101 comment(s)
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    Erigavo @ 12/18/2008 3:30 PM EST
 I agree Ugaaso Quruxleey that poems and songs should the vehicle of solidarity and we must take advantage of its power of appeal and wisdom.
Abwaan Siciid Saalax should be your second gifted poet to invite for his literary award achievement. He even co-authored the first book in the early 70s with Hadrawi.
    nomadic1 @ 12/14/2008 9:31 AM EST
Walaal soo dhawoow. Afsoomaali waa la wada fahmaa waana la qori karaa. waxaa loo baahan yahay in la isku dhiiri galiyo. Soo dhawoow walaal.
    mohamed nassir @ 12/14/2008 8:55 AM EST
raa`yi gatha aad ayu u haboonyahay.
you are very welcome to contribute on issues in afkena hooyo. after all, we can express our true feelings  in our mother tongue.
    camel girl @ 12/13/2008 6:49 PM EST
 Oo never ever use words that do not make a sense...   The world is in a dirty pasture and a lot has been stolen from the human kind and what are the world rich upon or what happen to the rest.  Bush how far are the Americans going to keep you dirty dusty.  I so it myself and not good world humans.
    fiqicigaal @ 12/12/2008 5:55 PM EST
You are the cream of the cake in every sense, you are inspiration to all generations and i take my hat off for you sis!
    fajo @ 12/11/2008 12:25 PM EST
 to all

masha allaah to our sis

wiilasheena meesha fikradaha fiican isku waydarsada
i m proud of u all.

su,al ayan qabaa
why this forum english wax loogu qoraa?

itis okey with me , but waxaa jira dad badan oo aqoon leh o fikradooda kadhiibanlahaa

waxaan qabaa hadi aad somali ku qorilahaydeen
su,aalaha qarkood  sida the defferance between gabay,geeraar,maanso iyo jiifto
inaa helilahayd qof si fiican idinku kala sheega.

sorry walaalayaal hadaan out of topic ahay.

last 3 yrs commentigiina ayaan aqrinayey mar mar
markastana markan is iraahdo ficrad kadhiibo
waxan is dhahaa malaha afsomliga lama wada fahmayo.
english ka aad qortaan waan fahmaa aleast90% lakiin
qoristayga waa 6 grade so waxan jeclaan laha
inaan soamli wax ku qoro hadi lawada fahmayo.

thks all
    nomadic1 @ 12/10/2008 11:20 AM EST
 This could be one way of displaying part of our culture. Af daboolan waa dahab. No it is not, is it?
    saba @ 12/10/2008 10:20 AM EST
 This Forum could have been an opportunity for them
to talk about the Greatness of the Nomads.

None of the ussual defender is around to do so.

We are being patient.
    saba @ 12/10/2008 10:17 AM EST

Indeed have no Fixed place in Heaven,Lol,farmer was right.

This is what Jareer wayne community used to sing when they could
sing during the Italian rule.

Billis Yaa Beenta U Sheegay,Banka Maa Beer Ugu Taal!!

Billis meaning non Bantu.

True ,all the vast land mass claimed by Nomads is owned by None,
in the near future they will loose it all to other nations.

One the reasons Egyptians lost Sinai so fast during the war was the
land was Empty. En'emy had to marsh it unresisted.

Nomady, why is it only you and me debating here?

Where are those who defended the "honour" of Nomads.
Do they not even know Gabay.

I was Stalked for badmouthing them,yet i am the one talking about
their "grace" ie Gabay.

    nomadic1 @ 12/10/2008 9:25 AM EST
 Sorry guys, I am develoing a new passion for Somali Suugaan thanks to Ugaaso.
I liked this bit and decided to share with you.
A Somali Nomad decided to try farming for a while and compare the merits of farming to his pastoral lifestyle. After a brief period of farming he returns to his wilderness and recites a poem:
Nomad says:
It is said that one cannot pierce the sky to get rain for one’s garden,
Nor can one drive the farm, as one drives animals, to the place where the rain is falling.
Worst of all, one cannot abandon one’s farm, even though barren, because all one’s efforts are invested in it.
The farmer, in counter argument, replies:
A man with no fixed place in this world cannot claim one in heaven

Nomad 3 : Farmer 1
    nomadic1 @ 12/10/2008 9:08 AM EST
 Every little bit helps.
    saba @ 12/9/2008 7:06 PM EST
 Lool Caro, how polite of you "the sanitized one"!!.


I was working even at Ciid Time, i had no one to Ciid with.
I am sure you are luckier than i.

You came late,wish to talk to you but must hit the pillows
for few hours.

    Caraweelos @ 12/9/2008 6:54 PM EST
 Good night Stick

Eid Mubarak Saba, Sayidka was amazing poet and I realy enjoyed reading his different poems long time. i would like to purchase the Diiwanka Gabayadii Sayidka(the sanatized one) if anyone is selling, our home copy was borrowed and was never returned.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/9/2008 6:24 PM EST
 Waa fahmay Caro

Inta aan leenahay waxay astaan u tahay Falastiin, maan
dhahno waxay astaan u tahay halgamayaasha wadankeena LOL

Cimaamad, reer falastiin waa caan bixiyeen laakiin laga
barayba laga badi. Hadda waa taa caanka ka ah aduunka.
Malls hadaad aado waa lagu iibiyaa.

