3 comment(s)
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    Camel Girl @ 8/22/2007 2:30 PM EST
 Keep your sabotaging dirty politics. Moreover, you are finishing the elders from the face of Somalia/Earth. My opinion Kulmiye will run and let us see/watch who stops him.  Salam.
    cali @ 8/19/2007 1:49 AM EST
 ala soomali afdheeraa, sidii nagaha hadal uun aynu hayno
cadowguna ha inoo tashado.
    @ 8/16/2007 12:47 PM EST
 The problem with Northern Somalia is compounded to a fraction of dissidents who live outside of Somalia, and have for very long time enjoyed protection and equal rights from the host nation, but yet fail to unite a nation of their own.  Those who are calling for modern day apartheid in Somalia are themselves illusional and fail to consider the facts on the ground and in the air.  Peaceful coexistence will be attained, given the people a chance to voice their opinions and their miniscule demands are met. It’s sad for an outsider who lives in Cape Town, to decide locally what the populace would like to eat or buy.

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