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    Dr Ali @ 7/31/2007 4:19 PM EST
 This man doesn't know the meaning of liberty or independence. His brain stuck with foreign object that need to be removed. Killing kids was collateral. Who said war will not have causalties. America kills thousand civilians every other day and no one makes any fuss. I'm not saying they are moral authority in this world. The people should know there is liberation fighting and its not furnished with rose garden flowers. This pimping nature of the writer calls for pity and laughing.
    Camel Girl @ 7/27/2007 2:57 PM EST
 Somalia is back and so bad back.
    anti-traitors @ 7/23/2007 4:32 PM EST
 Hamdi ops dont expose him. Dont say he is pro TFG. Let him play his dirty game. If he was anti-TFG  it doesn't mean he is telling the true. I know many pro TFG became Anti-TFG. We all know who have more suporters. TFG will not admit that they dont have support from the people. If they do have it, they wouldn't need over it 60,000  Ethopian soldiers.
    hamdi @ 7/23/2007 3:47 PM EST
 Anti Traitor,
lol you are losing supporters fast, Abdinor
used to be anti TFG, but he saw the reality,
he lives in Mogadishu and sees what you the
Basto Dacdaac Qurbo Joog don't see, and
he spoke of the reality of the ground,
get over it. whomever speaks of the reality
you accused them of supporting the TFG.
stay at your qurbo and eat the pasta and burger

    anti-traitors @ 7/23/2007 3:30 PM EST
 Qofka dhex dhexaad u hadlaayo  waa lafahmaa laakiin  dadka masiri kartid adoo rabo inaad dhex dhexaad u hadashid oo hal group danbiga badankiis ku eedeenaayo oo groupka  kale danbigooda qarinaaayo. taas waa munaafaqnimo.
    anti-traitors @ 7/23/2007 3:24 PM EST
 this is  the game they play those pro TFG  . They pretending they dont like TFG and they want to discredit the freedom fighters. You can see  the name  of the article. We all know TFG leaders  or criminals leaders dont kill  children to please allah, but they kill children to please Ethopia and USA. This  guy  is keep talking about those 5 children were killed, but he never mentioned when Ethopian and their traitors killed over 1,000 inocent people with in 9 days and most of them were children. He also said TFG and muqaawama are fighting in Hamar. That is not true. I dont know why he is hiding Ethopian soldiers. We all know without Ethopian soldiers TFG canot stay in somalia less than 1 hour.This war is between Ethopian soldiers and the freedom fighters.
    @ 7/23/2007 11:09 AM EST
 Although I highly appreciate the brave remarks made by Mr. Nuur but the title of the article appears to be ‘not proportionate’.   Anyone who kills innocent people commits the highest level of crime. It is disgusting to claim the pleasure of Allah in killing the innocent.  Having said that, the country is at war between freedom fighters, on one side and occupiers on the other.   From  this point of view, the country has to be freed from the occupiers using all legitimate means.  
    seefta bannaank @ 7/22/2007 3:00 PM EST
 Abdinoor, what you had written is 100% true. Its sad that the so called the Shiikhs and the shaydhaan driven TFG are the two sides of the same-coin. Both decided to finish off the already devastated People of Our land. These People who  are killed indiscrimately,99.9% of them are innocent souls consisting of children, the elderly, the sick ones,the mentally sick and many fully functioning innocent lives. These hell-bent Shiikhs are comfortably enjoying their lives in a 52% christian country while they accuse the Shaydhan-driven TFG of getting help from a 52.5% christian Ethiopia!! the truth is that both the ICU and the TFG are indeed killing the people of Somalia in name of dhaaquud and unknown values of humanity, May Allah bring their punishment while they are alive. Aameen.
    muhsin @ 7/22/2007 1:39 PM EST
 brother u are 100% right..I lost many dear ones very recently..we warned the enemies not to enter our den/home and should they do so we shall perish together or else he will perish at last.we cant let our hands down brother our only cause is freedom and lasting peace..in the process many loved ones will die..The freedom fighter must not hurt the innocent please.
    shati-aqonyahan @ 7/22/2007 1:39 PM EST
The siege in Bakaraha market is exactly the same as the siege in Somaligalbeed and carried out by the same occupational forces(Ethiopia).
You never for once mentioned the Tigre mercenary occupier.
You somehow potray the TFG as an independent entity and you compare them to the blessed Islamic courts Union which is not fair.
The TFG is a foreign anti-Somali project and you can just see from its ruthless oppressive collective punishment which is the whole mark of an occupier's policies.It is working for the Ethiopians who set it up in kenya.

It is very painful for the mujadiin that five inocent children died.

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