Good night All
    saba @ 12/9/2008 6:19 PM EST

I was in my teens when i read a poem of S.C.Xasan, it was also about horses.

On that poem he was an expert in horse breesing as knowledgable of of different
breeds of horses as the Al-jazeera Arabs.

He spoke of colours of horses and the times used them .

Different colours and reflection of the sun on them and how it affects
on the animal.

He was giving distances in between somali towns in literary ways when calculated
mathematicly turned out to be precise.

I did not see that poem in my adult life, i hope you can find it and post it here
if you can.
    Caraweelos @ 12/9/2008 5:41 PM EST
 Stick ciid wanaagsan isla markaana waad mahadsan tahay. Maya maan maqal Dunking Donut iyo xayaysiintiisa si cunsurnimo ah waxaase laga yaaba inay ka ahyd fashion statement than a political. Laakiin hadda waa la wada xiran cimaamada ayadoo midab kasta ah. Waa run tii madowga iyo cadaanka am Gaduudka inay dad badan solidairity ahaan ugu xiran jireen qadiyada Falastiinka, dhalinyarada ardeyda ahayd ee waqtigaas wadamo kala duwan oo africa iyo middle east ga ka yimid. Eedadey oo London, England ardayad ku ahayd way xiran jirtay sida ay ii sheegtay early 70s.  
    wiilwaal-28 @ 12/9/2008 5:10 PM EST
 Cay iyo waano, waa laba kala duwan,
anigu gabdhaa yar ee Somaliyeed waxaan siyey WAANO,
GO BACK TO MY COMMENT, waa in aad kala fahmi kartaan
CAY/WAANO,sidaa ha noqon ayaan ku iri gabadha.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/9/2008 4:49 PM EST
 correction: "marwo" ayaan ka waday halkaa
    stickorcarrot @ 12/9/2008 4:48 PM EST

Soo dhawoow maro Caro, ciid wanaagsannna.

Waa runtaa, cimaamadu waxay noqotay style ayaamahan. Inaad
taqano mooyee gabarta TV showga wax lagu kariyo leh ee
la yiraahdo Rachel Ray, ayaa xayaysiis ay Dunkin Donuts u
xayaysiinaysay waxay xiratay cimaamadaa...sidii masar qooreed
oo kale, ka dibna qolyahan cunsuriyiinta xag jirka ah
ayaa ku qayliyay Dunkin Donuts ilaa uu joojiyo
xayaysiiskii...dadkii caadiga aah way la yaabeen oo
waxay yiraahdeen..what is the fuss? it is just style
but you know these Cunsuriyiin..anything related with
Middle East..is....
    Caraweelos @ 12/9/2008 4:42 PM EST
 Ugaaso maansha allah, walaahi dhiiga ayaad na wada dhaqaajisay. Hadrawina waa abwaan weyn oo Soomaliyeed, qabiilkiisa ha jeclaado ama ha necbaado waa ogtihiin in fiqi tolkii uusan ka jano tagin, uma arko wax lagu murmo.

Gaadhka cimaamada gaduudan, cagaaran, mariinka, madow iwm waa fashion siiba North America. Kristaan, Yahuud, Budhist iyo muslimba way wada xirtaan siiba dhalinyarada yar yar, waxaa socda skinny jeans, short jacket and Palastinian scarve. Waana laga yaaba in alshabab images on TV ay dadku jecleesyteen. LOl!!!
    nomadic1 @ 12/9/2008 2:10 PM EST
I agree with you. Litreture means SUUGAAN.
    saba @ 12/9/2008 2:00 PM EST

Don't beg them, they have no clue.

Our Hero will save us ,the great Satirist MO5.
    saba @ 12/9/2008 1:57 PM EST

Your translation of Maanso as literature is wrong ,

Literature in Somali is SUUGAAN.
    nomadic1 @ 12/9/2008 1:52 PM EST
 Stick, Thanks brother.
Walaale Soomaali hadaan nahay mar aan loo baahnayn ayaan xishoonaa. Hadii qof walba wooxaaguu yaqaano uu nala wadaagi lahaa sida adiga iyo Gaadhka, wax badan ayaan kala faaiidi lahayn.

At least i learned the diffirence between Maanso and gabay and the rest.

    saba @ 12/9/2008 1:37 PM EST

This is not a lively debate,not at all.

Gadhka thanks but most of us are familiar with Harari boy Samater works,
we wanted your take on the issue.

samatari's definition of Maanso is disputed by some ,defining manso
as Qasiidda in Arabic.

Anyhow, we expected more from you.

Hope MO5 joins and educates us a bit.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/9/2008 1:18 PM EST
 Nomadic1 & Gadhhaye

Waad ku mahadsantihiin labadda taxane (link)iyo gabaygaba.

