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5/22/2011 8:37 PM EST
I wonder why Ina farataag did not mentioned how much money somali government received for last 6 months while the curent technocrat ministers were running the country. If the government collected 155 million for 2010, one can estimate about 75 million were collected for last six months and what happen to that money. Why ina farataag only mentioned last two years but not since the technocrat?. The reason is Ina farataag is the cousin of the this prime minister and he wants to pointed out that the other administration were corrupted except this one even though the two sharif were running the country then and they are now. They are the ones who offered Ina Abdirashid one million dollar, as it was rumored among somalis, to leave his post without trouble so they can bring someone like Ina Faramaajo who will go alone with their corruption and now all of the sudden decided being PM is too good to be vacated and asked for extention of his administration. Why Ina farataag did not say anything for last two years about corruption even though it was widely known. Was he a part of the corruption and now trying to save his face.
5/22/2011 5:29 PM EST
This reminds me of the good old days when we use to ask ministers "Adeer wiilka meel dhac-dhac leh ii gee". Stealing the treasury was the norm not the exception. We are not the only corrupted people in the World even the African peacekeepers in Mogadishu were not paid for six months though millions of dollors were handed to their governments in Kampala and Bujombura for that sole purpose by the West. Corruption is Africa's middle name. Remember prime minister Geedi throwing a 5 million dollor wedding for his son in Nairobi?. Abshir Bacadleh once said "Ha ku daalin Aw Muxumadow dahabkan maaroobay".
5/22/2011 4:11 PM EST
Puntlander, Boli Qaran Government (BQG). Lol
Ina Farataag is right and he is trying to follow the money trail.
5/22/2011 3:40 PM EST
This government shold change its name from TFG-truly failed government to BFG-Boli Qaran government.
5/22/2011 2:42 PM EST
This is not surprise to most of the somalis who follow the govenment's activities and encountor a lot of activities which were not followed up or questioned by the parlaiment as to who is paying the cost of those activities. One activity that raised my eyebrown is that the PM travelling to NYC three times in last five months. He claims that he has to participate UN council's meeting while every time he visited here, he goes to visit his family in Buffalo NY with public money and no one questions him how he pays cost of NYC to Buffalo every time he visits in NYC. In addition to that, this is a man who declared in his first day of the office that he will work on 8 months to reach at end of the government's mandate to hold election. Now after he has seen how much money that he can use without accountablility, he wants his administration to be extended. What a shame!!!!!!.
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