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    adamjama @ 4/13/2007 1:53 PM EST
 According to Ismail Buubaa " Every Somali is invited to the reconciliation meeting", yeah right.
We should send Mr. Buubaa to Hargeysa to invite those Somalis.
    burhan_jamac @ 4/12/2007 5:21 PM EST
 zio-tom i never said that they have used in Mugdishu.
    zio-tom @ 4/12/2007 4:44 PM EST
 WMD used in Mogadishu!!!!! C'mon, tanks, planes and other artillery "YES".
    burhan_jamac @ 4/12/2007 4:31 PM EST
During the first week of the Ethoipian invasion
the Ethoipian army was loosing ground even though
they had jets tanks modern weapons, and after a while
some of there special forces that specialist WMD come
into the battle to use illegal WMD weapon gas poison
which gave them the upper hand, They even wanted to use
it in Mugdishu after hearing the outcry of the genocide
they back away from using that weopon however they still
have it and might use it, imagine if they use it in mugdishu
which is populated imagine the massacre that is going to
create as long as they have this WMD and they are playing dirty
we are in trouble, this is a dirty war for real, and international
community knows it but the question is how long are they going
to be silent.
    anti-traitors @ 4/12/2007 1:02 PM EST
 the man defending Ethiopia in this debate is not a true Somali,infact this man used an Ethiopian passport to attend the debate. What a sell out. that hurt. I like your webside. I also heard this guy was born in ethopia.
    xiin-faniin @ 4/12/2007 10:01 AM EST

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