Soo dhawoow Nomadic1 haddii lagu soo fasaxay LOl

Af keeno hooyo waa hodan shaki kuma jiro, laakiin raggii
la rabay inay dhulka ka qaadaan ayaa xaalad cakiran ku
jira. Qolo waa qaxooti, qolo waa dagaalamayaan, qolo
kale nolol maalmeedkiibay u go'een. Illaa wadanku inoo
xasilo oo aynu sal yeelano, arintani waa arimaha
dadku feker aad u badan ayna siinin.

    seman12 @ 12/9/2008 8:44 AM EST
 ugaasa aad iyo aad ayaa kuugu  hambalyeeynayaa dad badan ayaa comment tigooda ku daray isla weeyni iyo waxyaabo la mid ah laakin aniga taas kuuguma arkin kaamana muuqatada, waxana tahay bagar dhalinta horseed u noqotay ee dhirigilineeysa, waxaa kuu sii dheer intaas inaad iyo aad u qurux badan tahay sida dadka qaarkii comment ku qoreen,waxan ku leeyahay ugaasa ugaasad! ayaa tahay waana ahaan doontaa waligaa
    wiilwaal-28 @ 12/9/2008 6:26 AM EST
 Haa gabayga meesha ka sii wada
iyo blabala, did i say that?
no that's nt me . it's the other guy inside me=
the cryzy one.yeah
    Alpha_Amin @ 12/9/2008 6:18 AM EST
  Hello people,

 I think this girl wont be pleased to hear that she is beautiful etc..she really wants to fight for her place in the society.Calling beautiful is undermining her achievements and returning her to the usual exotic kitchen african woman.Unless ur suffering some chauvinism and think she doesnt deserve all this...then u should stop calling her beautiful.She is just intelligent and energetic young woman who has the courage of a hoarse something many of the fellows here are lacking.I am afraid!
    nomadic1 @ 12/9/2008 5:51 AM EST
 Stick, Somali only on this page, obliged.
Runtii wax badan kama aqaano gabay balse gabaygan uu tiriyay Siyidka ayaa aad iiga cajiibiyay waayo faras ayaa la waydiistay wuxuuna isla markiiba awood u helay inuu gabaygan u tiriyo faraskiisii. Sida uu u qeexay xaalada la soo daristay iyo jacayka uu u qabo faraskan ayaa ah wax cajiib ah waayo ma aha wax uu usoo fakaray ama uu ujeedo ka lahaa. Sayidka alaha u naxariistee waxaa kaloo cajiib ah sida uu u amaanay neef xoola ah marka la fiiriyo xaalada dagaal ee uu ku jiray. Malaha waxaa is waydiin mudan siduu sayidka u qeexi lahaa hadii emotionally loo saameeyo oo jacalyl iyo wax la mid ah uu soo wajaho ama uu nabad iyo waqti ku filan haysto.

Waakan iyo mar kale xiin finiin.
Xayow Faaraxow hadal rag waa loo xutubiyaaye
Nin xishood leh baan ahay haddaan lay xistiyihayne
Xabiib baan ahaa jeer kufriga laygu xaasidaye
Adna xaashi baad iila timid xaakin soo diraye
Xaddigii adduunyada haddaad xoolo iga dooni
Marna anigu kaama xistiyeen xaalaad leedahaye
Inaan kuu xaf gooyaan jeclaa geel xawaar badane
Kumanyaal xawaadaan lahaa xawd u sii mariye
Markaad Xiin Finiin damacday baan kaa xanuunsadaye
Walaalow xirgiga qaarkii waa lagu xujoobaaye
Waxaan kugu xutubiyaaba waa xuuradaan nahaye
Nin kalaan xafiilaba adaan xaayda kaa rogaye
Xigto iyo qaraabiyo hadduu xidid i weydiisto
Xayow iyo qayuumeey haddii la igu xoodaansho
Xubigayga kuma hayn inaan xiisow bixiyaaye
Xamar weeye oo midab fardood kala xariir roone
Xawaariyo kabti iyo raaxo iyo xawli iyo jeefag
Xaggii loo eryaba waa Gammaan xulashadiisiye
Xubna toosanlow neefku waa xaalad gooniya e
Goortaan xusuus ula noqdaa xiisa ii qabanne
Waxaan xarafka diimeed ahayn igaga xeel dheere
Xarbaddiyo jihaadkaan lahaa xoogsi ugu fuule
Isagaan xatooyada lahaa xuurta ugu looge
Xiniinyaha ku goo baan lahaa gaalka xaylka lehe
Xayskaa da'aayaan lahaa Xallin ka dooyeeye
Xaqaygii maqnaa baan lahaa xag ugu raacdeeye
Meesha iyo xeebtaan lahaa xiito ka eryoode
Xujey-reebta reer Hagar anaan xabashyadii ruubin
Xinjoortoda dhiigga leh haddaan lagu xaraaraysan
Xaaqaamaquuqiyo haddaan xaaluf laga yeelin
Xiddaysane ma dhiibeen anaan xaaladday bogane
Xaaraami uun baa arlada xula abiidkiise
Aniguna xogtaydaan ka baqi inay xumeeyaane
Xashaa-liillahiye nin goba xamasho waw ceebe
Intii aniga lay xaman lahaa xil iga soo meerye
Aduu galabta kuu xoolo yahay xamarkii dheeraaye
Waa Xiin Finiin neefka aad xadhigga haysaaye
Xayawaanka oo idil naftey kala xaroodaane
Mar hadduu suldaan igu xil lihi igaga xayddaantay
Xariggiisa qabo aadmi kale kuma xushmeeyeene.


