4 comment(s)
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    odogleh @ 3/8/2007 6:20 AM EST
 It is a very good article indeed and in fact deserves to be in the highlight for so long on this page.
But as thing are going on at the moment, I feel that the situation is deteriorating by the minute and the spate of events leave trailing sequence of potential vengeance.
Worst is to come if the TFG sails in this path as devious as it is in conscientious inaptitude
    shukuman cade @ 3/7/2007 11:54 PM EST
 It doesn’t make sense. Why did he chose to leave 2002, and not 1991?
    nadia @ 3/7/2007 4:32 PM EST
 Truthfull article
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/7/2007 3:14 PM EST
 I have been in Mogadishu and I don't remember Siad Barre
bombing Mogadishu. I thought it was war against government
by freedom fighters turned into clan warfare. While
it is good to be against opression let's not propogate
inaccuracies. I have seen innocent people dying the shells
but have not heard they were targeted deliberately.
The media reports the facts no matter what side you
are routing for.

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