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    fiqicigaal @ 2/7/2011 3:04 PM EST

I agree with you and I would love to see this killer leaf banned in every corner of the globe just like any other drug but especially kat because it affects the lives of countless Somali families.

But do you know that it is not only in Kenya that men and women chew together in a ritualistic behaviour known as geerasheyn(no need to talk in details) in some parts of Somalia?
    yahoo1234 @ 2/7/2011 11:58 AM EST
 Mira- They are poor --   What do you think mira customers
known Somali qaadwadayaal - It is ridiclous - Thanks alshabaab
banning this drug and please arrest it dealers- It is Fisqi for
Islamic way and Somali culture does'nt belong it.

In Kenya men and women re organized to sit and chew minimum 8 hours a
day with other drugs and fisqi and fitna.

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