    nomadic1 @ 12/9/2008 5:25 AM EST
Thanks for sorting me out brother. Yes, the geographical aspect puts things into perspective. However, my criticism was about lack of output rather than lack of talent. It could also be lack of interest in those areas. I wanted people to tell us new names and may be their best Maanso.

I heard about Raage ugaas and Suldaan Timacade even though I don’t know any of their Maanso.

Regarding the comparison bit and Hadraawi being the best, I would like to object to that. There is no doubt that he is one of the best if not the best a life.
In my view, Sayid Mohamed was by far the best ever. His place should be reserved in history and I don’t think Hadrawi will disagree with that.

One of the reasons why I chose the Syaid is because he was not Gabayaa by trade as Hadraawi does. He was a commander and yet Suugaan was second nature to him. He had the confidence to communicate at all levels in poetry.

    Gaadh'haye @ 12/9/2008 4:46 AM EST
 Most what I needed to say have already been said by Mr. Stick. Therefore, I will only add to this topic variations of Maanso and their different genres by Siciid Samatar for your elucidation.

“With a measure of precision and articulateness that often astonishes
literary academics, the pastoral Somalis cultivate their oral
poetry and classify it into a precise range of forms and genres. The
technical term for poetry in Somali is Maanso, although Gabay, a
less adequate word referring to only one popular form of Maanso,
is more commonly used. The pastoralists classify their Maanso
verse into at least six forms, each of which has a particular name
and definite melody to which it is chanted or recited. The six
forms of Maanso are Gabay, Geeraar, Jiifto, Weeglo, Guuraw and
Buraambur.l0 The criteria for classifying the six types of poetry
into distinct forms emanate not only from melodic variations but
also from variations in theme. The pastoral Somalis also classify
their Maanso verse by genre and identify by name at least fifteen
divergent themes that a poet may treat in his work.
Form and genre, in ordinary as well as literary usage, are confusing
terms; and, hence, it may be helpful to define the sense in
which the terms are used in this essay. Briefly, I speak of form to
refer to the manner in which a poem is composed-its word arrangement-
as distinct from what the poem is about. Genre is
used to indicate the substance, subject matter,.content, or theme
of a poem, as opposed to its style. Thus, in relation to form,
namely, the six-part division, we speak of such things as rhythm,
balance (Miizaan), alliteration, syllabic arrangement, and the diction of the language employed”.  


This is an extract from paper presented by professor Said Samatar, named  Gabay Xayir.
    nep @ 12/9/2008 2:42 AM EST
 All I write about her is that she intelligent and beautiful. Good luck sis.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 7:39 PM EST
 It is better to use geographic rather than Qabiil. Nomadic1
is a decent man..let him come back. At least, till he gives
me my Xaal and then, you are free to block him again LOL
    saba @ 12/8/2008 7:22 PM EST

Nomadka was blocked after accusing the great Ha'wiyas of lack of
Gabay talent.   Very sad to borrow from Nomadka.

Ciao All.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:39 PM EST

What is that question about the other user name?
    saba @ 12/8/2008 6:30 PM EST

    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:28 PM EST

You want answer with authority ..that i cannot give
I can only give what i think I know and that is not
100%...but of course..i know a little bit more than
you do...I have the lineage..you don't ..so if you
gonna take luck with either your stuff or mine..i
am sure mine is closer to the source..
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:26 PM EST
 Gabay is the top of the SUUGAANTA ..it is the peak if you will
of the SUUGAANTA. Geeraar, Jiifto, Buraanbur (Women only) Shirib
Ciyaar, ....many different forms
    saba @ 12/8/2008 6:25 PM EST

If God knows for you he does it for me as well.

    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:24 PM EST
 Woow you really put me on a hot seat. Let my try.

Maanso, i think it is all combined...it's like literature
for Somali i think..god knows!

Gabay and Geeraar are form of the Maanso, and their difference
is how to use the words
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:22 PM EST
So are you saying all those tribes from that part of the
country are Arabs? ...
    saba @ 12/8/2008 6:15 PM EST

If one heard Camels in the desert or semi desert one must have
Arab bl'ood,no matter how much quantity wise,including Indian society
of Arab descent ,camel herding semi desert loving.

So, please define the difference between Gabay and Maanso and Geeraar,i know Shirrib.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 6:11 PM EST

I posted by mistake a comment meant for this thread on Vultures Gather article.


We are all ears. We are ready to learn from you,go ahead dear.

