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    caraweelo @ 4/16/2007 3:11 PM EST
 Antitaritor, dhulkii aad ka timid ee aad uga soo sabab amaan xumo, ma xaq ba in adiga iyo afar taksiilayaal oo flight 13 ah, ay ku kibraan meel la idinku soo dhaaweeyay, waxaadan ka hesheen xataa ilmo adeertaa dad kugu soo xiga. Kibir iyo edeb daro haddaad rabin dhul gaalo isaga taga, oo anaga ha nagu dirina dadkii na soo dhaweeyay meel Soomaali adoo kale ah aan uga soo cararnay. I don't think you understand the meaning of red neck, so just leave it. Lamenting 24/7 is what I hear from you and like minded people, why don't you to go Saudi Arabia (a muslim country) so that they cut your throat without due process.

Just go and disappear.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/15/2007 12:46 AM EST
 The cabies are very nice brothers but their extreme views have led some to believe that they are in the wrong arena.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/14/2007 7:50 PM EST
 Caraweeelo.. waad iga qosolsiisay. flight 67 oo flight 67 kale ku dhahaayo america ka tag. you sound like red neck. they always say you dont belong here leave this country blah blah. The only peopl can say to me  is native indian only. not red neck come from europe or caraweelo ka imaatay isku shuban iyo ceel doofaar.
    Odeybiiqe @ 4/14/2007 6:38 PM EST
 Long saga full of drama. Will this issue write these cabbies in the U.S. legal books if they win the case in the court (as they intend to do)? Or it will lead the Somalis to become social outcasts who always push to the limit for their cause and don't know the "give and take" principle.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/14/2007 4:58 PM EST
 Living in Minnesota I am tire of hearing these Cabbie issues daily/weekly. Every day people I work with ask me about why Somali people wouldn't give ride to a blind person with a dog? I don't  drive a cab or know all the issues so I tell people there is nothing wrong with providing a service for someone who is blind and need their dog. Dogs are unclean yes but as long as they aren't wet there is no harm them being in your car. Even if they are wet, you don't have to touch them. I really don't understand why Startribune/HOL keep writing about these issues daily?
    caraweelo @ 4/14/2007 4:49 PM EST
 Antitraitor and cabbies go and leave this Kufaar country alone. This is most non issue I have ever heard, I don't know why we hearing these guys stories, I hope they loose and get out of the business of serving people.
    baraale45 @ 4/14/2007 3:48 PM EST
 This case looks not important in my oppinion becuase what you have is a men who are driving a taxi intended to serve the public and then telling me they will have options to select their customers. please somalis must understand one thing;driving a taxi is dirty job at the first place and even it is more worse when the driver is obligated to carry something prohibited. so, dont make life so complicate find a job that suites your religion and principles.May Allah make them easy in finding very decent job where they can earn their living lawfully.
    @ 4/14/2007 3:23 PM EST
 To refuse someone take a taxi hem is the most exaggerated of all religeous gehaviour!Believe it not, you are George W. Bush´s best card to play agaist so many, perhaps inocent individuals around world.
    anti-traitors @ 4/14/2007 12:59 PM EST
 Fiqicqaal. I would say let them try their case. They might win you never know. If they dont, I hope they will find a good job. I will not please those kuffars and say my brothers are wrong.
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/14/2007 12:22 PM EST
  It is  clear that those Somali cabis have chosen to serve the public with it's package and that is how they earn their living. Now in the light of the outcome from the discussion about the work place wrights and responsibilities it is obvious that those who ignore and refuse to comply with the rules and regulations will face a heavty fine.  As i recall i said in my previous comment that if you can not accomodate your work with your religion then you are in the wrong place and you need to look for an alternative that will suit your needs

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