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    Gacaliye@ @ 12/25/2009 8:55 PM EST
this is 2nd time you (as far as I know) that you are talking rubbish among Somalis like the following:

"Galmudug should realize there are thousands of their own displaced refugees scattered from Galkacyo to Garoowe and are at the mercy of the ruthless Puntlanders and gangs"

I am a  western Somali and that is enough for me, is it for you  too, Adamjama?  Any Somali like you and me who respects the peace and brotherhood is welcome to Punland and Somaliland, but those masked imported hired guns have no place among us Somalis!

    adamjama @ 12/25/2009 5:29 PM EST
 Both sides should avoid anymore bloodshed and should concentrate on peaceful solutions. Galmudug should realize there are thousands of their own displaced refugees scattered from Galkacyo to Garoowe and are at the mercy of the ruthless Puntlanders and gangs. They should also realize the reason tens of thousands of their own people are refugees is they refused any form of authority and stability. They fled Xisbul Islam, Al-shabab, Ahlu Sunna wal jamaca, TFG, and other groups fighting for the control of Dhusa-mareeb and Guri-ceel. As for Puntlanders, they should stop carrying chips on their shoulders and respect everybody's rights. The remnants of Yeey's SSDF are roaming the region with impunity.(they were denied the corrupted ways of living high on the hoog during Yeey & Cadde times). So far, they killed a minister and blew up the parliament speaker. They are also dictating on Galkacyo residents to submission. The silent majority should intervene and stop Mooryaan vs Mooryaan. Allow sahal umuuraha.
    nomadic1 @ 12/24/2009 9:23 PM EST
 Too bad!!
    fiqicigaal @ 12/24/2009 5:51 PM EST

And while i applaud the thought of Somaliland  giving the people of Sool and Sanaag the choice to decide their fate and choose who they want to join either as free inhabitants of their regions, I am not aware of any meetings that were facilitated by Somaliland or any agreements of that kind.

So can you tell us more about this promissing news?
    shanta @ 12/24/2009 4:55 PM EST
 Puntaland must eradicate these thugs from the region.
    yasin4020 @ 12/24/2009 4:41 PM EST
 we found a way to settle the sool & sannag by virtualy
sitting down and realizing its for the best for every-
body to come to peace, with terms that has been set by
endvutual parties and clans!!
I hope that they will follow SOMALILAND in that regard
while up-holding the saftey of thier citizens.
    saba @ 12/24/2009 2:26 PM EST
 If one wants to understand what will happen in a certain
area, one must listen to the repeated massage by different
men of influence.

Sharif during his visit to U.S had said repeatedly that
"dagaalkii qibiligaa kan hadda socdaa ka wanaagsan".

Shortly after that President Dahir Riyale repeated exactly the same.

Articles popped up, some on HOL, talking about how good it is to
have the clan -wars in exchange of the ideological one that exist now.

Somalis making commentary in different websites repeated the same.

All that coincided with Hassan Turki's illness.

Somali "leaders" known to never appoint an Heir-Apparent, Turki as well
has none.

While the Northeast is being prepared for Clan-war,so is Kismayo.

Rumor has it that Turki is in his death bed, and his followers
some led by Madobe and others to come, will perform Clan-wars.

One has to have a Dynamic intellect to understand that things just
don't happen, all of a sudden, coincidentlly.

Certain powers want Clan-wars in exchange of ideological one.

    baghdad bob @ 12/24/2009 2:02 PM EST

we will deal with you both in the south and the north. you will be arraigned infront of a judge and sentenced to life.
    baghdad bob @ 12/24/2009 2:00 PM EST
 I am not from puntland, but i stand for peace and prosperity and letting children going to school. Puntolanders have done a wonderful job in just achieving that unlike you thugs. Their children go to school and their women shop without fear from thugs as is the case in south somalia. I do bleieve the puntland forces should not just stand there and they should retaliate with all they have. They can easily drive them out all the thuggish moryaans.
    fiqicigaal @ 12/24/2009 1:35 PM EST
 Well, Puntland authority should not just stand there looking stup*d and licking its wounds while mooryan bandits, muggers, bush whackers, camel thieves, murderers and rap*ists continue their criminal activities in their last act of desperation  to disrupt the relative peace that "SOME" Puntlanders have enjoyed.

Puntlanders should have good eyes to see through the clouds to identify who are the trouble makers and then bring them to justice regardless of who hails from which side of the city, Galkayo.
    alqudus @ 12/24/2009 1:20 PM EST
 baghdad bob
i mean who you foolin you are BOTH mooryaanis
yaa is gaaray yaa AHLU ZANAWI
call youre father ZANAWI so he can mediate between you
    baghdad bob @ 12/24/2009 11:46 AM EST
 Now the marauding forces of moryaans are realizing life is becoming tough in muqadishu they are all set to loot puntlanders. I think puntland forces should secure the entire Galkacayo once and for all and declare the city free from moryaans.

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