Disadvantaged position did you say? I think the right word is D'oomed.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:10 PM EST
 It is very delicate topic here, i have said in earlier
article, i think it was another gal and she was talking
about Somalis coming together and dancing ...or close to
that, and she said "Hadrawi is best sugaanyahan alive" or
something close to that, and i said you should not say that
because Somalis don't like that kind of comparison and it
creates animosity..but if i answer your question Saba,
Gabay, is not that common in S.Somalia...most Gabayaa are
from Galka'yo and to the North, and frankly, most known
Gabayaa are from Ogaden, Dhulbahante, and Isak..there are
some Reer Mudug of course, Mareehan, Sa'd $ Majeerteen..but
almost all of them are the above mentioned families..
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:04 PM EST
 I have to disagree. If you really want to know the intellect
and richness of the language you have to refer to the Suugaanta
Soomaalida, those poets foretold almost everything and sometimes
you wonder their educational background even though none of them
had anyformal education.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 6:01 PM EST
 Hello buddies

Sorry to put you in a disadvantage position Saba, but since
the topic is about Suugaan isn't cool to use the Soomaali rather
than this limited language ;-)
    saba @ 12/8/2008 5:40 PM EST

Why are you sayin H'wiye people can't Gabay? Where did you get from
such information? I thought all Nomads can gabay.

Gabay,particularly these non Romantic type is the products of minds of
individuals who live in never ending empty spaces and less man made material to deal with.

It is the same reason why Nomadic Arabs said the most high quality literary language.
It is the same for somali nomads.

Poetry of Nomads are linguistcly of high quality not neccassarily emotionaly and intellectualy.

The most clear(Fasaaxa) of Arabic language was spoken in the desert same goes for somalia.

I myself enjoy the languistic aspect of it, i never consider it enriching to the sense or intellect.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 5:27 PM EST
 The only way to kick start this stalled topic is to be controversial. For that reason, I am going to go ahead and force people to do what they do best.

They say “white men cant jump”.

How about if I say, Haw*ye people can’t GABAY!!! Can anyone come forward and enlighten us please. Nice fluid poems. I am ign*rant on this topic, so don’t waste time on me please. Do your talking on the board with some Gabay. This is your platform to educate us.

Also, few people questioned why Banadiri  Suugaan was not taught in our schools.
Can anyone tell us good Banadiri Suugaan. We would like to learn and explore.

Thanks in advance.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 5:21 PM EST
 I think Shanta ran out of Donuts, that is why.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 5:21 PM EST
 Saba HOL marking me closely.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 5:16 PM EST

You are being kind,no need to dear. Do not compare yourself
with me when it comes to writing comments. I know i am a mess.

I do not concentrate at all,do not even preview. Sometimes i can not
understand my comments. I do post while engaged in other works on other screens.

I am suspecting MO5 is the best literary person on HOL, better than Ghadka.

We shall see.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 5:12 PM EST
 Loool Nomad
i just read it "testerone detector", wicked you!.

No, lady is Berlula from Baladwayn,lol.


We can also make a case against or for,does a ( leading literary person
such as a mr Hadrawi) has the right not to be above politics as he was during crises in somalia.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 5:08 PM EST
Yes, i would like to hear from him cos he knows alot.
You are right, he take pride in his work.
Unlike me and you. I miss whole words sometime let alone small errors.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 4:45 PM EST

Gadhka knows this stuff,his defficiency is he is worried
too much about making small errors in diction and typing.

What the matters the most in forums is the ideas conveyed.

I am sure we could have learned a lot from him when it comes
to subjects like this.

He needs to over come polishing dictions and spelling  correctly.
That will give him the ability to post more comments in no time.

By now we should have had from him at least 14 comments.

We are being patient though!.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 4:39 PM EST
 No the other way.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 4:38 PM EST

Explain yourself more, are you saying that you can educate us
better than those "bestowed upon"?  If so, the podium is all yours.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 4:36 PM EST
I am finding it hard to post in here. too protective.
You are Ok but i am not. So, it is selective. HOL deploying testosterone detector now. lol
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 4:29 PM EST
 My literature prowess is far fetched from that bestowed upon the others in here, those that had the privilege to harness their skills in their native nation of poetry.
    saba @ 12/8/2008 3:56 PM EST

I expected the as you did. MO5,Gadhka and Stick should have educated
us about Suugaan. We are ready to learn.

MO5 jump started what could be an educationl debate,no one continued.

Gadhka,he is or he is not a Gabyaa is not enough for people like me and Nomadka.

Kindly explain more ,by defining what each literary term is meant by.

A good Critique is one that is heated ,passionately argued for and against.

Kindly refrain from in'sults , base your arguements on knowledge.

Thank you in advance.
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 2:27 PM EST
What is your memeory of Soomaali and Suugaan at school. Can you share with us?
I tried to share mine but HOL wouldnt let me do.
    Kayse-SL @ 12/8/2008 2:14 PM EST
 Well done Ugaaso (funny name by the way), great writing and it was pleasant reading, i equally admire master Hadrawi, i must say i have few of his precious works that no one else has.
I really like all the songs he made, no one matches.

please ignore the few negative individuals.

