I said was they were a liyttle more ethusiastic footsoldiers of Siyad Barre. Even Moragn was mightily impressed with their enthusiasm for `Iidoor hunting'!
    Gaadh'haye @ 7/20/2008 12:11 PM EST
 “I have no time for cagdheer who were hunting down our people with gleeful enthusiasm in the 80s but I sometimes get a little ashamed when I see Hargeisa handing over citizens willy nilly to Ethiopia” Wiifgaroow.

So Siyaad Bare, Morgan, Gani, and Riyaali, even your interior minister Ciro, were all ‘Cagdheer’?
Your hat’redd for Ogadens or even the larger Daarood clan will only consume you, sick man!
    wiifgarow @ 7/20/2008 11:47 AM EST
 Baghdad Bob

Mogadishu is directly run from Addis; Hargeisa is indirectly run from Addis. No big difference really. I have no time for cagdheer who were hunting down our people with gleeful enthusiasm in the 80s but I sometimes get a little ashamed when I see Hargeisa handing over citizens willy nilly to Ethiopia. That doesnt say free state to me. I am intrigued by one comment in this otherwise usual SL hating drivel. If Hargeisa is letting money and arms go through to the ARS it is an encouraging sign that Ethiopia doesnt completely control Hargeisa. It also means Riyale  has more cojones than credited with. He is also playing with fire.  
    baghdad bob @ 7/20/2008 10:59 AM EST
 I believe this is not the time to cry just because Somaliland outplayed TFG stooges in pleasing their masters. Our brothers in somaliland have lived peacefully without calling in ethiopian army into their cities, their children go to school and their women live in dignity and may Allah keep the peace in their towns and homes. This is called politics, they are being ruthelss and efficient and I don't see why they should be forced to join a region controlled directly by Gabre. They played their cards right and they kept the ethiopians off by pleasing the common master which is USA. I hope they attain their independence, afterall they joined us and I guess they are at complete liberty to retake what is theirs.

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