Keep writing girl
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 2:00 PM EST
 correction: no where
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 1:59 PM EST

Midnimadda ayaa muhiimsan! Miyaadan ka war hayn in nabad
la haystay loo waayo si midnimo loo helo?

Dagaalkii ahliga ahaa ee Maraykan ka dhacay muxuu ku
saabsanaa? Waqooyigu waa iska tegi kareeen oo nabad waa
dooran lahaayeen, intay koonfurta u ogolaadaan inay go'do

Same applies here in our homeland. Peace can be achieved, but
not at the expense of unity. it's time to stop this
South bashing when that elusive recognition is now where
to be found.
    Xiis @ 12/8/2008 12:47 PM EST
 Wax la yidhi Naagi naag ma aha hadaanay kun nin ka hadlin.
hada waxa heeso baxaay halkan ma waxaa keenay wejiga gabadhan.
    Xiis @ 12/8/2008 12:42 PM EST
 Wax la yidhi Naagi naag ma aha hadaanay kun nin ka hadlin.
hada waxa heeso baxaay halkan ma waxaa keenay wejiga gabadhan.
    Xiis @ 12/8/2008 12:37 PM EST
 Waa Aduunyo Gadoone Ayaa mihiimsan Midnimada Somali iyo Nabad gelyada?
Hadii Hadraawi aaminsan yahay gooni isu taaga Somaliland iyo hadii kale ha la kala ogaadee reer Koonfureed bal marka hore heshiiya.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 10:20 AM EST

Thanks as always.


Ma runtaabaa Hadraawi Soomaali Weyn fikirka ah ma qabo?
I really thought he was against "gooni isu taag" thing

Can you please alaborate a little..?


Ciid wanaagsan meel kasta oo aad joogtaan
    nomadic1 @ 12/8/2008 9:26 AM EST
 Stick, thanks for the link brother. That was terrific.

For all the others, please use this platform to explore and display the only think we have in abundance, poetry.
    Gaadh'haye @ 12/8/2008 4:08 AM EST
1) Waa Maansoyahan/Maansoole.
2) Waa rugcadaaga fikrada gooni isu taaga gobbolada Waqooyi-Galbeed Soomaaliya.

Happy now? Waxaad taqaano ayaad naweeydiinaysaa...
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 3:37 AM EST
 Halaagii dhacay looma kala harin

Dhegayso..so funny & so true at the same time ;-)

    axyaa @ 12/8/2008 3:35 AM EST
 UGAASO  NIN BA DHAN KU AMAAN/  aniguse  waxan oron laha alaw ya fars kugu qaada  dooxadii nugal iyo sanag ku dulgeeya  dusha ceri gaabo  iyo masagan yaa   dab xiran kaaga dhiga ila e muqdisho   ilaa  hargaysa ilaa boosaaso  ilaa jig jig  ilaa gaerisa inta  dabdeed ku dhaha ugaaso waxad tahay ugasadii geeska africa  adiguna aad noqoto  tii ku dabali lahayd nabad iyo bash bash amiin  by ugaso
    stickorcarrot @ 12/8/2008 1:55 AM EST
 Cajaaib sheekhow

Meeshan rag baa hasaawe u badaly. Heeso ayaa ka dhacay LOL
Qurbaha ma ragga cadysimaha ah baa ku badan? Mise xanuunkii
reer galbeedka ayaa ragga galay oo, celebrity ayaa la raadinayaa
gabartanina waa ku socotaa wadaddii...Allow Xaal Astur.

    abu @ 12/8/2008 1:26 AM EST
 Ugaaso drove the point home...that somali youth need to do mo at learnin institutions..she's pretty save for the make-up
    Ninfican @ 12/7/2008 10:28 PM EST
 maashaa Allah
xafidki laah
    MO5 @ 12/7/2008 8:29 PM EST
 Hadraawi ma gabyaa baa mise waa maansoyahan?
Hadraawi ma SNM baa mise waa Soomaali wadani ah?

Ugama jeedo xifaalo,laakiin waxaan rabaa in taariikhdiisu meel cayiman oo la isku raacsan yahay ay yeelato.
    Coldiid @ 12/7/2008 8:15 PM EST
Qurux badannaa, dareenkayga heestanii baa un soo koobin karto:

Ugaasooy waxaad tahey
xulashada haweenkoo
xaqiiqdii mid kula mid ah
wali lama xanbaarine!
Xuural cayn la moodyeey
xaragada u dhalataay

    nabaddoon68 @ 12/7/2008 7:49 PM EST
walaalo heesta 'daallo aragtidaadee' aan kuu dhameystiro...

Waa libin dadnimaduyee
UGAASO kan doortoow
Daji meel barwaaqa ah
Dihaalkaa gaajo iyo
Dibindaabyo yeey arag

Daranyadu ma fiicnee
Yeey ka noqon maryuhu duug
Ha u yaalo dahabkuna
Daris aan habooneeyn
Yeey dareemin qeeyladii

Dibada iyo gudahaba
Meelaha la daawado
ee dalxiiska loo tago
Ha ildoogsatee gee

Dusha nabar ha taabsiin
Ha dagaalin waa gobee
Hadal doqon magarata ah
Haku dayin ma yeeshee

Waxaa dihatay hooyadii
Dadnimada ku beertee
Aabaheedna waa diric
Ragna doorkii weeyee
Waa duriyad xalaalee
Waalidkeedna daadihi.

Ugaaso waa gabar la yaab leh waalle Maasha Allah
    Gutaale @ 12/7/2008 7:16 PM EST
 Alloow Ugaasaay maxaa kugu riyaaqay!

sug waan kuu heesayaa...

Ubax daraaya muusaay
Waabari dilaacaay
Marku maalku Dararo iyo
Daallo aragtideedaay
Daallo aragtideedaay

Dayixiyo xidigahoo
Nuurka isku daray iyo
Dusha roob la dhaca iyo
Da'uus la moodyeey

Diirimaadka laabta iyo
Dawadii nafteeydaay
Taan hablaha ka doorteen
Dareenkeeyga siiyaay
Xubna dabcasan leeyeey

Nabi Yuusuf dabadii
Tii dumarka quruxda le
Halgoorkooda noqotaay

Dambar iyo labeen iyo
Dahab midabkii leeyeey
Xuuralceynti dunidee
Daawashada u timidee
Dalka lagu maneeystaay!
    soomaalidoonka @ 12/7/2008 6:43 PM EST
 Hambalyo Abaayo, qoraal fiican waaye.
Igaartan Casaa? Abaayo casaantam ma u dhalatay mise??

Kaftan waaye...
    Maharaan @ 12/7/2008 3:23 PM EST
 Mashallah sifiican ayaad usoo koobtay Gaadh'haye, Ciidwanaagsan dhammaantiin.

Ugaasooy abaayo meeshaa ka sii wad, you are true inspiration for us all,
Sugaanteena waa inaan ku faanaa, our forgotten treasury.
    nomadic1 @ 12/7/2008 2:03 PM EST
 Thanks Gaadhka. Well said. Our sister has our full support.
    shanta @ 12/7/2008 12:05 PM EST
That's all the compassion we need, well done.
    Gaadh'haye @ 12/7/2008 10:34 AM EST
 Dear sister Ugaaso, may you accept a humble apology on behalf of those who frequent and comment on these pages for the unwarranted insults heaped at you.

I sincerely apologize to you for the utterances made by the character Wiilwaal & others.

If you take time to see the feedback and commentary responses of this article, please don’t be dismayed by the conduct unbecoming of gentlemen displayed by some of us.

You’re an asset and role model for our disconnected youth in the Diaspora.
Please continue the work you’re doing and never give up.

Your background resonates with me personally. The way you thought your self our mother tongue, the affection you’ve for our Suugaan and nascent literature, and your personal upbringing and life in exile and how you overcame a seemingly insurmountable odds, have become a source of inspiration to many of us.

Your Islamic core and outfit, the Palestinian Cimaama wrapped around your neck – which is a sign of solidarity with our suffering brothers in the Middle East, have rekindled memories of my activist years in the Palestine Solidarity Movement.

Ciid Mubaarak. I Wish you well and hope to read more of your indispensable articles in the near future, Insha’Allah.

    Gacaliye@ @ 12/7/2008 9:36 AM EST
 War gabadha cummamada Alharaam/Almungikiga ka dhiga, otherwise she is perfect in all other visible aspects!
    Darbi+ @ 12/7/2008 3:29 AM EST
 Ugaaso, waxay u muuqataa gabar leh saansaan wanaagsan oo
fahamnka dhinaca suugaanta Qaniga ah. Qalinka Ugaaso,
waxaa laga dheehan karaa in uu yahay mid ku hibeysan
haybad gaar ah oo lagu xardhay hami iyo wanaag hoodo leh.

Hambalyo, yaa Ugaaso!
    wiilwaal-28 @ 12/6/2008 6:54 PM EST
    wiilwaal-28 @ 12/6/2008 6:46 PM EST
    MO5 @ 12/6/2008 4:50 PM EST
 Too white to be Somali girl!!
    Gutaale @ 12/6/2008 4:00 PM EST
 Nooloow Ugaasooy!
    Gutaale @ 12/6/2008 3:56 PM EST
 Waalle Guul Ugaaso bey utahay, gabadhan waxay isku darsatay qurux rabi ugu deegay iyo caqli! Maasha'Allah!
    Alpha_Amin @ 12/6/2008 3:39 PM EST
I really dont fathom what your real motive is?You right in block letters which in the cyber-world is used when you are trying to be arrogant or undervalue the person you are writing to/writing about!I hope that is not what ur intention is?For this cute girl..u really got intellingence,energy and charisma to be elected as somali president.If you run for somali president one day..i will definetly vote in your favour.Go girl.
    Caynte @ 12/6/2008 3:16 PM EST
    MO5 @ 12/6/2008 2:21 PM EST
Xaasha'e suugaantu qabyaalad way ka fog tahay,hadana kama marna,weligeedna xiriir bay la lahayd suugaantu qabyaalada.Hadraawi maansadiisuna kama marnayn qabyaalad.
Taasi waa runta.Aniguna xaqiiqdii waxaan caddeeyey in Hadraawi yahay maanso yahan weyn oo Soomaaliyeed,laakiin aan weli lagu sheegi karin gabyaa. Taasna taariikhda ayaa qeexi doonta.
Raage Ugaas waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa Aabaha geeraarka,laakiin awooda gabayga Soomaaliyeed iyo miisaankiisa waxaa in lagaga dambeeyo mudan Sayid Maxamed,inkastoo Idaajaa uu yiraahdo,waxaa leh Ismaaciil Mire oo ahaa nin isagu xaalad kasta iyo xayawaankaba u gabyey!!!

Caasha Caddey waan ku hanweynahay maadaama ay tahay gabar Soomaaliyeed oo tixgelinaysa dhaqanka iyo hidaha suugaaneed ee Ummadeeda. Laakiin qaabka ay u turjuntay heesaha qaar wuu liitaa. Wayse la keeni doontaa,maadaama ay weli dhalin yartahay.
    aosman @ 12/6/2008 1:10 PM EST
 M05 , waxaad qoraalkiisa ka cad qabyaalad maldahan mar kuu leeyahay hadraawi maaha gabyaa ee waa maansoyahan.Anigoo ah from Maakhir state waxaan u arkaa inuu abwaan soomaaliyeed yahay Hadraawi ha ku sheego  suugaantiisa, maanso, geeraar, hees, jiifto iyo gabay. Markaa sida uu sheegayo M05 lama oran karo waa run. Hadraawi waa gabyaa sida bulshadiisu qabto ha u batee maanso.
The father of somali poem players was raage ugaas.
 Ugaasona waxaan leeyahay, waan joogay habeenkaa taariikhiga ahaa goobtaa aay xafladaasi ka dhacday. Soomaalidii haalka isugu timi waxaa uu hadalkagii ku abuuray jidhiidhico,farxad, raayreeyn iyo qiiro. qaarkoodna waaba ooyeen farxad oowgeed. iyagoo ku faraxsan sida Ugaaso u ruxday qalbiyada dadweeynaha soomaaliyeed ee madashaa isugu timi.Taasi aabe walbi iyo hooyo walbi waxaay ku abuurtay inaay noqoto  gabadhoodu sida ugaaso oo kale.
ugaaso jaanis badan baad leedahay xaga suugaanta,fanka,dhaqanka soomaaliyeed inaad  hormuud ugu noqotid marka koowaad gabadha soomaaliyeed  marka xigana dhamaan dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Habeen Markii aay madasha ruxday Ugaaso oo aay qiiro ku abuurtay (reaction) raga soomaaliyeed wuxuu noqday qabyaalad kaa soo ah gabadha wanaagsani in ay reerkooda soo gasho baay  jecelyihiin. Markaa 18kii gobol ayaa mid walbi yiri gabdhani waa in gobolkayaga laga dejiyaa.Qaarna waxaay yiraahdeen .Gabadhani waa geesiyad.
Gebagebadii guul baan kuu rajeeyneeynaa ee dadaalkaaga halkaa kawad.
    wadajir #5 @ 12/6/2008 12:21 PM EST
      Indha dahabeey Caasha Cadeey.
Walee magac maskiin kama tihid ee waxaa katahay qani.
Magacaagaan ladhacay Ugaasooy. Nooloow walaaleey, waligaana nabad gal.
    laarmi @ 12/6/2008 7:16 AM EST
 Dear Ugaaso (caasho cadey)

Waxaan hubaa inaad tahay gabar wanaagsan oo mudan in la dhiiri geliyo. Dhaqanka iyo suugaanta soomaaliyeed waa wax lagu faani karo ee wad barashadeeda hana ka daalin sidoo kale ka qeyb gal madal kasta oo soomaali isgu timaado kana muuqo waligaa. Hashi, Gobolka shabeelaha hoose Marka cadey minan aw cismaan.
    nomadic1 @ 12/6/2008 6:33 AM EST
 Very good.
    Laacibka @ 12/6/2008 2:23 AM EST
 Ugaaso, Gobta... you're the pest.

Take care.
    MO5 @ 12/6/2008 1:14 AM EST
 Morning Review Journal Issue #X240 Dec 06,2008........

Ugaaso aka Caasha Cadey aka Gobeey............ is a promising writer,poor literature translator,English translations do not conform the original context of the Somali words.

By the way,the greatest contomporay poets were Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan and Ismail Mire,and not Hadrawi,eventhough Hadrawi is among the top contributors of the modern Maanso,he is not poet and his literature have little relationship with poems,it is closely related to Geeraar.Therefore we still can not call him a poet..we can call him Maansoyahan.
    stickorcarrot @ 12/6/2008 12:48 AM EST
 Well done. I don't like superlatives but you sure do
write well. From Waberi to suugaanyahanad? Lol that says
a lot about your drive ..and by the way, you write
our language so well too..i can see from the bits you
quoted from the song.


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